
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:69 评论:0
31省份上半年收入榜:京沪人均可支配收入超3万元First half of the 31 provinces of ˂strang': more than 30,000...



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 consumer list per capita for the first half of the year



First half of the 31 provinces of


In recent years, the National Statistical Office has published disposable income for all inhabitants of 31 provinces in the first half of 2019. The figures show that, in the first half of the year, the national disposable income was 15294 yuan, an increase of 8.8 per cent in nominal terms over the previous year, and 6.5 per cent in real terms, net of the price factor. Of these, Shanghai, Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, China, Tianjin, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Fujian, Liaoning, and the nine provinces of Shandong, where the disposable income exceeded the national level.


2,400 meters underground! > & ldquao; Deepest Laboratory in the World & rdquao; construction towards a new phase


20 July, & & ldquo; China's screen underground laboratory & & rdquo; announcement of the official launch of the construction as the country's major science and technology infrastructure project. It is the first deep underground laboratory in China and the deepest in the world. This laboratory, which is located in the middle of the tunnel at the bottom of the screen hill with a vertical rock cover of 2400 metres, will lead to a number of upgrades & mdash; & mdash; the expansion of the laboratory area (from the previous 4000 cubic metres to 300,000 cubic metres) and the expansion of the scope of the study. In the future, it will not only look for dark matter (& ldquo; access to the ground & & rdquo;) and will also study the activities of micros in the Sun and promote research in the cross-cutting fields of marine science, material science, environmental science, biology, etc.


: Chinese mobile phones are expected to deliver 270 million this year


On July 21, the firm revealed that China had purchased 50 million high-access chips for last year, given that the nectar already had a complete chip solution. This year, the company authorized consumers to purchase a sufficient amount of high-access chips, and it is expected that the total number of smartphones will reach 270 million.



The Financial Committee of the State Council announced 11 financial sector open-door initiatives


On 20 July, the State Council's Committee on Financial Stability Development announced " Related initiatives to further expand the financial sector's openness to the outside world ". These include 11 policy measures to open the financial sector to the outside world. These include allowing foreign institutions to rate all types of bonds in interbank bond markets and exchange bond markets when they conduct credit rating operations in China; and encouraging the participation of offshore financial institutions in setting up, investing in and managing financial subsidiaries of commercial banks.


Tripartite Replenishment 30 billion yuan, and the South China Shipping Group has implemented a change in equity diversification


On July 20, the South China Air Group announced the formal implementation of the equity diversification reform. At the group level, it introduced $10 billion each in the replenishment of the Guangdong Heung Jian Investment Holdings Ltd., the Guangzhou Municipal Construction Investment Group Ltd., and the Shenzhen City Ping Cong Investment Fund partnership, which together added $30 billion, to become a multi-sharer consortium. This is the first innovative model for joint ventures and local cooperation.


工信部最新公布的信息显示,华为第二款在国内上市的5G手机已经拿到了入网许可证,为折叠屏手机Mate X,目前该机的量产工作已经开始。多家媒体报道称,华为将在8月9日的开发者大会上公布Mate X在国内的发售时间,而预计上市时间会在8月中旬或者8月底。

According to the latest information released by the Ministry of Information and Communications, China’s second-largest mobile phone, 5G, has been granted a license to access the Internet and is now starting production for the folding screen phone Mate X. According to several media reports, China is about to announce the release of Mate X in the country at the developers’ conference on August 9, when it is expected to be on the market by mid-August or the end of August.


5G demand surges, power on stations declaring accelerated production of 5 nanochips


According to external sources, the overall demand for semiconductors may have declined in 2019, but as early 5G equipment began to be sold, the demand for cutting-edge processors for electrical discovery increased and the need to prepare “ slightly & & rdquo; and to introduce more advanced technologies ahead of schedule. The power builder indicated that its new 5 nanochip manufacturing process would begin bulk production in the first half of 2020, bringing the first 5 nanochips on the market at this time of next year.

