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BTCTools is a batch management tool that helps users with bulk-management pit miner settings, bulk-processor back-office configurations, providing &ldquao; monitors & rdquao; functions to support a miner's super-frequency and maximizes its arithmetic power.



It also scans mining machines in multiple segments of the local area network, showing basic information on mining machines, such as arithmetic, temperature, fan speed, ponds, mine name, etc.


It can be sorted according to arithmetic, temperature, mine name, etc. to facilitate the identification of abnormal machines such as arithmetic, temperature, etc.


Provides “ monitors & rdquo; functions, sustainable updating of miner information, combined with sorting functions, to detect problems in a timely manner.


Information such as a massively configured miner's pond, miner's name (sub-account name, machine suffix), password, etc., supports the configuration of the full miner and the configuration of the selected miner.


(Restarter function currently supports only ant miners)


The bulk-upgrading machine fixture supports the upgrading of all mine fixtures and the upgrading of selected mine fixtures.

(新增)可批量功耗控制,支持低功耗模式与低功耗增强模式。(仅适用于配置页面具有“Low Power Mode”和“Low Power Enhanced Mode”复选框的蚂蚁矿机固件)

(New) Massable power consumption control to support low power consumption and low power enhancement models. (Only for configuration pages with “ Low Power Mode&rdquao; and & & & ldquao; Low Power Engineering Mode&rdquao; re-check box for ant mine fixer)

(新增)可批量配置超频/降频,支持多型号的频率设置。(仅适用于配置页面具有“Mode”或“Work Mode”下拉框/单选框的蚂蚁矿机固件)

(New) Batch-configuration ultra-frequency/reduce frequency settings to support multi-model frequency settings. (Only for configuration pages with “ Mode” or “ Work Mode” ants fixture/single box)

支持蚂蚁矿机、神马矿机和部分阿瓦隆矿机,如 Antminer S9、S7、T9 等,whatsminers m21s、m20s以及 Avalon A7、A6 等系列。(扫描和配置均同时支持蚂蚁、神马和阿瓦隆)

Support ant miners, pony miners and some Avalon machines such as Antminer S9, S7, T9, whatsminers m21s, m20s and Avalon A7, A6 series. (Scanning and configuration both supports ants, horses and Avalons.)


Currently, only the scanning and configuration of the Shinto mine machine is supported, and solid upgrades are not supported.

1.解压下载的压缩包,然后双击解压出来的“BTC Tools.exe”,打开软件。

Discharge the downloaded compression package and then double-click the & & ldquao; BTC Tools.exe&rdquao;, open the software.

2.软件会自动导入电脑当前所在的局域网网段,如果该网段正确,您可以立即点击“扫描矿机”按钮开始扫描该网段的矿机。mceclip6.png    3.如果自动导入的网段不正确,您可以双击或右击“IP范围”框内的网段,进行修改。您也可以点击“+”号新增网段,或者点击“-”号删除网段。

2. The software will automatically import the local area network segment where the computer is currently located. If the network section is correct, you can immediately click “ Scanner & rdquo; Buttons to start scanning the mine in that section. mceclip6.png    3. If the automatically imported section is not correct, you can double-click or right-click & ldquao; IP Scope & rdquo; the network section in the box and make changes. You can also click &ldqua; + & rdquao; number add a new section to the network or click &ldquao;-& &rdquao; number delete the network section.


The method of filling the section is also simple and requires only the entry of the IP start and the completion of the IP, such as &ldquao; ~ & rdquo;. The IP start must be complete, but the end of the IP is not necessary, and the empty part is automatically filled with the corresponding part of the beginning IP.


The section is managed by a group, so several sections can be added to a group and the group can be named (in “ note & & rdquo; column, optional) to facilitate memory.


You can cancel the section or check in front of the group so that the software does not scan the section or group. So you can add all the segments you need, and then only select the groups that you want to scan at each time. & ldquo; IP Scope ” the check box in front of the tab is used for all selection/all.


Click on “ Scanner & rdquo; button, waiting for the scan to be completed. If the software-supported miner is available in the web segment, the basic information on the miner (including IP, mine type, arithmetic, temperature, fan speed, start time, three ponds and the corresponding mine name) is listed in the table.


By default, the software only lists basic information about the mine machine that it has successfully identified. If you want to list information on every IP address that you have scanned, cancel the ticking & ldquao; show only the successful miner & rdquao;


If your miner changes the default login password, click on &ldquao; set &rdquao; button and then fill the correct login password in &ldquao; login password & rdquao; the corresponding position of the table.


Each column in the table is sortable, so you can sort it from size to size by clicking on the head of the table, and then click again to sort it from size to size. (In this case, the temperature is sorted at the maximum of multiple values, and the fan turns to average.) In addition, you can exchange the order of each column by dragging the head of the table.


6. If you see a red entry in the table, it means that the software suggests that the value of the miner is not in the normal range.


There are three situations that will be marked as red, as follows:


Temperatures above 90 degrees or below 0 degrees (negative values often indicate a failure of the temperature sensor).


The mine name does not match the miner IP (e.g. the mine machine IP is &ldquao; & rdquao; but the miner is & & ldquao; the sub-account name is 1 x 102 & rdquao; only the miner's name matches & & ldquao; the sub-account name.


The real-time or average arithmetic power of miners is too low.


