
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:32 评论:0
學院簡介The Academy's introduction. 商學院成立於2000年,是澳門科技大學成立之初的四個學院之一。The Business School was foun...



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The Academy's introduction.


The Business School was founded in 2000 as one of the four first colleges of the Australian University of Science and Technology.




Academy mission > /strong

1. 推動工商管理知識的創新與傳播;

1. Promote innovation and dissemination of business management knowledge;

2. 培育具備國際視野的工商與行政管理人才;

2. To develop business and administrative talent with an international perspective;

3. 服務本地及區域內經濟與社會發展。

3. Services local and regional economic and social development.


The Academy is divided into three faculties: the Faculty of Accounting and Financial Sciences, the Faculty of Management Sciences and the Faculty of Decision-Making Sciences.


The Department of Accounting and Financial Sciences is responsible for the management of teaching related to accounting, finance/finance, and applied economics. The Department of Management of is responsible for the management of teaching related to marketing, international trade, human resources management, and business law. The Department of Science of is responsible for the management of teaching related to supply chain management, information systems, business analysis, and science, decision-making models, business administration, etc.


The Hong Kong-Australian Alliance for Logistics and Supply Chains was inaugurated.

學院的大多數教師在海外知名大學完成學業並擁有博士學位 。除了認真完成教學任務之外,都積極參與科研活動,獲取許多校內外科研基金資助研究課題, 並且在國際性學術刊物發表學術論文。同時還承擔一系列相關管理諮詢和研究項目, 推動本地社會與經濟的發展。學院每年亦邀請海內外著名專家學者前來訪問交流, 促進學院的國際化發展。

Most of the students at the School of Strong have completed their studies at recognized universities abroad and have doctorates. In addition to seriously completing their teaching tasks, actively engages in scientific research activities, receives funding from many in-school and out-of-school research funds, and publishes research papers in international journals on sexuality.


Classic features and introductions

商學院提供的學士學位課程結構包含四個部分科目, 即通識科目,核心基礎科目,專業必修課和專業選修科目。這一課程結構不僅可以增進學生學習的靈活性與自主權, 而且有助於豐富學習知識面, 更好地促進學生日後職業生涯規劃與發展。商學院本科開設兩個本科學位課程, 即工商管理學士學位(BBA)和應用經濟學學士學位(BAE)。

The structure of the baccalaureate course offered by the Business School consists of four partial subjects, namely generalizations, core foundational subjects, compulsory specialties and special elective subjects . This curriculum not only enhances students' ability to learn spirituality and autonomy, but also contributes to learning and knowledge, and better promotes post-day career planning and development.

碩士研究生課程均由必修科目和選修科目組成,而且需要完成畢業論文。博士學位元課程需要修讀規定的科目和完成較高水準的畢業論文。研究生已開辦了8個碩士學位課程,包括工商管理碩士學位(MBA)、管理碩士學位(MMS)、會計碩士學位(MSA)、金融碩士學位(MSF)、應用經濟學碩士學位(MAE)、商業分析學碩士學位(MSBA)、公共行政管理碩士學位(MPA)、和公益與社會組織管理碩士學位(MCPM);同時即將在2020年9月新增2個碩士課程,分別是供應鏈管理學碩士(MSCM)和高級管理人員工商管理碩士課程 (EMBA) 。此外還開設了兩個博士學位課程:管理學博士學位(DPM)和工商管理博士學位(DBA)。

The Master's degree programme is composed of compulsory and elective subjects and requires completion of graduate studies. The Ph.D. degree programme requires study in prescribed subjects and completion of a more aqueous graduate programme. has started eight Bachelor's degree programmes , including a Bachelor's degree in business administration (MBA), a Master's degree in management (MMS), a Bachelor's degree in accounting (MSA), a Bachelor's degree in finance (MSF), a Bachelor's degree in economics (MAE), a Bachelor's degree in business analysis (MSBA), a Bachelor's degree in public administration (MPA), and a Master's degree in public welfare and social organizations (MCPM); two additional Master's degree courses are due to be added in September 2020, in addition to a Master's degree in business management (MSC) and a Senior Manager's degree (EMBA).


degree of professional recognition


In a time of competition for globalization, the expansion of the international field of vision and the learning environment of internationalization is the goal of the entire school.

外,本院提供許多國際交流計畫以及企業實習的機會,提高學生競爭力,且定期邀請著名的經濟學家和管理學家前來訪問交流和舉辦學術講座。學院的一些本科生和研究生課程已獲得國際性專業組織的認證,包括英國特許會計師公會ACCA, 澳大利亞CPA,英國特許管理會計師公會( CIMA)和國際物流與運輸學會總部的專業考試資格審核認證。

In addition, the Institute offers a number of international exchange programs and business internships to enhance student competition, and regularly invites leading economists and managers to visit and exchange and conduct lectures. A number of undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the Academy have been certified by international professional organizations, including the British Chartered Chamber of Accountants, ACCA, the Australian CPA, the British Chartered Administration Chamber of Accountants (CIMA) and the International Logistics and Transportation Institute (IFTA) Department of Administration.



