
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:58 评论:0
原标题:区块链技术在传媒业的创新应用   区块链技术最初是在金融行业,作为底层技术与基础架构应用于比特币。当前其巨大的应用价值已经从金融行业向交通、医疗、传媒等其他行业扩展和延伸。本文围绕媒体信源认证...



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The block chain technology, originally in the financial sector, has been applied to Bitcoin as a bottom-up technology and infrastructure. The value of its applications has been extended and extended from the financial sector to other sectors, such as transport, medical, and media.

  区块链技术 传媒业 应用场景

block chain technology media application


content and development of block chains

  “区块链”概念是2008年中本聪在其发表的论文《Bitcoin:A Peer to Peer Electronic Cash System》中首次提出。他认为区块链技术是构建比特币数据结构与交易信息加密传输的基础性技术。雷耶斯等学者从本体论视角分析认为,区块链技术可作为一种“记叙性技术”而存在,其最大创新不在于发送与接收地址之间实现了匿名传输,而在于离散的公共数据库中可追踪到每一笔交易的痕迹,从而可以保证整个链条的真实完整性。英国学者、区块链科学研究所创始人梅兰妮·斯万认为,区块链本质上是一个公开账簿,拥有成为所有资产的登记、编册和转让的全球性、去中心化记录的潜力——这些资产不仅仅包括资金,也包括可应用于投票、软件、健康数据和文化创意等领域的各类有形和无形财产。

The concept of "block chain" was first introduced in mid-2008 by Ben-Brenson in his paper, Bitcoin: A Peer to Peer Electronic Cash System. He argued that block chain technology was the basic technology for the encryption of bitcoin data structures and transactional information. Scholars such as Reyes analysed it from a physical point of view that block chain technology existed as a “descriptive technology” and that its greatest innovation was not merely the anonymous transmission between sending and receiving addresses, but the trace of each transaction in a discrete public database that could be traced to the true integrity of the entire chain. In the view of Melanie Swan, a British scholar, founder of the District Chain Science Institute, the block chain was essentially a public book with the potential to become a global, decentralized record of all assets - assets that included not only financial resources, but also tangible and intangible property that could be applied in the areas of voting, software, health data and cultural creativity.


In the article "From Truth to Dismantling the Block Chains", the South-East University argues that block chain technology will connect virtual to the real world and become an intermediary bridge between “virtual world-real world” using distributed technology and consensus algorithms as a confidence mechanism that can be reconstructed in the virtual world. The Chinese Institute of Information and Communications Research (CII) Mae Haitao, Liu Jie, in the article “The State of Industry, Problems and Policy Recommendations in the Block Chains” argues that the block chain is essentially a distributed database that removes and updates the operation.


Block chain technology is considered to be the fifth subversive computing paradigm following large computers, personal computers, the Internet, mobile socialization, and the fourth milestone in the history of human credit evolution, after blood, precious metals, and central bank notes.

  根据《中国区块链技术和应用发展白皮书2016》的定义,区块链(Block chain)是集分布式数据存储、点对点传输、共识机制、加密算法等计算机技术为一体的新型应用技术。本质是一个“去中心化”的分布式账本数据库,具有三个显著特点:一是去中心化。区块链技术采取分布式计算与数据储存方式,整个系统的运行和维护是通过所有节点共同完成的,没有一个强制控制中心;二是可追溯性。区块链能够完整记录并追溯交易过程,区块链中的所有记录都将永久存储;三是不可篡改。运用密码学原理加密数据,采用时间戳进行时间标记,采用共识机制,区块链中数据不可篡改。因此,区块链技术具有三个主要优势:无需中介参与、过程高效透明且成本很低、数据高度安全。

As defined in the White Paper on Block Chain Technology and Application Development, 2016, block chains are new applications that integrate distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanisms, encryption algorithms and other computer technologies. The essence is a “decentralized” distributed book database with three distinct features: decentralization. Block chain technologies use distributed computing and data storage methods. The entire system is operated and maintained through all nodes, without a mandatory control centre; second, traceability. The block chain is able to record fully and retroactively the transaction process, and all records in the block chain will be permanently stored; third, it is unalterable.


Application scene for the media industry


Block chain technology has brought about significant changes in finance, technology, and so on. The cutting-edge science- and technology-sensitive media industry, faced with increasingly mature block chain technology, has begun to explore.

