
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:46 评论:0
京政發〔2021〕21號各區人民政府,市政府各委、辦、局,各市屬機構:Regional people's governments, municipal committees, offices, and municipal bodies:  ...



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Regional people's governments, municipal committees, offices, and municipal bodies:


You will now receive the publication of the Beijing 14-Fifteen-year high-precision plan for the development of the industry.






The “14’s” is the first five years of my country’s opening of a new, comprehensive socialist state, its march toward the goal of a second century, and the strategic positioning of the capital city in Beijing, the creation of an international centre for technological innovation, the construction of a highly sophisticated economy, and the promotion of Kyoto’s industrial partnership and development. In the context of the new global vision and the times of the country’s accelerated construction of a new development paradigm, Beijing’s elite will insist on capital development as its leader, the consolidation of the momentum of the restructuring process, and the need to ensure that the new development phase takes on board the new development vision, integrate it into the new development landscape, make every effort to move ahead with the development of high quality, and assume the mission and responsibility that the country has assigned to it.


This plan is based on the recommendations of the 14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the National Economy and Society of the City of Beijing and the 2035 Vision Plan for the Development of the National Economy and Society of the City of Beijing, the 14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the National Economy and Society of the City of Beijing and the 2335-Year Vision Plan for the Development of the National Economy and Society of the City of Beijing. The proposed high-precision industries are related mainly to advanced manufacturing, software and information services, and science and technology services, and represent the expansion and upgrading of the 10th High-Scientific Sector of the 13th Five-Year Plan, which was implemented from 2021 to 2025, with a vision for 2035.



(i) Development base


The party’s 18th largest party, and especially the 2014 review of the Beijing launch, created a strong foundation for the construction of a modern industrial system in the period of the “14th Five-Year” by setting in motion a process of defusing non-capital functions, building up a highly sophisticated economic structure, promoting the development of the Kyoto industrial partnership, and bringing about a new phase of innovation and efficiency.


In 2020, the city’s top-notch industry grew by 98,858 million yuan, accounting for 27.4 per cent of the region’s GDP and 2.3 percentage points higher than in 2018; it fostered the formation of a new generation of information technologies (software and information services), two trillion-grade clusters of technological services, and four billion-dollar clusters of intellectual equipment, medical health, energy conservation, artificial intelligence.


In 2020, high-precision research and development investment accounted for 7.3 per cent of income. Three new national production and innovation centres, 92 corporate technology centres and eight industrial and engineering centres were created, with new development facilities such as artificial intelligence, quantum, and brain science. Ninety-three unicorn companies, many of them in the top cities of the world.


The country’s top-notch new “small giants”, a single industrial champion, an intelligent design model and a system solution, led by a number of suppliers from all over the country, has brought to the fore a number of major capital projects such as the Fonda Conminth “lighthouse” and the Mi “black light factory” and others. It has pioneered the creation of a national Internet safety park, bringing together more than half of the country’s Internet security and confidence-building companies.


From 2016 to 2020, the city phased out 2,154 manufacturing firms. Average average value per person in industries above the industry level increased by 59% and 19.2% in 2015, while average income per person in software and information services above the industry grew by 99.1% in 2015.


Kyotsu is working together to create a new situation. Kyotsu is working together to develop plans, projects, business partnerships, and parks, and has set up an initial pattern of 2+4+N cooperative industries; the sub-centres are moving forward in a comprehensive manner, with a positive impact on the construction of new districts; and there has been a major breakthrough in the areas of car, medicine, equipment, big data and cloud computing.


(ii) Situational requirements


From a global perspective, the world is going through hundreds of years of unprecedented changes, complex international environmental events, economic and technological competitions are becoming more heated, technological breakthroughs and cross-fertilization in the fields of information, biology, new materials, new energy, etc., will have a profound impact on the upgrading and transformation of our industries; from a domestic perspective, our economy has entered a new phase of high quality development, building new development patterns, and accelerating the development of the modern industrial system.


At the same time, there is still a gap between Beijing’s high-precision industry and the capital’s high-quality development requirements: there is little competition at the core of the advanced manufacturing industry, insufficient support for the city’s international science and technology innovation centre and the construction of the modern industrial system; there is not yet a full closure of the new cycle from scientific research to localization, and there is insufficient continued growth in the highly sophisticated industry; the potential for technological literacy and intellectual upgrading has yet to be explored, and the growth of the new industries has not been fully released; the problems of the chains, supply chains, “cand necks” remain, and the dynamism and resilience of the chains have yet to be enhanced.


In keeping with the world’s vision and high profile, Beijing must maintain its strategic resolve to develop high-tech industries, move deep into the Kyoto partnership and development strategy, remain steadfast in defusing non-capital functions, accelerate technological innovation to build high-precision economic structures, explore the path to a transformational upgrading that characterizes the capital, and shape new advantages in engaging in global industrial cooperation and competition.



(i) Guiding ideas


Guided by the philosophy of socialism that characterizes China in the recent era, and guided by the spirit of the 19th and 19th Central, 3rd, 4th and 5th Congregations of the All-China Party, and guided by the study of the new era of China's socialism, and guided by the spirit of the 19th and 19th Congregations of the All-China Party, the spirit of the Généralists in Beijing is deeply rooted in the spirit of its important discourses on Beijing, with the capital being led by its development, with the aim of promoting high-quality development, and guided by the plans of the Beijing City General, with the aim of accelerating digitalization, the digitalization, the digitization of the industry, the “nuclear transformation, the power, the talent, the integration” the upgrading of the industrial infrastructure, the upgrading of the industrial chain, the comprehensiveization of intelligent greenness, the integration of services, the development of the region, the “five breakthroughs”, the “five breakthroughs”, the transformation of the transformation of the capital, the new power and power of the capital, the new power and power of the power of the country, the new power of the technology, the new power and power of the capital, and power, the new power of the power of the new power of the capital, the power, the power of the new power and power of the power of the capital, and power of the capital, and power of the power of the power of the country, and power of the power of the country, and power of the country, and power of the new power of the new power of the capital, the new power of the new power of the new power of the new power of the power of the capital, and power of the country, and power of the new power of the power of the capital, and power of the power of the power of the power of the capital, and power of the country, and power of the new power of the new power of the power of the capital, and power of the country, and power of the country, and power of the power of the new power of the capital, and power of the power of the power of the power of the country, and power of the power of the power of the country, and power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the power of the country, and power of the power of the


(ii) Basic principles


The new development concept remains unswerving. The promotion of chains of entry and the creation of new chains enhances the effectiveness of technological innovation, promotes the integration of manufacturing and service industries into new industries, promotes the development of green low-carbon loops to improve clean living standards, promotes the development of regional protocols and the opening up of chains to increase efficiency, and promotes the sharing of production and service capabilities across regions to increase efficiency in resource allocation.


A comprehensive approach to the new frontier of global innovation, the development of new, dynamic and dynamic technologies, the acceleration of the development of the world’s top firms with core competition and important intellectual rights, the launch of major strategic and cutting-edge projects and technologies in the countries of the World, the development of new business models, and efforts to take the lead in the new round of competition.


To build on the full-scale and deep-scale linkages with Tianjin and Hebei, to promote a three-way industry chain, shared supply chains and value chains, and to move the Kyoto industry partnership towards a more balanced, higher-level and higher-quality approach.


Keeping in touch with the strategic determination to de-escalate the manufacturing industry in general and to develop the advanced manufacturing industry in particular, enforcing the ban and restriction of the new industry in order to promote the elimination of the manufacturing industry in general with higher and higher standards, accelerating the upgrading of traditional industries, developing “intellectual plus” industries, strengthening sophisticated economic structures, promoting carbon reduction and green growth in the industry, and improving the quality of the industry and core competition.


A strong national security perspective, with security embedded in high-precision industrial systems, and a higher-water, more rigid chain supply chain, delivers the key environmental security that is self-controllable, enhances risk response capabilities, and captures the power of hair.


(iii) Development objectives


In 2025, the main objective was to strengthen the foundations of the real economy, represented by high-precision industries, and to create a modern system based on the new pillars of intelligent production, industrial networking, medical health, etc.


The vision for 2035 is: to take the lead throughout the country in the modernization of new industrial, informational, essentially modern industrial governance systems and governance capacities; to develop a more sophisticated system with a capital speciality; to compete for jobs at the top of the world; to maintain the advanced manufacturing capabilities appropriate to the economic and social development of the capital; to create broad-based wisdom, green growth methods; and to develop new forms of self-employment.




To take advantage of the opportunities for upgrading and changing development, to foster new industries that integrate and work together across borders; to promote upstream and downstream mobility, to construct new chains that combine the development, manufacturing, and service sectors; and to enhance digital capabilities to create new paradigms for the development of new industries. Active growth has led to the formation of two international champions, the four outstanding “Beijing wisdom” industries, the four innovative “Beijing services” industries, and a number of future frontier industries, and the construction of a “2441” high-skill industry, with a 2.0-up edition of a “2441” high-skill industry.


