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From the media: promoting the ICO in the name of “private fund-raising”, charging money to induce investors


Source: Searching for Chinese pioneers


ICO was reborn underground and some of the block chains from the media as entry points to the flow were becoming an integral part of the industry chain.

记者 | 刘景丰 王全浩 马芊

  记者 | 刘景丰 王全浩 马芊

Reporter Liu Xingfeng, Wang Hao, Ma'am.

  编辑 | 赵力 刘素宏

Xiao Li Liu Soo Hong, editor


Whether you admit it or not, the only known application of block chain technology that is thought to trigger radical change is the issuance and trading of large amounts of virtual currency, such as bitcoin. The ICO is a means by which some people get rich overnight.


In September last year, the Supervisory Authority characterized ICO as illegal financing, with no monetary attributes, such as legal remunerativeity and compulsoryity, and no legal status equivalent to that of currency, and it was suspected of illegal distribution of currency coupons, illegal issuance of securities, and illegal collection of funds, financial fraud, distribution, etc. In addition, “financing activities for the issuance of various forms of money should cease immediately.”


A number of domestic exchanges and projects have moved abroad, with windfall profits, while domestic ICO promotion transactions have gone underground.


ICO was reborn underground and some of the block chains from the media as entry points to the flow were becoming an integral part of the industry chain.


From the beginning of 2018 to the present, hundreds of block chains have emerged from the media, partly since the media attracted the underground ICO project through traffic, docking the project to the exchange, and providing services and soft-language fees; and since the issuance of the bill, the media are also campaigning for the price of the tokens by publishing articles and evaluating them. Some even sculpt the regulatory news in order to boost the money market.


Under the ring, the ICO is reborn. The search for Chinese creators (ID:xjbmaker) found that more users were involved in a number of investments from media organizations, following the group's participation in overseas ICOs, but after the fall, the group evaporated and the investors lost a lot.


promotes underground ICO in the name of “private fundraising”


“Some block chains are meant by the media to be involved in the ICO game,” The Block Chain Portal Media Entrepreneurs' Orchestra told the search for China's Founder (ID:xjbmaker).


After the ban on ICO in the country on 4 September 2017, the country’s ICO projects and transactions went underground, and some of the block chains became their traffic pushers and propaganda tools from the media.


The club revealed that he had a friend who worked as a block chain from the media, and that a large part of his source of income was a fee for the block chain, the ICO project, and an annual package of services ranging from tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars. And if he wanted to send a soft link from the media on the head, the service would cost millions of dollars a year.


The first block chain number on the “new list” ranking is the multiplicity of advertising quotations above $50,000.


The search for Chinese creators (ID:xjbmaker) obtained a marketing offer from the media “Dolphin Block Chain” showing a single headline price of $6,000, a sub-page price of $4,000, and a headline of $8,000. The other 8868 saw a public signage price from the chain of “Dolphins Today” from the media: $20,000 for the headline and $6,000 for the second.


The Dolphin Block Chain has an average reading of 3,000-4,000 from the last 10 headline articles in the media; it has a reading of between 7,000-9,000 today. At a price of $1-2 per reading in non-head media, this reading corresponds to the industry level.


It is not news since media charges are issued, but when the “product” promoted in soft language is a digital currency that is explicitly prohibited from being traded domestically, the legitimacy of the act merits consideration.


The search for Chinese creators (ID:xjbmaker) contacted two platform staff on the grounds that there was a block chain project looking for a soft-language publishing platform. One staff member of the Dolphin Block Chain stated that the guideline for the platform was “no sensitive vocabulary, such as ICO”.


A staff member “Does Today Know” stated that his platform could publish promotional articles on digital money items and could include information on currency promotion, but was also cautious about sensitive terms such as ICO.


In addition to publishing block chain information and articles, under the heading “Recommend” “Little pounds”, the public number “Dolphin Block Chain” pushes articles, although the word “ICO” does not appear in the name of the block chain project, part of the article describes how block chain projects issue currency information and how to purchase it on the exchange and even publish recommended currency information to induce readers to invest.


“Today’s Money Knows” tweets are replete with information on the promotion of money projects, and even include information on money incentives. According to their price tables, the price of such a pushout is around $20,000.



Even from the media, they say they can help with the docking exchange if the project has not yet found an exchange. The Dolphin Block Chain staff say they can dock an exchange called Lbank, “We work together, we work together, we work together.”



induces investors to bargain underground


Promoting underground ICO projects for domestic users and channelling them to exchanges is actually only the first step.


After project ICO, it is necessary to look for a currency subscriber to “market value management”, i.e. to direct the management of the price of the currency, which is to say “fibre currency”.


