
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:34 评论:0
对于刚入加密货币圈的人来说,比特币减半可能是一个十分陌生的词汇,每隔四年它才会出现一次。The halving of bitcoin may be a very unfa...



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The halving of bitcoin may be a very unfamiliar term for those who have entered the encrypt currency circle, and it will only appear once every four years.


In the 11-year history of Bitcoin, we have witnessed three halves of bitcoin, the most recent of which was on 12 May 2020, while the fourth reduction is expected to have a significant impact on the price of bitcoin in 2024.


This paper will provide you with an overview of the impact that halving bitcoin and halving will have on the crypto-currency market.

比特币减半(the halvening)是指比特币区块奖励的减半,即给予矿工验证新区块的奖励要比减半前少50%。根据比特币减半计划,每当比特币网络挖出21万个新区块时,即大约四年左右的时间,减半就会发生,这个过程会一直持续到2100万枚比特币全部被开采完为止。

The halving of the bitcoin refers to the halving of the bitcoin block incentive, that is, the 50% less incentive given to miners to certify new blocks than before. Under the Bitcoin half plan, when the Bitcoin network digs out 210,000 new blocks, about four years away, the process will continue until 21 million bitcoins are fully mined.


Our most recent halving event took place in May 2020, when the Bitcoin block reward was halved from 12.5 at that time to 6,25 now; and the next one is expected to be halved in April or May 2024. By that time, the Bitcoin block reward will fall again from the current 6.25 to 3.125.


This halving mechanism is at the heart of the Bitcoin value proposition and reduces the speed at which the new bitcoin is released into circulation, thus preserving the bitcoin value.


As a result of the Bitcoin mining algorithm, new blocks are sought every 10 minutes. As more miners join, the time required to find new blocks will be reduced.


Thus, the halving of bitcoins ensures that the number of bitcoins that can be mined per block decreases over time, thus making bitcoins rarer and more valuable.


By looking at previous halves, we can see a rapid appreciation of bitcoin prices in the months before and after the halving. But every time the halving is different, and the market demand for bitcoins is likely to fluctuate significantly.


In order to gain a deeper understanding of what a halving of bitcoin is, we should first understand how the Bitcoin network works.


When you enter the currency ring, many people may not understand the meaning of "bitcoin mining." The term "mining" in the ring is somewhat different from what we usually understand, a term derived from the Bitcoin White Paper. In the White Paper, Central Benz will create a new bitcoin in a digital world, using codes as a metaphor for the physical work of extracting gold from the Earth, so that the process is called "mining" and is known as "miners" when people dig for encrypted money.


In short, bitcoin block chain technology is like a book to record transactions, and mining is a mathematical problem that allows miners to compete with each other to calculate the book. A successful calculation of the answer would be to dig up the block, which would then be rewarded with a newly generated flat bitcoin, which would be halved over time.


When Bitcoin first appeared in 2009, the system at that time rewarded successful miners with 50 bitcoins every 10 minutes, but now only 6.25 bitcoins per 10 minutes.


By this year, Bitcoin has been halved three times. The three halves took place in 2012, 2016 and 2020. The next half is expected to take place in 2024, when the number of blocks will reach 740,000, and the block incentive will be reduced from 6.25 bitcoins to 3.125 bitcoins.


The following is the historical process of halving bitcoin:

  • 2009年1月3日,比特币正式启动。这时的区块数量为0,每个区块奖励为50枚新BTC。
  • 2012年11月28日,比特币发生第一次减半。这时区块数量为210000,每个区块奖励为25枚新BTC。
  • 2016年7月9日,比特币发生第二次减半。这时区块数量为420000,每个区块奖励为12.5枚新BTC。
  • 2020年5月12日,比特币发生第三次减半,这也是距今最近的一次减半。其区块数量为630000,每个区块奖励为6.25枚BTC。

而下一次则预计发生在2024 年初,由于比特币网络生成新区块的时间是不固定的(一般是10分钟左右),因此减半的确切时间尚不得而知。

The next time, however, is expected to take place early in 2024, and the exact time of halving the number of new blocks is not known, given that the time of generation of new blocks by the Bitcoin network is irregular (usually around 10 minutes).