You can click & ldquao; set &rdquao; buttons to adjust the range of the mark red, or close the tag red feature.


You can use & & ldquo; set & & rdquo; the interface can see a list of minimum arithmetic values for each type of miner embedded in the software. You can change a given value or add a new miner type.


Right-click any contents in the table will eject a shortcut menu containing &ldquao; copy &rdquao; &ldquao; open miner backstage & & rdquao; & & & ldquao; fill pond information to top form & rdquao; three functions.


& ldquao; copying &rdquao; function to copy the contents of the table to the clipboard.


& ldquo; Open the mine backstage & rdquo; function opens the control panel of the miner in the browser and tries to log in automatically (ant miner only). Some browsers are not compatible with this function, which may result in open pages being blank. If you encounter this problem, try to set another browser (e.g. IE, Chrome or Firefox) as the default browser for the system.


& ldquo; Filling the pond information to the top form & rdquo; copying the pond and sub-account name information of the current miner to the pit configuration box. You can quickly copy the configuration of the existing mine machine to the new miner using this feature.

8. 如果您想修改某台或者所有矿机的矿池,只需要填写好矿池地址、子账户名(结尾可以不加“.”号,软件会自动为您添加)及密码(可以留空),选择好矿机名后缀类型,然后点击“配置选中矿机”或者“配置所有矿机”按钮即可。

If you want to modify a pond for a particular or all of the mine, just fill in the pit address, sub-account name (the end can not be & & & & & rdquao; number, the software will automatically add to you) and the password (which can be left empty), select the mine name suffix type and then click & & ldquao; configure the selected miner & & rdquao; or & & & & ldquao; configure all miners & & rdquao; buttons.


Use “ Configure the selected miner & rdquo; function, you need to select the mine machine first. Point any position in the mine list, make that position blue, and select the mine to which it corresponds (all you need to choose a cell and not the whole row).

可以拖动鼠标选择多台连续的矿机,或者按住 Ctrl 键然后点选多台不连续的矿机。

You can drag the mouse to select multiple continuous machines, or hold down the Ctrl key and then click on multiple non-continuous machines.

还有另一种选择多台连续矿机的方法:点选开始矿机,按住 Shift 键,点选结束矿机。

There is another way to choose multiple continuum machines: to click on the starter, to hold down the Shift key, and to click on the end mine.


If a reboot machine is required, click on &ldquao; reboot the selected miner & & rdquao; or & & & ldquao; button. For the time being, the software will only restart the ant miner and will not support the reboot of the Avalon miner.


If a batch upgrade is required, click on &ldquao; solidware upgrade & & rdquao; button to import the corresponding solid version for upgrade.

11.如果需要配置超频/降频,勾选“超频/降频”,在型号下拉框中选择要配置的矿机型号,在选项下拉框选择型号与模式,然后点击“配置选中矿机”或者“配置所有矿机”按钮即可。 (仅适用于配置页面具有“Mode”或“Work Mode”下拉框/单选框的蚂蚁矿机固件)

If you need to configure & ldquo; & & & & rdquo; if you need to configure ultra-frequency/downtime; & & rdquo; if you want to select the miner model to be configured by pulling in the model, then click & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; if you need to configure the miner & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & ; & & ; & & ; ) & & ) & & & & & & & & ; ) ) ) ) & & & & & & ;

12. 如果需要配置功耗控制,先点击勾选“功耗控制”,然后点击勾选“低功耗模式”或者“低功耗增强模式”按钮即可。(仅适用于配置页面具有“Low Power Mode”和“Low Power Enhanced Mode”复选框的蚂蚁矿机固件)

If you need to configure power consumption control, click on “ power consumption control & & rdquo; then click on “ low power consumption mode & & rdquo; or & & & & ldquo; low power enhancement mode & & rdquo; buttons. (Just for configuration page & & & ldquo; Low Power Mode&rdquao; and & & & & & ldquo; recheck box ant miner fixer)

在 Windows XP 系统中无法打开新版批量工具。

Could not close temporary folder: %s

新版批量工具已经不支持Windows XP,您可以考虑升级到Win7或者Win10。此外,我们也提供Linux版。

The new batch tool no longer supports Windows XP, and you can consider upgrading to Win7 or Win10. In addition, we provide Linux.


No mine can be scanned.


First, cancel “ show only the successful miner & rdquo; and then try scanning again. Once the scan is complete, click on the & & ldquo; status & & rdquo; the top of a column to sort the results according to state. If you find that the state is not & & & & & rdquo; records, then those may be the mine you are looking for. If the status is & & ldquo; login failure & & rdquao; then you need to click & & & & & rdquao; buttons to set the login password for the mine machine.


If all states are “ overtime & & rdquo; the mine machine may not be in the network section you scan. Please add the network section where the miner is in the upper left corner & & & & rdquao; and re-scan it.


How are the results of the scan sorted?


Scan results tables where each column can be sorted, click on the top of the table that you want to sort. Click again to sort from size to size.


& ldquo; monitor miner & rdquao; what is the use of this function?


& ldquo; Monitor & rdquo; this function is used to keep & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; operation, and then to update the scan results in real time to the table so that you can keep track of the machine's working status. You can sort the results into real-time computing when you start monitoring, so that you can see the first time you have a problem with the miner.




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