
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:59 评论:0
  环球 Universal   二季度全球黄金需求低于去年同期˂strong's global gold demand for the second quarter is lower than in the same period...



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  世界黄金协会(World Gold Council,简称WGC)的数据,在截至6月份的三个月里,中国消费者购买了144吨黄金,比去年同期减少45%。随着中国消费者减少购买黄金饰品,今年第二季度全球黄金需求低于去年同期。二季度的黄金总需求量下跌16%,跌至964吨。由于中东、北非和欧洲的地缘政治紧张局势不见好转,今年金价触底回升,已上涨9%至每金衡盎司1312美元。不过近几个月,金价一直处于窄幅震荡中,很难吸引投资者的兴趣。二季度各国央行买入的黄金增加了28%,达到118吨,这令央行很可能连续第五年成为黄金净买家。其中,买入最多的是俄罗斯央行(买入54吨)、哈萨克斯坦央行(买入7吨)和塔吉克斯坦央行(买入3吨)。(此消息来自道琼斯)

World Gold Council data show that Chinese consumers purchased 144 tons of gold in the three months up to June, a 45 per cent decrease over the same period last year. As Chinese consumers cut their purchases of gold accoutrements, global gold demand fell in the second quarter of this year compared to the same period last year. Total gold demand fell by 16 per cent in the second quarter, to 964 tons.


The eurozone economic recovery stagnated

  周四发表的官方数据显示,4月至6月的这个季度,欧元区本地生产总值(GDP)增长为零,而第一季度增长0.2%;同时7月通胀跌至0.4%的四年半低位。单一货币区核心(德国、法国和意大利)的糟糕表现要对此次增长停滞负责,一部分外围国家的表现超出预期。德国10年期国债收益率首次跌破1%,原因是市场猜测,欧洲央行将效仿美联储(Fed)和英国央行(Bank of England)的做法,推出大规模债券购买计划以提振欧元区经济。法国经济增长停滞,意大利陷入自2008年以来的第三次衰退,这意味着欧元区三大经济体没有一个在第二季度实现了任何增长。荷兰经济在今年首季度萎缩后,第二季度增长0.5%,葡萄牙和西班牙均增长0.6%。(此消息来自《金融时报》)

According to official data published on Thursday, GDP growth in the euro area was zero in the quarter of April-June, compared with 0.2% in the first quarter, and inflation fell to a four-and-a-half-year low of 0.4% in July. The poor performance of the single-currency zone core (Germany, France, and Italy) was responsible for this stagnation, with some peripheral countries outperforming expectations.


Putin: Russia opens its markets to all countries willing to cooperate


At the Yalta meeting, Russian President Vladimir Putin briefed members of the political parties of the State Duma on measures to respond to Western sanctions. Putin said: “The Russian Government has decided to restrict imports from a range of countries that impose unwarranted and illegal sanctions on Russia.” In view of the situation in Ukraine, the European Union and the United States introduced a new package of economic sanctions against Russia on 1 August, aimed at restricting the access of a number of Russian banks to EU capital markets.


The Ukrainian Parliament passed a sanctions law which included a ban on Russian energy transit


On Thursday, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted a law providing for the imposition of more than 20 sanctions against Russia, including the cessation of transit transport of energy. This decision was supported by 244 members of Parliament on Thursday, exceeding the minimum requirement of 226 votes. The law states that “special economic and other restrictive measures may be taken to protect Ukraine's national interests, national security, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and economic independence.


Russia will allow the import of pork from China

  国际文传电讯社援引俄罗斯动植物防疫检疫局(VPSS)主管Sergei Dankvert的话报导称,该国已决定允许从中国进口猪肉。他表示,该局计划在未来几天公布一份名单,列出允许向俄罗斯出口猪肉的中国企业。(此消息来自路透社)

According to Sergei Dankvert, head of the Russian Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agency (VPSS), the country has decided to allow the import of pork from China. He said that the agency plans to publish a list of Chinese businesses that allow the export of pork to Russia in the coming days.

  福布斯公布体育女明星收入榜 金妍儿居第四位

Forbes announced the sports star's income list, Kim Yeon-yeon's fourth place.


