币圈崩盘最新消息 币圈崩盘数字货币为什么暴跌

资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:84 评论:0
19日晚,币圈崩盘的消息想必大家啊应该已经听说了,这次暴跌让不少朋友们一夜爆穷,那么币圈崩盘最新消息 币圈崩盘数字货币为什么暴跌想必大家都已经迫不及待想知道了。那么小编带领大家盘点一下币圈崩盘最新消息 币圈...



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19日晚,币圈崩盘的消息想必大家啊应该已经听说了,这次暴跌让不少朋友们一夜爆穷,那么币圈崩盘最新消息 币圈崩盘数字货币为什么暴跌想必大家都已经迫不及待想知道了。那么小编带领大家盘点一下币圈崩盘最新消息 币圈崩盘数字货币为什么暴跌的详细情况,敬请大家参考。

On the night of the 19th, you must have heard the news of the currency crash, which caused many friends to fall overnight, and the latest news of the currency crash, why the currency crash fell . So the editor-in-chief will take stock of the latest news of the currency crash, and why the currency crash fell , please refer to the details.


First, the country regularly repeats its efforts, and the black opening of the domestic futures market in the night has suffered a major setback;


Then the encrypt currency collapses. Bitcoin fell by 30% close to $30,000 and at one point fell by 46%, leading to an exchange & & ldquao; and a net & rdquao;


In the end, the dollar opened up and the dots fell 500 points at a time.


Let's see what's going on.


& ldquo; the myth of wealth & rdquao; and wealth is in the middle of the night.


Since midday Beijing, the collapse of the digital currency market has accelerated further, with mainstream encrypted currencies almost full-line & ldquao; beheading & rdquao;


The virtual currency fell across the line on May 19. Bitcoin fell once by $31,000, reaching a 30 per cent drop in 24 hours, a new low since the end of January; the dollar threshold of $2,000 fell by more than 40 per cent in Ethio; and the dog's currency lost 0.3 dollars per piece, falling by more than 40 per cent per day.



And there are all kinds of coins that don't even have a name. They all fall by more than 50%.


If we look at the data on the blast, there are half a billion people in the blast, 40 billion in the last 24 hours.


In addition, a screenshot of the blast was shown intermittently.


The whole process can be described as rather tragic.


It was reported that Coinbase, the largest digitally encrypted currency exchange in the United States, had experienced a crash today with the fall in the full price of digitally encrypted currencies such as Bitcoin.

对此,Coinbase在一份声明中称:“我们发现Coinbase和Coinbase Pro出现一些问题,一些功能可能不能完全正常运行。我们目前正在调查这些问题,并将尽快提供最新情况。”

In response, Coinbase stated in a statement: &ldquao; we found problems with Coinbase and Coinbase Pro, some functions that might not be fully functional. We are currently investigating these problems and will provide updates as soon as possible. & rdquao;


For Coinbase and Apple, some users have expressed frustration on social networks because they want to buy it at a time when the price of digitally encrypted money has fallen. As a result, Coinbase’s share price fell by 10% in the early trading today.


In addition to Coinbase, another trading platform that is popular with bulk investors & & & & & & & & & & & & & & was announced this morning by Binance that some encrypted digital currency withdrawals would be suspended.

全球最大的加密货币交易所币安以网络拥堵为由暂时禁止以太币提取。币安网发布通告称,已暂停 BTCUP、BTCDOWN、ETHUP、ETHDOWN、BNBUP、BNBDOWN 之外的所有杠杆代币的交易,并暂停所有杠杆代币的申购和赎回功能。交易、申购和赎回恢复时间将另行通知。

The currency of the world’s largest crypto-currency exchange is temporarily prohibited from being withdrawn on the grounds of cyber congestion. The Network has issued a circular stating that all transactions in foreign currency other than BTCUP, BTCDOWN, BNBP, BNBDOWN have been suspended, as well as all requisitions and foreclosures of the leveraged currency.


Virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, have shown a low trend in recent times, owing to regulatory factors on the one hand and market reasons on the other.