Baccalaureate in Business Administration (B.A.C.) was certified by ACCA.


The C.C.A.C.A.'s in Masters' class.

▲工商管理學士(會計學)專業課程獲CPA Australia認證

B.A. in Business Administration (B.A.C.) was certified by CPA Australia.


B.A. B.A. (System Management) was certified by the International Logistics and Transport Association headquarters.


In addition to curricular learning, the Business School encourages and supports students to participate actively in a rich extracurricular event to develop a wide range of skills and improve overall development. For example, the World Management Challenge, the Deloitte Tax Elite, the National Student Network + Double Start, and the National Student Challenge. Over the past few years, it has received many prizes, such as the World Association of World Management Challenge World Champions, the World Asian Army, the Macau District Champions, the National Student 3nd Prize for Electronic Business, the Hong Kong Logistics Competition, the All-Asian Army of the German Tax Excellence Competition, the National Student Challenge 1 Award, and the Second Award.


We're going to start a new game of national mobility.


The supply chain training room.

學院還設置若干教學和實踐相結合的實習訓練室以及和業界機構合作的研究中心和企業實踐課堂, 為學生提供學用結合的學習平台, 提高教學效果。現有的實訓室有金融和經濟實訓室、供應鏈3D實訓室、商務管理實訓室、會計實訓室、供應鏈實訓室等培合課程需要提供最新的教學資訊及軟件給學生學習。另澳門區塊鏈研究所和澳門金融創新研究中心為學生提供真實研究及實踐機會。使我們的學生與時代並進,畢業後能即時投入工作崗位。

The Academy has also set up a number of `strung' teaching and practical training workshops, as well as research centres and business implementation courses in collaboration with industry institutions


Financial and Economic Training Room


作為亞洲一所年輕的商學院,我們擁有最先進和符合市場需求的視野與課程,教學計畫、教材均與國際主流商學院相一致。學院畢業的本科生和研究生就業情況良好,許多學生畢業後獲得知名企業包括會計師事務所(如四大會計師事務所)、五大國有銀行、央企、外資企業、以及本地大型企業及政府部門的就業機會, 例如中國銀行澳門分行、南光集團、澳門航空、滙豐保險(亞洲)有限公司、普華永道公司、安永會計事務所、中國遠洋(香港)、美國總統輪船有限公司(新加坡)、新浪微博、京東集團、希爾傳媒、中建五局、中國電信股份有限公司、碧桂園集團、中國石化化工、中國郵政集團、西部機場集團、蘇寧易購集團股份有限公司、中國國際金融股份有限公司、尼爾森市場研究公司等。

As a young business school in Asia, we have the most advanced and market-friendly viewing and curriculum, and teaching programmes, educational materials and programs are in line with mainstream international business schools. The Academy graduates of undergraduate and graduate students have a good career , and many of the well-known companies that have graduated are accounting firms (e.g., 4 major accounting firms), banks, banks, corporations, foreign companies, and local large corporations and government departments, such as the Bank of China, the Macao Branch, the South Light Company, the Macau Air, the Pwong Insurance Company, PricewaterhouseCoopers, the An YongCong Agency, China Farm (Hong Kong), the United States President's Shipping Line Company (Singapore), Xinwabo, the Kington Corporation, the Hill Media, the Middle and Five Bureau, the China Telecom Company, the Becre Park Company, the China National Park Chemicalists, the China Post, the China Postal Corporation, the West Bank, the Su Nining Company, the China Company, the Treasury Corporation, the United States Corporation, the United States of China Corporation, and others.

也有部分學生在畢業後選擇自主創業且取得成功,例如2003級工商管理學生江海濤成功創建了澳門本土電商平台澳覓APP;學院每年約有40%的本科畢業生選擇繼續深造, 不少學生被海內外知名學府錄取修讀研究生課程,包括美國哥倫比亞大學、紐約大學、加州大學洛杉磯分校、倫敦政治經濟大學、倫敦國王學院、英國皇家藝術學院、法國巴黎大學、澳大利亞墨爾本大學、 新加坡國立大學、北京大學、香港大學等等。

Some of the students /strang >, for example, the 2003 class business administration student Jiang Haijing has successfully created the Macao Local Electric Business Platform, Australasia APP; about 40% of undergraduate graduates have chosen to continue their studies every year, and many students have been enrolled in postgraduate courses at the University of Columbia, the University of New York, the University of California in Los Angeles, the University of London in Political Economy, the King's School of London, the Royal School of Arts, the University of Paris, the University of Australia, the University of Melbourne, the University of Singapore, the University of Beijing, the University of Hong Kong, etc.