On the 13th day of the online edition of American finance magazine Forbes, the world's sports actress list was published between June 2013 and June 2014, with South Korea's smooth name ranking Kim Yeon fourth for $16.3 million. Russian player Sarah Pova was ranked first, earning about $24.4 million a year. Second, Chinese celebrity Lena, earning about $23.6 million. Third, American player Selina Williams, earning about $22 million a year.




Chinese bank balances in the first half of the year increased by 20% from the end of the previous year


According to a report released on Friday by the National Register of Banking Financial Information, the bank balance of 12,65 trillion yuan in the first half of the year was 23.54 per cent higher than at the end of 2013, yielding about 25,613 million yuan in returns to investors, with a weighted average annualized rate of return of 5.2 per cent. According to reports published on China's Finance Network, in the first half of 2014, the country's banking and financial markets issued 87,718 property items and accumulated $4,941 trillion, an increase of 31.25 per cent and 47.57 per cent, respectively, over the same period last year. (This information is from China's Finance Network)




Expatriate Fashion branding takes over China's online purchase market

  世界各地的时尚品牌日益把眼光投向中国——这里的中产阶层喜欢购物,而且网购者的数量正在增加。据估计中国内地有3亿热衷于网购的人。周二,英国两家知名的快时尚品牌,Topshop和Miss Selfridge宣布进入中国线上市场,加入了在线零售商ASOS、以及从GAP到博柏利(Burberry)等时尚品牌的行列。内地的零售业分析师说,尽管中国的时尚类网购市场可能拥有巨大潜力,但这也是一个竞争激烈且对价格较敏感的市场。外国时尚品牌在中国卖的比海外更贵,部分原因是税费和运输成本。但是外国的零售商可以通过比本地品牌定更高的价来提高利润。内地的消费者依然认为海外品牌通常比国内品牌更时尚、更优质。(此消息来自《金融时报》)

There are an estimated 300 million Internet buyers in China. Tuesday, two well-known fast fashion brands in the United Kingdom, Topshop and Miss Selfridge, announced their entry into China’s online market, joined the online retailer ASOS, as well as fashion brands from GAP to Burberry. Retailers in the interior say that, while China’s stylist purchase market may have great potential, it is also a highly competitive and price-sensitive market. Foreign brands are more expensive in China than overseas, partly because of taxes and transportation costs.


Alibaba film industry claims that inappropriate financial treatment may have occurred during the previous financial period


On Friday, Alibaba Film Group Ltd. stated that the new management had conducted a preliminary review of the company’s financial and operational situation, found that inappropriate financial treatment might have occurred during the previous accounting period, and that it might not be prepared for the impairment of a number of assets. The Alibaba Group, with HK$ 6,244 million in subscriptions to cultural expansion in China at the beginning of the year, had issued 60% of its share capital and subsequently changed its name to Alibaba Film Industry. The Alibaba Films stated that it had been unable to comment on the potential impact of the events on current and past financial matters, but that further relevant reviews had been conducted on those matters to determine the cause, impact and scope of the problems.


China Capital admits to contracting an Irish aircraft leasing company


One of the protagonists in recent media reports of a merger worth more than €10 billion, China China Capital Holdings, Inc., admitted on Friday that talks had been held with the parties involved in the acquisition of AVOLON’s shareholdings with the Irish aircraft leasing company and that an intermediary had conducted preliminary due diligence on AVOLON, and that the company’s shares would continue to be closed. The announcement, however, stated that the size of the approximately €12 billion transaction reported by the first financial network was not true. Moreover, the company had not yet reached any binding agreement or offer on the acquisition of shares with the parties concerned, nor could it guarantee that a final agreement would be concluded on the acquisition of AVOLON’s shareholdings, and there was uncertainty as to whether the acquisition could be finalized.


TCL Group proposes to raise an additional $5.7 billion for the construction of the second 8.5-generation line of Chinese star photovoltaic


The TCL Group announced on Friday that it was planning to raise $5.7 billion in equity increases to 10 investors for the construction of the second-generation LCD screen production line (the t2 project), which has been suspended for a month. The announcement also states that the TCL Group plans to increase its share of PV from 82.84 per cent to 88.044 per cent in China.