这将持续到2140 年左右直到2,100 万枚比特币被开采完。届时,矿工的收入将完全来自网路上的交易费用,而不是直接赚取新开采的比特币。

This will last around 2140 until 21 million bitcoins are mined. By that time, miners will earn their income entirely from online transaction costs, not directly from new mining.


If you want to know the latest schedule for halving bitcoin, you can see it through a number of countdown tools (based on the data source and setting of each website, the exact time point is still different, or whether it is based on the actual situation generated by bitcoin blocks):





Four, the coins.


Why is the halving of Bitcoin highly appreciated by investors?


It can also be observed from past history that the value of bitcoins increases every time they are halved. And bitcoins have been at the heart of the influence on crypto-currency markets, so every time they are halved, they also lead to a cow market.


For the entire encryption market, bitcoin is often a sign of market trends. When bitcoin rises, most of the major encoded currencies tend to remain up for a considerable period of time, and thus have a positive relationship with the city of Bitcoin.


Historical data show that bitcoin prices do rise as expected by halving, usually a few months after the actual events.


The halving of the production rate of the new bitcoin marks another decline when it approaches the supply limit, and over time, a slowdown in the growth of the bitcoin may contribute to the growth of the currency, provided that demand remains constant.

实际上我们也可以看到,比特币的价格自2009 年上线以来便稳步上涨,当时该代币的交易价格不到1 美元,到2021 年4 月,一枚比特币的价格超过63,000 美元。

Indeed, as we can see, the price of bitcoin has been rising steadily since it came online in 2009, when it was traded at less than $1, and by April 2021, a bitcoin at more than $63,000.


When block incentives are halved, some users will find that the input of costs such as electricity and hardware makes mining less profitable, and if the price of bitcoin does not rise at the same time, they will probably stop digging completely. While this will reduce the arithmetic of participating in bitcoin networks, the pace of mining of blocks will not be affected, because software will automatically adjust the difficulty of verifying transactions to maintain a stable bitcoin mining rate.


When all of the 21 million bitcoins are mined, the user will no longer receive the new bitcoins based on mining. However, they can continue to charge the transaction costs paid by the payer as an incentive for the certification exchange. According to estimates, the last bitcoins will be mined in 2140. After that, bitcoins will tend to become deflationary, because the bitcoins in circulation may be lost due to errors in sending bitcoins to invalid addresses.


The third half of the Bitcoins took place on 12 May 2020, and the Bitcoins incentive was reduced from 12.5 to 6.25 bitcoins. Bitcoins increased 2.9 per cent on the same day by $8821.43. Bitcoins prices did not rise immediately in the following months.


This is similar to the trend in bitcoin after halving in 2016, when bitcoin prices went through a long period of rounding.

下一次的比特币减半预期将在2024 年发生,届时,比特币的产量将会减少,奖励从6.25 枚比特币降至3.125 枚比特币。

The next half of the bitcoin is expected to occur in 2024, when the production of bitcoin will be reduced from 6.25 bitcoins to 3.125 bitcoins.

比特币上次减半发生在2020 年5 月,2021 年,比特币价格突破68,000 美元,创下历史新高。2016 年减半时也出现类似的情况,比特币价格在隔年也创下历史新高,但值得注意的是,比特币在两次减半并创下新高后,均出现暴跌。

The last halving of Bitcoin occurred in May 2020, and in 2021, the price of bitcoin passed by $68,000, a historic high. A similar situation occurred when the price of bitcoin was halved in 2016, and the price of bitcoin fell by a historic high in the following year, but it is worth noting that bitcoin fell sharply after two halves and reached a new high.