(i) Two pillars of international leadership


1. A new generation of information technologies


Focusing on the front lines, promoting integration, highlighting high-end domains, key circles, and fostering a large group of high-quality branding companies and niches, focusing on the seamounts, the Sun, and the Beijing economic and technological development zones, the country will now earn 2.5 trillion yuan in 2025 from the new generation of information technology and technology.


(a) Artificial wisdom. To accelerate the creation of national artificial intelligence innovation centres, with emphasis on digital and digital integration, brain intelligence models, new robotic learning, explaining new sources of artificial intelligence, etc., and industrial development high ground. To support the “crowding” of core technologies, such as smart crystals, open-source frameworks, building autonomous chains; to build state-level centres for research on artificial intelligence, super-large models of artificial intelligence; to build a pool of knowledge on digital and digital integration, brain intelligence models, new robotic learning, and human intelligence to explain the direction of artificial intelligence, leading the international front. To support the “crowding” of knowledge, building centres for digital and intellectual services, building centres for technological and technological services; to promote urban infrastructure, infrastructure, technology and technology; to develop new technologies for technological and technological infrastructure; to develop new and technological technologies; to develop new technologies and technologies; and to develop new technologies and technologies for technological and technological technologies; and to develop new technologies and technologies for technological and technological technologies.


(2) Advance in communication networks. Advance in research and demonstration applications for advanced communication network accessories and key components. Support for the development of 5G core devices in areas such as Science City, Beijing Economic Technology Development Centre, China Village Sunshine, etc., to speed up the development and industrialization of 5G large-scale antenna systems, transmitters and components, filters, high-end modulus/digital converters, to upgrade the capacity of medium- and high-frequency system solutions, to boost the development of 5G high-fiscal device innovation centres and to develop base building; and to develop 6G, satellite communication systems and other cutting-edge products, such as 6G and satellite communication systems.

  (3)超高清視頻和新型顯示。以提升能級、聯動發展為重點,形成關鍵原材料、關鍵工藝設備和高端驅動晶片的上游産業集群,並向智慧終端、超高清電視和汽車電子等下游産業貫通。支援海淀中關村科學城、大興新媒體産業基地、北京經濟技術開發區等區域,推進北京超高清視頻製作技術協同創新平臺、北京超高清電視應用創新實驗室建設;研發4K/8K超高清視頻攝錄設備、編輯製作設備、編解碼設備;提前佈局8K技術標準,加快8K超高清視頻製作技術研發。提高新型液晶材料、柔性顯示薄膜等配套能力,研發8K顯示驅動晶片、編解碼晶片、SoC晶片(系統級晶片)、3D結構光攝像模組、圖像感測器等核心元器件,突破Micro LED(微米發光二極體)、高亮度鐳射等新一代顯示技術。支援超高清視頻與5G協同發展以及在冬奧會等重大活動的示範應用。

(c) Superhigh clearance video and new displays, focusing on upgrading capabilities and joint development, to form an upstream cluster of key raw materials, key engineering devices and high-end drives of crystals, and to develop a downstream stream of intelligent end-of-end, ultra-high-light television and auto electrics; pre-position 8K technology standards, accelerating the development of 8K ultra-high-high-light video production technology, Beijing Economic Technology Development Area, and other areas such as Beijing's super-high-high-light video production technology and technology, building new laboratories such as Beijing's new platform, Beijing's super-high-light TV, building new studios; developing 4K/8K ultra-high-high video video cameras, editing equipment, soculators; 3D technology standards; accelerating the development of 8K ultra-high-high-high-light video production technology.


Building multi-layered industrial sub-industrial networking systems, fostering technologically oriented industrial networking platforms, and promoting cross-practice cross-field upgrading and service excellence; building a multi-sectoral web-based infrastructure based on the development of industrial know-how and technological know-how, smart housing and other niches; building an intra-national platform based on the development of industrial literacy and technology; building a multi-layered industrial sub-networking system; building a multi-level industrial network-based industry-based industrial platform to foster technologically oriented, technologically oriented, industrial software, industrial crystallization, etc.; strengthening a business model, pre-evaluating algorithms and industry statistics; supporting the creation of a low-cost technology; developing a technological base; developing a technological infrastructure for technological innovation; developing a technological infrastructure for technological innovation; developing a technological infrastructure for technological and technological innovation; and building a technological infrastructure for technology and technology.


(v) Internet security and innovation. With national Internet security parks as a vehicle for accelerating corporate convergence and corporate development, focusing on the development of high-performance systems, embedded systems, databases, intermediates, office software, and basic software such as industrial software tools, manufacturing networks and services, large-scale industrial data processing, the optimization of national hardware integration, industrial software standards and censorship systems, the construction of safe and controlled software systems, the development of autonomous crystals, the development of state-owned CPUs, the development of industrial control crystals, the development of smart design and real-estate tools, manufacturing and services, the development of major industrial data processing, the development of national credible technology innovations and appliances, the expansion of passwords, credible computing, digital security, system security, Internet security, etc.


(vi) North Doo. With the aim of improving the development of the Bei Doo industry, set up a new centre for the development of the Bei Doo industry, set up a national-led public service platform; set up a new base for the development of the high-water, international and intelligent Bei Doo industry; build the core of the development of the new Bei Doo business incubators and clustering; encourage Bei Doo and 5G, network of goods, geographic information, road coordination, unmanned systems, etc., to integrate new applications, create a major “Bei Do+” and “+ Bei Do” applications, upgrade the capabilities of the Bei Doo industry and its combined service capabilities, explore communication, navigation, tele-socialization, and foster the development of new and integrated space-time information industries.


(vii) Virtual reality. Emphasis is placed on the virtual reality park in the central village of Ishigashiyama, which is a strong “real reality plus” industry. Support is provided for the development of a critical sub-division of areas such as close-eye displays, rendering calculations, perception interactives, network transfer, content production, etc.; the development of cloud-based end-of-life and lightened optical end-of-life tools, content-building tools for 5Gs; the continued enrichment of virtual reality products and services to support cultural entertainment, industrial networking, new retail services; and the deepening integration of virtual reality with new-generation information technologies such as 5Gs, artificial intelligence, ultra-high viewing, etc.


2. Medical health


New medicines, new instruments, new health services are being created, leading the way in new vaccines, next-generation antibodies, cells and gene therapy, high-level medical facilities in the country, and promoting the development of medical and health services.


(a) The introduction of a multi-priced vaccine and the development and industrialization of new vaccines, which are designed to deal with the outbreak of sexually transmitted diseases; the development of anti-body-resistant laboratories to support the development of new targets for anti-body drugs and new adaptations, and the development of new anti-body drug research; the development of genetic-editing stations to accelerate the development of high-tech, CAR-T (interrupted anti-state T-cell therapy), sodium viruses, non-virus-borne genetic treatment; the acceleration of the development of new anti-pharmaceutical levellers to support the development of new anti-body targets and new adaptations; the development of new anti-drugs for major diseases such as cancers, cardiovascular diseases; the development of new anti-drugs; the development of new anti-drugs and anti-drugstimulation plants; and the development of new anti-moulding plants and anti-moulding plants; and the production of new anti-drugs and anti-molets.


(ii) New instruments. Focus on high-value appliances, high-end medical images, external diagnostics, life science detectors, etc., fosters the development of national labels. Supports bioabsorption of high-value consumer designs such as racks, heart pacers, bone materials, neurosynthetic and software tissue functional restoration materials; development of high-end image devices, represented by ultra-magnetic resonance, which encourage the industrialization of innovative images that fill gaps in the country, the promotion of magnetic resonance imaging, digital flat-bed radio imaging systems, digital-reduced X-ray machines, oral cavity CT systems (break-scanting systems), and the integration of digital analysis systems. Supports the development of innovative images such as handcraft machines; and the introduction of extra-physical diagnostics such as the time-testing system and test-testing upgrades, as well as the consolidation of extra-physical diagnostics, test-testing and analysis systems.


(c) New health services. Involving medical workers in the development of new integrations, creating “medical research” in one-stop life technologies; developing online health care, “intellectual plus” health management, medical artificial intelligence, digitized medical care, etc.; taking the lead in the application of 5G, artificial intelligence for the prevention and control of major cardiovascular diseases, intelligence for surveillance, first aid diagnostics, etc.; developing a beautiful health industry and supporting the extension of medical health innovations to individual aesthetic health fields.


(ii) Four special advantages of “Beijing Illustration”


1. Bulk circuits


With a focus on autonomous breakthroughs, co-development, and the creation of new high-rises in the build-up, production, equipment, and materials of the built-up circuits industry, the focus is on creating internationally competitive clusters of industries. The focus is on the development of economic technologies in Beijing, the Seafaring Zone, and the Conservative Zone, which will generate $30 billion in revenue from the active operation of the built-up circuits in 2025.


