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The impact of Internet technology on human society is self-evident. Most electronic devices today have access to the Internet (Internet) & #xff0c in different ways; the means of Internet access common to PCs in households are the use of routers (Router) to organize small local area networks (LAN) & #xff0c; the use of Internet special lines or modems (modem) to access telephone lines & #xff0c; connections to Internet service providers (ISP) & #xff0c; access to the Internet by Internet service providers.

39.1 互联网模型


Communications are at least two devices xff0c; there is a need for compatible hardware and software support xff0c; what we call communication protocols xff0c. Tethernet communications are more complex in structure xff0c; ISO has developed the OSI model xff0c for the entire Tethernet communication structure; total seven layers xff0c; application layers, expression layers, session layers, transmission layers, network layers, data chain layers and physical layers xff0c; different layers xff0c; functional #xff0c for divisions in communications xff0c; the entire model includes hardware and software definitions. The OSI model is the ideal layer xff0c; general network systems cover only a few of these layers.


TCP/IP is the most basic protocol for the Internet & #xff0c; the network protocol for Internet communications & #xff0c; it consists of the IP protocol for the network layer and the TCP protocol for the transmission layer. TCP/IP has only four layers & #xff0c for the application layer, the transmission layer, the network layer and the network access layer, respectively. Although the TCP/IP layer is less xff0c; it is not conflicted with the OSI model xff0c; it integrates some layers of the OSI model xff0c; it is essentially capable of achieving the same function.


In fact xff0c; there is also a TCP/IP hybrid model xff0c; it is divided into five layers xff0c; reference map?391xff0c; it is actually connected to TCP/IP four-layer model xff0c; it is simply a network access layer that is broken down into data links and physical layers. This stratification is easier for us to learn to understand.

图?391 TCP/IP混合参考模型

Figure? 391 TCP/IP hybrid reference model


When designing the network xff0c; to reduce the complexity of the network design xff0c; to encapsulate the hardware, software, xff0c; these layers form a network system model. Dialogue between the two devices on the same floors, communication engagements xff0c; form a hierarchy agreement. All protocols used in the device are collectively referred to as the protocol pads. In this network model xff0c; each layer performs different tasks xff0c; interfaces are provided for access to the upper layer. At each level xff0c; interfaces xff0c; they can be achieved in different ways; thus internal changes do not affect the other layers.


In the TCP/IP hybrid reference model xff0c; the data chain layer is again divided into LLC layers (logical chain layers) and MAC layers (media medium access layers). xff0c; currently xff0c; for general access network terminals xff0c;? LLC and MAC layers are soft and hardware dividing lines. For example, the PC netcard is primarily responsible for achieving the MAC sub-layer and physical layer of the reference model xff0c; and in the PC software system there is a large set of procedures to achieve all network-level agreements at the LLC level and above.


The physical and MAC sublayers realized by hardware are very different in different forms of the network xff0c; for example, by the Tainet and Wi-Fi, this is determined by physical transmission. But other network levels realized by the software usually do not differ much xff0c; full functionality xff0c may be achieved on the PC; all protocols xff0c are generally supported; and in embedded areas, tailoring is required.

39.2 以太网


The Ethernet is a type of Internet technology xff0c; as it accounts for the highest share of cluster network technology xff0c; many directly interpret it as the Internet.

以太网是指遵守IEEE 802.3标准组成的局域网,由IEEE 802.3标准规定的主要是位于参考模型的物理层(PHY)和数据链路层中的介质访问控制子层(MAC)。在家庭、企业和学校所组建的PC局域网形式一般也是以太网,其标志是使用水晶头网线来连接(当然还有其它形式)。IEEE还有其它局域网标准,如IEEE 802.11是无线局域网,俗称Wi-Fi。IEEE 802.15是个人域网,即蓝牙技术,其中的802.15.4标准则是ZigBee技术。

Ethernet refers to the local area network (LAN) of compliance with the IEEE 802.3 standard & #xff0c; the medium access control sublayer (MAC) as defined by the IEEE 802.3 standard, mainly located in the physical layer of the reference model (PHY) and in the data chain layer. The PC local area network (LAN) of households, enterprises and schools is also generally organized in the form of the Tainet & #xff0c; it is marked by the use of the crystal head network (and, of course, other forms). IEE has other local area network (LAN) standards xff0c; IEE 802.11 is the wireless area network xff0c; popularly known as Wi-Fi. IEE 802.15 is the personal area network xff0c; i.e., bluetooth technology ff0c; of which the criterion 802.15.4 is ZigBee technology.


At this stage xff0c; industrial controls, environmental monitoring, smart home embedded equipment generate demand for Internet access xff0c; use of Ethernet technology xff0c; embedded equipment can be accessed very easily into existing computer networks.


