
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:52 评论:0
? 文 小玲儿Wen, Lingle. 出品 耳朵财经Excerpts. Ear money. 这个冬天清冷而安静,币圈的氛围也是如此。但这两天在某个群里有人突然提起了李老师...



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 xff0c; xff1f;


文 小玲儿

Wen, Lingle.

出品 耳朵财经

Excerpts. Ear money.


This winter was cold and quiet #xff0c; so was the atmosphere in the currency circles. These two days, someone suddenly mentioned Mr. Lee #xff0c; expressed confusion about #xff1a; why Mr. Lee stayed in the currency & #xff0c; he had a lot of capital xff0c; what else could he do?


Mr. Lee is the laughter teacher who spreads the word "He can listen to #xff0c; but his coins must not be bought." He has the title xff0c; he xff0c; he's good at marketing; he's a group of people who contacted Bitcoin early in China xff0c; quickly became the #xff0c. Those who laugh like Lee xff0c; the big guys who entered the currency from the traditional field xff0c; what's going on now #xff1f;


It doesn't matter what strong says #xff0c; it makes sense


Li laughtered xff0c; sold and approved xff0c after graduation; then went to New East to be a teacher xff0c because of the urgent need for money xff0c; left for study xff0c; wrote books xff0c; studied programming xff0c; gave lectures xff0c; made angel investments... he was a continuous cross-border entrepreneur.


In 2016, xff0c; his “getting” column, Path to Wealth Freedom, has over 210,000 xff0c subscriptions; and calls himself “China’s Bitcoin’s First Rich” xff0c; this has increased his visibility.


And then he met Big Cow in 2017; he was a project site & #xff0c; he consumed his influence. 2018 & #xff0c; the outbreak of the “record door” & #xff0c; the tearing of #xff0c with Chen Weising et al.; and when he announced his exit from the currency ring he returned to the currency circle #xff0c, which eventually became cold with the mood; and he faded out of public view.


 xff0c; xff1f; 'crass=



It's a tweet from Lee's laughter.


Now xff0c; more on his tweets about the new book "Shoving for a Change of Destiny" xff0c; and information about the Mixin project xff0c; he's still his xff0c; he's still in the currency circle. The one who says, "A currency holder xff0c; how to exit the currency circle xff1f;" Mr. Lee xff0c; he should wait for the next bovine.


the same investor #xff0c; different behavior


Xu Xiaoping #xff0c; formerly known as the “troika” #xff0c with Wang Qiang and Yu Minhong of the new East; then he left the new East #xff0c with Wang Qiang; and set up the Geng Fund to invest in angels.


From 2006 to 2018 xff0c; 12 years of investment in 600 projects xff0c; not only century-old companies, such as #xff0c; xff0c; and xff0c. 2016 xff0c; he was elected to the United States magazine Forbes, the Global Best Founder.


xff0c in 2018; he reded xff0c in the currency ring; for a screenshot of an appeal to embrace the chain of blocks, “The chain of blocks is a great revolution of the good #xff0c; the badger dies.” Despite xff0c; he began investing in the block chain project four years ago.

但很快因行情遇冷,币圈震荡,他删除微博上关于区块链的言论,而后淡出大家的视线。现在他的微博上都是自己参加活动和真格基金相关的内容,未提及曾要All in的区块链革命史。

But it was quick to get cold because of the mood; the currency concussions & #xff0c; he deleted the comments on the block chain from the microblogging & #xff0c; and he faded away from everyone’s eyes. His tweets are now all about his own participation in the campaign and the true-gauge fund & #xff0c; and there is no mention of the history of the revolution in the block chain that wanted All in.


Another investor gave a lot of low profile to xff0c; Shen Nam Peng was the top of the list of top global best investors in Forbes in the United States in 2018 and 2019; founder and implementing partner of the Redwood Capital China Fund xff0c.


He invested in half of the Chinese Internet #xff0c; including Ali, Jindong, USA, 360, today’s headlines and drop-off companies. Magen said he was one of the most successful investors in China’s venture capital industry #xff0c; none.


The most important investment is to make money xff0c; nature cannot miss the chain of blocks. 2017 xff0c; Redwood capital invested in the Bit continent. 2018 xff0c; three o'clock insomnia has his face. October 2019 xff0c; a photo shoot of Shen Namang, Wang Xing, V, and Vbozi cluster chain summit xff0c; xffff


 xff0c; xff1f; 'crass=



Shennan Poon #xff0c; graphs from the network


Although Shen Nam Peng’s investment performance in the currency ring cannot yet be compared to the Internet xff0c; who can speak for the future xff1f;


From Internet to Block Chainxff0c; Will People Change xff1f;


Chen Weissing & #xff0c; Founder of Fast Carbike, Founder of Pan-City Capital. Previous entrepreneurship in the game industry & #xff0c; Magic Hall, which has over 50 million users worldwide & #xff0c; City of Magic, which was the only new game in 2012 to get the ten hot pages #xff0c; and millions of dollars a month.


The "fast taxi" & #xff0c created in 2012; six months & #xff0c; market share of 50% & #xff0c; market value of about 5 billion. But the "quick" and "drop-drops" competition is not sustainable & #xff0c; it is then incorporated into the "drop-drop ". He himself was transformed into an investor & #xff0c; and a Pan-City Capital was created in 2016.