(a) The creation of a new platform for the development of the built-in electrical circuits. Supported by military companies and scientific institutes, the creation of a new platform for the creation of a State-level grid; and support for the development and validation of major strategic field-based technologies, such as new memories, CPUs, high-end image sensors, form a system of full knowledge and authority.


(ii) The development and industrialization of generic crystals and EDA tools (digital design self-inflicted tools) focusing on the high-performance CPU, FPGA (pre-existing programming logic array), DSP (digital signal processing) and the development of multi-layered microdrills for consumer electricity, motor power, industrial networks, ultra-high viewing, etc.


(c) The production of active electrical circuits. This is based on the concentration of the main body, the concentration of the regions around the country’s strategic needs, support for the development of technology in the Beijing economy, and the construction of new production lines such as advanced crafts, micro-mechanicals and semi-guided manufacturing of compounds.


Support for the development of the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Region in the construction of a Beijing Bubular Electrical Installations Park, the establishment of a country-led equipment and materials validation base, the creation of a world-led industrial and technologically advanced cluster of photo-engineer cores and parts and components of equipment; the acceleration of the improvement of the equipment chain; and the upgrading of the capacity of the mature industrial suites to supply them, as well as the provision of critical equipment and spare parts.


2. Wisdom Networked Cars


To maintain the web-based auto-piloting circuits, to promote the revolution in car-end wisdom, road-end intelligence and travel, and to accelerate the transfer of the traditional car intelligence network. To focus on areas such as Beijing's economic technology development and compliance, Hampshire, etc., to develop a complete “net-based” system that continues to expand the clustering of high-end whole cars and their supporting parts and components, to support the development of pre-research, design, and encourage the safe operation of motor vehicle performance tests, road tests, etc., and to set up a world-class new infrastructure and incubation base for smart network vehicle technology.


(a) Intelligent network cars. The focus is on areas such as Beijing’s economic development zone, the successful creation of a cluster of new industries, high-end manufacturing bases in Hoyoyama, and new technologies such as pure electric power, hydrogen fuel cells, and smart networks, which support multi-species, multi-tech circuits and development.


(ii) Smart network design and key components. Focusing on Beijing's economic development zone, deep-dried roadside awareness and communication infrastructure, deep-drilling and management loops, city-level engineering experiments, leading companies to use a single-dimensional solution on the technology line, building high-level self-drive pilot areas, breaking through advanced sensors, car-level crystals, auto-pilot control systems and vehicle vehicles, deployment of intelligent road-based sensing and communication infrastructure, wiring and management of key links, generating technology such as city-level engineering tests, leading companies to use one-stop solutions on technology circuits, building high-level self-drive pilot piloting models, building up new power systems such as advanced sensors, auto-level crystallators, auto-pilot control systems, power-widden power-widing systems, power-widden power-widing components, power-widthing systems, power-widing components, power-width power-widthing systems, etc.


(c) Smart travel services. In line with the concept of “needs-led, integrated development”, there is a wealth of smart network car applications, access to scenes and data links, exploitation of site data values, and support for intelligent network vehicle research and validation. Smart network cars are encouraged to take the lead in launching tests and business start-up services in policy-frontier areas, accelerating new technologies and models through demonstration.


3. Wisdom manufacturing and equipment


In the direction of “beautiful intellectuals,” a comprehensive effort is being made to increase the capacity for self-control, hardware, intelligence, infrastructure, and service additions in order to equip intellectually, high-end, and to boost the whole of the Beijing manufacturing industry. The focus is on the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone and the Changping District and the Hills Sector, where the intellectual manufacturing and equipping industry now earns $1 trillion in 2025, of which the intellectual equipment component reaches $30 billion.


Intelligent robots and self-contained packages. Smart robotics focus on the development of “4+1” components for health-care robots, special robots, special types of robots, co-operative robots, autonomous mobility robotics, etc., and on the development of independent robotics with Beijing-specific robotics. Emphasis is placed on the development of orthopaedics, neurosurgery, nanometers, exterior skeletons, medical health robots such as police, fire-fighting, space/underwater/nuclear environment industries, co-organizers such as flexible force perception, flexible interaction of robots, and self-removement AGVs (self-guiding engine), and on the development of autonomous robots.


(b) Smart applications. New energy sources, scientific instruments, emergency rescues, preservation of cultural objects, etc., are being provided with specialized equipment. The main focus is on the Changping Energy Valley, the Huairou High-end Science Devices and Sensor Bases, the Housing Hill High-end Industrial Base, the Beijing Economic Technology Development Area.


(c) Smart system solutions. To accelerate the integration of Internet technology enterprises with traditional manufacturing enterprises, encourage industry firms, software providers and assemblers to upgrade their system integration capabilities, foster specialized, industry-specific and world-class system solution providers; and create an intellectual production and integration service that covers the entire life cycle, develop new models for predictive maintenance, remote maintenance, design and design, and rental of resources to improve the productivity of the City’s smart system solutions.


(4) The end-of-the-life wisdom of VR/AR is encouraged. Supports the creation and development of new intelligent end-of-life designs, such as virtual reality/enhancement of current wisdom, the installation of devices, web-based products, and the promotion of new end-of-life designs and developments, and supports the enterprise in expanding from a single product to a multi-specule complex of core hardware such as a single product, focusing on such areas as Science City, Science City, Technology Development, Beijing, Science City of the Future, and so on. Supports the development of sequenced, dynamic and innovative products for consumer electronics, and promotes the integration of new technology and wisdom into the Beijing economic development area.


(v) Aerosols. Focus on commercial networks such as satellite networks, core components of aviation, drones, etc., and the development of core hardware, systems control, operating services, etc., and the creation of new dynamics, with the collaboration of the 5Gs, Car Unions, etc., to expand the landscape of satellite network applications; the digitalization and digitalization of areas such as space grids, space grids and platforms; the development of commercial liquid rockets, satellites, ground terminals, core hardware research, systems, systems control, operating services, etc.; the expansion of a number of satellite network applications, with the collaboration of the 5Gs, Car Unions, etc.; the development of digitalization and digitalization of areas such as satellite network constellations and platforms; the development of commercial rocket rockets, satellite terminals, end-of-ground installations; the development of aviation technology infrastructure; the development of aviation technology; the development of satellite technology; the development of satellite technology; the development of satellite technology technology; the development of satellite technology; the development of technology technology technology; the development of technology technology; the development of satellite technology; and the development of technology technology technology and technology technology and technology; the infrastructure; the development of aviation technology and technology and technology; the development of aviation technology and technology and technology; the development of aviation technology and technology and technology and technology and technology and technology and technology; the development of aviation technology and technology for the development of aviation and technology and technology and technology and technology.


(vi) Orbital traffic. At the beginning of the cycle, the technological development and industrialization of the core parts of the train communications and control system, such as the core parts of the train communications and control system, the construction of high-end vehicles and key spare parts, engineering technology services, transport management, etc., extend the upstream and downstream chain. Communications signals and intelligent control systems will increase their autonomous control, speed up the next generation of train traffic control, vehicle communications, interconnection, self-operational development of technology such as automobiles, security protection of intelligent trains, etc. The technological development and integration of high-end vehicles and key parts will strengthen the design and integration capabilities of the vehicle development and integration capabilities of the high-end vehicles, as well as the development of cross-posting, hangar (space), magnetic floats, etc.


4. Green energy and energy conservation


The goal is to promote green low-carbon development and accelerate carbon neutrality, with smart energy as a way to break through the whole chain of hydrogen energy creation, to industrialize new energy technologies, and to create a green cluster of smart energy industries. Focusing on areas such as Changping, Hampshire, and Dynamism, it is likely that the green energy and energy conservation industry will earn 55 billion yuan by 2025.


(i) Hydrogen energy. Focusing on the Changping Energy Valley, Central Kwan Village House Hills and the International Hydrogen Demonstration Area, new materials and equipment such as the Winter Olympics, Winter Warms and the Kyoto Fuel Battery Vehicle Demonstrations will be used to guide the construction of a green hydrogen energy landscape; accelerating the construction of blue hydrogen, green hydrogen production and applications, development of hydrogen fuel battery engines, power reactors, bipolar panels, vehicle-loaded hydrogen bottles and station tanks, new electrolysis devices, high-pressure injection packages, etc. In the North, the full-scale installation of hydrogen energy technology in the North, the construction of high-end equipment and applications in the South, and the development of regional hydrogen supply, whole-carrying and application models in Kyoto, will lead to the development of new energy, production, transport, addition, and use of a full-scale industrial distribution facility.


(ii) Smart power grids and advanced storage energy. Support the integration of energy technologies with new-generation information technologies, focusing on areas such as the Changping energy valley, the high-end manufacturing base in Hoyoyama, the heart of Huairou Science City, the development of flexible power transfer devices, smart power plant packages, power grids, storage facilities, the promotion of demonstration applications such as smart transformers, superdirector currents and superconductors; the development of new energy and network-related equipment, such as smart wind, photovoltaics, and the development of large-capacity super-power storage support and industrialization; and the promotion of new business models for electricity energy services, the creation of web-based energy networks, smart energy digital flats, the implementation of energy intelligence management, the creation of a new set of micro-energy grids, and the creation of smart energy demonstration sites.