On the same day, the Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection Department of the Inner Mongolia Development and Reform Commission issued a bulletin on receiving reports of a letter visit on the issue of virtual money mining enterprises, stating that the Autonomous Communities' Energy Exploitation and Double Control Emergency Command Office had set up a virtual currency & ldquao; mine mining & rdquao; enterprise reporting platform to clean up the virtual currency & ldquao; mine mining & & rdquao; and project.

此外,特斯拉暂停使用比特币购车,一季度出售部分比特币以及马斯克对比特币和狗狗币的表态,都令近期虚拟货币“频繁波动”。对此,City Index的高级金融市场分析师表示,“马斯克的言论引导了虚拟货币领域的交易波动,这不是第一次,而且也不会是最后一次。”

In addition, Tesla suspended the use of bitcoin for the purchase of cars, and sold part of the bitcoin, as well as the statements of Muskbitco and paparazine throughout the quarter, which led to the recent virtual currency & “ frequent fluctuations & & rdquo; in response, City Index’s senior financial market analyst stated that & & & ldquao; it was not the first and will not be the last time that Mask’s statements led to the volatility of transactions in the virtual currency field; and & & rdquao;


Black is a big drop in futures night drive.


Coal, iron ore, power all fell by almost 8%.


In addition to the currency ring, the bulk of the goods have collapsed.


On Wednesday (19 May), the black system of domestic commodity futures fell sharply, with a fall of 7.98 per cent in coke; iron ore fell by 7.92 per cent, powered coal by 7.81 per cent, hot rollers by 7.21 per cent, screw steel by 7.07 per cent, and coke by 6.45 per cent. Energy chemicals also suffered significant setbacks, with glass falling by 6.06 per cent, pure alkali by 5.33 per cent, methanol by 4.97 per cent, fuel by 3.82 per cent and PVC by 3.68 per cent.


According to the information received, on 19 May, the Premier of the State Council chaired a standing meeting of the State Council to deploy the bulk of commodities to secure prices and keep the economy running smoothly; to identify measures to optimize notary services in order to better benefit the population; and to adopt the Regulations on the Administration of Pigs Slaughter (Revised Draft).


It was noted that, since the current year, a number of commodity prices had continued to rise and that prices for some varieties had been innovative, owing mainly to multiple factors such as international transmission.


There is a need for a combination of measures to strengthen the two-way reconciliation of supply and demand.


The implementation of such policies as increasing tariffs on exports of some iron and steel products, introducing zero interim import tariffs on raw and scrap iron and steel products, and eliminating part of the export refunds on iron and steel products contribute to increasing the supply of domestic markets. Investing in structural adjustments to curb energy-intensive projects. Taking advantage of our rich coal resources, we urge priority coal enterprises to increase production and supply in order to ensure security by increasing their contribution to wind power, photovoltaics, hydropower, nuclear power and so on, in order to provide energy security in the summer of peaks.


Adherence to greater external openness, enhanced import, export and reserve regulation of bulk commodities, facilitation of customs clearance, better utilization of two markets, two resources and increased capacity for supply stability.


To strengthen market regulation, the role of industry associations is to strengthen industry self-regulation. To strengthen futures market linkages, and to take targeted measures in due course to detect unusual transactions and malicious pretences.


Tesla fell by over 4%.


It wasn't very quiet tonight. The finger fell 500 points.


In addition, Tesla, a company with Bitcoin, dropped by 4 per cent, fell by over 5 per cent at a time, reaching a minimum of $546.98, down nearly 40 per cent from its record high of 25 January, with a market value of $532.8 billion, evaporating more than $300 billion in late January, when Tesla had a market value of more than Facebook.


At the same time, Tesla CEOmask writes: &ldquao; Tesla has two diamond hands & rdquao; & & & rdquao; meaning & & ldquao; & & rdquao; & & & rdquao; & ; & & & ; & & & ; & & & ;

以上币圈崩盘最新消息 币圈崩盘数字货币为什么暴跌的详情资讯,希望大家看完了有一定帮助,小编还是祝愿币圈数字货币能越来越好。更多资讯敬请关注香烟网。小编提示:投资有风险 ,上市需谨慎。

For more information, please pay attention to the cigarette network. For more information, the editor suggests that investment is risky and that the market needs to be careful.

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