在物理层,由IEEE 802.3标准规定了以太网使用的传输介质、传输速度、数据编码方式和冲突检测机制,物理层一般是通过一个PHY芯片实现其功能的。

In the physical layer & #xff0c; transmission media, transmission speed, data coding and conflict detection mechanisms used in the Tainet are specified by the IEEE 802.3 standard & #xff0c; the physical layer is generally functional through a PHY chip.



Transfer media include coax cable, double strangulation (the crystalhead net line is a double strangulation line), fibre optics. Signal lines based on these three types of media generate many different types according to different transmission speed and distance requirements xff0c. The most commonly used are 34; five types 34; networks xff0c for 100 BASE-T and 10BASE-T; their network rates are 100 Mbps and 10 Mbps, respectively.



In order to allow recipients to determine each starting, ending and intermediate position without external clock reference xff0c; do not directly use binary code when transmitting signals. Manchester code xff0c is used in 10 BASE-T transmission; and 4B/5B code is used in 100 BASE-T.


Manchester code divides each binary cycle into two intervals xff0c; in 34; 134; xff0c; in the previous half-cycle high xff0c; in the second half low. 34; 034; in the opposite case xff0c; see figure 392.


Figure? 392 Manchester code.


The Manchester code has voltage changes xff0c in each bit cycle; it is easy to synchronize. But it is too inefficient to encode xff0c; only 50%.


The 4B/5B code used in 100BASE-T is a group of xff0c for each four-digit stream of data to be sent; xff0c for a specific five-digit code; xff0c for a sufficient number of jumps in data streams; xff0c for synchronizing purposes; and the efficiency has increased from 50 per cent to 80 per cent of Manchester code.



Early Ethernets are mostly multiple nodes connected to the same network bus (the bus type network) & #xff0c; there is a question of competition between the believers & #xff0c; therefore each node connected to Ether must have a conflict detection function. Ethernet has CSMA/CD conflict detection mechanisms & #xff0c; if multiple nodes simultaneously use the same bus to send data xff0c; there is a conflict xff0c; nodes on the bus can detect conflict xff0c; if there is a conflict, stop sending data xff0c; wait randomly for retransmission.


Most LANs are now organized with little bus network xff0c; most are connected to an independent route or switch interface xff0c; make up a star network xff0c; there is no conflict. But for compatibility xff0c; new products are still conflict detection mechanisms.



The MAC sublayer is the lower part of the data chain layer xff0c; it is primarily responsible for data interfaces with the physical layer xff0c; e.g., is it possible to send data xff0c; is the correct data sent xff0c; controls the data flow etc. It automatically adds some control signals to the data package from the upper layer xff0c; is given to the physical layer. The recipient receives the normal data xff0c; automatically removes the MAC control signal xff0c; and hands the data package over to the upper layer.



IEEE also has harmonized provisions on the format of the data package transmitted on the Tai Web xff0c; see figure 393. The data package is known as the MAC data package.

图?393 MAC数据包格式

Figure? 393 MAC data package format


The MAC data package consists of a prefix field, frame start boundary, target address, source address, data package type, data field, fill field, check and domain.


? The lead field & #xff0c; also the header & #xff0c; this is a wave & #xff0c; it is used to synchronise the clocks of the sent and received nodes. 0x55 with seven consecutive bytes. The field and frame start boundary are automatically filtered when the MAC receives the data package.


? Frame start delimiter (SFD) & #xff1a; xff0c for distinguishing the lead from the data segment; content 0xD5.

?MAC地址: MAC地址由48位数字组成,它是网卡的物理地址,在以太网传输的最底层,就是根据MAC地址来收发数据的。部分MAC地址用于广播和多播,在同一个网络里不能有两个相同的MAC地址。PC的网卡在出厂时已经设置好了MAC地址,但也可以通过一些软件来进行修改,在嵌入式的以太网控制器中可由程序进行配置。数据包中的DA是目标地址,SA是源地址。

The MAC address xff1a; the MAC address consists of 48 digits xff0c; it is the physical address of the web card xff0c; it is the bottom xff0c; it is the data received and received from the MAC address. Some of the MAC addresses are used for broadcasting and overlaying xff0c; there are no identical MAC addresses in the same network. The PC's web card was set up at the time of the factory xff0c; it can also be modified by some software xff0c; it can be configured by program in embedded #xff0c controllers. The DA in the data package is the target address xff0c; SA is the source address.


?Sat type xff1a; this region can be used to describe this MAC data package as an IP package belonging to the TCP/IP layer, ARP package or SNMP package & #xff0c; it can also be used to describe the length of the data segment of this MAC data package. If the value is set to be greater than 0x0600xff0c; not for length & #xff0c; but for type characterization function xff0c; and to indicate the type of MAC client protocol associated with the ultranet.