  美国Civil平台被认为是基于区块链技术打造的新闻出版发行平台,其创始人马修·埃尔斯说,Civil平台旨在为新闻业创造一个“自我维持”的市场,摆脱广告、假新闻和其他一些外部影响。据美国媒体报道,一些新闻机构和记者已经联合起来,共同创建了一种全新的加密电子货币,对日渐式微的深度新闻调查进行资金支持。这种加密电子货币被称为Press Coin,旨在摆脱传统新闻媒体的广告收入模式,促进新闻业资金来源多元化。Press Coin创建者认为,区块链由于其可追溯及不可篡改的技术特征,保证了新闻的真实性,发布的新闻信息都会被记录在区块链中,不可随意篡改,一旦发现信息虚假,可在区块链上追溯,并对其予以相应惩罚。

According to United States media reports, a number of news agencies and journalists have joined forces to create a brand new encrypted electronic currency, which provides financial support for an in-depth news survey. This encrypted electronic currency, known as Press Coin, aims to diversify the sources of financing of the news industry by moving away from traditional media advertising revenue patterns. Press Coin’s creators believe that, because of its retrospective and indeterminable technical characteristics, it ensures the authenticity of news and that the news message is recorded in the chain, cannot be tampered with arbitrarily, and that if false information is found, it can be traced back to the chain and punished accordingly.


On 19 March 2017, the People's Daily News “Central Kitchen” and the Specialized Committee of the China Communications Industry Association organized a cooperative exchange on technology-integrated media applications in block chains, advocating close cooperation in areas such as copyright protection, business management, and information security technologies. This was the first time that the central media had explored the media block chain project. In April 2017, the People's Daily (the payment platform and the financial application line) and the Tots Institute issued a White Paper on the Tung District Chain Programme, in which they stated that they would build a block-chain infrastructure, create a block-chain ecosystem that would win together, open up core technologies such as authentication, shared books, smart contracts, shared economics, digital assets, and launch applications such as robotic finance, air delay settlement, intellectual property protection. On 9 June 2017, the first Chinese Congress on Copyrights launched an initiative to establish a digital content zone chain copyright union in China, working to build a centralized, credible, traceable digital content flow ecosystem.


At present, in terms of the development and application of block chain technology, the impact on the media industry is mainly as follows:


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  区块链由分布式账本构成,追踪账本,就能追溯新闻的根源,从而实现媒体信源认证。这个机制包含信源评估、内容不可篡改、多节点内容验证。三者相辅相成,构成完整的约束机制。根据区块链上的记录,某篇文章是谁生产,由谁转发,去了哪里,一目了然。造谣者会很快被找到,原创者会得到奖励。内容不可篡改,在区块链上发布的新闻不能随意修改,即便被改动,修改记录会被全部记录下来,解决了传统媒体审稿过程中存在的主观性强、编辑权滥用等问题。Future Today Institute在其发布的《2018年传媒业技术趋势报告》中预测,未来可能会出现一个新闻公共账本——一个可以交换可信新闻、筛出假新闻的网络系统。

The chain of blocks consists of distributed books, which track the source of the news, thereby enabling the media to authenticate the source of the news. The mechanism consists of an assessment of the source of the message, the content of which cannot be tampered with, and multiple nodes authenticated. The three complement each other and constitute a complete restraint mechanism. According to the records on the block chain, an article is produced and forwarded by whom and where it has been sent, and it is obvious. The rumour creators will soon be found, and the originators will be rewarded. The content cannot be tampered with, the news published on the section chain cannot be randomly modified and, even if altered, the records will be fully recorded, resolving the problems of subjectivity and abuse of editorial powers in the traditional media review process.


Copyright protection and asset management


Piracy and plagiarization are one of the main problems in the field of digital dissemination. The copyright protection properties of the block chain are inherent in the creation of a decentralised, credible, retrospective digital content circulation ecosystem. The use of block chain technology also allows for accurate rights and value assessment of intangible assets produced by the media or individuals, such as news works, literature, photographic works, creative designs, etc.


