1、Ledgerdata Refiner:Hyperledger Fabric账本数据查询平台

资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:76 评论:0
区块链作为一种崭新的、颠覆性的技术,是国内外活跃的研究领域和毕业设计选题方向。 本文列出最新的一组区块链方面的论文,希望可以对选择区块链毕业设计的同学们有所帮助, 这是汇智网编...



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区块链作为一种崭新的、颠覆性的技术,是国内外活跃的研究领域和毕业设计选题方向。 本文列出最新的一组区块链方面的论文,希望可以对选择区块链毕业设计的同学们有所帮助, 这是汇智网编辑整理的区块链毕业设计论文系列中的第三篇。

As a brand-new, subversive technology, the block chain is an active field of research and a topic for graduation design, both at home and abroad. The most recent set of papers on the block chain is set out in this paper.

区块链是最流行的分布式账本技术之一,它可以解决企业间的信任问题。Hyperledger Fabric是一个面向企业应用的许可制区块链,但是,与传统的分布式数据库解决方案 相比,基于区块链的应用开发的一个问题在于其有限的数据访问能力。对于Fabric而言, 只能利用Fabric SDK或链码提供的有限接口来访问账本数据。为了满足数据查询需求并 为基于Hyperledger Fabric开发的实际应用提供灵活的查询功能,本论文提出了 账本数据查询平台这一概念并将其命名为Ledgerdata Refiner。基于这一账本数据 分析中间件,我们为用户获取区块或交易数据提供了充足有效的访问接口。

The block chain is one of the most popular distributed book technologies that solves inter-firm trust issues. Hyperledger Fabric is a licensing block chain for business applications, but a problem in the development of block-based applications is its limited data access capabilities compared to the traditional distributed database solution. For Fabric, only limited interfaces provided by Fabric SDK or chain codes can be used to access account data. To meet data search needs and to provide a flexible query function for practical applications based on Hyperledger Fabric, this paper proposes the concept of the account data query platform and its name is Ledgerdata Refiner. Based on this accountbook data analysis, we provide sufficient and effective access interfaces for users to area or transaction data.

Ledgerdata Refiner中间件也可以用来跟踪任何状态的历史操作。另外,中间件对 账本状态数据结构进行了分析和聚类处理,从而让用户能够针对账本数据进行丰富的查询。 最后,我们在真实应用中验证了本论文提出的查询平台的有效性。

The Ledgerdata Refiner intermediate can also be used to track historical operations in any state. In addition, the middle has analysed and clustered the structure of the account state data, allowing users to make extensive queries about the account data.

以太坊网络已经有超过5亿交易,企业区块链系统也足以满足全球化部署的要求, 区块链应用正快速出现在许多业务和科研领域。在本论文中,我们回顾之前围绕 区块链数据的摘要、获取和分析所作的工作,介绍在抽取区块链数据中遇到的 伸缩性问题和语义挑战,以及如何通过交叉引用智能合约接口和链上数据来保持 每个交易的原始元数据:

In this paper, we look back at the work done earlier on the summary, capture and analysis of block chain data, describing the scalability problems and semantic challenges encountered in extracting block chain data, and how to maintain raw metadata for each transaction by cross-referencing smart contract interfaces and chain data:

论文随后讨论科研工作流中的科研用例,我们随后讨论如何使用两种非监督机器 学习算法分析抓取的公开区块链数据,来识别系统中 的局外账户或智能合约。论文最后对比两种机器学习方法并利用公开网站交叉验证 本论文所提出方法的有效性。

The paper then discusses the scientific case in the scientific stream, and we then discuss the use of two non-supervised machines to analyse captured open block chain data to identify off-site accounts or smart contracts in the system. The paper concludes with a comparison of two machine learning methods and cross-checking the validity of the methods presented in this paper.