? data segment & #xff1a; data segment is the core content of the MAC package & #xff0c; it contains data from the upper layers of the MAC. Its length can vary from 0 to 1500 bytes.


?fill fields & #xff1a; because the protocol requires a minimum length of 64 bytes for the entire MAC data package (the data package received is considered to conflict if it is less than 64 bytes & #xff0c; the data package is automatically discarded) & #xff0c; when the bytes of the data field are less than 46 bytes & #xff0c; invalid data xff0c are automatically filled in the fill field; so that the data package meets the length requirements.


? Verify domain & #xff1a; the end of the MAC data package is the check & field & #xff0c; it saves the CRC verification sequence & #xff0c; used for error check.

以上是标准的MAC数据包,IEEE 802.3同时还规定了扩展的MAC数据包,它是在标准的MAC数据包的SA和数据包类型之间添加4个字节的QTag前缀字段,用于获取标志的MAC帧。前2个字节固定为0x8100,用于识别QTag前缀的存在;后两个字节内容分别为3个位的用户优先级、1个位的标准格式指示符(CFI)和一个12位的VLAN标识符。

These are the standard MAC data package & #xff0c; IEE 802.3 also provides for an extended MAC data package & #xff0c; QTag prefix field & #xff0c, which adds four bytes between the standard MAC data package's SA and the data package type; MAC frame, which is used to obtain the logo. The first two bytes are fixed at 0x8100, #xff1b, which is used to identify the existence of the prefix of QTag; the second two bytes are the three-bit user priority, one-bit standard format indicator (CFI) and one 12-digit VLAN identifier.

39.3 TCP/IP协议栈


The standard TCP/IP agreement is a set of protocols used for computer communications & #xff0c; commonly known as TCP/IP Protocol Lodge & #xff0c; popularly referred to as the code set meeting Ethernet communication requirements & #xff0c; generally required to make it possible to achieve the map? The corresponding protocols in each of the 391 layers & #xff0c; such as the application layers HTTP, FTP, DNS, SMTP & #xff0c; transmission layers tCP, UDP, IP on the network layer, ICMP, etc. The details of the TCP/IP protocol are recommended for reading the TCP-IP Detail and TCP/IP Interconnectivity Understanding.


Windows operating systems, UNIX operating systems have their own set of methods to achieve TCP/IP communications protocols & #xff0c; they all provide a very complete TCP/IP protocol. For generic embedded equipment & #xff0c; subject to hardware conditions, there is no way to support the use of TCP/IP stores operating in Windows or UNIX operating systems & #xff0c; a simplified version of TCP/IP protocol & #xff0c is generally available; the current source is suitable for embedded uIPs, TinyTCPs, uC/TCP-IPs, LwIPs, etc. LwIPs are currently discussed and used in embedded network areas. One of the purposes of this chapter is to transplant LwIP to the development board.



The physical layer of primarily defines the properties of the physical medium xff0c; the MAC sublayer is responsible for data interchange with the physical layer xff0c; these two parts are xff0c, which is closely linked to hardware xff0c; for embedded control chips xff0c; many of which are internally integrated into the MAC controller xff0c; completes xff0c; thus, this feature is capable of achieving two equipment data exchange xff0c; the time transmission data is xff0c; the time transmission data is entirely small xff0c; the send end is equipped with a data package xff0c; the receiving end is closed with available data xff0c; such a model is very similar to data transmission using the USART controller xff0c; this is also a powerful feature of


xff0c is used to facilitate interconnection with other devices; if all equipment is agreed to use an interconnection mode xff0c; if some layers are added to the software to encrypt xff0c; so that it becomes relatively easy to communicate with different systems and different equipment. And as long as the new equipment is also used in the same way xff0c; can communicate directly with other equipment previously present on the network. That is why a network agreement at other levels above MAC and why it is used. Also because xff0c is the most widely used in the TCP/IP stacks of agreements; so xff0c; want to easily communicate with other equipment xff0c; and need to provide support for TCP/IP agreements.



For example xff0c for Tainet and Wi-Fi; for their MAC sub-layers and physical layers xff0c; for the LLC layer, network layer, transmission layer and application layer above MAC xff0c; for the xff0c, which is essentially the same xff0c; for the software to achieve xff0c; and for the packaging of layers. According to TCP/IP protocols xff0c; for the functions to be performed by the layers xff1a;


LLC layer & #xff1a; processing transmission error & #xff1b; reconciling data streams & #xff0c; coordinating the speed of sending and receiving data & #xff0c; preventing the sender from sending data too fast for the recipient to lose the data.


The network layer xff1a; this layer is also known as the IP layer. The LLC level is responsible for transferring data from one end of the line to the other xff0c; however, many times different devices are located in different networks (not two headlines of a simple network line). The network level is required at this point to resolve subnetular problems, path selection. There are mainly IP protocols and ICMP protocols at this level.