我国IPv6地址储备量全球居首 用户数12.07亿


As of June 2019, there were 130 million active IPv6 users in our country, and 1,207 million IPv6 users were allocated to basic telecommunications enterprises. The Chinese Faculty of Engineering, Mr. Xia, indicated that our IPv6 stock had grown significantly and had jumped to the top of the world. & ldquo; the number of IPv6 addresses could meet the deployment requirements of the current scale, but the demand for IPv6 addresses will remain high in the future with the rapid growth of the network of goods, the network of vehicles, and the industrial Internet. ”



According to a number of media reports, Samsung will close his last cellular plant in China in September, and is now in the final stages of liquidation. The plant has been communicating with workers since May, and it is expected that the entire plant will be completely shut down by September this year.



Chinese researchers published a paper in the new issue of the Applied Physics Newsletter of the United States saying that they have developed a power-generating device that can be worn on their legs, which can be used to generate power by capturing the kinetic energy generated by the bending of their knees while walking. According to researchers, new human kinetic energy collection technologies are expected to promote the development of wearingable devices that enable the realization of & ldquao; self-electric & rdquo; and that users can escape the inconvenience caused by the frequent need for recharge.

中美团队3D打印新型液态磁铁 有望用于研制柔性电子

Team 3D printing new liquid magnets is expected to be used in the development of flexible electrons .


Using full liquid 3D printing techniques, Chinese and United States scientists produce a new type of magnetic droplets with liquid liquidity and permanent magnetic properties, providing new avenues for the development of flexible electronics, magneticly controlled liquid robots that can target drugs.



mask: Future Tesla CEO should come from China


In communicating with the team, Musk said that Tesla’s future global headquarters should be in China, and Tesla’s future CEO should be Chinese. But he also stressed that the CEO should start with engineers.

苹果召回部分2015款MacBook Pro,因电池存在隐患

Apple recall part of 2015 MacBook Pro due to battery risk

7月20日,苹果向部分2015款15英寸MacBook Pro用户发送邮件,通知用户2015年9月至2017年2月之前销售的2015款15英寸MacBook Pro笔记本电脑存电池隐患,因此需要召回更换。邮件中称,这些存在问题的笔记本电脑少数可能存在电池过热,并造成消防安全隐患。苹果同时表示,此次召回不影响其他MacBook Pro机型。

On 20 July, Apple sent a message to a part of the 2015 15-inch MacBook Pro user informing the user that the 2015 15-inch MacBook Pro laptop had been sold by September 2015 to February 2017 and therefore needed to be replaced. The mail stated that a small number of these problematic laptops were likely to have battery overheating and to cause fire safety problems. Apple also said that the recall did not affect the other MacBook Pro models.

《复联4》超《阿凡达》 问鼎全球影史票房总冠军

"Strong 4" "Avanda" is the winner of the Global Film and History Room.


On the evening of July 20th, local time, Kevin & Middot, President of the Mandarin Film Industry, announced at the Santiago International Carnival (SDCC) that the cumulative global ticket house of the Avengers Alliance 4: The End of the World had reached $2,789.2 million, officially surpassing Avanda's $2.788 billion to take the lead in the Global Film History Room. This information was later confirmed by Disney officials.


Wal-Mart CEO memorandum will welcome organizational changes

一份由首席执行官道格·麦克米伦(Doug McMillon)发给沃尔玛员工的备忘录显示,沃尔玛正在进行进一步的组织变革,以进一步整合其门店、数字业务和相应管理层人员。其最大的变化是将美国供应链团队整合为一个整体,由现任沃尔玛美国供应链执行副总裁格雷格·史密斯(Greg Smith)领导。另一个受到调整的则是金融领域,沃尔玛将门店与电子商务金融团队整合在一起。

A memorandum sent to Wal-Mart’s staff by the CEO, Doug McMillon, shows that Wal-Mart is making further organizational changes to further integrate its doors, digital operations, and corresponding management staff. The biggest change is to integrate the US supply chain team as a whole, led by the current Wal-Mart U.S. Supply Chain Executive Vice President, Greg Smith.


Google reached a settlement in the Google Street View Privacy case, paying $13 million .


Google agreed to pay $13 million to settle the protracted case of privacy on Google Street. Previously, it has been reported that the vehicles used in Google Street took data from a private Wi-Fi network, in violation of a wiretapping law in the United States.


Chrome and Firefox plugins leak millions of user privacy data


Popular browsers, such as advertising interceptions, have been used to release millions of personal data from consumers using Chrome and Firefox. These personal data leaks involve not only their browsing history, but also their tax returns, medical records, credit card information and other sensitive data stored in relevant Web-based public services.


