
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:63 评论:0
  7月6日,由国家新闻出版署科技与标准综合重点实验室区块链版权应用中心主编的《数字藏品应用参考》发布。On 6 July, the Reference for the Application of Digital Collections...



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On 6 July, the Reference for the Application of Digital Collections was published by the Centre for the Application of Copyright in the Block Chain of the Integrated Focus Laboratory of Science, Technology and Standards of the National Press and Publications Administration.


The Hangzhou International Digital Trading Company Ltd. (hereinafter “HUNDIF”) participated as one of the main authors in the joint publication of the Digital Collection Application Reference, working with industry experts and scholars such as the Chinese Digital Culture Group, the China Antiquities Exchange Centre, the China Publishing Media Agency, the China Net Antang Block Chain Centre, the Xin Sheung Xiaochen Digital Publishing Media Company Ltd., the Centre for Research on Digital Economy and Financial Innovation of the International Joint Business School of Zhejiang University, the Special Committee on Copyright of the District Block Chain Industry Association of Sichuan Province, the Legal Select Committee of the Shanghai Block Chain Technical Association, the Sichuan Province Games Industry Commission, the Finance and Economy Department, the New Chains, the Mang Xianxin Law Office, and the Teh Heung Law Firm, to develop a new chapter in the digital collection industry.


Since 2021, the market for our digital collections has developed dramatically, but security risks, such as piracy tort risk, content compliance risk, price speculation risk, cyberfraud risk, regulatory compliance risk, financial security risk, etc., have flourished.


In order to avoid security risks and contribute to the development of cultural digital health, the Reference for the Application of Digital Collections should come out at a time.


The reference book, which is currently the most detailed application reference in the field of digital collections, deals with the definition, status, risks, norms, qualifications and cases of digital collections, using the principles of professionalism, practicality and authority as the core principles. It is intended to provide theoretical references for the development of the digital culture strategy and for the regulation of the relevant sectors of the country. The reference book also provides a basic guarantee for the regulation and development of the digital collections market.


Hang Dynasty, one of the main contributors, is the company’s chief executive officer, Lee Jemmin, who is a member of the drafting team and is actively involved in the preparation and launch of the Digital Collection Application Reference. In the future, the Hang Dynasty Collections platform will also actively explore new models for sound development of the digital collection industry, based on compliance with the law and regulations, and will contribute to the growth of the stock market.


Appendix: Text of the Digital Collection Application Reference


digital collection application reference


The copyrights for this reference book belong to the Centre for the Application of Copyright in the Blocks of the Integrated Focus Laboratory for Science, Technology and Standards of the State Press and Publications Agency, whose content is chained up and protected by law.

  前 言数字藏品作为现象级事物,在具有较高热度的同时,其安全风险也不容忽视,诸如:侵权盗版风险、内容合规风险、价格炒作风险、网络欺诈风险、监管合规风险、金融安全风险等。

As a phenomenon-level event, the security risks associated with digital collections, such as piracy risks, content compliance risks, price speculation risks, cyberfraud risks, regulatory compliance risks, financial security risks, etc., should not be overlooked at the same time as they have a high degree of heat.


To guide the development of digital culture and health, and to provide a normative reference for the digital collection industry, the National Press and Publications Agency, in conjunction with China's Digital Culture Group, China's Cultural Heritage Exchange Centre, China's Publishing Media Agency, China's Cyber-Ann block chain centre, Sino-Honse Sichuan Digital Publishing Media Company Ltd., Hangzhou International Digital Trading Company Ltd. and other institutions and enterprises represented by others, is committed to the creation, protection, application and transformation of digital cultural chains, and to actively explore, on the basis of existing laws and regulations, the health and sustainable development of digital cultural products in the regional chains. The reference book will provide a professional discussion on the definition, status, risk, norms, qualifications, case studies, etc., of digital collections.