Transfer layer & #xff1a; & #xff0c; end-to-end path created after network level has been processed. Transfer layer handles end-to-end communication. There are mainly TCP and UDP protocols in this layer.


The application layer & #xff1a; the first three levels of processing & #xff0c; the communication is fully established. The application layer can be used to create specific applications by calling interfaces in the transfer layer. The TCP/IP protocol typically also contains simple applications such as Telenet remote login, FTP file transfer, SMTP mail transfer protocol.


In fact xff0c; xff0c at the time the data are sent; xff0c at every level xff0c at the network protocol store; the data from the upper level is added to the head of the previous data package xff0c; it is transmitted to the next level. xff0c at the time the data is received; the head of the layer is removed from the top layer xff0c; the data is transmitted to the upper level xff0c; reference chart?394.


Figure 394? The data are sealed and restored at each level.

39.4 以太网外设(ETH)

STM32F42x系列控制器内部集成了一个以太网外设,它实际是一个通过DMA控制器进行介质访问控制(MAC),它的功能就是实现MAC层的任务。借助以太网外设,STM32F42x控制器可以通过ETH外设按照IEEE 802.3-2002标准发送和接收MAC数据包。ETH内部自带专用的DMA控制器用于MAC,ETH支持两个工业标准接口介质独立接口(MII)和简化介质独立接口(RMII)用于与外部PHY芯片连接。MII和RMII接口用于MAC数据包传输,ETH还集成了站管理接口(SMI)接口专门用于与外部PHY通信,用于访问PHY芯片寄存器。

The STM32F42x series controller has an internal collection of xff0c, which is a media access control (MAC),, implemented via a DMA controller. Its function is to achieve the MAC layer. The xff0c, STM32F42x controller is capable of sending and receiving the MAC data package according to IEEE 802.3-2002 standards via ETH external. The ETH own DMA controller is used for MAC& #xff0c; ETH supports two industry standard interface interfaces independent interfaces (MII) and simplified media independent interfaces (RMII) for connection with external PHY chips. MII and RMII interfaces are used for MAC data package transmission xff0c; ETH interfaces are also dedicated to station management interfaces (SMI) with external PHY communications #xff0c; and access to PHY chips.


The physical layer defines the transmission medium, transmission speed, data coding and conflict detection mechanisms used in Tainet & #xff0c; the PHYs is the entity that achieves the functions of the physical layer & #xff0c; the life crystalline & #43; crystal plug #43; and the PHY combination forms the physical layer.

ETH有专用的DMA控制器,它通过AHB主从接口与内核和存储器相连,AHB主接口用于控制数据传输,而AHB从接口用于访问"控制与状态寄存器"(CSR)空间。在进行数据发送是,先将数据有存储器以DMA传输到发送TX FIFO进行缓冲,然后由MAC内核发送;接收数据时,RX FIFO先接收以太网数据帧,再由DMA传输至存储器。ETH系统功能框图见图?395。

ETH has a dedicated DMA controller & #xff0c; it connects the interface with the kernel and memory via AHB master & #xff0c; the AHB main interface is used to control data transmission & #xff0c; while AHB is used from the interface to access 34; the control and state repository & #34; CSR space. The data are sent xff0c; the data are transferred to DMA to send TX FIFO for buffer #xff0c; then xff1b is sent by MAC internal nuclems; xff0c; RX FIFO receives data first from the hypernet data frame #xff0c; and then by DMA to the repository.

图?395 ETH功能框图

Figure? 395 ETH function frames


SMI是MAC内核访问PHY寄存器标志接口,它由两根线组成,数据线MDIO和时钟线MDC。SMI支持访问32个PHY,这在设备需要多个网口时非常有用,不过一般设备都只使用一个PHY。PHY芯片内部一般都有32个16位的寄存器,用于配置PHY芯片属性、工作环境、状态指示等等,当然很多PHY芯片并没有使用到所有寄存器位。MAC内核就是通过SMI向PHY的寄存器写入数据或从PHY寄存器读取PHY状态,一次只能对一个PHY的其中一个寄存器进行访问。SMI最大通信频率为2.5MHz,通过控制以太网MAC MII地址寄存器?(ETH_MACMIIAR)的CR位可选择时钟频率。

SMI is an internal MAC nuclear access PHY memory interface xff0c; it consists of two lines xff0c; data lines DIO and clockline xff0c. SMI supports access to 32 PHY, this is very useful when the equipment needs multiple portals xff0c; however, the general equipment uses only one PHY. The PHY chip usually has 32 16-bit senders xff0c; it is used to configure PHY chip properties, working environment, state instructions, etc. xff0c; of course, many PHY chips are not used to all depositors. The MAC core is used to write data through SMI's sender to PHY or from PHY's depository.



