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Since the birth of Bitcoin, the name of encrypt currency has also been increasingly known, and these encrypt currencies have also been assigned value attributes by investors, thus giving many investors the first thought of safe storage of encrypted monetary assets when entering the encrypt currency market. In this context, the encrypt currency wallet is born, and the hot wallet to be mentioned here is one of the encrypted currency wallets, also known as the online wallet, which is the wallet that keeps online, thus providing a high degree of practicality, which is believed to be of interest to investors in the ranking of the latest hot wallet in 2024, the latest hot wallet in 2024, which is listed below by the editor-in-chief.


Virtual money wallet types are many, and can be divided into "cold wallets" and "hot wallets" under working mechanisms. Depending on the hardware equipment used, we can divide wallets into four categories: computer wallets, mobile wallets, online wallets, hardware money, and exchange wallets.


Most support the storage of mainstream currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethercopic (ETH). Currency lines combine the world-renowned virtual currency wallet information, and the 10 largest virtual currency wallets in 2024 are listed below.


If you are prepared to hold virtual monetary assets on a long line, it is recommended that the wallets (recommended betamask fox, imtoken, Ok's Web3 wallets can also be centralized, recommended for hardware wallets, but guaranteed that they are official and not bought easily by third parties, without loss. It is also relatively safe and easy to trade in major exchanges such as binance, .


The station integrates global mainstream virtual currency wallet information, providing 2024 global top 10 currency wallets for currency circle investors, and the most popular TOP10 virtual currency wallet guide for investors. We integrate features such as type/applying and supporting currencies of global mainstream virtual currency wallets, with the following comparison items:


There are many hot wallets in the encrypt currency market. The following is a small list of the latest hot wallets compiled in 2024:

1/Ledger Nano硬件冷钱包BTC、ETH、USDT、LTC支持比特币、以太币、莱特币等5500+币种(Nano X: 149美元)
2/Trezor硬件冷钱包BTC、ETH、EOS支持比特币、以太币等1000+币种(Model T: 193美元)
3/Trust WalletTrust Wallet钱包手机轻钱包BTC、ETH、XRP、SOL、DOT、DOGE支持BTC、LTC、ETH等100+币种
8/Keepkeykeepkey钱包硬件冷钱包BTC、ETH、DOGE支持比特币、以太币、狗狗币等30+币种(价格: 49美元)


Here's some additions.


Personally recommended Ledger wallet, MetaMask wallet, Oeweb 3.0 wallet, imtoken


HyperPay is a four-bit digital asset wallet that is innovatively integrated into hosting wallets, self-administered wallets, shared wallets, and hardware wallets. With & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & security & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & # & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & # & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &


ImToken is a mobile light wallet App designed to provide a safe, simple and functional digital wallet application for ordinary users.

Coinbase是全球较大的数字货币钱包,它位于旧金山,但为190多个国家/地区的加密货币资产存储提供支持。它还支持32种不同的法定货币交易。 特别是由于可以在其平台上存储大量的加密货币,该钱包已变得很受欢迎。

Coinbase is the world’s largest digital money wallet, located in San Francisco, but supports the storage of encrypted monetary assets in more than 190 countries/areas. It also supports 32 different legal currency transactions.

比特币硬件钱包制造商Ledger是数字货币安全领域技术领先的公司之一,能为消费者和企业提供值得信赖的硬件。 Ledger是基于智能卡的比特币硬件钱包,提供技术领先的最高保护等级,兼具可用及操控性。 Ledger硬件钱包是一个多功能钱包,安全存储私钥的硬件设备,查看钱包和发送交易时,硬件钱包需要与软件钱包配合才能使用。

Ledger, the manufacturer of Bitcoins hardware wallets, is one of the leading technology companies in the field of digital money security that can provide reliable hardware to consumers and businesses. Ledger is a smart card-based Bitcoins wallet that provides the highest level of technical protection, combined with availability and manipulation.


MetaMask is an adrenaline wallet of the type of plugin used on the browser, which does not need to be downloaded, but only needs to add a corresponding extension to the browser, which is very light and easy to use. Currently, Google, 360, Fire Fox, etc. are supported.


Cobo is committed to building a one-stop digital asset storage and management platform designed to provide users with a secure and reliable storage and payment environment. The current business modules under the corporate umbrella include a digital asset wallet that supports Staking & mdash; a "Cobo wallet", a corporate wallet development and a digital asset hosting solution & mdash; a "Cobo hosting" digital wallet for a military industrial grade security hardware & mdash; and a "Cobo vault".


TokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet. One key sets the login password, protects your user privacy, supports fingerprinting and face recognition, is easier to operate, and the data is safer. Private keys are stored locally, physically isolate important data, are processed three-tiered algorithms, and sensitive information is never leaked.