Russian manned spacecraft have successfully docked to the International Space Station and are scheduled to return to in 201 days.


On 21 July, the Russian National Space Corporation issued a message stating that & ldquo, the Soyuz MS-13 & rdquo, with three astronauts on board, and the spacecraft, which had successfully docked with the International Space Station on that day, were planning to return after 201 days in orbit.


report predicts that apples will push Siri's operating system in 2020

据外媒报道,Mangrove Capital Partners本周发布了2019年“语音技术报告”。报道分析了语音助理服务的日益普及,并对2020年Siri的动向做出了有趣的预测。 报告预测,在2020年的苹果全球开发者大会(WWDC)上,苹果将推出“Siri操作系统”,以进一步发展Siri生态。

According to external sources, Mangrove Capital Partners released this week 2019 & ldquo; voice technology report & rdquo; The report analyses the increasing availability of voice assistant services and provides interesting projections of the dynamics of Siri in 2020. The report predicts that apples will be launched at the 2020 Apple Global Developer Congress (WWDC) & ldquo; Siri operating system & rdquo; and further development of Siri ecology.



"Strong" fell by 12%! Bitcoin fell through the gate and several American dignitaries expressed distrust of Libra.

受美国国会针对Libra的听证会影响,7月17日,比特币盘中一度跌破9400美元,创近一个月新低,跌幅逾12%。7月16日,美国参议院银行业委员会在国会山庄(Capitol Hill)举行Facebook旗下加密货币Libra的听证会,主题为“调查Facebook提议的数字货币和数据隐私考量”,主要就Libra具体定义和监管,以及如何应对系统性风险及隐私安全问题展开讨论。

On July 16, the United States Senate Banking Commission held a Facebook-coded currency Libra hearing on the theme & ldquo; a survey of digital currency and data privacy considerations proposed by Facebook & rdquo; and a discussion on the specific definition and regulation of Libra and how to address systemic risks and privacy security.


First & ldquao, 2019; Digital Yunnan & rdquao; International Forum on Block Chains in Kun


From 19 to 20 July, the first & ldquo; Digital Yunnan & & rdquo; International Forum on Block Chains, hosted by the People’s Government of Yunnan Province, was held in Kunming. Nine academics from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Institute of Engineering, the Norwegian Institute of Engineering were invited to the site, and foreign guests from more than 10 countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom and France, gathered to wave, evangelize, Ali, Hua, and the top Internet companies in the country, with more than 1,000 guests from research institutions, businesses, relevant government leaders, the media, etc.


The People's Bank of China Trade and Financial Block Chain Platform is operating in Gandhi


Recently, the Bank of Merchants Land branch successfully released $4 million in receivables financing to the Lanzhou International Port Area, based on the People’s Bank of China’s Trade and Financial Block Chain Platform. The smooth arrival of the loan represents the official location of the People’s Bank of China’s Trade and Financial Block Chain Platform.


1. 7月20日晚间,餐饮供应链企业“信良记”宣布完成3亿元人民币的再融资。远洋资本独家领投。钟鼎资本、峰瑞资本跟投。该笔投资创下了2019年国内餐饮供应链领域的融资金额之最。

On the evening of 20 July, the catering supply chain company & ldquo; Shinyo & rdquo; announced the completion of refinancing in the amount of 300 million yuan yuan.

2. 浪潮云信息技术有限公司完成B轮融资,融资金额6亿元,投后估值超过11亿美元。主要投资机构包括国务院所属、财政部管理的投资机构,上海市国资委所属的地方国有投资机构等。

2. Wave Cloud Information Technology Ltd. completes the B round of financing in the amount of $600 million, with a later valuation of over $1.1 billion.