One industrialist who did not want to reveal his name said that after the project was issued, potential buyers would have to be looked for, the best way to do so would be to send soft language from the media in the block chain and turn readers into token purchasers. If the project paid for its media services in tokens, the two sides had actually formed a community of interests.


This self-media “market value management” was also mentioned earlier by the President of the Gold Institute and Digital Currency Analyst Xiao Xiao, who made it clear that when the price of the tokens fell, the project side stimulated market sentiment by publishing soft language from the media about the upswings, thereby driving the price of the tokens up.


In particular, this “market value management” seeks, on the one hand, to stabilize the confidence of currency holders and markets through, for example, “project evaluation”, and, on the other hand, to induce dissemination through, for example, some “analysis logs”.


The so-called project evaluation is a full-scale commercial logic of digital currency projects conducted by the media through videos, interviews, etc. According to the search for Chinese creators (ID:xjbmaker), such evaluations are generally separate from soft-language charges, one of which is located at around $20,000, and a simple search by journalists on a micro-credit public platform, where there are more than a dozen such evaluation (evaluations) platforms.


“Today’s Money Knows” and “Today’s Discovery Block Chains” belong to 8868, where the former focuses more on block chain information, while the latter evaluates the block chain. “Today’s Currency Knows, it describes how the project behind the coin works, how powerful the team is, gives confidence to those who buy it, while the soft language is mostly about information about the coin.” “Today’s Currency Knows,” says the staff.


8868 Seen another “mindless log” from a media platform under the banner of finance. “The currency knows today is an analyst, and the “mindless log” is a trader.” The staff member claims.


According to industry sources, this method is used by the media first to collect or purchase part of a currency, or to collect a certain amount of money in the name of a service fee, for example, by organizing events.


The search for Chinese creators saw on the “mindless log” platform that the article displayed seven currencies in storage, only one of which was called the “main currency” and the remaining six were “skin money”. According to staff members, the majority of currencies other than the main currency were cooperative clients.


Journalists have seen on the platform that a large number of analytical articles have been conducted on virtual currencies, with a number of inducements such as “heavy warehouse** currency” “** sure to rise”.


Despite the claim that the analysis was as relevant as possible, when a journalist contacted the staff member on the grounds of release to ask whether information about the increase in the currency could be published, the staff member stated that its “analysis log” would be demand-driven. “Bring one buyer and bring two, and you will earn.” “Try to meet your needs” and stated that “this effect is positive”.


But the fee for this service is not low. There are less than 20,000 followers of the Heartless Log, about 4000 headline readings, $50,000 per head currency analysis month (the platform’s token is usually a month), and $20,000 per headline information is sent.


The group of users of the platform also targets domestic currency circles and chains users. According to the staff member, there are already a number of platforms that engage in currency circles analysis like this, using log analysis to induce users within the circle to participate in the money-buying platform.


Under the above-mentioned journal articles, there are often free or fee-paying circles attached to which information can be received only by users entering the circle, where the group owners voluntarily recommend the ICO project, send a proxy link, and investors interested in the project will contact the group voluntarily.


The search for Chinese pioneers (ID:xjbmaker) found in a currency ring that the conglomerates regularly publish information about the currency, and even replete with such enticing words as “construction of warehouses”, “cooking down” and “into the car”.


Another way to make money from the media is to create intergenerational investment.


A con artist informed the journalist that he had previously been part of the group's investment group known as “The Publics of the Chain” and that for more than six months, members of the group had shared their experience with the foreign ICO and had followed the group's owners to participate in the overseas ICO, and that this year the group had recommended an ICO project called “LIM”.


In the project statement provided by the deceived person, the project committed up to 100 per cent compensation if the project failed.


But at the end of the project launch, the group leader dissolved the microblogging group and cancelled the microblogging public, which the investor said: “The host of the group evaporated, we're looking for him now, and some friends can only feel bad for themselves”.


According to the media “Golden Financial Note,” investors have invested 17.7 Etherias in a proxy investment of more than 100,000 yuan in the LIM currency. While they have received LIM, they have not been traded and have no access to the official network, and the coin is “not worth much” and has cost investors a great deal. According to the “Golden Financial Note,” investors have lost more than tens of millions of yuan.


An insider told the press that “there are a lot of nausea here, for example, some of the surrogates, who will deposit the currency as required, and if the coin opens up, it is likely that he will swallow the profits himself and then lie to the other players that the money has not been given, that the original price has not been returned; if he falls, he will normally give the money to the other players, and he will earn the money without taking the risk”.


According to investors, in the face of the windfall, some small protagonists would, for a variety of reasons, refuse to issue a currency to investors, swallow high profits on their own, and eventually withdraw the currency and dismantle the micro-contributions.


Journalists have retrieved information in the currency communities that dozens of generations have dropped off the road, and those who have been defrauded will publish in the community the microsignals, the QQQ number, and the wallet address of the liars, reminding other investors not to be deceived again.