Content production and press campaigning

  区块链技术让媒体从业者的角色也发生改变。自由撰稿人和自媒体达人可以通过智能合约对内容自主定价,在区块链技术平台上获得打赏虚拟货币和内容订阅费用,将有力地调动内容生产者的积极性。目前,智能合约(smart contracts,在区块链上运行的程序)催生出Civil和Steemit等平台,这些平台鼓励用户为自己喜欢的文章赞助虚拟货币,在这些平台上评论数和点赞数也会给作者带来报酬。随着区块链技术的不断成熟,媒体依托区块链网络,可在全球范围内建立虚拟编辑部,对全球内容资源进行采集利用;媒体还可通过搭建社群媒体平台,实现从“UGC”向“PGC”转变,降低新闻线索搜寻成本和新闻采编成本。此外,区块链的“代币”机制使得新闻“众筹”成为可能,记者可以根据公众和用户的需求,生产定制深度内容信息。

Block chain technology changes the role of media practitioners as well. Freewriters and media users can freely price content through smart contracts, receive virtual money and content subscription fees on block chain technology platforms, and mobilize content producers strongly. At present, smart contracts (smart contracts, procedures operating on block chains) generate platforms such as Civil and Steemmit, which encourage users to sponsor virtual money for their favorite articles.


Proceeds from original creations and copyrights


The ultimate purpose of copyright protection is to protect and realize the interests of creators. Block-chain technology provides decentralised copyright protection for original content, based on a database of data copyrights, through irrevocable digital signatures, a credible time stamp, and a web-wide tort monitoring system, an electronic evidence preservation system. Smart contracts allow for self-service transactions of original content and copyright, and journalists, correspondents, and self-media writers will enjoy maximum multiple, multi-dimensional copyright benefits from original creations.


Smart Trade and Advertising Effect

  广告界流传着一句著名的疑问:“我知道我的广告费有一半浪费了,但是我不知道是哪一半?”这个疑问其实包含两层含义,一是我的广告是否“准确”到达,二是我的广告是否“有效”作用于受众。区块链技术可以解决广告业中效果不透明、营销有偏差的问题,如点击量作弊等。目前,北京小米科技有限责任公司提出以数据协作、反欺诈、效果监测为主要场景,构建广告技术区块链共同体联盟;美国广告技术公司MetaX和区块链公司Consen Sys联合推出首个用于跟踪数字广告供应链的协议AdChain。所有广告活动主体,均可通过区块链技术下的智能广告交易平台发布供需信息。以点击付费广告为例,在基于区块链技术的智能广告交易平台中,广告合约执行条件都满足时,将自动触发智能合约的执行,从而实现用户注意力经济的结算和变现。

There is a well-known question in the advertising industry: “I know that half of my advertising fees are wasted, but I don't know which half of them?” The question actually has two dimensions: whether my ads are “accurate” arrive, and whether my ads are “effective” for the audience. Block-chain technology can solve the problem of opacity in advertising, market bias, and so on. At present, Beijing Mini-Technology Limited proposes to create a community of advertising technology blocks based on data collaboration, anti-fraud, and monitoring of effects; the US advertising technology firm MetaX and the sector chain company Consenys jointly launch the first agreement Ad Chain to track the digital advertising supply chain.


Analytics and public opinion environment


In a network environment where block chain technology is widely used, any manipulation will be documented and any forgery tracked. In this case, the mechanism will work. Rumors will carefully consider the cost of rumours, and the public will not believe them easily through a comprehensive assessment.


Block chain technology is still in its early stages of development, both domestically and internationally in terms of media integration. But it is certain that innovative applications based on block chain technology will constantly stimulate innovation and change in media practices.


(The author is a journalist at the Radio and Television Centre in Shaanxi, and a doctoral student at the School of Journalism and New Media at the University of Xi'an)




1 Xu Star, Liu Yong, Sinxing Star, Guo Daji, “Little chains: reshaping the economy and the world”, Chinese publication, 2016.


2 Li Peng Fei, “Exploration of Media Integration Paths Based on Block Chain Technologies”, News Front, No. 8 of 2017.


3 Chung Tianju, Tang Myung-yeon, Song Dan, Chu Yong-chung: Concepts for the Application of Block Chain Technologies in the Advertising Industry, Journal of Journalism Studies, No. 8, 2017.


4 Tung Dong Ming, Taocang, Wang Piao, “Technology of seizure of the chain of blocks “windlights” for media integration innovation development”, News Front, No. 5, 2018.


5 Li Tai'an, Re-establishment of the Internet Opinion Environment of the Block Chain, Media, No. 11 of 2017 (up.).


6 Von Dynamite Road: “Exploration of the use of block chains in the media”, Science and Technology Dissemination No. 4, 2018.






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