
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:45 评论:0
重要更新: CoinPot 於 2021-01-15 發出公告,將於2021年1月31日午夜關閉,公告如下:Important update: CoinPot issued an announcement at 2021-01-15...



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重要更新: CoinPot 於 2021-01-15 發出公告,將於2021年1月31日午夜關閉,公告如下:

Important update: CoinPot issued an announcement at 2021-01-15 to close at midnight on 31 January 2021, as follows:


提醒有使用 CoinPot 於停止服務錢,提領(出金),相關配套方式請注意網站公告

Reminds users of CoinPot to stop service money, to raise the money, and the relevant support is noted in the website announcement.

繼之前前的 比特幣 申請比特幣電子錢包 (懶人版) 這篇文章後,得到一些迴響,本篇要介紹另外一個免費得到比特幣的方法,這些方法都有幾個優點:

& nbsp; & nbsp > ; after this article, some echoes have been made, and this article will introduce an additional free-of-charge method of & nbsp >, all of which have several advantages:

  • 不吃你CPU、沒病毒
  • 全自動,懶還要更懶
  • 完全免費,不是賭博
  • 證實可以取得比特幣

CoinPot系列水龍頭證實可以拿到幣囉,以下是 CoinPot 匯到 binance ,只是有點久,大概24小時左右,但沒有扣手續費

CoinPot's series of taps confirm that they can get coins, and the following are: CoinPot to & nbsp; binanceandnbsp; it's just a little long, about 24 hours, but it's not withheld.

CoinPot 出金紀錄
CoinPot系列水龍頭證實可以拿到幣囉,以下是 CoinPot to binance

CoinPot Gold Log
https://www.binance.com/?ref=16686917" target="_blank" rel=noopener noreferrer"

binance 入金紀錄
CoinPot系列水龍頭證實可以拿到幣囉,以下是 CoinPot to binance

binance entry log


Yes; let me briefly explain their source of income, which rises with bitcoins and follows the economic rains. The following sites are mainly Bitcoins-based media, where advertisers create a certain flow of media, find advertisers who charge a fee for advertising entry, and send a fraction of the advertising bill back to those watching the ads, which is the general media ethos.


It's like getting a magazine at a high-speed station, and why is it free, so many people in the press don't have to pay for it? No, it's not. Why is it free from journalists, editors, publishers, printers and couriers, and it's the media that he creates, and it's a certain amount of reading to advertise to advertise to the advertisers, and it's the media that makes money, not the paper itself.


The fastest way to invest in bitcoins is to buy bitcoins, but the price is so high, there are considerable risks, and the crowd is welcome.


Secondly, when a miner digs, unless you want to quit your job and concentrate on digging, I'm telling you not to try to do that. It may be less profitable than what I'm going to tell you, and it will drain your GPU at a price so high that there are very multi-professional miners digging, and many of the mining software has a virus.


These three sites are all media platforms, and they use time to exchange money for money, open a few buttons at leisure (not ads) and get a small amount of bitcoins, which is commonly known as bitcoins, slow drops, few ideas, free, risk-free, open at work, and slow drops, albeit a very small amount of money, if you look at the future.


Today we're going to introduce these three sites, and they're supposed to be from the same company, how we're going to run them, very simple, very simple, one of the others, very simple.

只需要有一個 email 就可以開始,但都要同一個喔

All you need is one e-mail to start, but it's all the same.

開始之前我們必須先申請一個 Coinpot 比特幣錢包,因為上面三個網站所得到的比特幣都會自動匯到你的 Coinpot 比特幣錢包,所以你必須擁有一個 Coinpot 錢包,利用這個錢包的email去申請上述的這三個網站,等到你覺得金額滿意了,再轉到你的私人比特幣錢包就可以了,申請自己的電子錢包可參考 比特幣 申請比特幣電子錢包 (懶人版) 一文,一樣很簡單,不過我們還是先開始申請 Coinpot 電子錢包吧。

Before we start, we must apply for a & nbsp; Coinpot bitcoin wallet, because all three of the above sites receive bitcoins automatically and   Coinpot coin wallets, so you must have a   Coinpot wallet, using email from this wallet to apply for these three sites, until you feel satisfied with the money and then transfer it to your private bitcoin wallets, and ask for your own electric bag to check & nbsp; < a href = https://vector.cool/%e6%af%94%e; 89%b5%eb9%a-%e7%e7%e7%b8%brebn8%bnbn8%bnbn8%; we are invited to .t.t.t.t.



