4400余枚比特币被指“消失” 矿机巨头举报案陷“罗生门”

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【4400余枚比特币被指“消失” 矿机巨头举报案陷“罗生门”】8月9日晚间,华铁应急紧急召开媒体说明会,对以上三大指控予以否认,并通过PPT展示了部分证据和材料。另外,华铁应急指称亿邦国际及其董事长胡东故意编造、散布虚假信息,造成公共秩序的严重混乱,涉嫌构成寻衅滋事罪,已向杭州市公安局报案。(中国经营报)


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A more than 140-page reporting letter pushed two Zhejiang listed companies to the tip of their mouths.


On the afternoon of 8 August, one of the world's three major Bitcoller manufacturers, the United States stock company , ), `blank' href= http://qute.eet.r/105 >, and >.


On the evening of 9 August,


Immediately thereafter, the international community of hundreds of thousands of States once again wrote that the “three counts of crimes” of the Chinese emergency were well-founded and undefeated. Evidence was also highlighted, including the micro-letter chat screen, /spanspan streaming water, conversations, etc.


A reporter from China Business noted that, in the “back-to-back” process, the Chinese emergency fell by more than 20 per cent on 9 and 10 August and the market value fell by nearly 2 billion yuan on two consecutive trading days, while Bundang International jumped by 9.73 per cent on 9 August and by 5.67 per cent on 10 August.


“The “bitcoin machine” not only cost us a great deal, but also a lesson that still costs us to this day.”


Since the beginning of the year, China's Iron Emergency has seen its performance //span > and stock prices take off. The financial reports show that the net profits of China's Iron Emergency in 2019, 2020 and the first half of 2021 > /span > > and stock prices. Data show that the net profits of China's Iron Emergency in 2019, 2020 and 2021 fell to mothers > > > _blank' href = < http://data.eastmey.com/bbsj/ > > infokey > > /a /span >, 323 million yuan, 323 per cent, 17.09 per cent, 17.09 per cent and 135.65 per cent respectively.


On 10 August, the China Iron Emergency received an enquiry letter from the Shanghai Stock Exchange requesting verification and additional disclosure of the above-mentioned “three counts”.


In response to the dispute between the two parties, journalists in this newspaper have recently sent separate letters requesting interviews, but they have not received a response by the time of submission.



The newspaper's journalist combed it out and found that two listed companies were involved in a dispute over the contract of 56,000 mining machines.


In the global market for the supply of mine machines, the international market position of the billion states is second only to that of the Bit continent and Kanaji. In the first half of 2018, the Chinese Emergency Response Company Xinjiang, Xinjiang, and Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Inc. (hereinafter Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xianjiang, Xianjiang, Xianjiang, Inc., purchased 80,000 multi-dimensional mining machines at a total cost of 400 million.


It is worth mentioning that the Chinese Iron Emergency had previously referred to the Dipbitcoin Miner as a cloud computing server, so the contract was referred to as the cloud computing server sales contract. In November 2019, the Chinese Iron Emergency responded to the warning letter a target="_blank" href="http://data.eastmoney.com/notices/"crass="infokey" bulletin /span>, acknowledging that the use of the “ cloud computing server” to refer to the Debit Miner in the information disclosure process was inaccurate, too vague, and did not sufficiently reveal the risks that it might have had a significant impact on the company.


From the information currently disclosed by the parties, both parties have acknowledged that only 24,000 of the 80,000 are in business, and that the dispute is mainly related to the 56,000 others. The dispute stems mainly from the fact that Xinjiang did not pay the balance of the contract at the agreed time, after having paid 120 million yuan as scheduled. In response, the Chinese emergency insisted that only 24,000 machines were received, with no obligation to pay the remaining 56,000.


During a media briefing on the evening of 9 August, the Chinese emergency indicated that the actual buyer of the remaining 56,000 unpaid items of equipment was not Zhejiang Ki-Ri's Mechanical Equipment Limited (hereinafter “Zijiang Ki-Si-Ri” and Xinjiang Xinjiang was the subject of a change of name), but rather a third party, Zhejiang Newbo Industries Ltd. (hereinafter “Nubo Industries”) and denied that it had a link with New York Industries.