Philanthropology and public good management class is hosting the Philanthropy and Happy Day event.


Application request for scientific degree

  • 持有中国内地居民户籍。
  • 参加2022年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(高考)。
  • 报读中药学、药学及食品与营养科学学士学位课程者应具备高考理科综合或高中化学水平;
  • 申请人的报读志愿如果包括艺术学-艺术设计或数字媒体艺术学士学位课程,必须持有2022年省级美术类专业统考成绩。
  • 艺术生及普通生均可报读影视制作及表演艺术学士学位课程。


notes: is required to participate in a professional interview.


admission criteria

1. 学士学位课程:高考成绩达省本科第一批次左右或以上(未划定本科第一批次分数线的省份将参考各省提供的一段线 / 自主招生线 / 高分优先投档线等)等条件;

1. Baccalaureate course: conditions such as the first or more stage of the undergraduate degree in the department of Gaochota (province that do not have a line of the first sub-point in the department will refer to a line provided by the provinces / Autonomous enrolment line / High-point priority slot line, etc.);

2. 中药学、药学、内外全科医学及食品与营养科学学士学位课程:除达录取方式第 1 点要求外,大学优先考虑具备高考理科综合 / 高考化学科成绩者,不具备上述成绩者则参考高中学业水平考试化学科成绩;

2. Baccalaureate course in Chinese Pharmacology, Pharmacology, Internal and External General Medicine and Food and Nutrition Sciences: in addition to meeting point 1 of the admission pattern, universities give priority to those who have a high-level scientific/high-test chemical degree, and those who do not have the above-mentioned results take into account the results of the high-school studies in chemistry;

3. 艺术学 - 艺术设计、数字媒体艺术学士学位课程:综合参考应届省级美术类专业统考和艺术类文化课高考成绩,两场考试成绩均须达省划本科线以上;

3. Arts - Bachelor's degree course in art design, digital media arts: comprehensive reference to the results of the higher grades of the provincial art and art and culture courses, both of which are required to reach the provincial level of master's degree;

4. 影视制作学士学位课程:具备应届省级编导 / 摄影类专业统考成绩的考生,大学综合参考应届省级编导 / 摄影类专业统考和艺术类文化课高考成绩,文化和专业成绩均达省划本科线以上者优先考虑;不具备上述统考成绩者则综合参考高考成绩及专业面试表现等;

4. Baccalaureate in cinematography: candidates who have completed the joint examinations in provincial/photographic specializations, university comprehensive reference studies in provincial/photographic specializations and higher grades in arts and culture, with cultural and professional results being given priority above the provincial line of undergraduate studies, and for those who do not have the above-mentioned comprehensive results in higher-level examinations and professional interviews, etc.;

5. 表演艺术学士学位课程:具备应届省级表演类专业统考成绩的考生,大学综合参考应届省级表演类专业统考和艺术类文化课高考成绩,文化和专业成绩均达省划本科线以上,且通过大学设置的专业面试者优先考虑;不具备上述统考成绩者则综合参考高考成绩及专业面试表现等;

5. Bachelor's degree programme in the performing arts: candidates who are qualified to perform at the provincial level; university candidates who are qualified to perform at the provincial level; university candidates who are qualified to perform at the provincial level; and arts students who have completed higher grades at the provincial level; cultural and professional achievements above the provincial level and who are given priority through professional interviews set up at the university; candidates who do not have the above-mentioned examinations are referred to the performance of higher grades and professional interviews;

6. 所有课程参考上述要求择优录取,录取分数依不同学院或课程的要求有所不同。

6. All courses take into account the above requirements on the basis of merit, and the intake scores vary according to the requirements of the different institutes or courses.

7. 特长生:高考成绩达省划本科线且通过面试签署特长生协议者,根据表现水平优先录取或优先获颁奖学金。

7. Special Longevity Students: those in the department of Gokotán who have drawn up the undergraduate curriculum and signed the Special Longevity Agreement through an interview are given preference in the admission or award of scholarships according to their level of performance.


Tuition rate :


The tuition fee for the Macao University of Science and Technology is a professional one-year fee of HK$ 125,000 for business administration, applied economics, artistic design, digital media arts, performing arts and trades (approximately HK$ 128,750, approximately RMB 102,500, at the real-time rate);


International tourism management, hotel management, catering management, news dissemination, law, foreign language, science, biology, Chinese pharmacology, food nutrition science, hospitality management is 110,000 Hong Kong dollars a year (approximately MOP 113300, approximately RMB 90200, at the real rate of exchange). returned to search for more





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