其實 Coinpot 不只可託管比特幣比特幣錢包,他也有其他主流加密貨幣的錢包,如比特幣現金、萊特幣,也可以在網頁上挖礦,不過本篇主要是以 Coinpot 做為統一存放的位置,所以只介紹如何申請,查看交易明細,其實申請非常簡單,一樣是一個email就好,但都要同一個喔。

In fact,   not just bitcoins, but also other mainstream encryptized coins, such as bitcoins, Leits, or mining on the Internet, but this article is mainly based on   as a first-in-the-box location, so simply refer to applications, see details of transactions, which are very simple, just one e-mail, but all the same.

點選上面網址,在首頁上按下 Register 註冊按鈕。

Click the URL above and press the Register registration button on the home page.

所有申請的E-mail都要一樣喔,接著驗證E-mail > 登入,申請完成

All E-mail applications are to be the same. Next, authenticate E-mail & gt; login, application complete.


That's important.


All seven sites use this E-mail to apply for


The red frame is bitcoin's wallet. All you have to do is read the wallet.

點選 View bitcoin core summary 這個下拉選單會有針對你的比特幣的相關功能

Click & nbsp; View bitcoin core submary

這是將你在 Coinpot 錢包中的比特幣匯出至你指定的私人錢包,方便套現用的

This is to export your Bitcoins from your wallet to your designated private wallet for ease of application at Coinpot 

Coinpot 錢包還提供比特幣網頁挖礦功能,懶人版全自動 ,不必下載任何程式,系統會依據您電腦的運算能力給予報酬,吃CPU,電腦閒著沒事的時候可以試試這功能。

  the wallet also provides a bitcoin web mining function, a lazy version of which does not have to be downloaded automatically, and the system will be remunerated according to your computer's ability to operate, eat CPU, and try this function when the computer is free.


At the lower right corner, this column is a record of transactions, and it's clear from where the money is imported.

申請完 Coinpot 錢包基本上已經符合條件了,接著我們開始申請下面三個網站的帳戶,開始滴錢吧

Application & nbsp;   the wallet is basically in line, and we're starting to apply to the accounts of the following three sites and start dripping.

以下是支援 Coinpot 錢包水龍頭,前三個是比特幣,後面四個為萊特幣、狗幣、達世幣、比特幣現金水龍頭,不過不用擔心,若你只想要比特幣或其中一個幣種,在 Coinpot 可以將其他幣種換匯成指定幣種,比如說可以將 Coinpot 中的萊特幣、狗幣、達世幣、比特幣現金匯兌成比特幣,所以基本上我都會一起開著。

The following are support & nbsp;   the purse tap, the first three of which are bitcoins, the last four of which are Lightcoins, Dogcoins, Dalquis, Bitcoins, and Bitcoins, but don't worry, if you want to be able to switch other currencies into specified currencies, such as   and the Lightcoins in Coinpot, the Dogs, the Duches, the Bitco, the Bitcoins, the Bitcoins, the Bitcoins, the Bitcoins, the Bitcoins, the Bitcoins, the Bitcoins, basically, I will be working together.


Reminds again

申請這三個網站都要用 Coinpot 錢包的E-mail申請喔

All three sites will be     the wallet's E-mail application will automatically transfer your bitcoins to this wallet
so remember that all E-mails at the time of application will be the same.