SMI communicates with PHY via data frames xff0c; frame formats such as tables? 391xff0c; data biting order from left to right.

表?391 SMI帧格式

Table: 391 SMI frame format


Manage Frame Fields


Header (32bit)









Data (16bit)























PADDR用于指定PHY地址,每个PHY都有一个地址,一般由PHY硬件设计决定,所以是固定不变的。RADDR用于指定PHY寄存器地址。TA为状态转换域,若为读操作,MAC输出两个位高阻态,而PHY芯片则在第一位时输出高阻态,第二位时输出"0"。若为写操作,MAC输出"10",PHY芯片则输出高阻态。数据段有16位,对应PHY寄存器每个位,先发送或接收到的位对应以太网?MAC MII?数据寄存器(ETH_MACMIIDR)寄存器的位15。

PADDR is used to specify PHY address & #xff0c; each PHY has an address & #xff0c; usually PHY hardware design & #xff0c; so it is fixed. RADDR is used to specify PHY register address. TA is the status conversion field & #xff0c; #xff0c is used for reading operations & #xff0c; MAC exports two high-level barriers & xff0c; PHY chips are exported at the first time & #xff0c; 34; 0 #34; if you write operations xff0c; MAC output #34; 34 #34; #xff0c; xy chips export high barriers. Data segment has 16 xff0c; for PHY transmitters xff0c; for PHY transmitters xff0c; for sending pre-recet and #MACDID.


当以太网MAC MII地址寄存器?(ETH_MACMIIAR)的写入位和繁忙位被置1时,SMI将向指定的PHY芯片指定寄存器写入ETH_MACMIIDR中的数据。写操作时序见图?396。

When the writing and busy slot of the ETH_MACMIIAR address is 1 & #xff0c; SMI writes the data in the ETH_MACMIIDR to the specified PHY chip.

图?396 SMI写操作

Figure? 396 SMI writing.

当以太网MAC MII地址寄存器?(ETH_MACMIIAR)的写入位为0并且繁忙位被置1时,SMI将从向指定的PHY芯片指定寄存器读取数据到ETH_MACMIIDR内。读操作时序见图?397。

When the ETH_MACMIIAR (ETH_MACMIIAR) is written at 0 and busy position 1 & #xff0c; SMI will read the data from the specified PHY chip to the ETH_MACMIIDR. The reading sequence is shown in figure 397.

图?397 SMI读操作

Figure: 397 SMI read operations



The media independent interface (MII) is used to understand the MAC controller and PHY chip & #xff0c; provides a data transfer path. The RMII interface is a simplified version of the MII interface & #xff0c; MII requires 16 lines of communication & #xff0c; RMII requires only 7 lines of communication & #xff0c; it is functionally the same.

图?398 MII接口连接

Figure: 398 MII interface connection

图?399 RMII接口连接

Figure? 399 RMII interface connection


?TX_CLK: Data sent the clock. The nominal speed is 2.5 MHz; at 10Mbit/s; the rate is 25 MHz at 100Mbit/s. The RRMII interface does not have this line.


RX_CLK: Data reception clock. The nominal speed rate is 2.5 MHz; at 10Mbit/s; the rate is 25 MHz at 100Mbit/s. The RRMII interface does not have this line.


_TX_EN: Data sent enabler. Saves effective flats throughout the data sent process.


?TXD[3:0] or TXD[1:0] & #xff1a; data transmission lines. For MII there are 4 & #xff0c; RMII only 2. Effective only if TX_EN is in a valid level data line.


?CRS: carrier listener signal & #xff0c; PHY chip driver & #xff0c; enables the signal when sending or receiving the medium in a non-empty state. The signal line is invalid in full-time work mode.


♪ COL: conflict detection signal xff0c; PHY chip driver xff0c; post-conflict detection of medium presence xff0c; and maintenance until the conflict is defused. The signal line is invalid in full-time mode.


?RXD[3:0] or RXD[1:0]: data receipt data lines & #xff0c; driven by PHY chip. For MII there are 4 & #xff0c; RMII only 2 bits. In MII mode & #xff0c; when RX_DV is disabled, RX_ER & #xff0c; specific RXD value [3:0] is used to transmit specific information from PHY.


?RX_DV: Receiving data valid signal xff0c; functions similar to TX_EN, only for data reception xff0c; driven by PHY chip. For RMII interface xff0c; integrating CRS and RX_DV into CRS_DV signal xff0c; switching the signal state from one medium to another when it is in a different state.


?RX_ER: Received error signal & #xff0c; PHY-driven xff0c; reported error detected somewhere in the frame to the MAC controller.


?RF_CLK: only for RMII interface & #xff0c; 50 MHz reference clocks from external clock sources.


