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2021-08-05 00:14:25
来 源


The concept of the meta-cosmos is hot, but there is currently no clear definition. Socialization, games, online entertainment, VR, etc. are all included under the metaco-cosm concepts. Many large technology enterprises, including tether, Facebook, Netflix, etc., are also on board.

腾讯游戏副总裁刘铭将元宇宙视为游戏的一种未来形态,Soul App总编辑王清认为元宇宙呈现了未来社交演进的另一种可能,设备厂商Glasses总经理刘东奇则表示“随着技术发展不断渗透、消弭现实与虚拟的边界,我想世界对世界交互载体的XR(即VR、AR等的统称)互联网将成为下一阶段形态。”

Liu Zing, Vice-President of the troupe game, sees the Yuan cosmos as a future shape of the game, Soul App editor Wang Qing thinks that the Yuan cosmos presents another possibility for future social evolution, and Liu Dong-kyu, General Manager of the equipment manufacturer Glasses, says & ldquo; as technology continues to permeate, dissipate reality and virtual boundaries, I think the world's XR (known collectively as VR, AR, etc.) of interactive carriers of the world will become the next phase.


The concept of the meta-cosmos is hot, but there is currently no clear definition. Socialization, games, online entertainment, VR, etc. are all included under the metaco-cosm concepts. Many large technology enterprises, including tether, Facebook, Netflix, etc., are also on board.


So, what's the new tip of the coin cosmos?


What's a metroscosm?


The metaspace, i.e. the combination of meta, meta, and verse, can be understood as a virtual world that parallels the real world and remains online. Wikipedia defines metaco as: “ a collective virtual shared space created by virtual enhanced physical reality and a physical and lasting virtual space, including the sum of all virtual worlds, enhanced reality and the Internet. & rdquo;


The word Woncosm was first found in 1992 in Neil & Middot; Stephenson's science fiction novel Avalanche, which described the perception and understanding of two parallel worlds by a generation of Internet users who were born out of the real world, with a large number of images of virtual incarnations, Saberpenk, etc.


Three years ago, the film " Player Number One" appeared, and the & & ldquo; oasis & & rdquo; it was also seen as a meta-cosm shape. Besides eating, sleeping, the leading man wears a VR helmet, he can quickly enter another virtual game world of his own design & & & ldquo; oasis & & rdquo; there is everything in the real world, and the man can fight with his little partner here.


 What does the metaspace mean? Why is it hot?


It's a picture of The Number One Player.

今年3月,美国游戏公司Roblox在纽交所上市,并将“元宇宙”写入招股书,被认为只存在于小说和电影中的“元宇宙”走入了现实。Roblox定位为大型多人在线游戏创作平台,能够为玩家提供3D数字游戏,同时也提供面向开发者的Roblox Studio工具集和Roblox云服务,使玩家和开发者在虚拟世界中游玩、竞技、社交。Roblox CEO戴夫·巴斯祖克还提出了元宇宙应该拥有的8个属性:身份、朋友、沉浸感、低延迟、多元化、随地、经济系统和文明。

In March of this year, Roblox, the American game company, was listed at the New Exchange, and has & & & & & & & & & & & ; written shares, which are considered to exist only in novels and films & & & & & & & & ; walked into reality. Roblox is positioned as a platform for the creation of large multi-person online games that can provide 3D games to players, as well as Roblox Studio tool sets for developers and Roblox cloud services that enable players and developers to play, compete, and socialize in the virtual world. Roblox CEO Dave & Middot; and Baszuque has also identified eight attributes that the metaco should possess: identity, friends, immersion, low delay, pluralism, proximity, economic systems and civilization.

无论《头号玩家》还是Roblox,游戏都是元宇宙的重要载体,但元宇宙却不只是游戏。在2021年的语境下,元宇宙的内涵已经超越了小说和电影中描述的场景。在Facebook CEO扎克伯格的想象中,元宇宙应该真正成为现实世界的虚拟映射,人们可以在这个虚拟世界中做物理世界的大部分事情,包括社交、工作等。

Whether it's the number one player or Roblox, the game is an important vehicle for the meta-cosmos, but it's not just a game. In the 2021 context, the meta-cosm has gone beyond the scenes described in novels and movies. In Facebook, CEO Zuckerberg's imagination, the meta-cosm should really be a virtual map of the real world, where people can do most of the physical world, including socialization, work, etc.


