币圈爆仓会负债吗 什么影响着币圈的涨跌

资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:165 评论:0



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More and more information has recently been received about currency circles, and many people who did not pay attention to them have come together, and the cigarette net editor has learned that many people have been affected by the currency ring’s collapse.


On 19 May, it was destined to be written into the history of the currency circle, where the myth of money-rich was destroyed, and the topic of currency-crushing blew the net, even someone had a overnight debt of 580,000 , style="color:#c0392b;" >the Internet-based encrypted currency market of over 584 million people exploded in a warehouse /strang >.

当晚,加密货币的迅速贬值震惊了整个金融市场。其中比特币从当日高点下跌约34%,一度跌至2.9万美元,而以太坊 (ETH)一度跌破2000美元关口,跌幅超过40%;马斯克吹的狗狗币跌了55%,SHIB跌了58%;币安, 火币和OKEx平台货币分别下跌46%、44%和65%,其他主流货币和各种DeFi代币普遍下跌50%左右。

That evening, the rapid depreciation of encrypted currencies shocked the financial markets as a whole. Of these, bitcoin fell by about 34 per cent from its high point of the day, once to $290 million, while Etherno fell by more than 40 per cent; Musk blew 55 per cent of the dog price and SHIB by 58 per cent; and coins, coins and OKEx, fell by 46 per cent, 44 per cent and 65 per cent, respectively, while other mainstream currencies and various DeFi currencies generally fell by about 50 per cent.


& & ldquo; Bitcoin down & & rdquo; & & & rdquo; & & rdquao; &ldquao; &ldquao; once in the third place & & & & & rdquo; &ldquao & ink currency crash & & & & & & & rdquao; & in 100-degree group hot & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; 4 September 2017, 12 March 2020, 19 May, & 19 May 2017.


A 75-fold leverage has been added, with a liability of half a million; “ blood-washing & rdquo; high levels of debt; big V lending & & ldquao; cuttries & rdquo; issuing operational forecasts that attempt to channel the payers; & & ldquo; participants & & rdquo; and little loss in the storm, much more than watching the big guys operate.

根据市场数据平台“币Coin”,截至5月20日上午7: 30,过去24小时的总持仓爆炸达到69.1亿美元(约合人民币444亿元),超过58万人持仓爆炸,其中其中最大的一次价值6700万美元。

According to the market data platform & ldquo; Coin” as at 7:30 a.m. on 20 May, the total warehouse explosion for the last 24 hours amounted to $6.91 billion (approximately RMB 44.4 billion), with more than 580,000 people in storage, the largest of which was $67 million.


The reason for the crash is that the money platform provides more leverage for contract transactions. Every time the market falls rapidly, investors are able to flatten the trading platform without the time to pay the bond.


It is worth mentioning that bitcoin prices touch the $29,000 threshold and then quickly & & ldquo; recover lost land & & rdquao; and quickly rebound to over $11,000, at one point to over $40,000. However, the treasures of the silos never come back.


1. At the level of news: there are a wide range of factors that are very important for the causes and decline of news. Policy factors, money itself, and the market environment are all part of the news. The news is divided into good news and bad news. Good news will stimulate price rises and bad news drops; news sometimes is false, and rumours will rise and fall as long as a certain degree of nature is reached. A simple example, for example, is the fact that all the great gods of the currency have come forward to say that a currency is very high and worthy of investment. Even if it is a full air currency, there is still a large number of people who believe that it will naturally appreciate.


2. Policy factor: This is a good understanding, and the stock market is a reason. For example, the Government has indicated that it supports the new energy industry this year and that the related stock prices for the new energy sources will increase, which also applies to the currency ring.


3. Market environment: As we often speak of cattle and bears, the market environment has soared, and market prices have soared. As bitcoins continue to fall, most currencies will fall, and as bitcoins rise, they will fall. There are exceptions, of course. The reasons for the exception may be good news, or the traders will trade backwards. It is not bitcoins that determine the market environment. Everyone is concerned about bitcoin, as it is the leader of the currency circle and the market winds.


4. Supply-demand relationship: The supply-demand relationship can be said to be the most fundamental factor in the rise and fall of monetary prices. The price of a currency is greater than the price of a coin.


Generally speaking, there must be a combination of factors, whether large or large, because each factor is actually interrelated!


This is the information on whether the currency can be held in debt. The information is available online and is collected and compiled by a small cigarette network. If you wish to know more about it, please pay attention to the cigarette network, which will bring more information to you.

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