(c) Green systems solutions. Fostering and supporting green systems solutions providers in developing green designs and mono-manufacturing, green-key engineering systems, advanced environmental protection systems, water resource optimization systems, end-of-life resource use, digital green upgrades, etc., enhances industry's green development infrastructure, and helps businesses to enhance their capacity to fine-tune and fine-tune their processes, increase electricity and residual stress rates, new energy sources, renewable energy use, etc.


(iv) Intelligent energy conservation services are encouraged. Energy conservation services are encouraged to be addressed from a single domain to water, gas, soil, waste, multi-area agreements and multi-faceted systems, such as industrial and industrial sources, migration sources, sources of livelihood, and to foster intelligent co-service providers; and services providers are encouraged to use digital techniques to promote the intellectualization of energy efficiency improvements, cleaning, water-control, recycling, etc., leading to “surveillance, management, control” of all-round intellectual controls.


(iii) Four innovative linkages with the Beijing Service


1. Block chains and forward calculations


Focusing on algorithms, algorithms, algorithms, three main domains, developing new computing devices such as crystal chips for advanced computing, strengthening the architecture of intelligent algorithmic systems, raising the volume of algorithms, focusing on areas such as seafalls, the sun, and supporting the integration of sector chains with fields such as advanced computing and industrial networking, car connections, electronic commerce, artificial intelligence, etc., will compete for more than $60 billion in real-time revenue from sector chains and advanced computing in 2025.


(a) Advanced computing systems. The architecture, development processor and system-grade prisms are built around crystallizers, upgrades to artificial intelligence frames, chipes, tool sets, construction of hard-fibre, modelling and testing platforms, promotion of computer computing, algorithm processing speed and accuracy, construction of a server-specific industrialization base for advanced computing; and the construction of a new algorithm based on the use of high-speed sector chain crystals, artificial intelligence computing centres, general-intellectual systems, etc., to create a comprehensive computing service that stimulates computing techniques and service-related ventures.


(ii) Block chains open source platforms. New types of research and development structures, such as the Beijing Microchip Chains and Edges Institute, are fully utilized to construct and improve the long-chain hardware technology system, surrounding the high performance, security, privacy protection, extension, etc. of the sector chain, supporting technological overlaps such as a common understanding system, distributed storage, cross-linkar agreements, intellectual contracts, and the creation of a high-level bottom-level technology platform for the installation of the chain and of the RISC-V (a collection of fifth-generation executive directives) dedicated to the use of crystals, modules, hard bodies and long-chain technology systems; and the construction of a community-based infrastructure service, the BaaS platform (a chain of services), a single-digit identity, etc.


(iii) Block chains should be used. The city-wide setup will focus on key areas such as political services, financial services, and so forth. It will promote typical applications such as electronic signatures, city codes, carbon trading, supply chain finance, cross-border trade; it will lead more businesses to engage in continuous grinding through the use of sector links, and it will open up a larger range of outreach applications to develop a nation-wide, sector-led “chain plus” enterprise that will build a personalized chain system; and it will lead to the creation of the Association of Seniors in Ancillary Societies, which will build on the collaborative and innovative development of related clusters of institutions.


2. Science and technology services


In response to the need for high-precision industrial development, the focus is on the “Three Cities One” and the urban sub-centres, which form more than five well-defined, well-structured and well-developed clusters of industries, creating professional, integrated and market-based stand-down services, fostering a cadre of leading companies, creating a new set of science and technology services and new models, shaping the Beijing brand of science and technology services, competing for more than $1.25 billion in real income in 2025.


(i) Development of design, testing, and engineering technology services. Development of services around frontier new materials, smart production, etc., supports the creation of a set of coordinated and innovative platforms, and encourages the development of high-end instrumentation, common-key technology and research; design of services around highly sophisticated industries; development of a pool of design leaders and institutions, specialized technology services; acceleration of the construction of new Beijing city design centres; provision of large-scale data needs analysis, design tools, simulations, rapid production, and other business-wide technology services.


(ii) Incubation, technology transfer, and financial services for technology. Incubation services boost hard technology incubation, support for the establishment of market-based, specialized, internationalized hard technology incubators, open supply chain sources, investment funds and market channels, lead small and medium-sized enterprises to innovate; support for technology transfer services in institutions of higher learning, research institutes and technology transfer departments; provide specialized services for the evaluation of scientific and technological achievements, elections, interfaces, operations, etc.; support for new technological and technological investments in institutions such as banks, insurance, insurance, insurance, etc.; support for multi-level infrastructure; and support for innovative technological and technological enterprises that meet the requirements to use the “studies” and the “new threes” as a tool for innovation.


(c) Knowledge rights services and technology advisory services. The Authority supports the use of a new generation of information technologies to upgrade the intellectual rights protection capabilities of source-retroactivity, time monitoring, online awareness, Internet record-keeping and tracking alerts, and to accelerate the creation of national knowledge exchange centres, and to expand the creation of such services as intellectual rights deposits, vouchers, etc.; and technology advisory services development strategies, management queries, engineering queries, information and other specialized queries to encourage science and technology advisory institutions to use the new generation of information technology for online development and integration services.


City of Wisdom


In Beijing, the creation of a world-wide landscape of smart cities has encouraged the creation of a world-wide landscape that attracts industries, new technologies in all fields to hatch and develop applications in Kyoto, accelerates the emergence of creative industries and brings about the growth of related industries in Kyoto. By 2025, smart cities have generated a real business income of 350 billion yuan, brought up and down to nearly 100 billion dollars, built more than 30 replicable, scaled-up labels, and fostered hundreds of millions of market-valued businesses.


(a) Base level general technology. Strengthen engagement with industry and industry companies, focusing on breaking down weak loops such as operating systems, intelligent perception systems, and privacy accounting. Explore the creation of a digital, intelligent application platform for space computing, and explore the use of software to define and drive the physical world; set up a future intelligent system that integrates such resource elements as industry data sets, international leading algorithm models and large scale algorithms to provide new services in artificial intelligence technology that is common at the bottom; and set up a private accounting platform that provides a “digital” link to create a multi-area alliance, autonomous control, and secure privacy credible intelligence to calculate the underlying environment.


(ii) Urban Sensitivity Systems. Urban Sensitivity Networks are built to combine multi-sensors, with sensors, and so on; City-wide Sensitivity Management Service Levels are set up, with real awareness data sharing and applications; City-wide Sensitivity Monitoring and margin accounting capabilities are enhanced to enhance the efficiency of the analysis of urban perception profiles; Focus is being placed on the enhancement of sub-sense networks such as transport conditions, natural resources, living conditions, urban components, etc., so that there is a “multi-sense” of multiple devices and sensors; City-wide Sensor Management Service Levels, with full-time availability, full-range controllable knowledge sharing and application; Urban Sensitivity Management and Precision Services are being enhanced; and City-based Sensor-Consumptions are based on the “System-Senses” of city-to-Consumptions.


(c) Urban data integration services. Deepen the regional data supply to key areas such as financial science and technology, public services, and promote the release of data to businesses, research institutes, and the public, to foster a digital trading market and ethos, and to attract and nurture small and medium-sized enterprise clustering.


(iv) The city operates an open-air platform. The opening-up, municipal, medical, educational, and other field settings encourage the participation of leading companies in the creation of “fashion-recognizing” sites, using the “big scene” to foster “big business”; the promotion of platforms such as the Smart City Laboratory to provide data and infrastructure for businesses, scientific institutes, and new technology development and design based on the opening of sites, the creation of innovative products, programmes and scene-to-scenes, the rapid transformation of innovative results into practical applications, the creation of innovative systems to serve the intellectual life of the public in intelligent transportation, intellectual emergency, intelligent communities, intelligent homes, intellectual education, intellectual health, and so on.


4. Information content consumption


On the basis of the International Cost-Care Centers and the country's first integrated information and communication model, the city was created as an opportunity to promote a deeper integration of “cultural + technological” and digital intelligence products and services, and to increase the cost of new services. The focus was on the distribution of the city's seamounts, the Sun, the Stone View Mountains, and the Tungzhou region, which pushed the city's dragon-head business into the country's first line of Internet-based business, pushing for more than 50 billion dollars in revenue from its current business in 2025.


(1) An original and world-class video game. Focusing on the Beijing City Precision Game Research Base, the Beijing Center for New Technology Applications for Network Games, etc., build a 3D interactive game creation platform, a new technology game design development service that encourages the development of core technologies such as a game engine, a game design autonomously, utilizing new technologies such as human interaction, a homogeneity image, virtual reality, etc., to launch 10 games; promote a game awareness rights extension to video, motion, sports events, etc., and open up a game knowledge rights-based, information and consumption initiative; develop an electronics competition software service and a virtual, real-time, electronics competition centre to promote high-end developments in oceanic, rocky mountains, etc., to launch a world-impact high-level video competition.


