
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:69 评论:0
(1)物物交换 xff08; 1...



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xff08; 1xff09; material exchange


There is a small isolated village in the world called the village of Bit xff0c; there are hundreds of households in the village xff0c; the villagers are self-sufficient xff0c; they have been living in an exchange of goods xff0c; e.g. xff0c; Old Zhang is exchanging a bag of flour for a sheep of Lee.


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&#ff08; 2) general equivalents


As the goods of the village of Bit get richer and richer xff0c; when they grow apples and goats xff0c; when they have to figure out the relative prices of dozens of commodities every day xff0c; when they decide to use gold as a generic equivalent xff0c; when they use gold to represent commodity prices xff0c; when they produce the concept of currency xff0c; and when the village of Bit is entering the currency exchange phase.


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strang>( 3xff09; sign currency


As the volume and amount of goods are traded up xff0c; the demand for money is growing xff0c; and gold mining is time-consuming and time-consuming. Villagers decide to find a piece of paper xff0c; write “one gram of gold” xff0c; that represents one gram of gold. But this piece of paper is valid only if it is signed by an old village chief of high moral value xff0c; so that the old village chief issues the same amount of paper to everyone as the stock of gold. The village of Bit has entered the sign currency xff08; the bank notes #xff09; the era #xff0c; and the old village chief has assumed the role of government and bank.


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xff0c; villagers find that there is no need for paper coins to exist. Because everyone trusts the old village chief xff0c; also trusts the old village chief xff0c; it is possible for the village chief to maintain a bank account book that records the number of banknotes per household xff0c; xff0c when the old banknote is exchanged for an old Lee sheep xff0c; only need to reduce the old gold by xff0c on the village chief's books xff0c; complete the transaction.


xff08; 5xff09; distributed digital currency


As the old village chief's old age is high xff0c; the villagers have elected a new village chief. The new village chief has a book xff0c; I can't say how much money each household has in this village xff0c; and the villagers find xff0c; the system is entirely dependent on the personal credit of the account holder xff0c; if this person randomly alters the account book xff0c; the entire monetary system will collapse.


When the villagers were out of control #xff0c; a villager called Nakamoto took to the stage #xff0c; he told everyone that he had designed a distributed digital monetary system that did not depend on any central agency or individual.

  • 账簿上不再记载每户村民的余额,而是记录从账簿创建开始到当前所有的交易记录。只要账簿的初始状态确定,每一笔交易记录可靠并有序,可以推算出当前每个人持有多少钱。
  • 账簿公开,任何村民都可以获得当前完整的账簿。


This system, although the books are publicly available xff0c; no one uses a real identity xff0c at the time of the transaction; instead, it uses a unique code xff0c; and by cryptography ensures that the transaction is conducted without revealing the true identity.


& #xff08; 1xff09; symmetric cryptographic system

对称密码体制(Symmetric Key Cryptosystem)又称单钥密码体制(One Key Cryptosystem)、秘密密钥密码体制(Secret Key Cryptosystem)。对称密码体制中,密钥必须完全保密,且加密密钥和解密密钥相同,或其中的一个可以很容易地推出另一个。

Symmetric cryptography & #xff08; SymmetsyKey Cryptosystem) also known as the single key cryptography & #xff08; OneKey Cryptosystem) Secret Key System & #xff08; Secret Key Cryptosystem). In the symmetric cryptography xff0c; keys must be completely confidential xff0c; and encryption keys are identical #xff0c; or one of them can easily launch another.

M = D k 2 ( E k 1 ( M ) ) M= D_{k_2}(E_{k_1}(M)) M=Dk2??(Ek1??(M))

其中, k 1 = k 2 k_1 = k_2 k1?=k2? k 1 k_1 k1?容易推出 k 2 k_2 k2?



( 2) asymmetric encryption

1976年,Whitefield Diffie和MartinHellman在《密码学的新方向》(New Directions in Cryptography)中开创性的提出了非对称密码体制(Asymmetric Key Cryptosystem),又称公钥密码体制(Public Key Cryptosystem)、双钥密码体制(Double Key Cryptosystem)。

1976 & #xff0c; Whitefield Diffie and Martin Hellman, in New Directions in Cryptography, pioneered the creation of an asymmetric cryptography (Asymmetric Key Cryptosystem) & #xff0c; also known as Public Key Password System (Public Key Cryptosystem), and Double Key Password System (Double Key Cryptosystem).