“The recording of the other said that the Newbo business was my sister's company, and that it was out of order. Ten years ago, my sister did have a stake in the Newbo business, and then the shares were transferred, and it had nothing to do with our emergency response in China.” Hudance said at the presentation.


By April 2011, Hu will hold $4.795 million stock transfer to Ludong Hong, from which it will withdraw from the list of "Info.3286"


Why would New York Industries sign up for as many as 56,000 mining machines? The newspaper reporter has called the company several times, but the phone is still unheard.


According to public information, in April 2019, Xinjiang Xinjiang was transferred to Chen Wanlong at a cost of 1.228 million yuan, and in September of the same year Xinjiang Xinjiang was renamed Ki-Ri Zian.


Journalists note that in December 2020, hundreds of thousands of states have filed a lawsuit with the Hangzhou Municipal Intermediate People's Court on the grounds of “contract-for-sale dispute,” against Zhejiang Ki-Ri, Hua Tei and its chairman, Hu Dan Peak. According to the Chinese Emergency announcement of 3 August, the lawsuit is currently pending. Perhaps this is the reason why the contract dispute has not been resolved.


More than 4400 bitcoins "disappeared"


Of the three allegations made by Billion States International, concerning the alleged embezzlement of the assets of listed companies by the Chinese emergency operator Hudander and his spouse, Panthing, by a large number of positions, the core of the allegation was the Bitcoin gains from the miner's “mining”.


According to Gbon international sources, one of the mine machines purchased by Xinjiang has the same cell number as the Bitcoin mine pond, Miner No., Bitcoin gains and Bitcoin wallet addresses. The number is used by Pan Sin. Five of the Bitcoins wallet addresses correspond to the above-mentioned cell phone number. The number of bitcoins extracted from the mine is found to be 4418.895748, and the current value is about RMB 1.2 billion.


In response, Hudan Peak stated at the subsequent presentation that the emergency had only operated the lease of a miner and had never been engaged in mining, that “the Bitcoin pond was registered by anyone, was an observation account, was used to view the equipment's functioning, that bitcoin had been dug directly into the wallet, and that the concept had been confused. We took a fixed return, that bitcoin was a leasing party, and that there was no automatic correlation between the two accounts.”


On 22 October 2019, at 0827 hours and 26 seconds, it was discovered that the above-mentioned bitcoin address had been transferred to other bitcoin addresses at the same time, thus confirming that the bitcoin address belonged to the same bitcoin wallet. It is well known that the same bitcoin wallet was owned by only one person.” Billion International also posted a micro-mail chat screen indicating that the bitcoin account had also been used to pay for the iron emergency miner charges, and thus “confirmed” that Bitcoin was owned by Pantsing.


In response to the arguments of both parties, the co-founder and co-founder of the CyberStandard Security Team, who worked on the exchange and is currently working on the block chain project, said: “Bitcoin is in fact a block incentive for miners to produce new blocks after a mathematically calculated success for miners. Bitcoin wallets should not be attributed to a person or device, but to a set of key pairs (public and private keys) and the Bitcoin address is generated by public key encryption, so theoretically the owner of Bitcoin is actually the key holder.”


He further said, “The pond is accessible to all because its main function is to concentrate the amount of money in order to increase the probability of a mass coming out, in which, according to the mechanism of the pond, the amount of money provided will be rewarded when the block is released. The watch account of the pond is used only to see the profit from the master account, and the final benefit is the master account.”


As for the further “sledgehammer” of Billion States International, Lingwind stated that multiple bitcoin addresses were transferred to other bitcoin addresses at the same time, and that it was indeed possible to deduce that the bitcoins belonged to the same bitcoin wallet, but that did not mean that the bitcoin wallet was owned by one person and that “the bitcoin wallet was transferred as long as it had the key to do so”.


