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Hello, welcome to click on our article. Today, I want to share in depth with you how the currency circle analyses the relevant knowledge of the board, and how it can be seen. If you don't understand this, it's for you. I hope I can help you solve the problem, so let's start right now.



There's both making money and losing money in the market, and there's no one who can keep it, and there's no one who's going to lose it. So if we're going to make a whole profit, we're going to have to make a lot of money, but many friends are going to make a lot of money, and by asking my friends, I'm going to help you come up with some of the main reasons.


The first is that there is no sense of warehouse management, almost every time it's heavy and full, and think of itself. Selling one currency will soon be connected to the other. But when the market is bad, all the currencies will fall, and selling the money in hand for another is equivalent to not selling it and paying extra fees for nothing. And the same loss can be eaten many times.


Moreover, sculpting is basically not a habit of cutting meat, and cutting meat is a loss for sculpting. This idea is also the biggest obstacle. Thinking carefully about not cutting meat is no loss. It is also a real loss. Four words are a cover-up. Many people can accept floating gains or losses of 70 to 90 per cent and very few people can make 30 per cent. That is why many people earn less.


Third, many people are too subjective to feel, not to know technology and not to look at the market, to feel that the currency rises, and, even if the market is worse and they feel that a currency is good, they get in, and a lot of them get killed. Remember, no one in this market can predict the future, but only self-image for no reason. You can say luck when you make money. You can only say it's normal when you lose money.


And fourthly, it's important that too many people like to deal too often, regardless of the amount of money, a couple of times a day, a hundred times a million dollars a day, a dozen times a day, a day a day a contract a hundred, and a day a day a contract a hundred. But when the big wheel falls, it's too busy to know which currency to buy. Don't be funny, I'm telling you, but many friends, though not so extreme, are the majority.


Some of my friends and I say this is a decentralized investment, but you know that the slightly mainstream money is connected, it's highly relevant, it's basically the same for you to buy several currencies, it's just the same for you, it's not the same for you, it's not the same for you, it's not the same for you, it's not the same for you, it's not the same for you, it's not the same for you, it's the same for you, it's not the same for you, it's the same for you, it's not the same for you, it's the same for you, it's not the same for you, it's not the same for you, it's the same for you, it's not the same for you, it's the same for you.


The thing that many friends like most is that they tell him what's inside, and every time it is, very few people know that you know it, so don't tell people. It's a little funny. It's true. No denying, some of it is true, but who can say that they know the truth of the so-called "inteltain"? Someone told you it's 10 bucks, and now it's one. You don't know if the dealer is still on the plate, maybe 20 bucks tomorrow, or he's probably ready to wash it. The insider means that if anyone tells you it's inside, it's not news. So don't rely too much on it, why so many people have had a history of being cut off by mountain coins?


You don’t know technology, you don’t want to learn technology. Then you create a situation where you like to go up, when you look good, you don’t dare to go in, when you see good currency falling, when you rise up to high ground, when you are afraid to step up, and then come up high, either in high places, or when you make money, you don’t have much room for it.


These are all misunderstandings, so how do you change yourself? Let me summarize a few points, and let's take a look at things.


The first and most important point is to control the risk. It is not possible for each list to be right, to allow wrong, to have a clear stop point when wrong, to allow the loss to be controlled, to never allow a great loss, and to make a safe profit only if the risk is contained.


Among them, if you take the bill, many of you can carry more than a hundred points in the wrong way, even if you get the silo to zero. But if you do it right, you run and you can't win. It's painful and complicated to hold the silo and wait for it. It's a great challenge for a few people to do it and make money only if they can't do it.


And then you need to see how long it's short, and how it's small. The big cycle determines the small cycle. Some people hoard the money, some people contract it, and none of it separates it from the cycle. Especially in the case of contracts, such as empty ones, the blanks are intended to be short-lined, or even longer-term. There are flaws in talking outside the operating cycle, starting with trends such as the solar cycle, rising trends, making as many choices as possible, making short-line contracts, and falling trends alike. The mainstream currency is not the same thing as the big pie, which is the size of the stock market. The big pie is the same direction as the mainstream currency.