该体制中,用户 A A A有一对密钥:加密密钥(公钥 k p k_p kp?和解密密钥(私钥 k s k_s ks?,两者是不同的,且从加密密钥(公钥)无法推出解密密钥(私钥)。

xff0c; user

B B B要给 A A A发送信息 M M M,需要用 A A A的加密密钥(公钥) k p k_p kp?(可在公开目录中查找)加密消息: E k p ( M ) E_{k_p}(M) Ekp??(M)


A A A收到密文后,用自己的解密密钥(私钥) k s k_s ks?解密密文: M = D k s ( E k p ( M ) ) M= D_{k_s}(E_{k_p}(M)) M=Dks??(Ekp??(M))


xff08; 3xff09; Hashi function

Hash函数的单向性输出长度固定的特征使其可生成消息的“数字指纹”(Digital Fingerprint),也称消息摘要(MD,Message Digest)哈希值/散列值(Hash Value),主要应用于消息认证数字签名口令的安全传输与存储文件完整性校验等方面。

The Hash function is also called the Hash function / hash function & hash function xff0c; is an irreversible map xff0c from message space to space like xff0c; is an output of fixed length after changing the input of an arbitrary length . It is a one-way cryptographic system xff0c; only the encryption process xff0c; there is no declassified process. The Hash function consists of xff1a; xff1a; HD5, SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512 >.

Digital signature & #xff0c; also referred to as electronic signature & #xff0c; refers to a specific set of symbols or codes attached to an electronic document. It uses password technology to extract and authenticate key information from an electronic document to form xff0c; uses the identity of the issuer and the author's approval of the electronic document xff0c; and is able to be used by the recipient to verify whether the electronic document has been tampered with or falsified during transmission.

  • 发送方A将消息用Hash算法产生一个消息摘要(Message Digest)
  • 发送方A用自己的私钥对消息摘要进行加密,这个加密后的息摘要就是数字签名
  • 发送方A将消息与签名发给接收方B
  • 接收方B接收到消息及其名后,用发送方A的公钥解密这个签名,获得由发送方A生成的消息摘要
  • 接收方B用发送方A所用Hash算法重新生成所获得消息的摘要,对比这两个摘要。若相同说明签名是发送方A针对这个消息的有效签名,否则签名无效

2008年,SatoshiNakamoto(中本聪)论文《Bitcoin:APeer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System》(《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》成为了比特币(BitCoin)诞生的标志性作品

2008 xff0c; SatoshNakamoto (medium-brain) paper, Bitcoin:Apeer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System (bitcoin: an electronic cash system for point-to-point) became the landmark by which BitCoin was born .


Bitcoin is a decentralised electronic currency that does not require third-party trust xff0c; it is based on point-to-point networks and cryptography tools.

  • 比特币按照特定算法(比特的核心代码是开源的)通过计算产生。
  • 在交易过程中使用数字签名来验证交易信息的真实性,同时采用了哈希算法来对区块链上的数据进行验证。
  • 使用整个P2P网络中众多节点构成的分布式数据库来确认并记录所有的交易行为;网络中的每一个节点都会保存整个区块链的副本,这保证了区块链的完整性和一致性。


the difference between the city of Bit and other virtual currencies, such as Q-coin, game currency

  • Q币是中心化的虚拟货币,人们购买Q币都是基于对腾讯公司(QQ的拥有者)的信任;而比特币是去中心化的数字货币,并没有一个企业或者机构真正对比特币负责。
  • Q币的所有信息都保存在腾讯公司的服务器和数据库上,腾讯公司通过安全手段来和防止其他人篡改数据库信息,但腾讯公司具备修改信息的可能。比特币的所有交易信息,保存在比特币交易者的电脑上,没有一个中心数据库,它依靠严密的算法,保证只对一台电脑的数据进行修改,无法影响整个比特币的正常运行。
  • Q币的发行数量是可以不断增加的,比特币的发行数量是固定的,它依靠严密的算法保证了没人可以修改比特币的发行数量。


The Bitcoin transaction was performed jointly by participants in the Bitcoin network xff0c; the participants sent Bitcoin xff0c to each other as a means of completing the transfer of assets.


Users need to select their own appropriate bitcoin wallets xff0c; to store and manage their own bitcoins prior to the transaction. bitcoins are special files xff0c; store private keys xff0c; access several bitcoins through wallets.


A bitcoin address is a string xff0c; xff0c consisting of numbers and characters; each bitcoin address has its own bitcoin quantity balance .


bitcoin users can invent any number of addresses xff0c; when creating a bitcoin address xff0c; actually generating a public key/private key pair xff0c; a bitcoin address representing a public key xff08; a public key allowing anyone to verify a message using a corresponding private key signature xff09; xff0c; and a private key stored in a wallet .


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The process of Bitcoin transactions is divided into the following four steps xff1a;


xff08; 1xff09; new address: Bob creates a bitcoin address


(2) transaction initiation: Alice uses a private key in the Bitcoin wallet to sign her transaction application (including the amount of the transaction and Bob's Bitcoin address). At this point xff0c; anyone on the network can authenticate the transaction application using the corresponding public key.


( 3) trade broadcast : Alice broadcast the transaction on the Internet.


( 4) transaction confirmation : miners collect transaction data for the past 10 minutes xff0c; and will package validated transaction information into a new “trade block” xff0c; the union calculates the new Hashi value based on the previous Hashi value, new trade block and random numbers. Hashi value is a particular format: starting with a specific number of zeros. Each block contains an initial transaction named coinbase xff0c; this transaction is the proceeds of the mine-digging success. Add the new “trade block” to the block chain xff0c; the transaction is considered to have been completed #xff0c; and cannot be modified or revoked.


