最近在互联网上发现了一个经常被人提出的词web3.0,这个14年就被初次提起的词。我在朋友圈看到这个词的一瞬间好像穿越回了过去,最初这个概念由以太坊的联合创始人Gavin Wood首次提及,是一种去中心化的生态系统网络。但是在2014年,那时候真的就只是个概念。一直在最近我突然又从朋友圈听好友提起来这个词,然后迅速在网络上再次热卷而来,这次web3.0距离我们更近了吗?
Recently, a frequently proposed word was found on the Internet
Before that, let's get to the history of Web.
The earliest is a static page xff0c; provides only one-way page content for xff0c; allows users to browse and search for xff0c; users can only accept content passively.
It's like a person watching TV xff0c; it's a one-way message xff0c; you can only receive information from TV xff0c; you can't voluntarily transmit information to TV xff0c; let television change the programme content xff08; early TV xff0c; now it's custom-made channels xff09; etc.
This is the time when
Web2.0 was first proposed by Tim Oleley in 2004 xff0c; it gives every user the power to write xff0c; all users can read and write on the web xff0c; identity has changed from a simple reader to a reader and author. General users can also use the Internet to publish their personalized information xff0c; shape human-to-person interaction xff0c; anyone can publish their own unique views on the Internet xff0c; co-producing information xff0c; creating many famous web products xff0c; such as blogs #ff0c; media #xff0c; news #xff0c; major business applications xff0c; social applications etc.
But in the 2.0 era xff0c; data are centralized xff0c; data for every Internet user are concentrated in the hands of the major network companies xff0c; xff0c when you want to use a network product; xff0c only uses xff0c if you have to register personal information on this network product; this information data is not strictly yours xff0c; it is owned by the company.
专注于js加密|js解密的网站 jsjiami.com也是这个时候创建出来的,作者专注js安全领域十余年而打造出来的成果。
The website dedicated to js encryption to js declassification jsjiami.com was also the result of the creation of #xff0c at this time; the author focused more than a decade on js security.
In web3.0 & #xff0c; the biggest difference over 2.0 is decentralisation.
In the case of bitcoin, created by nearly two years of block chain technology, xff0c; a decentralised concept xff0c; unlike data stored in a single centralized database, xff0c; data from block chains are decentralised. Now you have to visit an application xff0c; first you need to go to this application register to mark your identity information xff0c; but when you use the next application xff0c; you cannot use the registered identity information in the previous application. And the goal of web3.0 is to give you the identity information that belongs to you xff0c; you can use xff0c on a random application through this identity information; there is no need to repeat registration.
Personally, I think web3.0 in the current technological context xff0c; xff0c; it's more difficult to achieve; it sounds a bit illusory. It's probably just a one-time prank by capitalists.
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