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Recently, the NFT's head project has been a fire, and the NFT's head is unleashing its infinite potential. If NFT's head is the most iconic and long-term intrinsic value, it must be its identity attribute.


1. OpenSea

OpenSea 是目前最大的 NFT 交易平台,覆盖了数字艺术品、加密收藏品、游戏物品、虚拟土地、域名等各细分领域。

OpenSea is currently the largest NFT trading platform covering digital art, encrypted collections, play items, virtual land, domain names, etc.

相比其他NFT交易平台,OpenSea更为亲民,任何人都可以免费创建和出售 NFT,且出售时无需支付任何Gas 费。不过,首次使用 OpenSea 账户初始化时或者商品售出后需支付一笔 Gas 费。但相对其他平台而言,已经是收取手续费最低的一家。

OpenSea is more pro-people than any other NFT trading platform, and anyone can create and sell NFT free of charge, without having to pay any Gas fee. However, when OpenSea accounts are used for the first time, or when goods are sold, a fee is paid.

2. Nifty Gateway

Nifty Gateway 是个由 Gemini 交易所支持的 NFT 交易平台。Nifty Gateway 除了可支持加密货币外,还提供法币入金渠道,用户可通过信用卡或金融卡购买NFT,且出售时直接兑现至银行账户中。目前,Nifty Gateway 只允许美国用户提取法定货币>

Nifty Gateway is a NFT trading platform supported by the Gemini Exchange. In addition to supporting encrypted currency, Nifty Gateway provides a channel for money entry in French, where users can buy NFTs through credit cards or financial cards and cash them directly into bank accounts. Currently, Nifty Gateway only allows United States users to extract legal currency >

Nifty Gateway 还引入了 Beeple、FEWOCiOUS、Jones 等重量级加密艺术家,其约每隔三周会与名人合作发行独家 NFT。当然,其他艺术家也可通过官网申请发行 NFT。

Nifty Gateway has also introduced heavyweight encryption artists such as Beple, FEWOCIOUS, Jones, which distributes NFTs in collaboration with celebrities about three weeks. Of course, other artists can apply for release of NFTs via the network.

3. MakersPlace

MakersPlace 是个老牌加密艺术平台。MakersPlace 对加密艺术品质量的把控极为严格,当前仅接受邀请。MakersPlac 会为艺术家和创作者的每件 NFT 作品生成区块链指纹,以证明作品的来源和身份,且使之成为艺术品独特性的一种象征。

MakersPlace is an old-fashioned encryption art platform. MakersPlace has very strict control over the quality of encrypted works, and currently only accepts invitations. MakersPlac produces chain fingerprints for every NFT work by artists and creators to prove the origin and identity of the works and to make them a symbol of the uniqueness of the works.

4. Rarible

Rarible 是个社区驱动型的开源的、非托管的平台,允许任何用户创作和展示自己的作品,并拥有 NFT 的所有权。

Rarible is a community-driven open-source, non-trusted platform that allows any user to create and present his work and has ownership of NFT.

相比其他交易平台,Rarible 更具去中心化。2020年,Rarible 发行了治理代币 RARI,代币的引入很大程度上改善了销售流程和销售条件,通过「交易即挖矿」的玩法大幅提升了 Rarible 的交易额。

Rarible is more decentralised than other trading platforms. In 2020, Rarible issued RARI, the introduction of which substantially improved the marketing process and conditions, and significantly increased the value of Rarible's transactions through the "trade is mining " game.

Rarible 除了每周会向平台交易者发放 RARI 代币奖励,其还允许平台最活跃的创造者和收藏家通过其治理代币创造者和收藏家为平台升级投票,并参与管理和审核。

In addition to weekly RARI token awards to platform traders, Rarible also allows the platform's most active creators and collectors to vote for the platform's upgrade through its governance of its coin creators and collectors, and to participate in its management and audit.

