: 在今天这个特殊的日子里,我们再次回顾了两年前的币圈惨案——519惨案。那些经历过94、312、519的币圈老韭菜们,绝对是对这段历史有着深刻的记忆。因为在这些币圈大事件中,币圈从业者们留下了难忘的印象。无论是在牛市中的辉煌,还是在熊市中的挣扎,这些经历都让币圈的人们更加成熟和坚强。然而,519惨案无疑是最令人刻骨铭心的一次。在那一天,许多人在短时间内失去了他们辛苦赚来的财富,甚至有人因此陷入了困境。
: On this special day, we look again at the currency tragedy of two years ago — the 519 tragedy. Those who have been through 94, 312, 519 coins have a deep memory of history. Because in these large currency circles, currency operators have made an unforgettable impression. These experiences, whether in cattle or in bear markets, have made the currency community more mature and strong. But, no doubt, the 519 tragedy was one of the most impressive. On that day, many people lost their hard-earned wealth, and even others were in distress.
On 19 May, the height of Bitcoin reached $64,000, but by the time of the 519s, the price of Bitcoin had fallen to $280 million. This price volatility raised doubts as to whether the market was running according to previous trends. However, even in such markets, there were some who thought that the 519 tragedy was an act of sword-seeking.
Many realize that market volatility is unpredictable, and therefore invest with caution. At the same time, they learn to look for investment opportunities at a time of market depression in order to achieve higher returns in the future.
Overall, while the 519 tragedy caused huge losses to many investors, it is also an important chapter in the history of the currency circle. It reminds us that market volatility is unpredictable, but it also hides numerous investment opportunities.
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