机器学习(包括深度学习和强化学习)和区块链是近年来最受关注的两种技术。 机器学习是人工智能和大数据的基础,区块链则已经显著地颠覆了金融行业。 这两种技术都是数据驱动的,因此将其结合起来进行安全高效的数据共享和分析 正在吸引越来越多的兴趣。

Machine learning (including in-depth and intensive learning) and block chains are the two technologies that have received the greatest attention in recent years. Machine learning is the foundation of artificial intelligence and big data, while block chains have significantly destabilized the financial sector.

在本论文中,我们将审视区块链和机器学习技术结合方面的研究,展示这两者可以高效协作。 最后,我们指出一些未来的方向并期待这两个有潜力的技术之间的更深度的结合。

In this paper, we will look at research on the combination of block chains and machine learning techniques, demonstrating that they can work together efficiently. Finally, we will point out some future directions and look forward to a deeper combination of these two potentially promising technologies.

不夸张的说,自从bitcoin出现,区块链已经成为撼动世界的颠覆式技术。然而, 这一快速流行的范式导致了各种对初始bitcoin规范的匆忙改进。这些工作增加了 现有区块链生态系统的复杂度,并且因各种白皮书中的细节欠缺而进一步放大。

It is no exaggeration to say that since the advent of bitcoin, block chains have become a subversive technology that shakes the world. However, this fast-growing paradigm has led to various hasty improvements in the initial bitcoin norms. These efforts have increased the complexity of existing block chain ecosystems and have been magnified by the lack of detail in various white papers.

在本论文中,我们尝试以一种简单的方式来解读区块链,将复杂的区块链解构 为三个相对简单的关键组件:成员选择、共识机制和结构。我们提出了一种 评估框架用于洞察系统模型、期望的属性和分析条件,并使用这一框架为被 分析的系统提供清晰、直觉性的设计原则概述以及可以实现的属性。我们希望 这些努力可以帮助澄清区块链提议的当前状态并未分析未来的提议提供方向。

In this paper, we have tried to interpret the block chain in a simple way, deconstructing the complex block chain into three relatively simple key components: membership selection, consensus mechanisms and structures. We have proposed an assessment framework for insights into system models, desired attributes and analytical conditions, and the use of this framework to provide a clear, intuitive overview of design principles and achievable attributes for the analysed system. We hope that these efforts can help to clarify that the current state of the block chain proposal does not provide an analysis of the direction of future proposals.

区块链是一种通常用于金融应用的颠覆式技术,但是在特定的机器人控制场景 中,区块链也会非常有价值,例如当需要注册不可修改的事件时。在机器人 环境中我们发现区块链的几个特性,不仅仅是不可修改性,而且数据的去中心化 特性、不可逆转性等等都很有帮助。

Block chains are a subversive technology that is usually used for financial applications, but they can also be very valuable in specific robotic control settings, for example, when there is a need to register non-modifiable events. In robotic environments, we find several characteristics of block chains, not only unmodified, but also decentralized data, characteristics, irreversibility, etc., that help.

在本论文中,我们提出了一种架构,使用区块链作为账本,使用智能合约进行机器人控制, 使用预言机处理数据。论文阐述了如何安全地注册事件,如何使用智能合约控制机器人, 以及如何利用外部的人工智能算法进行图像分析。论文提出的架构是模块化的, 可用于多种应用场景,例如制造、网络控制、机器人控制等,而且该架构易于集成、调整并扩展 到新的领域。

In this paper, we propose a structure that uses block chains as account books, smart contracts for robotic control, and prespeakers for data processing. The paper describes how to register events safely, how to use smart contracts to control robots, and how to use external artificial intelligence algorithms for image analysis. The paper proposes a structure that is modular and that can be used in a variety of applications, such as manufacturing, network control, robot control, etc., and that can be easily integrated, adapted and expanded into new areas.

本文整理了最新的可用于区块链毕业设计的参考论文,如果需要访问区块链毕业设计必读 论文系列的最新文章,可以持续关注我们的博客,或加入QQ群:532241998。

This is a compilation of the most recent reference papers that can be used for block chain graduation design, and if you need to visit the latest articles in the series of papers that are mandatory for block chain graduation design, you can keep an eye on our blogs or join the QQ group: 532241998.




Founded, reprinted with reference to place of origin.




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