(ii) Information consumption services. Using technologies such as artificial intelligence, human interaction, etc., to build a content collection, five information consumption centres have been set up to promote digital upgrading of traditional shopping centres and business complexes, and to support the application of VR/AR information consumption campaigns.


(iv) Pre-positioning of future frontier industries

  瞄準國際前沿搶佔産業發展制高點,超前部署一批具有深遠影響、能夠改變科技、經濟、社會、生態格局的顛覆性技術方向,構建基於新原理、新技術的新業態新模式,為高精尖産業持續發展培育後備梯隊。生物技術與生命科學領域支援研發全新的生物大分子鑒定和序列讀取技術,在核酸與蛋白質檢測和測序的核心領域發展國際領先的合成生物學和蛋白設計技術,研發以單細胞為代表的痕量檢測、測序和組學技術及高效、安全、可控的基因編輯技術。碳減排與碳中和領域研發推廣碳追蹤、碳捕捉等相關技術産品,支援開發碳排放監測和資訊管理系統,培育碳追蹤、碳減排數據分析和綜合服務機構,發展先進能源技術,推進能源供給多元化、清潔化、低碳化。前沿新材料領域重點突破石墨烯等奈米材料、生物醫用材料、3D列印材料(增材製造材料)、超導材料、液態金屬、智慧倣生材料等方向,創新環保低碳材料製備工藝,培育一批專精特新企業。量子資訊領域完善量子資訊科學生態體系,加強量子材料工藝、核心器件和測控系統等核心技術攻關,推進國際主流的超導、拓撲和量子點量子電腦研製,開展量子保密通信核心器件整合化研究,搶佔量子國際競爭制高點。光電子領域積極佈局高數據容量光通信技術,攻克光傳感、大功率鐳射器等方向材料製備、器件研製、模組開發等關鍵技術,推動硅基光電子材料及器件、大功率鐳射器國産化開發。新型記憶體領域開展先進DRAM(動態隨機存取記憶體)技術研發,推進17nm/15nm DRAM研發與量産,突破10nm DRAM部分關鍵技術。腦科學與腦機介面領域聚焦認知科學、神經工程、生機交互、類腦智慧理論與醫學應用等,加快無創腦機介面方向創新成果在臨床醫學、航空航太、智慧生活領域的成果轉化和産業應用。

Biotechnical and life sciences support the development of new biomagnoses and sequenced reading techniques, advanced deployment of international technology with far-reaching implications for technology, economy, society, and living patterns, building new models of technology based on new principles, new technologies, and continuing development of rear ladders for high-precision industries. Biotechnical and life sciences support the development of new biomolecular mapping and sequencing techniques, advanced technology in core fields of nucleic acid and protein testing and sequencing, advanced technology for synthetic biorequirers and proteins, technology for research and development of technology such as carbonate and proteins, technology for scavenging, technology for scavenging, technology for scavenging and technology, technology for scavenging technology such as scavengers, technology for scavenging technology, technology for scavenging and technology, technology for scavenging technology, technology for scavenging technology, technology for scavenging technology, technology for scavenging technology, technology for scavenging technology, technology for scavenging, technology for scavenging, technology for scabs, technology for scavenging and technology, technology for scavenging technology, technology for scavenging technology for scavenging and technology, and technology for scading materials, and technology for scabbing technology, technology, and technology for scading technology, and technology, and technology for new technologies, and technology, and technology for cutting technology, and technology, and technology for cutting and technology for technology, and technology, and technology, and technology for cutting, and technology, and technology for cutting and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology for technology, and technology, and technology for technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology for new technologies, and technology and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and technology, and



In Beijing, the city master plan was implemented to promote regional identity, differentiation, and networking, and to create a new pattern of "a bi-zonal multi-group, Kyoto-based industry partnership and development".


(i) Strength to upgrade the "Zone 1" industry


In Beijing, in the context of the development of economics and technology, and in the areas of social welfare, the development of new and innovative clusters of industries has been further advanced, taking advantage of the success of the three major scientific cities, accelerating the industrialization of new technological innovations, enhancing the capacity and ability to create new ones, and creating a model for technological innovation and transformation of results that have a global impact.


1. Beijing’s economic and technological development region, which has a global impact in terms of technological excellence, has created a highly sophisticated industrial field. It has highlighted the “Creating Plus” industry, which has developed a new dynamic based on information and intelligence as an engine to accelerate the development of high-end industries in the free trade pilot region of Beijing. It has focused on a new generation of information technologies, growth circuits, smart network cars, medical and pharmaceutical health, intelligent manufacturing and equipment, and has created new chains, chains, equity chains, policy chains, stronger alliances and interaction, and has seized on the core cycle. It has also accelerated the development of strategic, pilot and technology-led clusters, leading the city’s industries towards the upper and middle ends.


2. Accommodating international airport traffic in the capital city, strengthening the integration of industrial space resources and accelerating the upgrading of traditional industries; relying on such vehicles as the Tax Contributory Zone, the Capital Airport Emergency Economic Demonstration Zone and the Central Central Central Village Park, focusing on intelligent networks such as cars, third generation semi-guids, air carriers, etc., to bring together the three major scientific cities for the transformation of new achievements, bringing together global high-end resources, leading to the concentration of major projects, accelerating the integration of chains, new chains, and the development of new clusters of creative industries and strategic new industries.


(ii) Full effort to build two industrial clusters in the North and South


The three major scientific cities in the north have created new resources to create new and information belts in the regions of Haidian, Changping, Yang, and Hyang, as well as in the regions of the South, under the auspices of Beijing's economic and technological development, to create pre-inventive intellectual belts in the regions of Mandarin, Da-Hing, and Ho-San.


1. Development of a new and information technology belt in the north


(a) The Seafront region, where universities and scientific and research institutes gather the advantage of focusing on information and health, developing a new generation of information technologies, sector chains and advanced computing, block circuit design, and medical and pharmaceutical health industries. The key technology breakthroughs and innovation systems are structured as the main lines of action to strengthen the links between global innovative resources, to promote high-level paramedical infrastructure, to bring together top international talent, to upgrade professional incubating service standards, and to create China’s core vehicle for hosting the functions of the International Centre for Scientific and Technological Innovation and the Global Network for New Networks.


(b) Changping district. The capital of the bridge and node between the City of Huairou Science and the City of Science in China and China will strengthen the technological development of the City of Science in the future to create a new platform based on the presence of the Valley of Life, the Valley of Energy, the Changping Park in China and others, focusing on the development of medical health, green energy, the creation of intelligent technologies and equipment, the development of a beautiful economy based on the industrial park of Little Tom Hill, the consolidation of new resources and the acceleration of co-location, the promotion of alliances among leading companies, civil society organizations, high schools, etc., and the creation of high-value creation chains, the breaking of critical-area technology, the upgrading of international technological innovation, the creation of new high-rises, the creation of new areas of technological excellence, the creation of new pioneers, the creation of new niches, and the creation of new niches, and the creation of new niches, and the creation of new niches.


(c) Sunshine region. The central branch of the business community has a strong economic, foreign-related and capital-intensive advantage, which has advanced into international science and technology innovation, communication and cooperation platforms, has transformed international finance, international business and other functional advantages into industrial excellence, has focused on the new generation of information technology, has developed information content and content, has developed information content, has developed networks, islets, and has developed infrastructure and infrastructure, such as infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure and infrastructure, and smart cities, and has made it possible to build a new centre for international corporate innovation.


2. The South's advanced intellectual belt


(a) Fulfilled areas, with new financial commitments and advantages, to speed up the construction of special industrial systems such as track traffic, air shuttles, etc., on the basis of institutions such as the China-Changan Mandarin Park. The construction of cutting-edge technology incubation, innovation, industrial creation, upgrading of technology transfer, engineering technology and specialized service capabilities, promotion of middle- and middle-end integration and mid-testing circles, construction of middle- and high-level village digital economic communities, creation of new industries, creation of new orbital traffic and aviation innovation centres with global impact.


(ii) The Great Epidemic Region, which brings together space resources and the world-class advantages of the international airport, focuses on the development of medical and pharmaceutical health facilities, the development of large-scale hydrogenics and commercial and other areas, the promotion of high-end regional development groups in the free-trade pilot area of Beijing, and the development of a community based on biomedical and pharmaceutical bases, the winding-up of the airport economy, a new media base, a new model for cooperation between China and Japan in Beijing, an international district of excellence, and a commercial and navigational infrastructure, which accelerates the gathering of a number of high-end market players, speeds up the delivery of major functions, re-enhances a new industry, substantially upgrades a number of high-priority industries, perfects the infrastructure, strengthens international capital linkages, and enhances the impact of the New National Gate #183; and the New Epidemic industry.