  中证金公司下调转融资业务费率 降低券商融资成本

> > > > lowers the cost of finance for coupons


The data show that, as at 14 August, the closing balance of the conversion transactions was RMB 34,208 million and the closing balance of the transfer voucher business was RMB 31,41,998 million. The Chinese Securities Report reports that in more than two years since the start of the conversion financing pilot, the Chinese Securities Finance Corporation (CFC) has been able to channel cumulatively $5,80.6 billion into 74 securities companies, making it one of the key sources of financing for securities companies, effectively promoting the smooth and healthy development of the financing coupon business.


known as the lack of direct financial transactions with China's antimonopoly expert, Zhang Xiaomei


China’s National Development and Reform Commission launched an anti-monopoly investigation last November, which included high-profile patent authorizations and chip group prices. In addition to Goto, a number of foreign firms are under investigation by China’s anti-monopoly investigation. (This information comes from Reuters)


Japanese Merchant Road admitted to providing more than 7,000 pseudonyms of beef


In an internal investigation, the chefs of the three shops deliberately faked the cost of materials and increased the proceeds of the shop. In the future, the company will look into the detailed reasons for the forgery and its results, considering the disposition of the persons concerned. For customers who used to eat pots, beef pots, etc., the company will pay compensation by giving food coupons.


"Strong" Hampshire Fuji Home in Hangzhou Mountain, China, was punished


The authorities in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China, have recently punished the operator of the ghost house amusement project in the city's capital city, Fusze Keeda, Shandiao County, with a fine of $27.51 million for irregularities such as unlicensed operations and false propaganda. China has been blamed for the appearance of the theme of the park abroad. According to an analysis, this severe punishment is intended to demonstrate China's commitment to protecting intellectual property rights. This time, the ghost house, known as the “Handy Hospital”, was opened in Hangzhou between late June and mid-July.

  日本环球影城7月访客创新高 受新区开业带动

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The opening of the new area has attracted a large number of visitors, and many of them have lined up to purchase related goods such as a famous beverage, butter beer. Thanks to the opening of the new area, the number of visitors to the USJ in July reached 870,000, a new high in the same period. In August, despite the impact of typhoons, the number of visitors is expected to update the record of approximately 1.31 million created in August 2001.



McDonald’s Japan revealed on 14th that in the event of children entering the kitchen for fun with cooking, there had been irregularities that children had not been allowed to wear aprons and kitchen caps. In view of hygiene, McDonald’s imposed that children must wear aprons and kitchen caps to attend the event, but that the rule had not been respected. McDonald’s was questioned by customers about China’s obsolete chicken, and exposure to the irregularities could raise concerns about its sanitary management. According to McDonald’s, the Nagoya gate shop had allowed children in civilian clothes to visit the cooking process close to the kitchen on 10 August, and the parents of their peers did not have aprons.


intends to build a factory in Italy in the morning.

  意大利总理伦齐(Matteo Renzi)表示,中国汽车制造商华晨中国汽车控股已表示有兴趣在意大利开一间工厂。伦齐在访问西西里Termini Imerese镇时对记者表示,政府最近在访华期间已与华晨建立了联系。Termini Imerese镇原先是一间前菲亚特(Fiat/飞雅特)汽车生产工厂所在地。(此消息来自路透社)

Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has indicated that Chinese car manufacturers, Chinese auto holdings, have expressed interest in opening a factory in Italy. On a visit to the town of Termini Imerese in Sicily, he told reporters that the government had recently established contact with China during its visit to China.


EBay consults with suppliers on the inclusion of Bitcoin in the online payment platform

  华尔街日报周四报导称,电子商务企业EBay Inc的PayPal支付部门与Coinbase等比特币交易供应商就将比特币纳入其线上支付平台Braintree进行了磋商。该报援引知情人士称,PayPal高层尚未达成一致。一些业内高层对使用一种不受监管货币的风险提出了警告。eBay发言人Jennifer Hakes称,“我们确实相信比特币将在未来支付中扮演重要角色,但我们还没有什么可宣布的。”(此消息来自《华尔街日报》)

The Wall Street Journal reports on Thursday that the PayPal pay department of e-commerce, EBay Inc., has consulted with Bitcoin trading providers such as Coinbase to include bitcoin in its online payment platform, Braintree. The newspaper quotes sources that there is still no agreement at the top of PayPal. Some high-level players in the industry have warned of the risk of using an unregulated currency. “We do believe that Bitcoin will play an important role in future payments, but we have nothing to declare.”


General Electric is selling home power to Ileks and others .




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