Second, there is a need for multiple dimensions to judge the direction of the movement, the line, the line of motion, the line of motion, in other words, the line of at least two points in order to form it. The track of the line can only form a plane. The same technical analysis, never a single one, with different methods and even different outcomes and directions. The trade-offs that need to be made in this case are multiple dimensions, and if different technological indicators and different cycles are used in the same direction, then this is probably the direction of the back movement. This requires a more sophisticated system of technical analysis, and we need many technical indicators to achieve this effect.


In this market, you are a dealer, and the more you have to have your own trading system, the better it is, the more it is to have a way of making a steady profit for yourself, the more it is enough to move out of order, build up its own trading methods, and make every operation on its own on the basis of evidence, in a well-positioned position, with clear indicators, stable in mind, so that it is easy to do so and easy to make a profit.


The circle of coins is a magical place to be free of wealth through the currency circle, not only by gambling luck, but also by being hard on its own, making little money, learning nothing by paying school fees, finding a place where it's not enough, changing itself, perfecting itself, adapting itself to the market, and surviving for the long term. The perfecting will require three conditions, namely, the components of the trading system, namely, position management, technological foundations, and good mindsets.


A lot of people say it's a Kline, a technology, a technology that doesn't always make money, but a technology that doesn't make money. Market winners do not just look at technology, but they know better how to combine technology and mentality. Technology is the basis of technology, and then they know how to give up and stick with it. The hunters wait, they find the right entry point, and they understand how to beat their trading system, minimize the risk and maximize the profits.


The reason why the currency has fallen today is:


With the spread of the epidemic, global transactions have declined, people have become conservative, and total social consumption has declined significantly. At this time, the volume of transactions settled in bitcoin has been significantly reduced, and demand has been reduced, and prices have fallen.


Historically, encrypted currencies such as Bitcoins have suddenly plunged dozens of times at peaks. Behind the recent surge and collapse of dog coins is a “cooking game” for ordinary investors, represented by the “Mask” capital crocodiles.


At present, the sharp rise in the price of encrypted currencies is largely due to market speculation. Once the value of these virtual currencies, which are not controlled by the state, is explicitly denied by the world, virtual currencies will suddenly become worthless, and virtual currencies held by a wide range of investors will be locked in.


Outreach materials:

1)币圈,数字货币玩家自然形成的圈子。数字货币简称DC,英文是“digital currency”(数字货币)的缩写,是一种电子货币形式的替代货币。数字金币和密码货币都属于数字货币。数字货币是一种不受监管的数字货币,通常由开发者发行和管理,并为特定虚拟社区的成员所接受和使用。欧洲银行业管理局将虚拟货币定义为:价值的数字表示形式,不由中央银行或当局发行,不与法定货币挂钩,但由于被公众接受,因此可以作为支付手段或转移,以电子形式存储或交易。

1) Currency circles, naturally formed by digital money players. The digital currency acronym DC, in English, is the acronym “digital currency” and is an alternative currency in the form of an electronic currency. Digital gold and crypto-currency are digital currencies. Digital currency is an unregulated digital currency that is usually issued and managed by developers and accepted and used by members of a particular virtual community. The European Banking Authority defines virtual currency as a digital expression of value that is not issued by a central bank or authority and is not linked to a legal currency, but can be stored or traded electronically as a means of payment or transfer because it is accepted by the public.


Second, the currency chain has been completely “cool” in China. The three heads of virtual currency trading platforms, such as the currency ring, the currency ring, and the OKex, have been “officially declared” by the mainland market. Moreover, according to the Beijing daily press, at least 10 virtual currency exchanges announced the recall of mainland Chinese stock users as of 14 October, with some small and medium-sized institutions directly declared closed, given that the exchange cut-off route has been finalized.



One, Bitcoin's big move can be searched directly on the Internet.


However, much of the data information on the Internet is not authoritatively accurate, and you can see a lot of it if you look at it on the Web Open Platform.


But much of this information is misleading and artificially altered.


4 If you look at the authoritative map or the upper OKLink query is more secure than the one on the T.B.B.


Five, so watch the coin rings on OKLink.




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