王爷说财经讯:在比特币和其他加密货币“爆 炸式”增长的推动下,所有加密货币的总市值在历史上首次超过2万亿美元。
The King said that the total market value of all encrypted currencies exceeded $2 trillion for the first time in history, driven by the growth of the “bombing” of bitcoin and other encrypted currencies.
据CoinGecko的数据显示,截止周一(5 日)晚间,所有加密货币的价值加起来超过了2万亿美元大关,此后还在继续上涨。
According to CoinGecko, the value of all encrypted currencies together exceeded the $2 trillion mark by Monday evening (5 days) and has continued to rise since then.
而就在周二(6 日)上午,加密货币市场的市值达到了2.039万亿美元,创历史最高点,不过,随后跌至目前的2.020万亿美元左右。
In the morning of Tuesday (6 days), the market value of the encrypted currency market reached an all-time high of $2.039 trillion, although it then fell to the current level of $2.02 trillion.
What is this concept and what does it mean?
对此,《今 日俄罗斯》(RT)分析评论称,所有加密货币市值累计超过2万亿美元后,这几乎与全球第二大公司——苹果(Apple)旗鼓相当,或者相当于谷歌+特斯拉(Tesla)市值总和。
In response, the Analysis Review of Russia Today (RT) states that the cumulative market value of all encrypted currencies exceeds $2 trillion, which is almost equivalent to that of Apple, the second largest company in the world, or to the combined market value of Google + Tesla.
It is worth mentioning that, in less than three months, the encrypt currency market received more than $1 trillion in returns.
As you know, it was only in January this year that the market value of the encrypted currency market reached $1 trillion for the first time.
So why is the market value of encrypted money so high?
The Crown Prince says that it is linked to the price booms in bitcoin, ethenum and so on!
On the one hand, this has to do with the sharp rise in bitcoin prices.
Despite the highs and downs, the market value of Bitcoin has not fallen below $1 trillion since the end of March and is currently estimated at $1.1 trillion.
Indeed, since this year, the price of the world's largest encrypted currency — bitcoin — has more than doubled, and recently created a record high of $6156.59 on CoinDesk, with a current transaction price of approximately $58,800.
另一方面,全球第二大加密货币——以太坊(ethereum)在周二(6 日)上午再次上涨5%,最终达到了2151.25美元的历史最高水平。
On the other hand, the second largest encoded currency in the world — etheeum — rose again by 5 per cent in the morning on Tuesday (6 days) and eventually reached its highest level of $2151.25 in history.
当然,除了散户投资者进入加密货币市值之外,过去几个月里,也开始有一些华尔街投行或者金融机构开始进场,这包括:高盛(Goldman Sachs)、德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)等金融巨头以及主要支付提供商。
Of course, in addition to the entry of bulk investors into the market value of encrypted currencies, there have been a number of Wall Street investors or financial institutions that have begun to enter in the past few months, including financial giants such as Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank and major payment providers.
For example, just last week, the online pay giant — PayPal — released a feature that uses encrypted currency as a means of payment, while another major international pay giant — Visa — introduced payment based on the United States dollar (USDC).
What do you think of that? What do you think of encrypted currency like bitcoin?
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