For MII interfaces & #xff0c; generally external provision of 25 MHz clocks to PHYs & #xff0c; then PHY provides TX_CLK and RX_CLK clocks. For RMII interfaces & #xff0c; usually external direct provision of 50 MHz clocks #xff0c; and access to MAC and PHY.


The PHY chip type on the development plate is LAN8720A, the chip only supports the RMII interface & #xff0c; the circuit reference diagram?399.


ETH-related hardware in STM32F42x controller distribution reference table? 392.

表?392 ETH复用引脚

Table? 392 ETH repeat kicks.


























































其中,PPS_OUT是IEEE 1588定义的一个时钟同步机制。

Of which xff0c; PPS_OUT is a clock synchronization mechanism as defined by IEEE 1588.



ETH external is responsible for sending and receiving the MAC data package. DMA is used to obtain data content from the system repository xff0c; ETH external is used to complete the MAC data package wrapping xff0c; then it is sent out via PHY. When xff0c is detected that a MAC data package needs to be received xff0c; ETH external control data reception xff0c; and unsealed MAC data packages are transferred to the system repository via DMA.


MAC数据帧发送全部由DMA控制,从系统存储器读取的以太网帧由DMA推入FIFO,然后将帧弹出并传输到MAC内核。帧传输结束后,从MAC内核获取发送状态并传回DMA。在检测到SOF(Start Of Frame)时,MAC接收数据并开始MII发送。在EOF(End Of Frame)传输到MAC内核后,内核将完成正常的发送,然后将发送状态返回给DMA。如果在发送过程中发送常规冲突,MAC内核将使发送状态有效,然后接受并丢弃所有后续数据,直至收到下一SOF。检测到来自MAC的重试请求时,应从SOF重新发送同一帧。如果发送期间未连续提供数据,MAC将发出下溢状态。在帧的正常传输期间,如果MAC在未获得前一帧的EOF的情况下接收到SOF,则将忽略该SOF并将新的帧视为前一帧的延续。

MAC data frames are sent all by DMA control & #xff0c; an Ether frame read from the system memory is pushed into FIFO, then the frame is ejected and transferred to the MAC kernel. After frame transfer xff0c; after delivery xff0c; from MAC kernel to DMA. When sent to SOF (Start Of Frame) xff0c; MAC kernels will send data effectively xff0c; MACs will receive and drop all follow-up data after transmission to the MAC xff0c; until the next SCF is detected x0c; #Fffffs will be sent without continuous transmission #xOx0; SffSpints will be sent without Ox0; FfSpint #0Spint Ox0S.

MAC控制MAC数据包的发送操作,它会自动生成前导字段和SFD以及发送帧状态返回给DMA,在半双工模式下自动生成阻塞信号,控制jabber(MAC看门狗)定时器用于在传输字节超过2048字节时切断数据包发送。在半双工模式下,MAC使用延迟机制进行流量控制,程序通过将ETH_MACFCR寄存器的BPA位置1来请求流量控制。MAC包含符合IEEE 1588的时间戳快照逻辑。MAC数据包发送时序参考图?3910。

MAC controls the sending of the MAC data package xff0c; it automatically generates the lead field and SFID and the sending frame back to DMA, automatically generates the blocking signal xff0c in semi-double working mode; controls the Jabber (MAC door dog) timer used to sever the delivery of the data package when the transmission byte exceeds 2048 bytes. Under semi-duration mode xff0c; MAC uses a delay mechanism to conduct flow control xff0c; requests traffic control by placing the ETH_MACFCR repository at BPA position 1. MAC contains a time stamp logic consistent with IEE 1588. MAC data packages send time series reference maps?3910.

图?3910 MAC数据包发送时序(无冲突)

Figure? 3910 MAC data pack dispatch time series (no conflict)


MAC接收到的数据包填充RX FIFO,达到FIFO设定阈值后请求DMA传输。在默认直通模式下,当FIFO接收到64个字节(使用ETH_DMAOMR寄存器中的RTC位配置)或完整的数据包时,数据将弹出,其可用性将通知给DMA。DMA向AHB接口发起传输后,数据传输将从FIFO持续进行,直到传输完整个数据包。完成EOF帧的传输后,状态字将弹出并发送到DMA控制器。在Rx FIFO存储转发模式(通过ETH_DMAOMR寄存器中的RSF位配置)下,仅在帧完全写入Rx FIFO后才可读出帧。

MAC received data packages filled with RX FIFO, requests for DMA transfer after reaching the FIFO set threshold. xff0c under default direct mode; xff0c when FIFO receives 64 bytes (using the RTC bit configuration in the ETH_DMAOMR register) or complete data packages xff0c; the data will eject xff0c; its availability will be notified to DMA. xff0c after DMA initiates transmission to the AHB interface; xff0c from FIFO on a continuous basis until the transfer of the full data package is completed. The status word will eject and send to the DMA controller.


