7 月 6 日星期三,以太坊开发人员使以太坊网络更接近权益证明 (PoS) 网络。在 Sepolia 测试网上成功实施了 The Merge。之后,以太坊价格上涨。以下是详细信息……
On Wednesday, July 6th, Ether's developers brought Ether's network closer to PoS. The Merge was successfully implemented on Sepolia's test site. After that, Ether's prices rose. Here's the details.
The promising development of the Etherwood network
这种积极的发展似乎让投资者重新燃起了希望。在昨天的活动中,Sepolia 的权益证明链或执行层与权益证明信标链或共识层合并。以太坊教育家 Anthony Sassano证实了 The Merge 在 Sepolia 测试网上的成功。他还补充说,他为 Goerli 测试网上的 Merge 实施铺平了道路。萨萨尔在推特上写道:
In yesterday’s event, Sepolia’s equity chain or enforcement level was merged with the equity proof beacon chain or consensus layer. The Ethio educator Anthony Sassano confirmed The Merge’s success on the Sepolia test web. He added that he had paved the way for Goerli’s testing of the Internet’s Merge implementation.
感谢所有观看 SEPOLIA 合并直播的人!!SEPOLIA 合并迁移已成功(并且链已完成!),所以现在是时候关注接下来的几天了。然后我们组装 GOERLI,然后组装主网。合并来了。
Thanks to all those watching the SEPOLIA merger live! The SEPOLIA merger migration has been successful (and the chain is complete!), so it's time to focus on the next few days. Then we assemble GoERLI, and then we assemble the main network.
以太坊 2.0 向权益证明机制过渡的发展在过去经历了部分延迟。正如主流媒体报道的那样,目前,以太坊主网过渡预计将在今年年底发生。甚至 Sepolia 测试网 Merge 也有一些小故障。然而,以太坊协议开发人员 Terence Tsao 将合并描述为“成功”。他补充说,由于合并后的“错误配置”,25-30% 的验证者处于离线状态。然后,他将这些称为较小的“障碍”,不会再延迟主网整合。
The development of the transition to a pro-equity mechanism has been partly delayed in the past.
Vitalik Buterin 评论 Merge
Vitalik Buterin Comment
这些测试网合并基本上充当了以太坊开发人员的“预演”,让他们对主网合并期间会遇到的挑战有一个公平的认识。在昨天的直播中,以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin强调了主网合并的一些挑战。例如,主网聚合将包括目前在测试网期间不可用的第三方基础设施。Buterin 使用了以下语句:
These testing networks were merged to serve essentially as a “pre-enactment” for the developmenters of the e-Terta, providing them with a fair understanding of the challenges they would face during the integration process. Yesterday, Vitalik Buterin, a co-founder of the e-Territories, highlighted some of the challenges of the integration of the main network. For example, the integration of the main network would include a third-party infrastructure that was currently unavailable during the testing of the network. Buterin used the following sentence:
因此,MERGE 和非关键性可能会出现问题 [...] 有许多外围设备尚未经过测试。这是不可避免的,可能不是问题。
Hence, there are many peripherals that have not been tested. This is inevitable, perhaps not a problem.
ETH 价格跳涨
ETH Price Spill
这一消息在过去 24 小时内将ETH价格推高了 5%。加密货币从 1,127 美元上涨至 1,193 美元。在撰写本文时,它的易手价格为 1,169 美元。市值最大的山寨币 7 天涨幅为 10%。尽管如此,ETH 仍远低于其去年超过 4,000 美元的记录。
In the last 24 hours, the news has pushed up the ETH price by 5%. The encrypted currency has risen from $1,127 to $1,193. At the time of writing, it had a transient price of $1,169. The largest ten-day increase in the market value of the mountain currency was 10%. Nevertheless, the ETH is still far below its record of over $4,000 last year.
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