虚拟币背后江湖:有人半夜爆仓 有人深山“挖矿”

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:55 评论:0
原标题:虚拟币背后江湖:有人半夜爆仓 有人深山“挖矿”   深度:有人半夜爆仓 有人深山“挖矿” 揭秘虚拟币背后的混沌江湖 Depth: Someone explodes in the middle...



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原标题:虚拟币背后江湖:有人半夜爆仓 有人深山“挖矿”

  深度:有人半夜爆仓 有人深山“挖矿” 揭秘虚拟币背后的混沌江湖

Depth: Someone explodes in the middle of the night, and someone digs deep into the mountains and exposes the muddy lake behind the virtual coin

  华龙网8月18日17时讯(首席记者 佘振芳) 曾经1美元可以买1000多个的比特币,如今飙升至4000多美元,8年暴涨400多万倍,半个月飙升50%,炒币、挖矿、ICO……比特币的财富神话带动了虚拟币的火热,也引发央媒的关注,今日新华社发文称“比特币风险加剧,需扎紧制度笼子”。记者历时一个多月,采访了数位炒币玩家、挖矿人,耳闻了许多有悲有喜的故事,也目睹了这个市场的众生相。

At 1700 hours on August 18th, Hualongnet (Chief Reporter Jinfang), once able to buy more than 1,000 bits of bitcoins at $1 a year, has soared to more than 4,000 dollars, has soared by more than 4 million dollars in eight years, has soared by 50 per cent in half a month, and the myth of Bitcoin's wealth has fueled the fire of virtual coins, as well as the attention of the media. Today Xinhua has written that “the risk of bitcoins has increased and the system needs to be tightened.” For more than a month, journalists have interviewed a number of scaffolders, dig miners, heard many pessimistic stories and witnessed the life of the market.

  玩家:暴富、巨亏……365天*24小时 每分钟都在玩心跳游戏

Player: Tremendous wealth 365 days * 24 hours per minute playing a heartbeat game


On 16 August, at 12:10 p.m., at a café at the Visible Bridge, journalists met Chen Chen, who appeared to be clean and plain-dressed, but with a pale face and a dark eye.


"No way, I haven't been able to sleep every day since the start of the coins. The company's got to hit the cards in the morning." He came down and started spitting, "Oh, I knew this month was so good, and I shouldn't have emptied it last month."


“Dear users, your xx-leveraging position contract has reached -70 per cent. Please note that the position control is in order to avoid a crash.” The press saw that a month ago, his cell phone was full of the same text message, sometimes as many as a day.




Chen Xiang told the journalist that he had invested 21,000 dollars, purchased 10 bits of bitcoins with 10 times leverage, and that the price of a warehouse fell to around $19530 on 15 July, at a loss of 70%, close to the explosion. And if the system were to force it, the money would be gone.


After the staircase, Chen Xiao took a few days, leaving only $6,300. At the time, he was glad that his girlfriend didn't know about it, or that he was fighting again, and he regretted it all the way after the staircase. “This month has been a crazy month, suffering every day from regret and a total lack of effort at work.” Chen Xian Xiang Xian’s sighing.


On May 12, 2017, a global Internet extortion virus exposed Bitcoin to the public. Many people did not understand Bitcoin’s principles, but that did not prevent them from going into this money game.


After a massive influx of hot money, on June 11th this year, Bitcoin hit a record high of $3,000, falling about 20322 yuan five days later by 19%, followed by a shock. Domestic Bitcoin prices have continued to rise since August. According to data from several domestic Bitcoin trading platforms, at the beginning of August, the price of a bitcoin was close to 18,000 yuan, and six months later it rose to more than 28,000 yuan, or more than 50% at one time.

  对于陈烨这种刚投身比特币市场的“小白”玩家来说,这些数字太过惊心动魄。但对于部分入市较早,长期持有比特币的玩家而言, 365天、24小时随时都可以交易,日涨跌幅无限制,这种全年无休的心跳游戏,早已令他们神经麻木。

These figures are far too dramatic for a player like Chen Chen, who has just entered the Bitcoin market. But for a player who has long been in the market for 365 days and 24 hours, he can trade at any time, with no limit to the day-to-day drop, a year-long heart-to-heart game that has already numbed their nerves.


"I've only been in touch with Bitcoin this year. There are not many players in Chongqing, there are a lot of people in Jiangqing, and early in the city, there is a Zhejiang restaurant owner, who has invested 200,000, 100 times more in his early years, and now has tens of millions of people." Chen Quan said that some of the older members of the gang are a little “untimed.”


Chen’s efforts to drag journalists into several bitcoin micro-letters and QQ herds, where they call them “hot bars” and tweaks, have become a code common to each other. Most of the time, everyone is talking about the various currencies, and occasionally complains about the toughness of the boss and the difficulty of doing business.


According to data from the domestic Bitcoin trading platform, the balance of the domestic trading platform's customer funds is currently as high as billions of yuan, with over millions of investors with assets larger than zero.