When MAC detects SFD on MII & #xff0c; the reception operation will be activated. The MAC kernel will remove the header and SFD& #xff0c; then continue processing the frame. Check the header field for filtering & #xff0c; the FCS field will be used by the CRC to verify the frame if the frame does not pass through the address filter & #xff0c; discards the frame in the kernel. The MAC data package is received with a reference chart?3911.

图?3911 MAC数据包接收时序(无错误)

Figure? 3911 MAC data package acceptance time series (no error)



The MAC filters can be selective in setting the MAC frames of the target address or source address. It will check the target and source addresses of all data frames received & #xff0c; xff0c based on filter selection; and post-detection reporting filter status. There are three xff0cs for target addresses; xff1b for single, multiple and broadcast target addresses; and only single source addresses for source locations are filtered.


The single target address filter is a comparison of the recipient's corresponding DA field with the predefined Ethernet MAC address register xff0c; a maximum of four predefined filter MAC addresses. The multiple target address filter is implemented on the basis of HM in the frame filter register xff0c; it is a comparison of the MAC address register. The single and multicast target address filter also supports the Hash filter mode. The broadcast target address filter enables xff0c by filtering the BFD position 1 of the frame carrier; this causes MAC to discard all broadcast frames.


The single-source address filter is a comparison of the SA fields received with the contents of the SA register.


MAC filters also have reverse filtering operations & #xff0c; i.e. allow filter structures to supplement them.

39.5 PHY:LAN8720A


LAN8720A is a small, low-capacity, full-power 10/100Mbps transceiver designed by SMSC (which has been acquired by Microchip). It is designed for consumer electronics and business applications. LAN8720A totals only 24 Pin, supports only the RRMII interface. Its network structure is shown in figure 3912.


Figure 3912: Structure of the network system consisting of LAN8720A


LAN8720A connects to MAC via RMII. RJ45 is a network plug & #xff0c; a transformer & #xff0c is also needed between links to LAN8720A; therefore, the HY91105A model is generally used for electrical voltage conversion and LED light. & #xff0c in general; it is necessary to provide 50 MHz clock source input to RF_CLK and #xff0c using RMII interfaces; but LAN8720A is internally integrated into PLL, 25MHz clocks are available to 50 MHz and the clock #xff0c is exported at the point of destination; so we can directly link it to RF_CLK to provide 50 MHz clock effect.


The structure of the LAN8720A internal system is shown in figure 3913.

图?3913 LAN8720A内部系统结构

Figure: 3913 LAN8720A internal system structure


LAN8720A has various functional modules comprising xff0c; the most important number receiver controller and send controller xff0c; the others are basically linked to external pullers xff0c; achieve signal transmission. Part of the induction is a dual function xff0c; for example, the PHYAD0 and RXER foot are shared xff0c; once the system is electrolyzed, LAN8720A will read this share xff0c; determine the state of the system and save it in the relevant transmitter xff0c; and then automatically transfer it to another feature.


PHYAD [0] quotes are used to configure SMI communications at the LAN8720A address & #xff0c; the lead foot has been pulled off from within the chip & #xff0c; the default is 0 (even if the external space is not open) & #xff0c; the lead foot is detected for receiving LAN8720A at an address of 0 or 1xff0c while on the system; and it is stored in the PHYAD slot of the special mode sender (R18) xff0c; the sender has 5 places xff0c; a different SMI address can be set up by software if more than two LAN8720As are required. PHYAD [0] is shared with RXER quotes.

MODE[2:0]引脚用于选择LAN8720A网络通信速率和工作模式,可选10Mbps或100Mbps通信速度,半双工或全双工工作模式,另外LAN8720A支持HP Auto-MDIX自动翻转功能,即可自动识别直连或交叉网线并自适应。一般将MODE引脚都设置为1,可以让LAN8720A启动自适应功能,它会自动寻找最优工作方式。MODE[0]与RXD0引脚共用、MODE[1]与RXD1引脚共用、MODE[2]与CRS_DV引脚共用。

MODE[2:0] is used to select LAN8720A network communication speed and mode of operation & #xff0c; 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps communication speed & #xff0c; half- or full-time mode of work & #xff0c; and LAN8720A supports HP Auto-Return function & #xff0c; it automatically recognizes and adapts to direct or cross-network links. The MODE index is generally set to 1xff0c; it allows LAN8720A to start self-adaptation & #xff0c; it automatically seeks the best working methods. MODE[0] shares with RXD0 guides, MODE[1] shares with RXD1 guides, MODE[2] shares with CRRS_DV guides.


