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加密货币的发展最显著的特征之一就是成交量的不断提高,作为投资者来说要进行加密货币交易就需要去了解市场上的交易软件。相对来说在交易软件上交易会更加的安全和便捷。但要了解每个交易软件还是一件比较麻烦的事情,尤其是新手投资者,现在加密市场上常见的、主流的交易软件有很多,能在2024年十大币圈交易软件排行榜上有名的是哪些交易所就惹人寻味,当前主要就是BinanceApp、OKX App、Coinbase Pro App等等,下面小编为大家详细说说。

One of the most notable features of the development of cryptographic money is the increasing volume of transactions, and investors need to know about the market’s trade software to deal with it. It is relatively safer and easier to deal with it.

2024年十大币圈交易软件排行榜分别是Binance App、OKX App、Coinbase Pro App、Huobi App、BitfinexApp、Kraken App、Gemini App、BitMEX App、Bitstamp App以及BitFlyerApp,下文是这些交易软件的详细介绍:

In 2024, the ten-bit trading software rankings were Binance App, OKX App, Coinbase Pro App, Huobi App, Bitfinex App, Kraken App, Gemini App, BitMEX App, Bitstamp App and BitFlyerApp, which are described in detail below:


In July 2017, the Binance Exchange ( ) was opened for download on 11 September 2017. The currency security APP currently supports 38 languages. The currency App is divided into two versions of a currency security professional and a currency security compendium, which reduces the amount of information available on the first page and only sees the most basic functions. The currency security professional version provides a variety of transactional functions, such as contract transactions, options and leverage transactions, that meet the needs of professional traders.


The EuroOKX Exchange ( and released on 9 January 2018 an APP internal measurement version in 22 languages, and EuroOKXAP has both streamlined and professional versions, and also supports the use of EuroOKXAP to switch Euro-easy Web3 wallets at any time. Users can “ find ” pages to find market conditions, followers and also have access to transactions on Bitcoins, their & & ldquo; finance & rdquo; plates containing borrowing, lending, and Jumptart, etc., which allow users to generate income depending on the need to choose a financial project, but also need to pay attention to risks.


The Coinbase Exchange was established in May 2014, and Coinbase launched the IOS version on 22 October 2013, with its headquarters in the United States, with CoinbaseAPP providing a secure platform for users to invest in a variety of digital assets. Coinbase platform interfaces are simple and easy to use, including real-time order queries, graphic tools, transaction history records and simple order processes.


The HTX Currency Exchange ( with a total of 14 languages currently supported by the APP version, which allows transactional digital currency to include transactions such as spot, contract, leverage, etc., and functions similar to Web end functions, although APP can choose to set the currency of concern into a floating window to view currency prices in real time.

Bitfinex交易所成立于2012年10月,于2018年3月推出BitfinexAPP测试版,Bitfinex手机APP采用Bitfinex平台全部功能,可随时进行交易、快速追踪仓位、订单、交易记录。Bitfinex简易版的界面,可以随时进行交易、质押和借出加密币。用户可在专为交易者设计的社交平台和新闻聚合器BitfinexPulse与Bitfinex Pulse社区互动。

The Bitfinex Exchange was established in October 2012 and launched the BitfinexAP test version in March 2018, with Bitfinex mobile phone APP using the full functionality of the Bitfinex platform and ready to trade, quickly track warehouse slots, orders, and transaction logs. Bitfinex is an interface that allows transactions, pledge and loan of encrypted currency at any time. Users can interact with the Bitfinex Pulse community on social platforms and news polymers designed for traders.

Kraken交易所成立于2011年7月,Kraken推出的APP版Kraken APP分为Kraken和Kraken Pro两个版本,KrakenPro相较于Kraken功能更强大、安全,并且能够参与质押等活动赚取收益,共有400多个加密货币市场可供投资者选择。Kraken则要简单许多,适合快速、便捷进行加密货币交易,提供超过120 种加密货币供投资者选择。

The Kraken Exchange was established in July 2011, and Kraken launched an APP version, Kraken APP, divided into Kraken and Kraken Pro, which is more powerful and secure than Kraken, and can be involved in activities such as pledge, with more than 400 encrypted money markets open to investors. Kraken, for example, is much simpler and suitable for fast and easy encrypt currency transactions, providing more than 120 encrypted currencies for investors.

Gemini APP目前支持20+种语言,GeminiAPP通过交易对发现、高级交易工具和其他订单类型升级用户的交易体验。用户参与区块链生态系统能够获得加密货币的质押奖励。用户在适用于watchOS的Gemini上还可以接收价格提醒和通知。

Gemini APP currently supports 20+ languages, and GeminiAP deals with transactions that upgrade users of discovery, advanced trading tools, and other order types.


BitMEX was set up in April 2014 to provide access to balances, transaction history, deposits and withdrawals, and to access, monitor and enforce permanent contracts and futures contracts. BitMEXAP offers more than 30 encrypted currencies for choice by users, and a wide range of passive-benefit products can be selected to expand the encrypted currency portfolio.

Bitstamp APP提供多种语言和多种货币支持。Bitstamp APP为新用户和经验丰富的用户设计的购买和销售加密货币的最简单方法。Bitstamp Pro是为专业交易者和加密专家而打造APP。使用BitstampPro可以帮助用户获取实时市场洞察,包括订单簿、最新交易、市场深度和所有资产的图表。

Bitstamp APP provides multi-language and multi-currency support. Bitstamp APP is the simplest way to purchase and sell encrypted money for new and experienced users. Bitstamp Pro is an APP for professional traders and encryption specialists.

bitFlyer APP支持多种语言,包括英语、日语、法语、德语、西班牙语等。使用bitFlyerAPP可以随时跟踪损益、查看交易历史并无缝可视化投资组合。bitFlyer提供的安全措施包含多重签名、2FA、安装Web应用程序防火墙(WAF)、客户信息加密、资产隔离等。

BitFlyer APP supports several languages, including English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, etc.


All of this is a presentation of the top ten dollar trading software in 2024, with an increasing number of encrypted currency trading software, with different types of digital currency, transaction fees, trading lines, etc. for different exchanges. Newcomers need to choose the right exchange according to their needs, funding and risk tolerance, to be careful not to select bad exchanges, and to know their location and security, for example, through official certification or third-party media. Moreover, most trade software needs to be authenticated, and investors need to pay attention to the requirements and rules of the transaction software.




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