(c) The housing sector. To accelerate the upgrading of the industry, the development of a new dynamic of high quality, with the support of the country's high-schools, new materials bases, high-end industrial bases, etc., with a focus on the development of smart manufacturing and equipment, cutting-edge materials, smart web cars, the development of hydrogen energy, medical and health care, the creation of a number of special parks, the improvement of the “foresee factory” model, the creation of a new production platform, the creation of new models and industrialization of new products, and the creation of an important foundation for the transformation of new achievements in the south.


(iii) Accelerating the development of a special industry group


In support of regional resource excellence in the Tonzhou, Ishigean and Cycling Zones, the focus is on the development of a unique and internationally competitive industry group.


1. Tungzhou Network Information Security Group. Focuss on sub-divisions such as basic software, Internet security services and co-operating platforms in the country’s Internet Security Park, taking over major web security and credit creation projects, and setting up a national high-end network security hub and an online security leadership training base.


The Virtual Real Business Group of Stone View Mountain is called upon to create new applications and integrations for VR/AR in games, education, travel and leisure, and to promote technological and business models to optimize technology and business models, and to promote the creation of new and virtual products, new industries, new models, and the creation of virtual realities with local features and demonstration effects.


A soft, high-end scientific instrumentation and sensor industry group. Exploited with the benefits of the innovative creation of the scientific infrastructure of the City of Huathel Science, the demand for applications with a high demand for installation of a long-duration, maintenance, maintenance and maintenance of large scientific device devices, focused on high-end scientific instrumentation and sensor-specific areas, dedicated to creating “soft instrument” brands, fostering a group of “hard technology” and “stars” at the top of the global business chain, attracting a pool of downstream and downstream resources to build investment, research, development, design, production, display and trade-in-the-body high-end scientific instrumentation and sensor sites.


4. To celebrate the Unmanned Industry Group. By using the civilian unmanned aerial testing area, it has been possible to develop space-based and multi-purpose applications, develop areas such as core drone technology and key components development, integration testing, and attract drones from the central city, and undertake demonstration and industrialization of significant drone research results. To take advantage of the cross-border integration of drones+, develop industries such as unmanned vegetation protection, surveillance, emergency response and rescue, and promote non-anthropogenic site development, and make the Chinese village Qingqing Park a hub for research, design, birth, integration, testing, competition, and the creation of new services that can be used in an unincorporated industry.


5. Pygmy Smart Farming Group, which is based on the Pygmies of Innovation in Agricultural Technology, promotes the integration of big data, networks, artificial intelligence, 5G and other information technology applications, upgrades the full chain of modern farming, agricultural intelligence, biotech, nutritional health, food safety monitoring, etc., digitizes the entire industry, creating an intelligent design and application agriculture demonstration project, creating a cluster of smart farming niches, building a new generation of information technology initiatives, and creating a new industry, a new model, a global model of digital farming industry.



Support for the development of cross-regional agreements in neighbouring and resource-supplemented regions and the creation of cross-regional industrial cooperation and development corridors. The focus is on supporting the development of “Down Taiwan+Houses” in rail traffic, the “Sealand+Chang Plum” in intelligent end-of-course, the “Down Taiwan+Beijing Economic Technology Development + Great Epidemic” in the Aerial Pacific, and the “Syang + Nice Zone” in the intelligent manufacturing and equipping fields.


Support for international exchanges, information, technology, humanities, and the integration of a new generation of information technologies and industries. Support for the development and positioning of regions around Huairou, the dense clouds, the valleys, the Qingqing, and the gates, combining the resources, building on the innovations created by the International Centre for Science and Technology (ICT) to foster new and dynamic industries and accelerate the upgrading of regional industries.


(iv) Establishment of a new architecture for the development of the Kyoto Alliance for the Promotion and Development of the Economy


Building on Kyoto’s vision of the development of a highly sophisticated and sophisticated industry, Beijing’s “one-nuclear” radiation belts and advanced production, digital resource advantages, using as a gateway agglomerations, smart networks, industrial networks, etc., to create a new chain of supply chains, to accelerate technological and technological innovation, and to promote digitalization, intellectualization, and green-coloration upgrading. Using the “one-nuclear” radiation belt and advanced manufacturing, Beijing’s enterprises are encouraged to adopt dynamic projects such as the “mother-and-child factory” model to attract upstream and downstream enterprises, to work together to improve regional industries, and to develop a clear division of labour, innovative alliances and development.


To promote the three-point industry partnership and lead the way.


(i) Hydrogen energy can be used as a model for the demonstration. To promote modelling, co-consentation of the hydrogen energy industry in Kyoto, focusing on layout production, transport, storage, injection, and hydrogen fuel cell chaining. The Beijing focus on hydrogen power core technology and end-use applications will be pushed into hydrogen fuel battery reactors and high-end vehicle preparation; to support the development of advanced equipment such as storage materials, supplants and other equipment in Tianjin; to support the development of wind power in Hebei, industrial co-ops, and the provision of high-strength fuel storage systems, high-pressure gas and low-temperature water storage technologies and pipelines; and to boost the storage of hydrogen upstream rings.


(ii) The SmartWeb Federation Automobile Industry Association offers a similar demonstration. The Kyotsu Automobile Industry Circle, with the SmartWeb Cars at its core, is being developed to speed up the development and demonstration of a limited and self-piloted SmartWeb Research, and improves the self-drive capability. Beijing focuses on breaking through key core components such as sensors, processors, core components such as computer counters, information security, road coordination, etc.; Tianjin is being supported in the development of a more complete system of car preparation and critical parts; Hebei is being supported in the development of modules such as optical systems, positioning systems, web end-of-life, integrated control systems, etc.


Beijing focuses on the development of a number of cross-practice integrated service providers, such as industrial big data, intellectual sense and control; supports the digitalization of the industry around Tianjin, and expands the use of smart-making solutions; and supports the selection of a group of dragon-bone industries, a typical industry digitized car room and a smart industry.



To build the environment and the Kyoto industry and develop three circles.


(i) Beijing has been asked to create a new and high-end chain of technology in the vicinity of Beijing, which is located around 50 km away. With the goal of individualization, the Tianjin Wuqing has been working with the three counties of the capital, Pao An, Pao Jin and Wuqing of the capital, to promote the development of new technological and high-end infrastructure in Beijing, “involved, released, and not far away.” The Télévision should build up the necessary infrastructure for life and security. To accelerate the convergence of high-end elements and innovative resources to the city’s sub-centres, to build a bridge for the development of the capital, and to encourage the expansion of the industry to the surrounding areas of the capital, such as the north and south of the capital.


(ii) Beijing is expected to move 100 km from Beijing to Yuan and Tianjin to build a cross-section of the Jingjin industry. Surrounding and carrying out functions, the Beijing sub-centres are linked to the “two wings” of Hebei's Hyeong-Shun-Shun-Shun-Shun. To strengthen King-jin, sing the “two cities” and promote the construction of priority parks such as the Tianjin China Village Science Park, Bo-Gang Village Science City, and the Jin-Zin Cooperation Model Area, and to expand the scope and depth of cooperation at all levels.


(c) To build the urban acupunctures along the main transport corridors such as Kyunjin, Kyoto Pagoda, Kyoto Tang Tang Qin, and build the industry accompanies along the corridors of Beijing. Along the corridors of Kyuzin, build the technology transfer, advance the industrial development belt, focus on the development of smart manufacturing, aviation, industrial networking, etc., re-engineer development of smart knits, key parts, system resolution programmes, support for the development of high-end structures, new materials in the towers; build the infrastructure and infrastructure of Beijing, construction of new plants, construction of new plants and plants, construction of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, production of technologies, production of new technologies, production of new technologies, technology technologies, production of new technologies, technology and technology, production of new technologies, technology technologies, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology and technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology and technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology and technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, and technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology, technology,




The five pillars of “core technology, creative platforms, business owners, industrial facilities, and talent” are being strengthened, and a series of short-board and “cricket” techniques are being developed, and long-board and “killer” techniques are being developed to enhance the ability to control and control the industry, and to accelerate the transition to competitive advantages of new resources.


(i) Autonomous core technological foundation is in place


Development of high-end crystals, core technological components and components, enhancement of the performance, quality stability and self-support capabilities of key building materials, development of new technologies for digitization, networking, intellectualization, greening of green forward-making, breakthroughs in the industrial chain, upgrading the autonomous capacity of Beijing-based enterprises to create new technologies in the critical link of the chain. Development of a list of high-quality technology “knaves” and components to enhance the performance, quality characterization and self-support capabilities of key building materials, with a view to building a full-fledged “one, start-up” roll-up of spare parts, with a view to developing a new digitized digitized digitized system, networking, smartness, greening, breaking-up of technology, breaking-up of short-terms and technical techniques, gradually upgrading the capacity of Beijing-owned enterprises to create new technology and technology for technology and technology from zero to good uses.