NINT/REFCLKO is used for the RF_CLK signal line & #xff0c in the RMII interface; it can also be set up as a 50 MHz clock output xff0c; it can be provided with 50 MHz clocks CLKs link directly to STM32F42x & xff0cs; this mode requires 25 MHz clocks between XTAL1 and XTAL2 or XTALKIN xff0cs; it can be provided with 50 MHz clocks xff0cs from the LAN8720A internal PL circuits; when the NN/REFCLKs are not available for interruption of the Xff0cs; it can be used for the CKKKLs & TKLs TKs Ls Ls Ls ; it can be used as an external source of LXLFs ; it can be used for the TKHLs =50 hours SILLLs T & T & Ls L L L ; it is used as an external source of Ls L L T L.


REGOFF is used to configure internal & #43; 1.2V voltage & #xff0c; LAN8720A internal needs & #43; 1.2V voltage & #xff0c; can enter 43; 1.2V voltage & #xff0c via VDDDR; also direct use of LAN8720A internal & #43; 1.2V stabilizer. Select internal & #43; 1.2V stabilizer when REGOFF is low level. RGOFF is shared with LED1.


SMI supported the location of 32 senders & #xff0c; LAN8720A used only 14 of them & #xff0c; reference table? 393.

表?393 LAN8720A寄存器列表

Table? 393 LAN8720A register list


Serial number


Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component.




Basic Control Register



Basic Status Register



PHY Identifier 1



PHY Identifier 2



Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register



Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register



Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register



Mode Control/Status Register



Special Modes



Symbol Error Counter Register



Control / Status Indication Register



Interrupt Source Register



Interrupt Mask Register



PHY Special Control/Status Register


序号与SMI数据帧中的RADDR是对应的,这在编写驱动时非常重要,本文将它们标记为R0~R31。寄存器可规划为三个组:Basic、Extended和Vendor-specific。Basic是IEEE 802.3要求的,R0是基本控制寄存器,其位15为Soft Reset位,向该位写1启动LAN8720A软件复位,还包括速度、自适应、低功耗等等功能设置。R1是基本状态寄存器。Extended是扩展寄存器,包括LAN8720A的ID号、制造商、版本号等等信息。Vendor-specific是供应商自定义寄存器,R31是特殊控制/状态寄存器,指示速度类型和自适应功能。

The serial number and RADDR in the SMI data frame correspond to xff0c; this is very important at the time of writing the drive xff0c; they are marked as R0~R31. The transmitter can be planned for three groups xff1a; Basic, Extendeded and Vendor-specific. Basic is xff0c; R0 is the basic control repository xff0c; it is the basic control depositor xff0c; it is the 15 Soft Reet bit xff0c; it is the start-up of LAN8720A software xff0c to that location 1; it also includes the functions of speed, self-adaptation, low power consumption etc. R1 is the basic status depositor xff0c; Extended is the extension register xff0c; it includes information on the LAN8720A ID, manufacturer, version, etc.

39.6 LwIP:轻型TCP/IP协议栈

LwIP是Light Weight Internet Protocol?的缩写,是由瑞士计算机科学院Adam Dunkels等开发的适用于嵌入式领域的开源轻量级TCP/IP协议栈。它可以移植到含有操作系统的平台中,也可以在无操作系统的平台下运行。由于它开源、占用的RAM和ROM比较少、支持较为完整的TCP/IP协议、且十分便于裁剪、调试,被广泛应用在中低端的32位控制器平台。可以访问网站:获取更多LwIP信息。

LwIP is a Light Weight Internet Protocol? & #xff0c; an open-source light TCP/IP platform for embedded areas, developed by the Swiss Academy of Computer Sciences Adam Dunkels and others. It can be transplanted to a platform containing an operating system & #xff0c; it can also run under a platform with no operating system. It has a relatively small number of RAMs and RPMs, supports a more complete TCP/IP and is very easy to tailor, calibrate xff0c; it is widely applied to a 32-bit control platform at the lower and middle end. It can access the website xff1a; for more LwIP information.


Currently xff0c; LwIP update to version 1.4.1 xff0c; we can find the corresponding LwIP source downloads on the above-mentioned website. We download two compressed packages xff1a; and, includes the LwIP implementation code xff0c; contains the driver code of different platforms to transplant LwIP and some practical tests of applications performed using LwIP.


However, xff0c; unfortunately, did not provide an example of STM32 platform xff0c; this is still very difficult for beginners to attempt to transplant LwIP. ST also recognizes the importance of LwIP in embedded fields xff0c; so it developed a testing platform for LwIP applications xff0c; one of these was run by STM32F4x7 controllers (document number xff1a; STSW-STM3270) xfff0c; although our development board platform is STM32F429 controller xff0c; it was tested that the ETH drivers and the LwIP interface functions were common. To reduce the transplant workload xff0c; we chose to use the SST official routine related document xff0c; in particular, the #fff0c drive function at the bottom of ETH #xff0c; so we could also devote more effort to understanding the method of achieving the code.




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