The wheat wallet is a powerful and secure cross-chain wallet that has supported ecology such as EOS, TRX, BTC, ETH, NEO, ONT, EOSC, BOS, ENU, NAS, etc., decentralised cross-chain trade and built a multi-chain Dapp ecosystem.


BitKeep aims to provide users with easy, secure, professional, one-stop digital asset management tools. The platform covers mobile wallets, exchanges, DAPP ecology, digital finance lending, BCloud, cloud arithmetic and real miner mining, block games, and supports multi-chain multi-currency, exchange asset authorization, block payment transactions.


The Bitpie.com is a new generation of block chain assets integrated service platform developed by the Bither.net team, based on HD wallet technology, multiple signatures and chain transactions, which allows you to use digital currency easily and safely, so that you can easily send and receive bitcoin on the Bitter team and can easily conduct transactions.


The following is a client wallet in the main currency of encrypt currency, which, although both open source code and 2FA authentication are used, supports only one currency and is less user-friendly, and is not presented here.



Cold Wallet: Since it can be kept offline, it has the highest safety coefficient and is suitable for long-term, large, multi-currency storage, but requires the purchase of a hardware equipment to be used in connection with other equipment, such as PC.


Hot wallets: Most of the hot wallets are wire wallets that need to be used online, can be operated by downloading a PC client or mobile phone APP, which is more convenient and does not require the purchase of hardware. The disadvantage is that they are less secure than cold wallets and more affected by the wallet project.


When it comes to the threshold of wallets, there is no way that the notes can be bypassed, and in any case users are required to keep the notes themselves, and investors who wish to bypass this threshold can keep the money in the hands of the virtual currency exchange and keep it as much as possible in the larger trading platforms, with less risk.


It is recommended that web wallets should not be used as much as possible, as they are the least secure ceiling, and browser plugs, malicious code injections, fishing links, etc. are fatal for web wallets.

一般的钱包安全等级是:网页钱包< App钱包 < 硬件钱包。当然具体还要看开发和运营的项目方对安全的维护能力及重视程度。

The normal wallet security level is: web wallet & lt; App wallet & lt; hardware wallet.


It is suggested that large assets that are not traded should be stored using the hardware wallet.


Virtual currency wallets must keep their private keys, notes and passwords.

虚拟货币钱包作为储存加密货币资产的一个介质,普通投资人都是用第三方提供的钱包,在钱包的选择上,建议选择代码开源及已经时间及市场考验的钱包产品,例如,Ledger Nano、小狐狸(MetaMask)、Imtoken及项目代币官方钱包等。

Virtual currency wallets are used as a medium for storing encrypted monetary assets, and ordinary investors use wallets provided by third parties. In the choice of wallets, it is recommended to select the source of the code and the wallet products that have been tested in time and markets, such as Ledger Nano, MetaMask, Imtoken and the official project token wallets.


To stay away from the development team’s confusion, a private key is entrusted to the developer’s wallet. Before selecting the wallet, you should first look at the project party’s official website.


The first is to know the true nature of the wallet development company.


The second is to understand the development team information. The team information is not clear. It must be far away from the marketing. To avoid the wallet, the high interest rate must be fraud /strong > ;


Third is to ask if the code is open. If it is not open, whether the wallet is trusted or not my currency is stolen.


Fourth, you refuse to host the wallet of the private key. The wallet is selected to better protect the security of your property, and there is a risk that the private key entrusts the project to be stolen or embezzled.

虚拟货币钱包哪个好呢?以下详细介绍常见的冷钱包(Ledger Nano)和(热钱包Trust Wallet)各一款。

What's better about virtual money wallets? Here's a detailed description of each of the common Ledger Nano and Trust Wallet sections.

Ledger Nano属于多功能硬件冷钱包,是目前使用最广泛的硬件钱包之一。因为其安全性高、支持币种多,且使用相对简单方便,常常是投资人的第一选择。

Ledger Nano, a multifunctional hardware cold wallet, is one of the most widely used hardware wallets. Because of its high security, its many supporting currencies, and its relatively simple and convenient use, it is often the first option for investors.


Ledger is currently the largest supplier in the cold wallet market, with a large user base in more than 150 countries around the world, and is a well-reputed crypto-currency cold wallet company.

Ledger支持超过1000种加密货币的存储,用户可以透过下载Ledger Live来管理硬件钱包的资产和使用所需功能。

Ledger supports the storage of more than 1,000 encrypted currencies and allows users to manage the assets and functionality required for the use of hardware wallets by downloading Ledger Live.

Ledger目前提供两种型号,分别为Ledger Nano X 和 Ledger Nano S,前者价格较贵($120~420),可与手机版Ledger Live连接,屏幕更大,还提供了手机蓝牙连接功能。

Ledger currently offers two models, Ledger Nano X, which is more expensive ($120 ~ 420), can be connected to the cellular version of Ledger Live, has a larger screen, and provides cellular bluetooth connectivity.