5. SuperRare

SuperRare 是个艺术创作者和收藏者的社交网络平台,uperRare 对艺术家有着严格审核的标准。艺术家要想入驻 SuperRare,需向平台提出申请,只有通过审核的原创作者才能发售 NFT,且不能在互联网上的其他地方进行代币化。同时,SuperRare 每周也会对艺术家进行一次审查。

SuperRare, a social networking platform for artists and collectors, has strict standards for artists. To be in SuperRare, artists are required to apply to the platform, and NFTs can only be sold by their original creators and cannot be monetized elsewhere on the Internet.

6. Foundation

与其他「申请审核制」的平台不同,Foundation 是一个邀请制的 NFT 艺术平台,只有受邀请的艺术家的作品才能被上架。

Unlike other " applications for accreditation " platforms, Fundation is an invited NFT art platform where only the works of invited artists can be put on the shelf.

Foundation 采用了社群主导的策展模式,先通过邀请 50 位艺术家到平台上,然后向这些艺术家赠送 2 个邀请码。当入驻的创作者在平台成功售出一件原创作品后会获得两个邀请名额,可以邀请新人。而若当被邀请者同样成功出售首件作品时,也可获得 2 个邀请码。

Founding uses a community-led model, first by inviting 50 artists to the platform and then giving them two invitations. When an incoming creator successfully sells an original creation on the platform, he receives two invitations, and a new one. If the inviteee also sells the first piece, he receives two invitations.

除了点对点邀请,“Community Upvote” 是一种新入驻方式,所有经过 Twitter 认证的社群成员在加入“Community Upvote” 后可获得 5 票用于支持 5 位可入驻的艺术家,排名前 50 的艺术家可加入 Foundation 创建NFT 。不过,未来 Foundation 不排除将 “Community Upvote” 作为创作者主要入驻途径。

In addition to point-to-point invitations, “ Community Upvote” is a new way of moving in, with all Twitter-certified community members joining & ldquao; Community Upvote” and then getting 5 votes to support 5 resident artists, with 50 top-ranked artists joining the Foundation to create NFT. However, Future Foundation does not exclude & ldquao; Community Upvote” as the main route of entry for creators.


ART for Jcard.

目前亚洲区第一个NFT艺术品交易平台,平台交易可透过法币进行网络/ATM汇款或刷卡,并与台北新艺术博览会,于2021年4月举办首届 2021 NFT世界大师赛。

Currently, the first NFT art trading platform in the Asian region, which can be traded online/ATM remittances or cards through French coins, and with the Taipei New Art Fair, the first 2021 NFT World Masters Competition was held in April 2021.

8. Binance

币安在2021年 6 月正式上线自家的 NFT 交易平台。根据目前所发布的公告,新推出的 NFT 平台将与原币安交易所账户系统连动,不需要另外注册账号。

币安旗下 NFT 平台分为两大类市场,分别为特殊合作艺术家的高端精选交易市场 (Premium Event)以及供一般用户使用的普通交易市集 (Trading Market)。

The NFT platform, under the banner of currency security, is divided into two main types of markets, namely, the Premium Event, a high-end niche market for special cooperative artists, and the General Trading Market for general users.

币安的 NFT 平台最初将先支援以太坊和币安智能链。

The NFT platform will initially support the Etherkom and the currency security smart chain.

9. 电商巨头 eBay

9. Electric conglomerates eBay

已与 Wax区块链网络合作,开放平台上的 NFT 交易功能,成为市面上首个开放 NFT 的电商平台

The NFT trading function on the platform has been opened in collaboration with the Wax block chain network to become the first publicly available NFT power vendor platform on the market

有别于多数 NFT平台,eBay 上的 NFT 是以法币计价,用户能以信用卡、Google Pay等购买一般商品的方式,在平台上进行支付。

Unlike most NFT platforms, NFTs on eBay are denominated in French and users can make payments on the platform in the form of credit cards, Google Pay, etc.


In conclusion, the answer to the question of where NFT's head might be bought, and it is to be hoped that this comprehensive presentation of NFT's headlines will help investors who do not know where to buy NFT's headlines quickly understand the platform for their purchase. Is the currency's head really a flaunting, but it is not, and it is more a digital identity that represents a global organization that can become a pioneering group that can contribute to the application and popularization of NFTs, so you should look more positively at the development of the NFT's head.




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