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xff08; 1xff09;


double flowers for centralised electronic currencyxff0c; each transaction is confirmed by a central authority. For example xff0c; for simultaneous two-to-one transfers xff0c; for authority centres to deal with xff0c in chronological order; there is no problem of duplicate payments.


For decentralised bitcoinxff0c; to ensure that there is no double paymentxff0c; the following requirements:

  • 所有交易全网公开
    • 历史交易全网公开,确保每个账号里面有多少比特币,并不是由一个数据来表示,而是根据历史交易得出来的。
  • 需要有时间戳,所有交易有先后顺序
    • 所有交易按照先后顺序,给其加上时间戳,下一笔交易是基于上一笔交易来生成的,整个交易就是一个交易链,这样才能保证不被双重支付,并且这个是经过全网公认的,才能保证不被造假。
  • 需要对额外的资源对交易进行确认:
    • 每笔交易的有效性通过工作量证明由全网50%以上的算力来证明。全网算力(50%以上)类似一个权威中心,由这些算力对交易进行确认,只不过它不是一个中心,而是由很多机器,通过竞争对交易进行确认。


xff08; 2xff09; workload certification


The Bitcoin network confirms the transaction by voting xff0c; a CPU (one-cpu-one-vote) xff0c; the transactions with the largest number of votes are recognized as legal transactions. xff0c; and Bitcoin is also referred to as the “democratic currency”.

比特币算法引入了工作量证明 (ProofofWork)机制,称做哈希现金。它的原理是根据交易的数据块,寻找一个包含了多个0的特征随机数,一旦找到了这个随机数,也就确认了一笔交易。计算机只能用穷举的办法来寻找这个随机数,因此证明一个交易需要耗费一定的运算资源和时间,而对随机数中0的数目要求增多,计算工作量呈现指数级增长。对于普通客户端,只需要简单运算,就可检证交易是真实的。这种机制类似现实生活中,政府花费大量精力对钞票进行防伪处理,普通民众可简单识别钞票真伪。

The Bitcoin method introduces the workload certificate (ProofWork) mechanism xff0c; xff0c. The rationale is based on the transaction data block xff0c; searching for a random number of characteristics containing more than zero xff0c; once this random number is found xff0c; confirming a transaction. The computer can only look for this random number xff0c in a poor way; thus proving that a transaction requires a certain amount of computing resources and time xff0c; demanding an increase in the number of zeros in random numbers xff0c; calculating an exponential increase in the workload. For ordinary customers xff0c; simply counting xff0c; just xff0c; and it can be verified that the transaction is real.


xff08; 3xff09; incentives for miners


The transaction between bitcoin & #xff0c; validation by “miners” through “mining”; the process of “mining” is the process of searching for specific random numbers & #xff0c; confirming the transaction by finding random numbers to satisfy characteristics.


xff0c; this is Bitcoin. Bitcoin starts five years xff0c; each data block contains 50 bitcoins to pay “miners” xff1b; every four years xff0c; the next half xff0c; and xff0c; each transaction generates a small transaction fee xff0c; this transaction is also Bitcoin. So xff0c; xff0c); xff0c; xff1a; xff1a; xy; xff0c; 2040; xff0c; xfff0c; 21 million of the total amount of bitcoins have been fully recovered; xffoc; miners have confirmed that the transaction will not generate any additional bitcoin xffoc; and the transaction fees contained in this data block will be paid solely on the basis of the transaction fee.


The mining process in Bitcoin can be divided into the following steps xff1a;

  • 交易验证:矿工会先收集比特币网络中的交易信息,并进行有效性验证。

    Trade validation & #xff1a; mining unions first collect information on transactions in the Bitcoin network & #xff0c; and verify validity.

  • 区块打包:矿工会将验证通过的交易信息打包成一个区块,并添加到区块链中。

    Block wrapping & #xff1a; the union packs certified transaction information into a block & #xff0c; and adds it to the block chain.

  • 解决谜题:在打包区块的过程中,矿工需要不停的尝试各种可能的数学谜题,直到找到一个合法的区块头。

    Resolving puzzles & #xff1a; during packing blocks & #xff0c; miners need to constantly try possible mathematical puzzles & #xff0c; until a legal block is found.

  • 区块验证:一旦矿工找到一个合法的区块头,其他矿工将会对其进行验证,并且选择继续新增区块或者抛弃该区块。

    Block validation xff1a; once the miners have found a legal block head xff0c; other miners will verify it xff0c; and choose to continue adding a block or discard it.

  • 奖励获得:一旦矿工成功地新增了一个区块,他们将会获得新的比特币奖励,并且可以从交易费中获得一定的手续费。

    Incentives xff1a; once miners succeed in adding a block xff0c; they will receive a new bitcoin reward xff0c; and they will receive a certain transaction fee.




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