What if the cold wallet is lost or damaged? Will the asset be lost?

不用担心,冷钱包最关键是保存好助记词(24个英文字母)。即使你的冷钱包丢失,也可以透过你抄写的备份助记词来恢复全部资产,资产并不会丢失。你需要买一个新的ledger wallet设备, 输入备份助记词就恢复正常了。

Don't worry, the key to a cold wallet is to keep the notes (24 letters). Even if your cold wallet is lost, you can restore the entire asset by copying the backup notes, and the assets will not be lost. You need to buy a new ledger walklet device, and the backup notes are back to normal.

Trust Wallet是一个完全开源且去中心化的链上钱包,支持中文,界面简洁,安全性能极高,2018年被币安(Binance)收购,与币安的集中架构形成了一种互补的关系。

Trust Wallet, a fully open and decentralised chain wallet, supports Chinese, has a simple interface, has a very high security performance, and was acquired by Binance in 2018, creating a complementary relationship with the central structure of currency security.

用户可以直接在Trust Wallet中使用币安去中心化交易所的服务,用于发送、接收和储存加密资产。还支援Dapps、质押赚币等功能,持币返利收益率高达10%!

Users can use currency decentralised exchange services directly in Trust Wallet to send, receive and store encrypted assets. They also support Dapps, pledge money, etc., with a return rate of 10%!

Trust Wallet的安全性主要体现在以下三个方面:

The safety of Trust Wallet is mainly reflected in three areas: .

1. 用户自己持有私钥,不透过Trust Wallet也可以对资产进行处置,拥有对自己加密资产100%的控制权;

1. The user has its own private key, may dispose of the assets without recourse to Trust Wallet and has control of 100 per cent of its encrypted assets;

2. 允许透过你抄写的助记词来恢复全部资产;

2. Allows the restoration of all assets by means of ancillary notes that you have copied;

3. 提供了一个开源的代码库,并由安全专家社区进行审核;

3. Provides an open source code library, which is reviewed by the safety expert community;

以下是四款常见的手机钱包比较,对华人来说,Trust Wallet支持中文,有币安背景作为背书,优势明显。

The following is a comparison of the four common mobile phone wallets, which, for Chinese, is supported by Trust Wallet with a currency background as endorsement.

Trust WalletMetaMaskimTokenBlockChain


Domestics are the most popular, especially in the form of Euro-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s.

比较靠谱的交易所 币安、欧易 国内首选欧易,其次币安,一般来说少金额的可以放 交易所,但因为实名可能存在风险。中等金额的可以放冷钱包 imtoken、小狐狸。大资金用硬件钱包

It's a less expensive exchange, but it's a risk because it's a real name. You can put a cold wallet, a fox. Big money's a hardware wallet.


The most commonly used global encrypted money investors are their mtoken wallets, and their fox wallets, which are completely centralized and open-sourced. If you want to download them, you have to download them in apple application stores. There's a lot of fake wallets out there, so many of them are missing from real wallets, or a decimal point, and I don't have to tell you the consequences of falling down to fake wallets.


Once again, fans are reminded that large sums of money must be in hardware wallets and chips in hardware wallets. Chip wallets are more secure than software wallets and Andre wallets.


Binance is a trading platform dedicated to block chain digital assets, led by Zhao Changjun (CZ), which leads to innovative models for currency transactions, providing mainstream digital currency transactions such as Bitcoin, Ethayan, Leitecoin, Coin, etc., and is dedicated to building world-class block chain asset trading platforms.


OKx (www.okx.com) is one of the world's well-known digital asset trading platforms, providing products and services such as Bitcoin, Lightcoin, e-Tenco and various French-currency, currency and contract transactions to global users.

huobi Pro现已经改名为htx是十大虚拟货币交易平台中最具影响力的交易所,其最大的优势是安全性高,操作简单方便,为用户提供安全可靠的交易服务。

Huobi Pro has now been renamed htx, the most influential exchange in the ten virtual currency trading platforms, and its greatest advantage is its high safety, ease of operation, and the provision of safe and reliable transaction services to users.


The above is a detailed answer to the question of the ranking of the latest hot wallet in 2024. Investors, when choosing hot wallets, try to select hot wallets on the head, which can further safeguard their digital monetary assets. Therefore, it is important to be careful in choosing hot wallets, and it is important to choose a safe wallet. If investors accidentally choose less secure wallets, there may be easy cases of currency theft and currency throwing, and there is no particularly large guarantee for assets. In addition to the hot wallets mentioned here, there are a lot of warm wallets on the market that investors can choose according to their preferences.

Tag:虚拟货币   热钱包  



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