"Strong" technology plants are coming in. "/strang"

在PC互联网、移动互联网之后,元宇宙被认为是互联网的下一阶段形态,这届China Joy之前,资本已经经历了首轮投资“元宇宙”的热潮。

After the PC Internet and the mobile Internet, the meta-cosmos was considered the next phase of the Internet, and before China Joy, capital had gone through the first round of investment & ldquao; the meta-cosmos & rdquao; and the tide of the Internet.


In March of this year, Roblox, the dollar cosmos concept unit, landed at the New Exchange, which received capital recognition and was valued at 10 times a year, with a current market value of $44.2 billion.

4月中旬,Epic Games融资10亿美元用来搞元宇宙研发,创下了元宇宙赛道最高融资纪录。索尼投入2亿美金参与了Epic本轮融资。

In mid-April, Epic Games financed $1 billion for meta-cosm research and development, creating the highest record in meta-cosm track financing. Sony invested $200 million in Epic's current round of financing.


Subsequently, Yveida and Apple announced their entry into the League dollar cosmopolitan track, a virtual collaboration platform under the flag of Yveida Nvidia, Omniverse, and Apples, for $100 million, acquired the virtual reality company NextVR.

7月底,Facebook高调宣布入局元宇宙,其CEO扎克伯格称,该公司正在组建一个产品团队,致力于元宇宙的开发。元宇宙团队将隶属于该公司虚拟现实小组Reality Labs的一部分。

At the end of July, Facebook announced its entry into the CEO Zuckerberg universe, where CEO Zuckerberg claimed that the company was forming a product team dedicated to the development of the meta-cosmos. The metaspace team would be part of the company’s virtual reality group Reality  part of Labs.


The meta-cosmos is not only of interest abroad, it is also highly mobile in domestic enterprises.

腾讯早在2017年就开始追踪Roblox的游戏项目,并拿下Roblox国服的独家代理权,今年7月该游戏全平台上线。腾讯同时也是Roblox和Epic Games的股东。除了投资,腾讯也在进行自制研发,据悉目前天美工作室正在打造代号为“绿洲”的游戏,这款游戏对标电影《头号玩家》中的虚拟社区绿洲。

As early as 2017, it started tracking Roblox’s game project and took exclusive ownership of Roblox’s state uniform, which became available on the entire platform in July of this year. It is also a shareholder of Roblox and Epic Gomes. In addition to investing, it is also developing home-grown research and development, and it is known that the workroom is now being built under the codename & ldquao; oasis & rdqua; and the game, which is directed at the virtual community oasis of the film First Player.


In April of this year, the bytes bounced the R&D code of the nearly $100 million investment engine, which is known as the Chinese version of Roblox. It is understood that the physical engine technology under the code Queen’s flag, Restarting the World, simulates all kinds of mechanics in the real world, such as collisions, gravity, accelerated high-altitude drops, vehicle crashes, etc.


According to some investors, most of the first-level market agencies feel that the universe is almost & & & & & & & & & & ; domestic investment agencies such as Redwood China, 5-source capital, Latitude China, Jinga Foundation, etc. are betting on the companies concerned. So 2021 is also called Wonco Year.


 What does the metaspace mean? Why is it hot?


Overall, however, the track is at a very early stage, and there are no real products that can be derived, or even more concepts than substance. Even Roblox, which is popular with capital, is now mainly aimed at young people between the ages of 9 and 12, with a simpler picture of the game, far from the real physical world in the universe.


Capital entry needs a technological breakthrough.


Zuckerberg has indicated to the media that the technological challenge of realizing the meta-cosmos is enormous.


To achieve a super-real virtual world, the meta-cosmos needs to be immersed, delayed, and close to the virtual effect of the real world. This requires the support of very demanding content systems, display techniques, operating systems, VR-recording techniques, and computational processing capabilities.


The current meta-cosm products, either using AR technology or VR+5G technology, are not yet able to integrate these technologies into a universe. The 5-G technology is still on the ground, and the meta-cosmos cannot be urgently sought.


Players want to be able to achieve the game experience in Player One, and can only expect faster advances in technologies such as 5G, block chains, VR, etc.

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