外汇违法犯罪呈现三大趋势 借道虚拟货币打通非法资金循环

资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:57 评论:0
21世纪经济报道记者王峰北京报道 近日,最高人民检察院和国家外汇管理局联合发布惩治涉外汇违法犯罪典型案例。Recently, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the State F...



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21世纪经济报道记者王峰北京报道 近日,最高人民检察院和国家外汇管理局联合发布惩治涉外汇违法犯罪典型案例。

Recently, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the State Foreign Exchange Administration jointly issued a classic case against foreign exchange offences.


This publication is mainly concerned with cross-border cases of illegal trade in foreign currency.


The Head of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office IV explained that cross-border trade in foreign currency is one of the typical manifestations of the current illegal trade in foreign currency. In such cases, the renminbi and foreign currency generally do not carry out physical cross-border movements, ostensibly on the face of a one-way circulation of funds within and outside the country, which is in essence a disguised sale of foreign currency, disrupts the order of the foreign exchange market and, in serious circumstances, constitutes an offence of illegal business.


The head of the Department of Management and Inspection of the National Foreign Exchange Agency (NAC) reported that current foreign exchange offences present new trends and features such as more covert cross-border transfers of funds, faster transactions of funds, and “social mediaization” of the dissemination of illegal information.


Illegally buying and selling foreign exchange through virtual currency


In our country, the virtual currency does not have the same legal status as the legal currency, and the related operations are illegal financial activities.


The Head of the Fourth Prosecutor's Office of the Supreme Prosecutor noted that it had been found in the case that the indirect conversion of foreign currency from the currency of the renminbi by means of a virtual currency as a medium of trade was an important link in the chain of illegal foreign exchange transactions and was punishable by law.


From February 2019 to April 2020, the head of a virtual money-trading group, Zhao, another organization, provided foreign currency dirhams and renminbi exchange and payment services in the United Arab Emirates and the country.


The group received dirham cash in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, while the corresponding renminbi was transferred to the accounts of the other party's designated national renminbi, which was then purchased locally by dirhams into the “Tedan currency” (USDT, a stable currency anchored with the United States dollar) and then re-acquired the renminbi through the immediate illegal sale of the dirhams by groups in the country, thus facilitating the circulation of domestic and foreign funds.


By means of exchange rate differentials, the group receives more than 2% of the proceeds from each foreign currency sale.


From January 2018 to September 2021, Chen Xiang (other cases) and Guo Xiaoqiang, among others, set up websites such as the TW711 platform, the Fire Speed Platform, which provides foreign currency and renminbi exchange services to clients in the form of a virtual currency, the Thai currency.


The exchange client pays the foreign currency to an offshore account designated by the website after the above-mentioned operating block, such as storage value, sub-payment, etc. The website, after purchasing Thai currency abroad in the said foreign currency, is sold through illegal channels by Fan Xiang Xuan, an illegal exchange group trading in the currency, and then pays a corresponding amount of the exchange rate to the third party in the country designated by the client for the platform’s account, from which the exchange rate differentials and service charges are earned.


The above-mentioned website illegally converts more than RMB 220 million. Of this amount, Fan Hoang Hoang received more than 6 million tadars from Chen and more than 40 million yuan from the accounts of the virtual currency trading platform and RMB bank accounts provided by others.


The Head of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office No. 4 explained that cross-border trafficking in foreign currency was characterized by the following:


The first is the illegal manipulation of large amounts of money accounts for large-scale transactions, which in the case of judicial cases require the identification of the funds accounts actually controlled and the flow of transactions used for the illicit trade in foreign currency.


The second is the complexity and diversity of cross-border knock-offs, which, in addition to traditional knock-offs, are carried out through virtual currency transactions, the violation of the POS machine and the smuggling of exit card transactions, which are more covert and professional, with higher professional requirements for investigative evidence-gathering and examination of evidence.


Third, it is closely linked to some of the predicate offences, the illicit trade in foreign currency serves as a financial route to facilitate the commission of other related offences, and criminal activity involving the departure of funds usually involves the illicit sale of foreign currency, with new requirements for the full chain to punish the offence.


Cross-border transfers of funds become more hidden


The Head of the Department of Management and Inspection of the National Foreign Exchange Office stated that the cross-border transactions of the participants in the market should have a genuine and legal basis, and that the exchange of this foreign currency must be carried out in authorized premises such as banks, individual licensed institutions for the exchange of this currency, and so forth, in accordance with the law.


However, some of the outlaws, for profit, carry out the exchange of their own foreign currency through illegal channels or fraudulently transfer funds from formal channels, such as banks, in a way that seriously disrupts the order of the foreign exchange market and provides a channel for the cross-border transfer of illegal funds for various types of criminal activity.


The Officer-in-Charge noted that, with the development of financial science and technology and cybercommunications, the current trend in foreign exchange offences is new:


is one of the more subtle movements of funds across borders. ’s underground money houses are increasingly resorting to cross-border “tacking” of foreign exchange, internal transfers of renminbi, foreign exchange transfers abroad, independent circulation of funds within and outside the country, and deliberate evasion of surveillance.


II is a more rapid flow of money transactions. bank cards, Poss machines, Internet payments, etc., are easy and efficient.


III is the “social mediaization” of illegal information distribution. social networking, live broadcasting platforms are full of information, foreign websites and chat software provide private communication tools, illegal individuals advertise illegal money exchange solicitations through public and private contacts, counter-trading illegal transactions, and, after being blocked, re-entering the site within a very short period of time.


Over the past two years, the National Foreign Exchange Administration has cooperated with the judicial authorities in more than 200 cases of illegal foreign exchange offences, including illegal operations, and in more than 1,100 cases of illegal trade in foreign currency, flight, fraudulent purchase of foreign currency, etc., with a fine of about RMB 1.5 billion.


(ed. Chen Jie)




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