另外,上述水龍頭網站能夠索取比特幣的時候就趕快按「claim now」按鈕,雖然可以金額可自動累積,但每次手動點選索取幣「claim now」按鈕, Coinpot 還會另外送3個  Coinpot token ,而累積 Coinpot token 還可以轉匯成比特幣、比特幣現金、狗幣、萊特幣、達世幣,一兼二顧。

In addition, the tap sites mentioned above were able to use the "claim now" button as soon as they could ask for bitcoins, although the amount could be accumulated automatically, but each hand-picked "claim now" button, Coinpot sent an additional three     Coinpot  token, which accumulated Coinpot  token could also be converted into bitcoins, bit currency cash, dog, Lightcoin, Darce.

必須有 CoinPot 電子錢包帳號 ( 所有幣都會直接存 CoinPot )
CoinPot 電子錢包申請及使用教學

CoinPot electronic wallet account (all coins will be deposited directly)



輸入 CoinPot 電子錢包的電子郵件就可以登入了

Enter   CoinPot e-mail for e-billing

5 satoshi 就是可取得比特幣的數量

5 satoshi is the amount of bitcoins available.

按下 claim now 按鈕領取

Press claim now button to fetch

通過非機器人驗證,按下「submit」,就完成一次幣的索取,幣都會直接存入 CoinPot

After a non-cyborg test, press "submit" to complete a request for the coin, which is deposited directly into Coinpot.


Next week. Repeat.

就這麼簡單 !!!

It's that simple!

必須有 CoinPot 電子錢包帳號 ( 所有幣都會直接存 CoinPot )
CoinPot 電子錢包申請及使用教學

CoinPot electronic wallet account (all coins will be deposited directly)


Enter URL:

按下 Register 註冊

Press Register Registration

E-mail 要輸入你的 Coinpot 錢包的E-mail喔!!

E-mail to enter your Coinpot wallet E-mail!


Completing application after authenticating E-mail

這點很重要 !!
未來他會將得到的比特幣,自動匯入你的 Coinpot 錢包

That's important! > > > the bitcoin he'll get in the future, automatically importing your Coinpot wallet

沒有 Coinpot 錢包的,請網上滾動至  Coinpot 錢包申請教學

If there is no & nbsp; Coinpot wallet, please roll online to & nbsp; & nbsp; Coinpot wallet for education

再來跟 moonbit 一樣,驗證E-mail > 登入,之後就會自動登入了。

Then, like & nbsp; moonbit, verify E-mail > login, and then login.

登入後點選 View offers , 其他連結不要理他

Click View offers after login, ignore the rest of the links

跟 moonbit 一樣,10 satoshi 就是可取得比特幣的數量,按下 claim now 按鈕領取。

Like & nbsp; moonbit, 10  satoshi is the amount of bitcoins that can be obtained by pressing the claim now button.

通過非機器人驗證,按下「Claim」,就完成一次幣的索取,幣都會直接存入 CoinPot

After a non-cyborg test, press "Claim" to complete a request for the coin, which is deposited directly into Coinpot.


Next week. Repeat.

就這麼簡單 !!!

It's that simple!

必須有 CoinPot 電子錢包帳號 ( 所有幣都會直接存 CoinPot )
CoinPot 電子錢包申請及使用教學

CoinPot electronic wallet account (all coins will be deposited directly)


Enter URL: http://bonusbitcoin.co


Register Register account

E-mail 要輸入你的 Coinpot 錢包的E-mail喔!!

E-mail to enter your Coinpot wallet E-mail!

點擊 Claim From faucet 按鈕

Click the Claim From faucet button

通過非機器人驗證,按下「Claim now」,就完成一次幣的索取,幣都會直接存入 CoinPot

After a non-cyborg test, press "Claim now" to complete a request for the coin, which is deposited directly into Coinpot.


Next week. Repeat.

就這麼簡單 !!!

It's that simple!