The creation of a scheme to create a new business, to create a new business, to create a new business, or create a new business, to create a new business, to create a new business, to create a new business, to create a new business, to create a marketable business, and to encourage the start-up of new technology and technology, to speed up the process of research and development of new technologies. The project to support the launch of a new capital, to promote successful technology and innovation under equal terms.



(ii) Development of a new platform based on co-operation in penitentiaries


1. A new network system has been set up to upgrade the technical infrastructure of public services, such as public services, around the centre of emphasis, and to upgrade the support capabilities of public services, such as technology infrastructure and technology. Support has been provided for the development, transformation, and adaptation of new technologies and cross-cutting technologies at the national level, with emphasis on the centre of innovation at the municipal level, and to accelerate the development of self-research technology at the bottom of social entrepreneurship. A new set of national and municipal innovation centres has been set up in the areas of graphite, optical electrons, etc.


The creation of the “Three Cities” innovation transfer scheme, the implementation of the “Backstick” project, support for the creation of parks that are central to the transformation of the “Three Cities” innovation, the promotion of the “Three Cities” major innovation innovation interface support and the transfer of excellence to the capital. The improvement of the “Cities” innovation scheme has led to the transformation of enterprises, support for the introduction of advanced technologies and technological innovation and upgrading by high-level companies. Support for the development of new alliances for technological innovation, such as the Association of Military Enterprises, Research Institutes for Conversion, the Association for Industrial Development and Higher Schools, and the development of cross-country research, application and promotion of results, standard research and development, and the provision of targeted research and development services for the Alliance’s members.



(iii) Fostering inclusive corporate infrastructure


To encourage “chain owners” to integrate resources and innovative elements, to promote supply chains and new capacity-sharing, data-sharing and the integration of open and open industries, and to develop small and medium-sized enterprises from up to and down the world; to set up overseas research institutes, global innovation funds, to lead or participate in the development of international standards, and to launch a new globalization initiative.


To encourage small and medium-sized micro-enterprises to develop their fields of expertise and know-how, and to compete hard in technology or the market. To develop new and specialized enterprises, to build up small and medium-sized business ladders, and to provide high-quality tracking services, workshops, and space security in such fields as smart manufacturing and equipping, smart web-based cars. To develop innovative support policies that encourage small and medium-sized micro-businesses to build new and innovative forms of innovation.


Support the integration of cross-border suppliers, new technology providers, and others into the “chain” business chain, and the re-engineering of the supply chain. Encourage the “chain owners” to transform their business from a purely productive enterprise to a business of a creative nature by providing quality management, business information, financial services, business organizations, business credit, etc. for upstream and downstream enterprises. Support the integration of the “chain owners” business and small and medium-sized enterprises into a coalition of government organizations or major initiatives.



(iv) Building the foundations of intelligent infrastructure


1. Establishment of a new and stable network infrastructure. To accelerate the deployment of the next generation of Internet sites based on IPv6 (the sixth edition of the Internet Agreement), 60,000 new 5G sites have been built, with an effective coverage rate of more than 95%. The development of a network of communication infrastructure, represented by the Internet, the Car Network, the Industrial 5G chip, the Internet, multi-access border computing, and the satellite network, supports the use of demonstration applications.


Building a digital intelligence base for digital integration. Pushing the data centre from storage to computational upgrades, accelerating the transformation of the data centre from the cloud-end centralized structure to the cloud-side-end-plus-side configuration. Intensifying the large digital platform with a “building” core, gradually stretching down the power of the large digital platform to strengthen the base of the urban brain in Beijing.


3. Create a common and open system infrastructure. Strengthen co-operative software development, build a high-availability, high-performance production system, and drive key technology breakthroughs at the bottom of the database. Encourage the creation of new pilot service platforms, such as common threads. Support the development of common open-source platforms, and promote co-development and rapid innovation.


4. To strengthen self-controlled and credible security infrastructure. The system covers end-of-life, user-user, network, cloud, data, and service-based credible security infrastructure. To promote the development of a new network security hub, to foster a range of high-quality businesses with core technologies and service capabilities, to support the development and implementation of new products services such as business system security, new-generation identity recognition, end-of-end security access, and to create a system of credible security protection infrastructure technology to support the development of a new integrated network security operating service platform to enhance the safety and security capabilities of new infrastructure applications.


(v) Construction of multilayered sub-prime talent base


1. Promote entrepreneurial spirit, create respect for and stimulate the social atmosphere of business start-ups, and bring together and train a group of leading entrepreneurs with global vision and excellence. Create an internationalized cadre of industrial leaders to draw up a list of intentions, increase the follow-up of the world’s top-level creative talent, and bring together a cadre of leading military personnel who can lead key technology efforts, lead to the development of the industry. Create a system of chief professional expertise in such critical industries as intellectual manufacturing, growth circuits, artificial intelligence, and promote cross-fertilization, critical skills integration and system integration through the leadership and mentoring of leading specialists.


To encourage the development of high-skill, high-level and high-tech graduate students in higher education institutions in Kyoto, and to develop higher-level graduates who are more capable of technological development and innovation. The need for development around the industry has led to the introduction of a number of highly qualified teams of creative people, who are talented and able to develop themselves through the project's "Leader + Startup Team" model.


3. To develop a pool of highly skilled and skilled technologists. To develop integrated building sites, and to increase the training of skilled professionals around such critical areas as the built-up circuits, smart manufacturing and equipment, and medical and pharmaceutical health, and to support companies and professional schools in building a pool of highly skilled and highly skilled technologists.



With the goal of enhancing the capacity to create new forms of self-reliance in key links to the industry, the development of a “focus on clustering of industries, bio-modeling intelligence, high-end production services, greening of development methods, quality of products services” has been promoted, with the aim of creating chains with a capital character, a core circle, and a high-end status.


(i) Catalysing the focus on clustering of industries


1. Fostering a trillion-dollar cluster of industries. With the creation of three major scientific cities, unleashing major technological and technological innovations, the “Five Ones” cluster has developed a “Five Ones” project, focusing on key technology loop breakthroughs and service model upgrades, challenging the creation of a multiplicity of multi-dimensional clusters of industries that compete with the core of industry and industry in such fields as smart manufacturing and apparel, medical health, web-based networks, and smart networks.



2. Promote a high value chain. Combine high-precision key links and related industry companies, develop a high-profile business chain mapping, clearly identify the distribution of key links in the city, develop competitive assessments, strengthen the core competition of firms already in place in the key chain of upgrades, and create a critical mass of business projects that draw on key links. Support more small and medium-sized enterprises in the key-link chain supply chain, and improve the quality of small and medium-sized businesses'services through the Military Enterprise's Quality and Standardization System, and accelerate the upgrading of the entire chain of businesses.


3. Enhancing the resilience and dynamism of the industry. Establishing a key environmental surveillance and support system for critical supply chains, supporting the development of supply chain “B” systems by military companies, and building a global supply chain risk management system around core products, encouraging businesses to develop backup programmes and alternative lists, depending on development needs.


Support the “chain master” enterprise by integrating up-to-and-down resources, bringing together the key core of the chain, in close proximity to the Bureau, and forming a number of clusters of industries with a “bush forest effect” approach. Support the building blocks necessary for the development of the pre-generation industry by exploring ways of developing a multiplicity of channels and enterprises, such as capital support, green and green, centralized governance, outside the five worlds (the Beijing City General Organization can provide coverage) or in the Beijing perimeter.



(ii) Accelerating the development of biomechanical intelligence


Increased intellectual power. In high-precision industries, smart engineering plants, bio-intelligent ingenuity, extension of intelligent services, large-scale customization, with emphasis on smart phones, robots, advanced crystals, new displays, non-humanized equipment, new calculations and end-of-life systems, and the creation of “beautiful talent” plants using the “beautiful talent-plus” model. In the development model of the conglomerates-like champions, scientific instruments, robotics, etc., the creation of intelligent manufacturing systems, the upgrading of intellectually built key parts and systems, and the creation of new capabilities.


Implementation of the "New Ingenuity 100" project. Development of an improved standards system for intellectual production, acceleration of the development, demonstration, and promotion of standards for industry-specific intellectual production, and creation of a benchmark for intellectual excellence.



(iii) Promote high-end production of services


To promote the development of service-based production. To implement service-based pilot projects, develop pilot projects in priority areas such as industrial design, customizing services, energy conservation, supply chain management, etc., and develop demonstration businesses, projects and platforms. To speed up the dissemination of the “shared factory” model, encourage producers to create virtual joint manufacturing plants through the sharing of production orders on the Internet. To meet the demand for corporate co-production.



To promote a deep integration of the two industries, to develop the economy. To focus on strategic opportunities in the “two regions”, to promote a deep integration of advanced manufacturing and modern services, to use a new generation of information technology to create new services, and to further enhance the capabilities and influence of military enterprises in the chain. To focus on industrial clouds, co-operation and logistics, stand-alone production, centralized purchases, etc., to create an open and innovative set-up of services, and to promote field-level developments such as digital graphics, intellectual mobility, etc. By 2025, to create 10 international-class parallel military enterprises.