For example, one of the legends in the 100-degree “bitcoin” bar called it “480,000 brothers” — because on 28 January 2014, he made an invitation to buy 100 bitcoins from the 480,000-dollar house that he had kept in his family for 78 years — and he was adamantly adamantly saying, “Looking forward to making a lot of money, buying a full house, lucky enough to change my car.” Instead, most of the network members said, “College fees are expensive” and advised him to “lower”. He believed that Bitcoin had a bright future.


However, it was hoped that after buying the 480,000 brothers, they would fall all the way, losing about 140,000 in less than a month. Numerous network friends persuaded him to stop the damage, and he insisted. In the middle, the mood was warmed back to $3900, and many of them were happy for him, but he insisted that Bitcoin would reach another $4,800, without losing one. At the end of 2014, his account fell to only 190,000. “Hold on, don't open.” A good network was there to comfort him.


At the beginning of 2016, Bitcoin reheated again, reaching about $3,000, insisting that for two years he was unable to hold down and cut meat. “The coins were thrown, the houses were bought.” On 7 January, he responded lightly in the post, and after two years in the currency market and 480,000 became 300,000, the ID was never seen again.


Today, the post has been followed by over 130 pages, and it is a beautiful sight, visited every day, lamented for him — held for two years, several rounds of up and down, and missed the Cattle Market of 2017. They just don't want to believe that they're as lucky as he is.

  乱象:山寨币眼花缭乱 最低1元可买2000个

{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange: {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange: {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}At a minimum of one dollar for 2,000 {\/strang}


“Betcoin wasn't very good because of the expansion controversy in the previous period, and a lot of people turned around and played the Leitco, the Ether, and so on.” Chen told journalists that there are now three main types of mainstream virtual coins recognized by players.


In the virtual currency market, the market value of Bitcoin and Ether dominates most of the rivers. Coinmarkcap shows that, as of 14 August 2017, the market value of global encrypted digital assets was about $140 billion, of which Bitcoins had a market value of about $71.8 billion, or 51.28 per cent. The market value of the coins hovered around $30 billion.



  随着虚拟币行情火爆,也诞生了数不胜数的“山寨币”。据报道,截至8月初,当前全球虚拟货币种类达 1025 种,过去 3 个月来增加了 200 种以上,相当于每天都会有一款以上的新虚拟货币诞生。

With the explosion of virtual currency, countless “samples” were born. As of early August, the current global virtual currency range was reported to have reached 1025, with an increase of more than 200 over the past three months, amounting to the birth of more than one new virtual currency every day.


According to a reporter named “the most professional platform for trading in mountain currency”, there are as many as 40 currencies that can be traded in the renminbi, and their names are confusing: dog coins, monkey coins, infinity coins, gullibles, black coins, world coins, penguin chains, transmission coins, maximum coins, mermaids, global coins, etc.


These bourgeois coins show a certain affinity and consistency with bitcoin, but at different levels. Each currency has its own upward logic: the number of international users is second only to bitcoin's doggies, and its investors are hoping that next year's dog year will be a good year; the global coin investors are praising the concept of nature, environmental protection; and the lucky coin, which was attached to the e-competing platform, is now bestowed on a loving trust.


As far as prices are concerned, most of them are very low, and journalists see that many of them are split, with the lowest “infinite” being only 0.000597 dollars, or close to 2,000 dollars, as in the case of Bitcoin at its birth, where a dollar is worth 1,000. Not all of them are well received, and the lowest one is “LISK,” with only $14.23 million in 24 hours. (Data as at 11:05 on 18 August)


Why are these coins called “shelter coins”? Chen’s argument is that they have fewer trading platforms to land, high risk, and the issuer may have run away. This is not unprecedented.


“To date, 99% of the money on the market is speculative and has no investment value and will eventually disappear.” Another senior player in the group, Zhang Jiang, asserted to a journalist that he had been in contact with Bitcoin for seven years.


Mining: A company owner wants to spend a lot of money on a “mine”


In 1849, hundreds of thousands of people went to California to search for gold. A lot of gold-grabbing people found more or less gold. But the whole gold-grabbing thing was made up of people selling long-dressed clothes and boots, shovels, gold-washing plates.


Initially, Bitcoin was set to be obtained only by a large number of computer operations, commonly known as “mining”. Later on, new virtual currencies such as Leitco and Ether were also based on this technology, which, with the rapid growth of the virtual currency market, led to a “mining tide”.


Initially, Bitcoin's “mining” was in a pro-people state, and everyone could dig with their own computers, of which graphic cards were the most critical consumables.


In the second half of 2013, the market saw the emergence of “mine machines” specially designed to dig bitcoin, which are much less powerful than the cards, and may even be more robust than the cards, especially the ASIC miners designed specifically for mining, at a rate that may be dozens of times higher than the top AMD card HD7990 at that time.


After the emergence of a specialized miner, the entire Bitcoin world's arithmetic rose, personal computers were almost out of pass, professional miners, professional ponds began to appear, and became monopolistic. According to the financial report of 10 July, 70 per cent of the world's bitcoins were produced in our country, and there are many such “mines” in the Tunxi Plateau.


Surveys have found that the so-called “mines” are more like an engine room, with every floor full of a shelf full of iron squares, each of which is actually a mine machine. Bitcoin is a virtual currency, so it is not produced on the line of production, but these powerful computers, using the process designed in advance by the designers, do a game that is similar to the number, and it is right that a new bitcoin can be generated.