3. 绿地与张家港市战略合作,拟总投资超过1000亿元。

3. A total investment of more than $100 billion is proposed in cooperation with the Zhang Jiao City strategy.

4. 乖宝宠物完成战略投资,金额未公开,投资方君联资本。

4. Good pets complete strategic investments in undisclosed amounts, capital of the Union of Investors.


consumption list per capita for the first half of the year

1. 7月20日晚,交控科技在上交所发布首次公开发行股票科创板上市公告书。其发行4000万股新股,发行价格为每股16.18元,募集资金6.472亿元,扣除发行费用之后,净募集资金5.85亿元。

1. On the evening of 20 July, the control technology submitted for publication the first public announcement of the stock creation board. It issued 40 million new shares at a price of $16.18 per share, raised $647.2 million and raised 585 million in net funds after deducting the cost of distribution.

2. 互联网医美平台“更美”APP今年6月起开始密集接触外资投行,包括摩根大通、美银美林、高盛、花旗等,计划最快于2019年第四季度在美国或香港市场IPO。

2. Internet Medicare & & ldquo; Better & & rdquo; APP began intensive foreign investment since June of this year, including Morgan Chase, Silver and American Merrillery, Goldman Sachs, Flags, etc., with plans to move as fast as IPOs in the United States or Hong Kong market in the fourth quarter of 2019.

3. 大族激光回复深交所问询函称,经公司核查,公司不存在大股东占用上市公司资金情形。

3. The large group of lasers responded to the letter of inquiry and stated that, as verified by the company, there were no major shareholders in the company who occupied the funds of the listed company.

4. 首批科创板25家公司下周一正式上市,其中5家公司首发市盈率超过60倍,占比20%,较创业板首批上市的28家上市公司的这一比值低12个百分点。8家公司首发市盈率不足40倍,占比32%

4. The first 25 companies were officially listed on Monday, next week, five of them first registered a surplus of more than 60 times, or 20 per cent, 12 percentage points below the value of the first 28 listed companies on the business board. Eight companies first registered a surplus of less than 40 times, or 32 per cent.

5. 本周(7月15日至19日)新三板挂牌公司成交20.86亿元,较上周上涨22.57%。在成交方式上,本周以做市方式成交7.85亿元,以集合竞价方式成交13.01亿元。

5. This week (15-19 July) a new three-boarded company paid 2,086 million yuan, an increase of 22.57 per cent over the previous week. In the case of the deal, 785 million yuan was paid in the form of a market exchange and 1.301 billion yuan in the form of a pool of bids.

6. Wind数据显示,下周共有55家公司限售股陆续解禁,合计解禁量65.93亿股,按7月19日收盘价计算,解禁市值为268.01亿元。

6. Wind data show that a total of 55 companies will have their sales restrictions lifted next week, totalling 6,593 million shares, with a market value of $26,801 million on the basis of the collection price on 19 July.

7. Wind数据显示,截至7月19日,有1594只基金产品参与了科创板打新并获得配售,涉及100多家公募基金,获配总市值达134.99亿元。

7. Wind data show that, as at 19 July, 1,594 Fund products were involved in the renovation and distribution of the project, involving more than 100 public funds with a total market value of 13.499 billion yuan.


1. 近期,美方宣布对110项中国输美工业品豁免加征关税。国内有关方面表示,已向美国出口商就采购农产品询价,申请排除对拟采购的部分自美进口农产品加征的关税。

1. In the recent past, the United States has announced exemptions from customs duties for 110 Chinese imports and exports. Domestic parties have indicated that they have applied to United States exporters for quotations for the purchase of agricultural products and have applied for the exclusion of tariffs on part of imported agricultural products to be procured from the United States.

2. 大商所正抓紧推进粳米期货上市前准备工作,确保粳米期货顺利推出和平稳上市。

2. Businesses are pressing ahead with pre-market preparations for the roll-out of rice futures to ensure a smooth and steady roll-out of rice futures.

3. 银保监研究发布7项对外开放新政策措施。

3. Seven new open-door policy measures were issued by the Silver Insurance Supervisory Institute.



Humans have left 200 tons of garbage on the moon: moon cars, detectors, 96 bags of excreta


After more than half a century of human exploration of the Moon, humans have left behind “ garbage mountains & & rdquo; nearly 200 tons of debris. Most of the waste was left behind by the United States during the Apollo mission, including five lunar vehicles, batteries, backpacks, feathers, 96 bags of astronaut's excreta, etc., as well as the remains of detectors launched by countries. NASA experts say that, in order to save resources, the mission generally does not consider bringing back equipment, leaving about 10 tons of moon landings each time it arrives.




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