(iv) Greening the way development takes place


1. To accelerate a low-carbon transformation of green industries. To promote green low-carbon development in traditional industries such as equipment, cars, electricity, materials, medicines, urban industries and data centres, and encourage companies to adapt green technologies to international standards of prior water use. Use digital technology to control the full range of wisdom in energy materials, pollution emissions, waste disposal and resource use.


2. A comprehensive green system is being developed. Local standards such as energy consumption limits, water quotas, pollutant emissions and greenhouse gas emissions are being improved by standard management. Enterprises, parks and parks are being encouraged to create green factories, green parks, green supply chains, and to promote industrial green designs that enhance competition in the international market and avoid low-carbon barriers.


(v) Promotion of quality of services in counterfeit products


1. To upgrade the quality of high-precision products. In the areas of consumer goods, equipment, raw materials, and so forth, to increase the quality-upgrading, technical upgrading and technological innovation support.


To promote comprehensive quality management in enterprises, to compete for national quality markers, the Beijing People's Government's Award for Quality Management, to direct companies to raise the value added of their goods and services, and to create an autonomous brand image of “high quality, green, and safe.” To maintain a market system for the development of quality brands, leading to a concentration of high-efficiency, high-quality and high-quality autonomous brands, and to improve the ability of small and medium-sized enterprises to create autonomous brands in their services.


Create a high-precision industry, the Beijing standard. Explore the creation of new national technology standards based on national technology standards (the Central Village) and create new national technology standards in such critical areas as intellectual production and equipment. Encourage business and social groups to develop forward standards that meet the needs of high-level sub-markets; foster corporate standards for “leaders” to advance full quality upgrading; and support industry leaders or participants in the development of group standards, industry standards, national standards, and international standards.


4. Further upgrades key core domain patents. Promote high quality development of PCT patents (specialized cooperation agreements). Focus on high-value patents and promote the development of corporate international market plans in conjunction with PCT-based bureaus. Motivate key domains, such as intelligent sensers, mobile communication endpoints, and high quality pools to build joint defence, risk-sharing, open shared intellectual rights and operational mechanisms in the domain; and support specialized specialist infrastructure to explore niche camping models appropriate to the development of their own domain.



The “two-region” policy mix has been enhanced, with a positive integration into the new development landscape, improved high-water open-door policy systems, deeper participation in the re-engineering of the global supply chain, and continued international collaborative upgrading.


(i) High-water construction of an international chemical park.


1. High-level promotion of high-end industrial sector development in the pilot area of self-trade. Promotion of high-end industrial sector development in the pilot area of trade in Beijing, with a view to accelerating digitalization, networking and intellectual skills, and the consolidation of two large-scale industry infrastructure projects, leading to high-end research and development projects to transform high-end sector development into a hub for the transfer of technology, a strategic hub for new industries and an international hub for high-end functions.


The aim is to promote digital trade and open up new developments, with a view to achieving a safe and orderly flow of cross-border data, to explore, create new policies, break through the system's neck, and strengthen Beijing's leadership, voice and influence in the global digital domain. The goal is to create a “three-person” digital trade test area in the Central and Central Village Software Park National Digital Service Export Base, the Golden International Cooperative Service Area, and the Free Trade Area.


3. High-level efforts are being made to promote the construction of international cooperative parks. Emphasis is being placed on the development of international cooperative parks such as China-Japan and China-China, and on the promotion of two-way investments, attracting a number of international champions, specialized and new businesses, and working to create an important window for cooperation between Germany and Germany.



(ii) Quality in nurturing a two-way new load


1. Create an important node for the creation of a new global network. Strengthen links with the world’s first-class innovation centre, opening up a global interactive technology transfer network. Emphasis will be placed on building a pool of international high-profile high-end platforms, such as the New Medicines, Smart Networks, Wirtschaftsprüfers, Wirtschaftsprüfers, Hydrogens, etc., around small sub-divisions, supporting the creation of offshore investment funds, two-sided funds, leading internationally recognized enterprises, institutions, or with local military firms, to create a global technology transfer network.


To encourage the creation of new players to expand their markets abroad. To engage the market’s top-notch products, technologies, and services owners in global market competitions, to upgrade the quality of their products in competition, and to create the internationally influential brand of the Beijing Ingenuity “Beijing Services.” To encourage companies to pool their overseas good sources through mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, overseas branches and research and development centres, to accelerate overseas knowledge and advocacy, and to participate in international standard research and development.


(iii) Expanding the breadth and depth of international cooperation in the field of focus


1. To speed up the development of higher-end manufacturing areas; to promote trade facilitation and liberalization in intelligent networks, such as cars, medical health, and smart manufacturing and equipment; to create policy pre-positions in areas with high-level self-drive piloting models; to develop innovative surveillance of new technologies, new products, new modes of use; to explore reforms such as “safe, efficient, inclusive, compatible, international-class” systems; to promote medical health; to promote cross-border remote medical care; to conduct international collaborative examinations; to develop urgently needed medical devices and materials testing; and to create international energy centres through cooperation in research and development.


2. Explore the opening up of information technology fields. Explore research to open up external resources to national Internet virtualization (no more than 50 per cent of the external stock ratio); remove the external stock ratio of information services services (only limited to shops) from the central village of Niigata Park as a vehicle; encourage foreign resources to participate in the provision of SaaS services (soft services) in accordance with the law; explore the development of relevant legal systems and supervision measures in the international business services sector, using cloud computing platforms as a tool to capture data centres, develop grade-level sub-standard standards for data centres, and improve the post-register management system of pre-events in the digital centres where different markets are involved; encourage internationally known open source software interfaces and start-up tool service providers to compete for new national support policies in the field of value-added telecommunications.


3. To facilitate the opening and use of cross-border security codes. To speed up the internal and international flow of data through data sub-classifications, with emphasis on promoting high-value, low-security data before opening. Use the Beijing International Data Exchange to stabilize the flow of data across borders and release the value of data. The focus is on the National Digital Service Export Base at the Central and Central Village Software Parks, the solar economy secret international cooperative service area and parts of the trade-free area to explore new systems for the cross-border transmission of data, and to promote cross-border data flow testing sites. To explore cross-border data flow test paths within a self-trade testing area; to move forward with the orderly safe release of cross-border data; and to gradually establish a cross-border data flow code that expands the scope of international cooperation.



A comprehensive upgrading of modern-day governance and standards, deepening of fiscal, land, and talent reforms, creating an environment conducive to the development of innovative industries, stimulating the dynamism of the market’s main body, and generating new energy for high-quality development.


(i) Construction of international top business highlands


To uphold the principles of neutrality, focusing on market entry, fair competition, fair supervision, and protection of rights, to create a fair and efficient market environment, to improve the system’s ability to manage and support the difficulties of private enterprises, to improve the effectiveness of public service platforms in providing specialized services to small and medium-sized enterprises. To improve the governance system, to strengthen anti-brief and prevent the proliferation of capital, and to promote the sustainability of the economy’s health.


(ii) Increased efforts to address industrial neglect and promote leadership


To promote the central management of major projects in the city, to improve the planning, storage, start-up, continuation, and completion of the “five” initiatives, and to enhance the day-to-day management and follow-up of projects. The regions and campuses are required to fulfil the responsibility of the head of the top-level industry, to promote the development of market-based industrial promotion and development services, to develop specialized industrial management teams and business services, and to promote the development of major high-profile industries.


(iii) Increased space security


The system coordinates the city’s current industrial sites, develops city-wide industrial land controls, enforces measures that prohibit adjustment, adjusts and compensates, preserves a certain amount of industrial land, and ensures space for the development of advanced manufacturing industries. It encourages high-precision and priority areas to implement industrial land benchmarking reforms, introduces a series of regional assessments, clear criteria for entry, and highly sophisticated municipally-consistent areas. It enhances the use of cropland to balance city-level standards, and supports major projects.


(iv) Increased efficiency in the use of funds


Increased support for smart greening techniques, high-precision innovation, “first stage” and “first stage,” first test, first run, first run, first run, first run, first run, first run, first run, second run, and second run-up of infrastructure in the park, and support for the launch of smart greening diagnostics and digitalization services by businesses.


(v) Good talent development and induction


To strengthen the city’s talent policy and the design of the marketing board, it is necessary to look at policies that will lead to the release of talented people to new cities in the plains and to businesses in the breeding grounds. The demand for high-skill development will increase the support for high-level graduates’ and talent-introduction targets. To explore the extension of professional education from school to professionalization, customization, and differentiation, it will be possible to meet the demands of a large number of complex talent needs arising from intellectualization, integration, and internationalization.


(vi) Strengthening planning and implementation


China’s top-notch industry guides have been improved to enhance the quality and quality of its statistical services and businesses. We have worked hard to ensure that regulations are in place and that measures are in place to promote investment in highly sophisticated industries to accelerate the development of high-quality industries, and to develop programmes for the development of advanced industries.




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