火币比特币平稳盘整 多家银行区块链落地

资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:116 评论:0



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International online Internet finance channel: As of 14 p.m. Beijing time on February 22, the price of Bitcoin is RMB 7389, according to the Chinese block chain assets trading platform, and today's bid is RMB 73.40, the price of which is currently up to $7460 and a minimum price of $7328.


The price of bitcoin rose today to $7,460. The difference between the highest price of $7,630 on February 9, when 4902 rebounded, was only $170. The number of transactions began to grow, and today there are currently more than 8 hours of transactions amounting to 1,526 bitcoins, compared to 2,358 bitcoins on February 20, and 7412 bitcoins yesterday.


After falling to a minimum price of $4902 on 12 January, the price of bitcoin has been on the rise, rebounding by $2558 at the current maximum price of $7460, with a 52 per cent rebound, which took just 40 days, an average increase of 1.3 per cent per day.

比特币行情日线图 来源:火币网



One of the most well-known brands in the world, Mercedes & Middot; and Daimler, the parent company behind Benz, joined the Open Source Block Chain Working Group & mdash; & mdash; Hyperledger Project.

  戴姆勒的财务和IT控制部门主管Jonas von Malottki在Hyperledger管理委员会上代表德国巨头表示说,汽车公司作为“高级会员”加入其中。

Jonas von Malotki, Head of Finance and IT Control in Daimler, represented the German giant on the Hyperledger Management Board, stating that the Automotive Company, as & ldquao; senior member & & rdquao; joined.

  戴姆勒公司首席信息官(CIO)Jan Brecht说:“我们认为区块链是一个有前途的技术,尚未完全成熟,但正在不断成长。现在是进入它的正确时间,学习相关知识,并形成一个志同道合的人的网络,从而来分享经验。”

The CEO of Daimler, Jan Brecht, said: & ldquo; we think the block chain is a promising technology that is not yet fully mature, but growing. It is now time to get into it, learn about it, and form a network of like-minded people to share experiences. & rdquo;


Under the leadership of the Linux Foundation, the Open Source Hyperledger project can be described as the world's most prominent and open business block chain working team, with more than 100 members from different industries from all over the world.

  Hyperledger的总监布莱恩·贝伦多夫(Brian Behlendorf)说:“拥有世界领先的工业和运输公司之一加入Hyperledger是非常令人兴奋的。我们的成员的多样性继续增长,表明区块链技术有潜力影响许多行业和转变业务流程的处理方式。”

The director of Hyperledger, Brian Behlendorf, said: & & ldquo; one of the world’s leading industrial and transport companies joining Hyperledger is very exciting. The diversity of our membership continues to grow, suggesting that block chain technology has the potential to influence many industries and transform business processes. & & rdquao;

  每年会员费25万美元,高级会员将直接为开发和部署开源企业区块链的开发过程做出贡献。技术巨头IBM和纽约的区块链初创公司数字资产(Digital asset),后者向“Linux基金会”捐赠了“Hyperledger”名称,并作为高级会员,于2015年年底该项目初始时为该项目贡献了代码。

The senior members contribute directly to the process of developing and deploying open-source enterprise block chains at a cost of $250,000 per year. The technology giant IBM and the New York block chain startup digital asset (Digital asset), the latter to “ Linux Foundation & rdquao; donated & & ldquo; Hyperledger” name and, as a senior member, coded the project at its inception at the end of 2015.


Chinese banking & ldquao; first to &rdquao; trek to block chain


Although China's banking sector is involved in block chain technological innovation later than abroad, it can be summarized as &ldquao; it can then be preceded by & & rdquao; it can be described as a number of banks whose block chain technology is already in place at the CDBs have built block chain cloud platforms and conducted in-depth studies on block chain consensus algorithms, smart contracts, transaction accounts, data transmissions, smart wallets, decentralized applications, etc.


& ldquo; block chains, a new technology that combines password-distributed database technology with market technology, are likely to lead to the formation of a new financial business. ” the Governor of the Civil Bank, Cheng Wanchun, publicly stated before the spring.


This was the case more than three years ago. Chen Xin, Vice-President of the Peace Group, revealed that a team had been working on the application of block-link technology in seven or eight scenarios, in which two scenes of asset-trading and letter-writing were already on the line and actually started to be traded. The buying bank mainly applied block-link technology to a straight-forward liquidation system, a system used for cross-border liquidation within the recruiting bank.


On 10 January, the Postal Savings Bank of China held a press conference with IBM, in which it stated that, using block-chain technology, it had achieved a reduction in the intermediate link, a reduction in transaction costs, and an increase in the level of risk management. This also signalled that the Post-Serb Bank had practiced the block chain in its core banking operations.


In September last year, the Vice-President of Microbanks and CMOM Chitao, in their participation in the block chain industry, revealed the progress of microbanks’ research on the block chain. It is known that microbanks have developed a block chain application system for joint loan settlement and liquidation operations, mainly in “ micro-prime loans & & rdquo; operations.

  免责声明:本文行情部分数据来自于火币,以上数据24小时实时变化,本文行情分析供参考,并不构成任何投资意见或建议。(火币网 乐晓天 供稿/图)

Disclaimer: The data in this document are derived in part from the gun price, and the data above are changed in real time 24 hours a day. This analysis does not constitute any investment advice or recommendation for information. (Marknet Euny contribution/chart)




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