对此,知名加密货币网红Ben Armstrong(BitBoy)认为,比特币将在2024 年再创历史新高。他预计,在2024 年,比特币将实施第四次挖矿奖励减半,激励币价行情走上高峰,飙到12 万美元。

In response, the well-known Red Ben Armstrong (BitBoy) of the encrypt currency net argues that Bitcoin will reach an all-time high in 2024. He anticipates that by 2024, Bitcoin will have halved its fourth mining incentive, stimulating currency prices to peak at $120,000.


In addition, the co-founder (co-founder) of the famous crypto-currency exchange, the Du Army, ruled that, from past experience, by the end of 2024 or the beginning of 2025, Bitcoin would be approaching the next cow market.

分析师Jesse Myers 对比特币未来的价格十分看好。他比特币减半周期的角度分析,指出现在就是买入比特币的最佳时期,目前的价格相对于底部的位置并不远,更重要的是,未来2年的趋势(几乎肯定)将是积极的。

Analyst Jesse Myers has a very good future price. From the perspective of the halving of the Bitcoin cycle, he notes that this is the best time to buy bitcoin, that the current price is not far from the bottom, and, more importantly, that the trend (almost certainly) will be positive over the next two years.

此外,外媒Bitcoin Magazine 和加密货币经纪商BTC Direct 支持的Twiiter 帐号Root 在2 月发推暗示,比特币以往发生减半后都会迎接一轮为期数月的牛市,但上涨至历史高点后就会大跌,直到比特币减半周期达69% 才出现触底讯号,推测比特币已到底部。

In addition, the foreign agent Bitcoin Magazine and the encrypted money broker BTC Direct supported Twiiter account Root in February suggesting that Bitcoin, after halving its share in the past, would welcome a months-long cattle market, but that it would fall off to historical heights until it had reached 69 per cent of its half-time cycle and assumed that Bitcoin was at its end.

当前Bitcoin 的即时价格为$26,405.68,在过去24 小时涨幅为-0.89%。(数据更新至6/19)

The current instant price for Bitcoin is $26,405.68, with an increase of -0.89 per cent in the last 24 hours. (Data updated to 6/19)


Q: What is the halving of Bitcoin?


A: Halve Bitcoin (or "50%") refers to a 50% reduction in incentives to exploit new blocks, with miners receiving a 50% reduction in bitcoin incentives for mining as compared to the pre-50% reduction. Under the Bitcoin Halve scheme, the halving of bitcoin every time that Bitcoin’s network digs out 210,000 new blocks, about four years away, will continue until 21 million bitcoins are fully mined.


Q: When will the next bitcoin be halved?


A: The next half of the bitcoin is expected to take place in 2024, when the number of blocks will reach 740,000, and the block incentive will be reduced from 6.25 bitcoins to 3.125 bitcoins. Since the time when the bitcoin network generates a new block is irregular (generally around 10 minutes), the exact time to halve is not known.


Q: How much bitcoin is it now?

A:今日Bitcoin 的即时价格为$27857.51,在过去24 小时涨幅为0.22%。

A: The instant price of Bitcoin today is $27857.51, an increase of 0.22 per cent over the last 24 hours.


Q: What year will the entire bitcoin be excavated?


A: The total circulation of Bitcoins is 19.1 million, and more than 90% of the entire network has been mined. By 2140, Bitcoins will have been fully mined, amounting to just under 21 million.


Q: How can you make money from halving bitcoin?


A: The simplest way to trade bitcoins in the process of halving is to use derivatives such as differential contracts, which enable you to bet on bitcoins price movements without actually owning bitcoins. Another option is to buy bitcoins directly through an exchange, for which you will need to set up an exchange account, and you will also be responsible for protecting the bitcoins in your bitcoins purse.


Q: What will the price of Bitcoin be by half?


A: Many suspect that the price of bitcoin will rise in the weeks before and after the events. This is partly because halving is expected to cause more attention to bitcoin, and that it will reduce the number of new bitcoins entering circulation.


What's that about halving bitcoin? You need to know more about that. More information about the whole picture of bitcoin being halved, please pay attention to other relevant script house articles!

Tag:比特币   减半  



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