Data from the non-profit organization GreatFire & #xff0c; the Internet firewall in China has prevented users from accessing the Etherscan.io site.
Etherscan.io is one of the longest running and most widely used Ether block browsers xff0c; the specific reasons for preventing access are not yet clear.
According to GreatFire & #xff0c; in October 2019, China prevented domestic users from accessing Ethercan, one of the most popular Itha block browsers. As of December 3, & #xff0c; IP addresses in mainland China still do not have access to Ethercan domain names.
据Coindesk报道,虽然Etherscan的被禁在很大程度上并没有引起注意,但该公司的首席执行官Matthew Tan称,Etherscan注意到了“过去三个月内”的异常。
According to Coindisk & #xff0c; although Ethercan's ban did not attract much attention & #xff0c; however, Matthew Tan, the CEO of the company, called & #xff0c; and Etherscan noted an anomaly “in the last three months”.
GreatFire states that according to its data xff0c; xff0c on 17 August 2019; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c undetected; but after October 29 xff0c; the Ether block browser was completely blocked xff0c; GreatFire did not report the exact time it was blocked.
At the same time xff0c; a number of other e-Thai block browsers are still accessible in China. xff0c; Chinese users have access to the e-Thai block browser cn.otherscan.com.
Block browsers allow users to track blocks, wallet addresses, network Hashi rates, transactional data and other key data on a block chain. For Bitcoin & #xff0c, famous block browsers include Blockchai.com, Blockexporer.com, and Btc.com. Ethscan is only one of several ether viewers & #xff0c; and other ethplier.io.
Photo from #xff1a; pixabay
作者 Xiu MU
Author Xiu MU
This document is from cross-post bitpush.news, reprints need to be referenced.
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