必須有 CoinPot 電子錢包帳號 ( 所有幣都會直接存 CoinPot )
CoinPot 電子錢包申請及使用教學

CoinPot electronic wallet account (all coins will be deposited directly)


Enter URL:

輸入 CoinPot 電子錢包的電子郵件就可以登入了

Enter   CoinPot e-mail for e-billing


Number of currencies currently available in the red frame

按下「claim now」按鈕,索取幣

Press the "claim now" button and ask for money.

通過非機器人驗證,按下「submit」,就完成一次幣的索取,幣都會直接存入 CoinPot

After a non-cyborg test, press "submit" to complete a request for the coin, which is deposited directly into Coinpot.


Next week. Repeat.

就這麼簡單 !!!

It's that simple!

必須有 CoinPot 電子錢包帳號 ( 所有幣都會直接存 CoinPot )
CoinPot 電子錢包申請及使用教學

CoinPot electronic wallet account (all coins will be deposited directly)


Enter URL: http://moondoge.co.in

輸入 CoinPot 電子錢包的電子郵件就可以登入了

Enter   CoinPot e-mail for e-billing


Number of currencies currently available in the red frame

按下「claim now」按鈕,索取幣

Press the "claim now" button and ask for money.

通過非機器人驗證,按下「submit」,就完成一次幣的索取,幣都會直接存入 CoinPot

After a non-cyborg test, press "submit" to complete a request for the coin, which is deposited directly into Coinpot.


Next week. Repeat.

就這麼簡單 !!!

It's that simple!

必須有 CoinPot 電子錢包帳號 ( 所有幣都會直接存 CoinPot )
CoinPot 電子錢包申請及使用教學

CoinPot electronic wallet account (all coins will be deposited directly)


Enter URL: http://moondash.co.in

按下「sign in」按鈕

Press the sign in button.

紅框處輸入 CoinPot 電子錢包的電子郵件並完成非機器人驗證

Enter & nbsp; CoinPot e-mails for electronic wallets and complete non-cyborg verification

按下「sign in」按鈕登入

Press the sign in button to log in


Number of currencies currently available in the red frame

按下「claim now」按鈕,索取幣

Press the "claim now" button and ask for money.

通過非機器人驗證,按下「Claim 」,就完成一次幣的索取,幣都會直接存入 CoinPot

After a non-cyborg test, press "Claim" to complete a request for the coin, which is deposited directly into Coinpot.


Next week. Repeat.

就這麼簡單 !!!

It's that simple!

必須有 CoinPot 電子錢包帳號 ( 所有幣都會直接存 CoinPot )
CoinPot 電子錢包申請及使用教學

CoinPot electronic wallet account (all coins will be deposited directly)


Enter URL:

按下「sign in」按鈕

Press the sign in button.

紅框處輸入 CoinPot 電子錢包的電子郵件並完成非機器人驗證

Enter & nbsp; CoinPot e-mails for electronic wallets and complete non-cyborg verification

按下「sign in」按鈕登入

Press the sign in button to log in


Number of currencies currently available in the red frame

按下「claim now」按鈕,索取幣

Press the "claim now" button and ask for money.

通過非機器人驗證,按下「Claim 」,就完成一次幣的索取,幣都會直接存入 CoinPot

After a non-cyborg test, press "Claim" to complete a request for the coin, which is deposited directly into Coinpot.


Next week. Repeat.

就這麼簡單 !!!

It's that simple!


It's a small amount of money, but it's a bit of sand tower. God knows if bitcoin's going to go to the moon. It's free of charge and free of mining costs. It's a lot more profitable than writing.

幣安 binance 虛擬貨幣交易所 (支援中文) 申請教學

fiscal currency exchange (support Chinese)

CoinPot 提領Bitcoin 比特幣(出金)教學 – 匯出到自己的比特幣錢包

CoinPot leads Bitcoin bitcoin-to-bit currency wallet

免費比特幣 – 老字號水龍頭 freebitco 教學 ( 確定出金 )

free bitco & #8211; old word tap freebitco teaching (determinate gold)


My wallet.


Bitcoin 比特幣錢包:





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