And others are coming in. Rousseau, the owner of a medium-sized IT company in Chongqing, bought a group of 200 thousand cards in early July to go to Wulong to look for a small hydroelectric power station to do his own “megagram” business. Why prefer small hydropower plants? Because mining is too expensive, and some small hydropower plants are cheap because they are rich and cheap. The price can be around 0.4. “Bitcoin and Letcoco are hard to dig, and I intend to dig in too much.” Rosson reveals.


The “mining heat” has also led to a sharp rise in card prices, especially those of the mainstream medium- and high-end cards, which rose by more than 30% in June, as in the case of the TTX 1070 card. Not only did the price rise, there was a complete shortage in the middle- and high-end card market.


In a group of QQ-group, journalists saw a screenshot showing consumers buying large numbers of high-end cards for “618” preferential activities in the city, digging for six days, then returning them using the “7 days no reason to return” rule. “Sustainly earns more than a thousand.” According to the online friend. Shortly after, journalists found that the policy of “7 days no reason to return” had been changed from the original “7 days” to “not to support 7 days no reason to return”.


But can mining really be rich? Jang Jang Tan, not as powerful as the Internet, invested more than 10,000 in October 2013, bought two of the most advanced Avalon generation machines to dig at home for several months, and stopped the next spring because the output was equal to the cost of electricity, and ended up digging about eight more coins. As a result, the currency market fell into a long-term bear market, and no more digging took place.


Like other speculative markets, some people would make a fortune, but many more would lose nothing and some would eventually give up.


Listed: ICO's modern version of Tulip Foam?

  “挖矿的都去炒币了,炒币的都去ICO 了。”这句话在某种程度上反映了目前虚拟币市场的现状。

"The diggers have gone to the coyote, the coyotes have gone to the ICO." To some extent, the phrase reflects the current status of the virtual currency market.


IPOs like the stock market, ICOs, refer to virtual currency being sold publicly for the first time. Today, because ICOs, once successful and listed on a trading platform, are likely to generate several or dozens of times the value of wealth, projects are being promoted, financing fast enough to make capital markets unimaginable.


The ICO project, launched by prominent figures in the circle, is more likely to gain confidence, such as the one launched by “China’s First Rich” Lee, which makes many players look forward to it. It is also called “Vampans, again drawing blood!” They believe that too many ICOs have drawn money away and are responsible for a fall in love.


According to journalists, on 18 August, 24 national ICO projects and 23 overseas projects were under way and are about to be launched in the daily information of a currency circle known as the CVP.


Some refer to the virtual currency heat as the modern version of the tulip bubble. In July, the price of the various currencies fell and the ICO broke in succession. It was not surprising to recall that the former small ant stock, which had been in the air for the second time in September of last year, raised more than 6,000 bits at an average cost of RMB 1.11 per share, at a market price of about RMB 25 million, the largest ICO crowd-raising project in the country at the time. After a month, most of the raisers had not received their little ant stock with their own private keys, the small ant's share had gone to the market, and the opening price had been diluted to 0.5 dollars at an instant, at a higher cost, and their Internet friends had questioned their “indoor deal” and “joint sit-in”.


“Don't blame the Internet for the fact that many of the ICOs go for money, for example, to get a vote on a well-known project, and go online without even publishing a white paper. If you have free money, you can get involved in a private collection or at an early stage, but don't go up there and make yourself a `shareholder'.


At present, according to industry sources, the main problem for the ICO is the lack of uniform standards and procedures for information disclosure, which leaves many of the problem platforms open, while at the same time there is a high level of speculation, some of the ICO pre-oppositions are grossly inconsistent with the facts, and there is no mechanism for continuous monitoring and restraint after financing. The director of a company dedicated to the bottom of the chain of districts at the Yongbei Wealth Center is also cautious about the ICO, who tells journalists that “economic development cannot be carried out, and the technology of the chain cannot be separated from the real economy, and there are many ICO projects on the market that do not bring wealth to society without the support of the entity, and I do not look very well for them.”


Several financial regulators in Chongqing have told journalists that central banks have stated that virtual currency is an asset or commodity, not a currency. Central banks’ regulation of virtual currency is now focused mainly on anti-money-laundering.


Just last month, the Central Bank's Money and Monetary Bureau Network issued a Risk Alert on the risk of issuing or promoting digital currency in the name of the People's Bank, suggesting that the Central Bank has not yet issued a statutory digital currency, nor has it authorized any institution or enterprise to issue a legal digital currency, and that so-called “digital currency” in the current market is an illegal digital currency. The so-called “digit currency” introduced by certain institutions and enterprises and the so-called promotion of the issuance of digital currency by central banks may involve distribution and fraud, and the general public is invited to raise risk awareness, invest rationally and prudently, and protect against harm.


This is an emerging market and an unforeseeable area.


After typing the last line, the QQ group, with close to 2,000 members, joined by journalists, ejected a message: “Members of the `happy quid' have dropped out of the group.”


At the request of the interviewer, the characters are all aliases.






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