Central Bank Encouraging Digital Currency


In addition to this, some media outlets use the regulatory level, among other things, to express false news.


On the morning of 9 March, at the launch of the 13th National People’s Congress meeting, Central Bank President Zhou Xiaochuan stated that virtual asset transactions in China did not fit well with the orientation of financial products and financial services to service the real economy. This statement almost reiterated the tone for virtual currency circles – that currency-firing transactions were not recognized.


However, as early as 5 March, the expression “encouraging financial science and technology” in Zhou Xiaochuan in 2017 was altered to “highly encouraging digital currency”.


The search for Chinese creators (ID:xjbmaker) found that several currency circles, such as “virtual money business” and “V of the currency circle”, and the chain circles themselves, had published an article entitled “Central Bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan: High Encouragement for Technological Developments such as Digital Currency and Block Chains”, which stated that “the Central Bank highly encourages digital money and block chains”.


But in fact, Zhou Xiaochuan did not say that before or after the meeting this year. The article was subsequently reported and is no longer open.


The search for China's pioneer (ID:xjbmaker) looked through the block chain from the Twitter public number of the media “V of the Currency Circle” and found its account number “Xiamen Microscope Electronics Ltd.”, which stated that “we will publish up-to-date information on digital currency and currency circles”.


On 23 July 2017, the first article was published, after which most of the push was linked to digital currency, and even after “9.4”, information was published on the price of coins and tender money to induce investors to invest; and false information, such as “bitcoin is about to become a legal currency”, was issued from time to time.


“Issuing such articles, on the one hand, is a chain of blocks from the media and institutions that attract traffic for the benefit of the public, and on the other hand is related to the ability to identify.” A chain of blocks, according to Deng Leupau, the founder of the media. This phenomenon became a microcosm from the time of the mass emergence of the media.




How far can the capitalist block chain go from the media?


Unlike the vertical areas that the previous round of artificial intelligence had brought with it from the media, the block chain was “close to the money” because it had one of the largest applications — the digital currency.


In November 2017, a sharp increase in Bitcoin prices drove the price of other digital currencies all the way up. “When the block chain was close to the money, it was an opportunity to catch up with the project, and it was easy to succeed.” The block chain came from media entrepreneurs.


The closeness of the money has led to a proliferation of block chains from the media. According to data from the third-party data platform, as of 11 March of this year, the number of block chains has reached 664 from the media, with a total of 4,333 articles published in February, reading a total of 8,569. The previously small, obscure “block chain” is creating a large group of people of concern.


At the end of February, at the time of the frenzied emergence of the media community, the Secretary-General of the Internet Finance Industry Association of Beijing City, Guo Dae-gang, in his personal capacity, warned of the risks posed by his micro-letter public, stating that there had recently been a large number of “digital money” in some micro-messages and OO groups under the guise of “block chains”, providing a collection of fees for subprime investment, fund-raising, currency exchange, money-laundering, ICO/IXO, etc., and that there had been a number of financial losses and leaks of personal information.


In this case, don't the media ever worry about being implicated?


A block chain that does not want to reveal names comes from the media, saying that the current block chain has passed the media endorsement period, “early block chains are small from the media, and the block chain project will rely heavily on individual media to create a trust.” But now the block chain is more visible from the media, more information from the media, and the back-up function is significantly reduced.”


This question appears to be also illustrated by the recent publication of a media-based evaluation of the block chain. The results show that the highest number of members of the public from the block chain is also 812.2, none of whom are in China’s top 500 (threshold 881.9), and the block chain is not big from the media.


There is also no policy to review content, such as the ICO project, from the media. This is like a dead-end cycle, where reporting on the content of the chain, even if it is problematic, has limited impact on the media platform, making it unnecessary to scrutinize the content.


Although some blocks are inextricably linked to the media and the ICO, this is not the whole industry. As to how many of them are involved in the ICO ecology, the number is unknown.


Even so, block chains are favoured by a number of investors. More block chains have been financed from the media in recent days.


"The block chain media is one of the directions that all investment agencies want to put in, and the chain ecology. The head of the market office of the investment agency, which has invested in the multi-block chain media, says. She does not deny the existence of this industry bubble, but the block chain is still viewed as a flow track from the media, and the industry needs some media, and they first hold the flow."


From the point of view of the founder of the Angel of clubs, Wu Shichun, the hotness of the chain of blocks makes the market need to be educated. It is precisely in this role since the media appeared, but the value is difficult to discern: “In this case, I think the most important thing is to judge the team.”


Despite investors’ caution with regard to block chains from the media, capital retention has allowed the nascent industry to grow at a rapid rate. “It is difficult to resist the benefits of being bound by the media itself, and ultimately by regulatory policies and measures.” Shaw suggests.





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