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If you're a long-time fan of currency, then you must know that slogan— — your first digital wallet, right, is imToken. Few people in the currency circle have ever used imToken, or even many of them should be faithful users of imToken. ImToken is one of the largest digital wallets in the world, with more than 10 million users, whose idea is to help everyone secure their digital assets and their right to financial services through advanced block-link technology.


We're going to introduce you to the ImToken wallet by adding a USDT tutorial.


downloads as follows:


Here's a small download address, which can be installed by clicking on a direct download.


1. Installed download:


Open the official web address: is fine.


You can also search for downloads at the application store. Apples (which require overseas IDs), Andre systems... support: ImToken, the mainstream currency of ETH, BTC and EOS, is one of the current mainstream wallets in the currency, and the easy-to-use mobile-end light wallet App! is a multi-chain wallet, avoiding cumbersome back-up management. Payment is simple, easy to import and export; multiple signatures are protected from theft.


2. Setup wallet:


When downloading the installation is completed, the APP will display two options for creating and restoring identity, which means importing the wallet you had before, and this is a new manual, so you can ignore it. Click on creating the identity option. Click on the ImToken service protocol. Click on the lower left corner and I have read carefully and agreed on the following terms.


3. Fill in identity information:


By the tip, fill in your wallet name, wallet password, wallet password question (select). Click to create a wallet, you can create a wallet. Once you have created a wallet, the interface to the back wallet will be popping out to alert us to the back wallet.


The password must be kept. Because of the special nature of the wallet, it's safe, it's not stored, it's not recovered. You're the only one who knows it. Remember it.


4. Backup wallet:


Back-up wallets (e.g. graphs) can be said to be the most important link in the security of digital assets. Many of the whites who have just come into contact, are not used to back-up wallets, or private keys, causing the complete loss of assets. There are also a lot of whites who have just come into contact with the chain, worried about the safety of assets, and the theft of money by hackers. According to incomplete statistics, the most common case of missing digital assets is not theft, but the user does not have a good back-up wallet, or forgets the wallet helper or the private key.


Click back-up helpwords to alert you not to intercept (e.g. graphics) this is the most important segment! Click & ldquao; know & rdquao;


Then, in order, 12 word-and-word helpers are written in plain form and written on paper, and click on &ldquao; the next & rdquao; and then authenticate the word helper: click 12 word-and-word validation sequentially. The last click finishes the operation of the backup helper.


Careful reminder: The paper for recording the notes must be kept safe, which is an important way to recover the wallets in the future. And it is only for me to know that if you leave, someone can use our notes to transfer our assets. So keep them in a safe and secure private place. Don't expose them to third parties. Once the notes are leaked to others, they give digital assets to others.


5. Self-measured:


When the backup is completed, the system alerts (e.g., graphics) a simple lesson to fast-start. Click immediately to become familiar with the curriculum. Then click on the bottom of the right map & ldquao; and self-calculate & rdquao;


On the basis of wallet security considerations, the newcomer proposes to start the evaluation after learning, with some basic questions, which are very simple.


6. Use wallet:


You have your own ImToken wallet when all of the above operations are set up.


The number below is your collection address. Like a bank account, someone else can transfer your wallet. Fill in this address. It can be born in two-dimensional code on the left, or it can be moved directly to your wallet.

7. 如何转入USDT?

7. How do we get to USDT?


Click on the plus mark on the red arrow of the picture, add new assets, and then pull down to find the USDT, or search directly for the USDT. When you find the button on the right of the USDT, we switch back to the wallet home page and see that the option of USDT appears in the wallet.

注意:imToken支持基于比特币的USDT (Omni USDT) ,基于以太坊的 USDT(ERC20 USDT),和基于波场的 USDT(TRC20 USDT),三者之间不能相互转账。

Note: ImToken supports the Bitcoin-based USDT (Omni USDT), the Ethio-based USDT (ERC20 USDT) and the Wavefield-based USDT (TRC20 USDT), which cannot be transferred between the three.


What kind of USDT can be identified by address:

Omni USDT的地址是以1或3开头,在imToken中可以存放在 BTC 钱包里。

The address of Omni USDT is at the beginning of one or three and can be stored in the imToken wallet of BTC.

ERC20 USDT的地址是0x开头,在imToken中可以存放在 ETH 钱包里。

The address of ERC20 USDT is the beginning of 0x, which can be stored in the ETH wallet in imToken.

TRC20 USDT的地址是T开头,在imToken中可以存放在 TRX 钱包里

TRC20 USDT's address is the beginning of T. It can be stored in the imToken in the TRX wallet.


ERC20 USDT的使用人数最多,各个平台的 USDT 基本都是以 ERC20 USDT 为主。

ERC20 USDDT is the most widely used, and the USDT of each platform is largely based on ERC20 USDDT.

TRC20 USDT的使用人数次之,转账速度最快,所需要的矿工费最低,但部分交易所不支持该类型的 USDT。

TRC20 USDDT is used in the second place, with the fastest transfers and the lowest fees required for miners, but some exchanges do not support the type of USDT.

OMNI USDT 是最早的 USDT,目前使用的人数较少,所需的矿工费较高,并且转账速度较慢。

OMINI USDT is the first USDT, currently used by fewer people, requires higher fees for miners and transfers at a slower pace.


There is no doubt about this, and it has never set a threshold for new users, and it can be used as long as it has ideas to organize its own virtual currency, or to tap into more monetary information and resources. There are plenty of valuable free resources here that allow new users to grow up quickly. Imtoken is also loved by everyone because it is an old brand and has a certain amount of credit.


The mtoken is very friendly to newcomers, and its operations are easy to learn, even without professional training. Before, people were willing to put money on the exchange, aiming at greater returns, and now the exchange’s money management risks are increasing, and many products are not as resilient as they are, and there are products like the mtoken. In addition to holding the user’s assets, it brings long-term benefits, as is currently the case. The mtoken wins the heart or because it knows where the user needs are. By browsing the mtoken network, you will find that it is divided into a number of functional plates, such as wallets, other tools, help centres, etc., that are the content that users will use and that are well sequenced.


Now, the number of visits by imtoken continues to increase, as can be seen from the fact that older users have been holding their positions in mobile wallets, and this has led to new user activity. Brand power is strong, but there is still much more to be done to keep and develop brand power, and this is a goal that the creators of the product have been determined to pursue.


That's how ImToken's wallet adds USDT?imToken's wallet adds details of the currency curriculum. More information about the downloads of ImToken's wallet can be found in other relevant script home articles!

Tag:imToken   钱包   币种  



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