Virtual currency contract transactions are futures contracts, and traders can do more or less empty on the basis of their own projections of the future price movements of encrypted currencies. If the traders are right, they can gain profits; conversely, they can generate losses.
The difference between virtual currency contract transactions and traditional futures transactions is that virtual currency contracts are usually leveraged transactions.
Leveraging means that traders can use small funds to operate large assets and obtain high returns by multiplying them, while also magnifying losses. Virtual currency contract transactions are therefore characterized by high risk and high returns.
In virtual currency contract transactions, there are three main types of transactions, including permanent contracts, contracts of delivery and options.
It is a "no maturity date" contract, where traders are free to hold a warehouse.
It is a “due date” contract, and the dealer must clear the contract before it expires.
Taiwan is also often referred to as a choice of transactions, a right that allows traders to purchase or sell virtual currency at a specific time in the future, rather than actually perform the transaction.
There are two types of options, European and American, which can be exercised only on the due date. American options can be exercised before the due date.
Simply put, in order to purchase a option contract, investors must pay the right money, but when the investment is in the right direction, the right can be sold for profit, and if the investment is in the wrong direction, the investor may refrain from exercising its right to confiscate the right money only as compensation.
The following are the differences between the three derivatives of the virtual currency:
种类 | 永续合约 | 交割合约 | 期权(选择权) |
到期日 | 无 | 有 | 有 |
价格结算方式 | 资金费率 | 现金结算 | 现金结算 |
行使权利 | 无 | 无 | 有 |
永续合约是在 2016 年时,由虚拟货币交易所 BitMEX 推出的产品,截至目前为止,虚拟货币合约交易中已经变成常见的一种合约类型,与传统形式的期货不同的点在于,它并没有到期日的限制。
The permanent contract was launched in 2016 by BitMEX on the Virtual Currency Exchange and, to date, has become a common type of contract in virtual currency contract transactions, in contrast to traditional forms of futures, where there are no maturity limits.
A sustainable contract maintains a reasonable price through a fee-rate mechanism that allows investors to hold positions for an indefinite period of time if they pay the funds on time.
The advantages of a durable contract include:
- 24/7 交易:永续合约可以全天候交易,无需担心合约到期。
- 杠杆交易:永续合约可以使用杠杆交易,以小博大。
- 流动性高:永续合约的流动性较高,容易进行交易。
As noted above, the funding rate is an important concept in a permanent contract transaction and is used to balance multiple and empty interests.
- 当永续合约的多头仓位多于空头仓位时,资金费率为正值,表示多头仓位需要支付费用给空头仓位。
- 当永续合约的空头仓位多于多头仓位时,资金费率为负值,表示空头仓位需要支付费用给多头仓位。
资金费率会根据市场行情而变动,在大部分的交易所中,资金费率为每 8 小时结算一次,通常为 08:00、16:00 以及 24:00。
The rates vary according to market conditions, and in most exchanges the rates are settled every 8 hours, usually 08:00, 16:00 and 24:00.
However, if, in extreme cases, the exchange has the opportunity to adjust it to an hourly charge to balance the power of multiple and empty parties, users must also take their risks into account.
虚拟货币合约分为两种:U 本位合约和币本位合约,其主要差异在「计价单位」。
Virtual currency contracts are divided into two types: U-bit contracts and currency contracts, the main difference being in "value units".
U 本位合约
指以稳定币作为保证金和结算币种的合约。稳定币是一种与法定货币挂钩的加密货币,例如 Tether 泰达币(USDT)和 USD Coin(USDC)U 本位合约的优点有:
A stable currency is an encrypted currency linked to the legal currency, such as the United States dollar (USDT) and USD Coin (USDC)U. The advantages of this contract are:
- 杠杆倍数更高:由于 USDT 或 USDC 等价值相对稳定,U 本位合约的杠杆倍数通常比币本位合约更高。
- 风险较低:U 本位合约的风险较币本位合约低,因为稳定币的价格相对稳定。
In the case of contracts using virtual currency as a bond and in the settlement of currencies, the advantages of currency-specific contracts are as follows:
- 收益潜力更高:撇除杠杆倍数,币本位合约的收益潜力更高,因为虚拟货币未来的成长幅度较大。
- 不受法定货币波动的影响。U 本位合约受到美元等法定货币汇率的影响。
- 直接追踪加密货币本身的价格变动:更能体现加密货币的价值。
种类 | U 本位合约 | 币本位合约 |
保证金币种 | 稳定币 | 虚拟货币 |
结算币种 | 稳定币 | 虚拟货币 |
交易成本 | 较低 | 较高 |
风险 | 较低 | 较高 |
杠杆倍数 | 较高 | 较低 |
In selecting a virtual currency derivative exchange, the following considerations need to be taken into account:
- 安全性:交易所的安全性是最重要的考虑因素之一。交易所需要有完善的安全措施,以保护用户的资产安全。
- 流动性:交易所的流动性越高,交易越容易进行。
- 功能:交易所的功能越丰富,交易者越容易找到适合自己的交易方式。
- 手续费:交易所的手续费越低,交易者的成本越低。
The following are some of the more popular virtual money derivatives exchanges:
- 币安:币安是全球最大的虚拟货币交易所,币安的安全性、流动性、功能和手续费都是市场的领先指标。
- OKX:Top 3 衍生品交易所,前身为 OKEx,为早期老牌交易所之一,近期主攻 Web3 市场服务。
- Bybit:Top 3 衍生品交易所,衍生品最注重的就是稳定度,而 Bybit 以其高流动性和高效的交易系统而闻名,并常常举办世界级的交易大赛,受大量衍生品投资者喜爱。
When a user completes the registration of the exchange, it can then go to the "contract" trading page for derivative operations, which will be covered by the Exchange's permanent contract presentation.