In 2018, he caught fire in the currency ring xff0c; for social sermons at 3 o'clock. May xff0c; he rolled out a “carring chain” xff0c with Jan Joon, the founder of the United States League; openly called a car xff0c; but it stopped a few months later. Then xff0c; xff0c; ffff0c; xff0c; he laughed at Lee; became a hot spot in the ring xff0c; but eventually became “silent” as the industry cooled down.


He's still active on Twitter #xff0c; he publishes his thoughts and views on the block chain industry #xff0c every day; he also asks us what kind of fun suggestions he's got recently. He's still in the circle.


The influential person in the traditional Internet industry xff0c; not to mention the horse. He wrote a BBS community project xff0c ; ;


Over 30 million users have accumulated xff0c; BBS fees have been first opened xff0c; xff0c has been hailed as “the place of origin of the discussion articles on truth standards” xff0c; but the west alley eventually failed to catch up with the mobile Internet train.


He created the spores community & #xff0c; it's not hot. In 2017 & #xff0c; he started contacting the block chain & #xff0c; then started the FIBOS project.


 xff0c; xff1f;



# In a rally #


The project is currently running steadily & #xff0c; running in front of similar projects. The thugs are exploring how to -- block chains & #xff0c; what to chain up to to ensure safety. He is fully committed to the FIBOS project & #xff0c; hoping to use technology to achieve what he thinks.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}It's true.


Xue Manghan #xff0c; one of the founders of UT Stark & #xff0c; a company that invested in PCPO, Li Xin's car house & #xff0c; known as “China Angel Investment First”.


xff0c in 2014; he bought Repoco xff0c at Sun Woo's suggestion; but only in 2017 xff0c; he tanned a photo with Lee laughter to announce high-profile entry into the currency. One month later xff0c; he voted 12 ICO projects.


He said not to be superstitious about the so-called “experts”, #xff0c; to be more vigilant about marketing #xff1b; to be surrounded by air coins #xff0c in the chain industry; to be in a position to be easily cut off xff0c in order to be rich overnight; and to be “thirty” Xiaoping in calling for a revolution in the chain xff0c for several project stations xff0c; to be in a position to issue coins #xff0c; and to pit a wave of investors.


He invests in the folk industry in Japan & #xff0c; invests in Cambodia & #xff0c; is exposed to exposure by investors and then clarifies himself. He is a controversial person when he shows the words “The Qin Fire & Xue Gang & #xff1a; China’s largest Internet mafia.”


 xff0c; xff1f; 'crass=



Mr. Xue.


He now transmits the tweets and his own life #xff0c; it's all gone without the pomp of publishing the phrase #xff0c; it's dry. People say #xff0c when it comes to Xue Manchuria; it's all about negative news.


Tsai Wen Sheng #xff0c, a senior Internet player, a prominent investor, an individual webmaster and a director of the map, ranked 684 out of 6 billion yuan in wealth on the 2019 Hu Yun Bought list.


Investments were made in 2014 in OKCoin, he also purchased the first bitcoin. 2017 & #xff0c; he confirmed that the block chain is the future. 2018 & #xff0c; he was actively hugging the block chain in his community at 3 o'clock. The same year xff0c; the map announced the chain of marching & #xff0c; the launch of the smart card and the block chain Bec wallet. The latter name was BEC( the US chain #xff09; the currency line was OKex, and BEC was found to collaborate with products under the American flag.


He said that he was targeting 10,000 bitcoins #xff0c; and post-Web users said that he had defrauded 10,000 bitcoins from the diaspora by distributing air projects. He clarified that the map and the chain had nothing to do with #xff0c; but people analyzed it and found that the chain had an unknown connection with him.


 xff0c; xff1f; 'crass=



CHOI Wen-sung.


Lee laughs at a lot of people #xff0c on the tape; he says #xff0c is a very thoughtful person #xff0c; and he's logical. The last thing that happened on Twitter is, in May 2018, “Designations on investment, graphics and block chains”; he doesn't know the future #xff0c; he will not continue with the block chain business.


Capital operations in different circlesxff0c; what happens to xff1f;


Yang Young-hing was interested in the stock market because of his father's relationship; and dropped out in high school to focus on the stock market. After a while, using his father's account of less than 20,000, xff0c; he had his own share.


He's a player at an investment company in Shenzhen #xff0c; for two years in a row, he won the top of China's private fund-raising list.


He then invested in a lot of projects & #xff0c; he retired. He entered the currency with investors in his traditional securities market as the block chain was hot & #xff0c. But in October 2019 & #xff0c; he publicly indicated that his investment account was cancelled by the platform & #xff0c; that assets were embezzled xff0c; and that the total amount involved was up to 800 million yuan yuan.


 xff0c; xff1f; 'crass=



Yang Young-hing News


The case is still pending; everyone is waiting for follow-up. It is not clear whether he will remain in the currency after the incident and continue to create capital myths #xff1f;




Not only are opportunities and risks at the same time as #xff0c; currency circles are mixed with restlessness and madness. Even the traditional industry & #xff0c; they do not fully grasp the timing #xff0c; they smell trends & #xff0c; they actively embrace new opportunities.


The currency circle is attractive in #xff0c; anyone can be rich overnight #xff0c; or one night bankrupt #xff0c; but a huge business opportunity can be followed by former servants.


xff0c; know who's swimming naked only when the tide is down. xff0c after the country's voice block chain technology, there will be more influxes. xff0c in windy currency circles; xff0c in the future; xff0c; and xff0c in time.




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