In the announcement, Xinjiang said that Xinjiang was in a cloud computing server rental business and did not own a “mine mining” business. “The logical tenant, i.e., I rented the mine machine to you, but the mine was in my hands, so I wanted to get the money where I wanted to go.” The King said.


So, is it possible for the miner leaser to be the owner of the final proceeds of the mining? The wind says: “Well, it depends on whether the final profit address coincides with the transaction, and if the proceeds of the mining end up at the same wallet address, it is highly likely that the wallet address is the final proceeds, and the proceeds of the mining are at the disposal of the key holder of the wallet.”


In response to this part of the public allegation, journalists in this newspaper also tried to ask for more details about the emergency response in China, but had not responded to it by the time of submission.


$30 million in hosting arrears


In January 2019, according to a report,


According to BBI, during June-November 2018, Xinjiang and associated individuals paid Xinjiang Hua Tianjiang trustee fees of $51,813,000, $1 million and $350,000, respectively, to Beijing; the supplier of Xinjiang Xinjiang Xinjiang trustee fees of $25,668 million, totalling $54,998,000, were paid to Wuhai trustees. In July-November 2018, Xinjiang iron associate individuals, Yang Tao et al., paid a total of $31,35.7 million to Hong Jia-jun trustees. According to the list of incentive recipients of the 2019-2021 Stock Incentives Plan of the Chinese Iron Emergency, all of the above-mentioned persons were among the core recipients of the China Iron Emergency Plan incentive list.


According to BBI, Xinjiang Xinjiang Tianhai actually paid a total of 86,354,800 yuan for hosting costs, but the external disclosure of trust costs amounted to only 54,631.79 million yuan, less the cost of $31,171.69 million, and was suspected of financial forgery.


For its part, Xinjiang responded that “the parent company, Xinjiang, as a limited liability company, does not have a financial mix with it, so that even if Xinjiang had a problem with Xinjiang, the parent company would not be jointly and severally liable”.


With regard to alleged violations of the law, according to information reported by the International Bank of the Bundang, in April 2019, the owner of the mine machine, Beijing Bori, filed a lawsuit against the Xinjiang miner for payment of money and electricity charges against the Xinjiang miner, and 80% of the Xinjiang iron stock was frozen by the court. Following the deposit of $11.3 million in cash on the account of the Court of Xinjiang Emergency Response, the Xinjiang iron equity freeze was lifted.


Billion States International indicated that, in the event of the freezing of the above-mentioned equity assets by the courts, the Chinese emergency would make no disclosure and would continue to convene a general meeting of shareholders at /span>, in violation of the listed company's boon system.


In response, Secretary Guo Haibin of the Chinese Iron Emergency Response Agency gave three explanations: “First, funds previously frozen in March represented only 0.99 per cent of the company's net assets, and the frozen account was not the company's main operating account; second, in 2019, the Chinese Iron Emergency provided $11.3 million to unfreeze 80 per cent of Xinjiang's iron equity, and the unfrozen funds did not amount to more than 10 per cent of the company's net assets and were not the company's main asset; and third, listed companies were mainly leasing operations, which were verified by the relevant authorities and did not pose a problem.”


However, with regard to the fact that, as stated by the Chinese Emergency, the employee's hosting act is a personal act, unrelated to the company, Billion Bones International also explained by means of multiple micro-mail chat screens and Water Flows > to explain that the hosting fee paid by the Chinese Emergency related staff is based on an authorization from


On August 10, the Chinese emergency received a letter of inquiry requesting it to verify and disclose that employees had paid the trustees more than $30 million in trusteeship costs in 2018. Journalists also contacted the Chinese emergency, but had not responded to it by the time of the release. Two sets of evidence were provided, and the “Rosingman” was still fermented, and the paper will continue to follow up.


(原标题:4400余枚比特币被指“消失” 矿机巨头举报案陷“罗生门”)





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