- 衍生品种类与代币资讯:包含代币选择、衍生品种类、标记价格、指数价格以及资金费率等等。
- 市场走势图:币价走势,可以切换时间的时间长短,另外加密货币世界中通常以绿色代表上涨,红色代表下跌订单历史纪录:已执行的订单纪录。
- 市场挂单簿:目前市场上的买卖单,也代表了市场的流动深度。
- 最新成交纪录:已完成的市场交易纪录。
- 下单买卖区:实际开单交易区块。
- 个人订单区:当你在完成下单后,你所下的单会出现在这。
The problem most often encountered by ordinary investors when dealing in derivatives for the first time is that they don't know the next line, so let's go to this block for further details:
- 开单种类:
- 限价单:俗称挂单,以指定的价格进行下单。
- 市价单:俗称吃单,以市场最新价格下单,通常会会立即成交。
- 进阶用法:除了限价单和市价单之外,虚拟货币交易所还提供一些进阶用法,例如:市价止盈止损、限价止盈止损、跟踪委托、只做 Maker 等等,详细可参考币安官方文章。
- 价格:指您要下单的市场价格。例如,如果您想在 BTC 价格为 30,000 时开多仓,则需要将价格填写为 30,000。
- 数量:你要下单购买的代币数量,如不想计算,可直接滑动画面中的菱形,系统会依照资金比例自动调整。
- 杠杆倍数:你想开的倍数,杠杆倍数越高,您的利润或亏损就会越大,币安合约最高可达 125 倍,投资者需注意风险,用户可直接点选右上方的「小计算机」,他会自动帮你计算收益与爆仓价格。
- 全仓 / 逐仓:
- 全仓模式:所有可用资金都作为仓位保证金使用,可以获得更高的收益
- 逐仓模式:每个仓位都有独立的保证金,逐仓模式的优点是可以有效控制风险,即使一个仓位爆仓,也不会影响其他仓位。
- 衍生品买入 / 卖出:你想要买入(做多)或是卖出(做空)
Virtual money derivatives transactions can create the myth of "rich" and, of course, violent "fail" lives, and investors need to be aware of the following risks when they start trading derivatives:
- 高波动性风险:虚拟货币市场波动性较大,投资者可能会面临巨大的亏损风险。
- 杠杆风险:衍生品交易可以使用杠杆,可以放大收益,但也放大了风险。如果价格逆向波动,可能会导致爆仓,造成全部亏损。
- 监管风险:虚拟货币衍生品市场的监管仍然不完善,可能会增加投资者的风险。
Therefore, in order to invest in the trading risks of virtual money derivatives, we would like investors to refer to the following proposals:
- 从模拟盘玩起,大部分知名交易所皆有提供模拟交易的工具。
- 初学者应先从现货交易开始,熟悉市场运作后再进行衍生品交易。
- 不要使用过高的杠杆倍数,以免造成爆仓。
- 不要将所有资金都投入衍生品交易,应留有一部分资金应对风险。
- 定期检视自己的交易策略,并根据市场情况进行调整。
- 了解相关知识和风险:在投资虚拟货币衍生品之前,投资者应充分了解相关知识,包括资金费率、爆仓机制、杠杆风险、代币潜力等等
- 设立止盈止损:使用止盈止损可以降低爆仓上的风险。
In summary, virtual currency contract transactions are a high-risk, high-yield investment strategy that allows traders to maximize their remuneration under limited funds.
By contrast, however, users must also bear the risk of the explosion, and if they do not have a rigorous risk management strategy in place, they will lose money one day.
Therefore, before starting to invest, traders must be fully aware of the relevant knowledge and always invest only in the risks they can afford, starting with small money.
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