Centre for the Application of Copyright to the Integrated Focus Laboratory Blocks of Science, Technology and Standards, National Press and Publications Administration, main editor



Summary of digital collections


(i) Origin of the digital collection


The digital collection has gone through four phases: the conceptual phase, the early construction phase, the boom phase abroad, and the domestic exploration phase.


1, first phase: conceptual phase

  2014年纽约艺术家凯文麦考伊在纳米币区块链上推出了一个NFT,通常被认为是历史上第一个NFT;2015年,《Spells of Genesis》上架,把游戏的经济系统与区块链技术相结合。

In 2014, New York artist Kevin McCoy introduced an NFT on the nanocoin block chain, usually considered the first NFT in history; in 2015, the Spelts of Genderis was mounted, combining the economic system of the game with block chain technology.


2, second phase: early construction phase

  2017年6月,NFT项目Crypto Punks诞生,将图像作为“加密资产”;2017年10月,CryptoKitties加密猫游戏上线;2018年NonFungible.com推出NFT市场追踪平台;同期,Opensea、SuperRare、Known Origin、MakersPlace等,都建立了用于发布和发现数字艺术的平台。

In June 2017, the NFT project Crypto Punks was born, using images as “encrypted assets”; in October 2017, the CryptoKittys encryption cat game was online; in 2018, NonFungible.com launched the NFT Market Tracking Platform; and in the same period, Opensea, SuperRare, Known Origin, MakersPlace and others established platforms for the publication and discovery of digital art.


3, phase 3: foreign development boom phase

  2020年,NBA推出球星视频产品NBA TOP SHOT;2020年,数字艺术家Beeple耗时14年创作的作品《Everydays:The First 5000 Days》作为NFT出售,各路明星和艺术家纷纷通过各种平台发布NFT;2021年,区块链游戏项目Axie Infinity发售。

In 2020, NBA launched a global star video product, NBA TOP SHOT; in 2020, digital artist Beaple's 14-year-long work, " Everydays: The First 5000 Days ", was sold as NFT, and the NFT was distributed through various platforms by stars and artists; and in 2021, the block chain game project, Axie Infinity, was launched.


4, phase 4: domestic exploration phase


On 20 May 2021, the NFT Public Interest Fair for Digital Arts was launched with fun at Ali's auction under the banner of Treasures.


On 23 June 2021, the payment bond released its brilliant skin NFT; on 2 August 2021, the NFT trading software under the flag was officially activated; on 15 August 2021, the auction of Ali and the digital copyright asset deal of the block chain, which was lined up on the new version of the chain, opened an exploration of the NFT copyright code; and in October 2021, the word “NFT” disappeared and was replaced by “digital collection” on the inside of the “ant chain fan” of the RDPP and the payment treasure small program.


On 3 June 2022, the National Press and Publications Agency, the Centre for the Application of Copyright in the Block Chains of the Integrated Focus Laboratory on Science and Technology and Standards, the Sichuan digital publishing media, the Hangzhou National Digital Trading Centre, published the Digital Collection Compliance System “Model for Digital Publishing and Distribution Platforms”, which considers the digital collection as a new form of digital publication.


(ii) Digital collection form


1. The digital collections present two product patterns at this stage:


(1) The same work, one single sale at a time.


(2) The same work, limited to a large number of sales.


2. At this stage, there are also three ways of generating the digital collection:


(1) Digital mapping of objects in kind. Some of the digital collections are the production of digital products by “recording” raw data from books, collections and works of art.


(2) Digital original creation.


(3) Digital works are integrated with objects or interests.


(iii) Digital collection range


At this stage, the digital collection consists of writings, oral works, music, theatre, music, music, music, music, art, acrobats, fine arts, architectural works, photographic works, audio-visual works, engineering designs, product designs, maps, graphics and model works, etc.


The digital collection has gradually infiltrated the various fields of recreation, leisure, catering, shopping, tourism, sports and ticketing.


(iv) Definition of digital collection


1. The definition of a digital collection is centred on works. The Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China states that works are intellectual works that are original in the literary, artistic and scientific fields and can be expressed in some form.


2. The definition of digital collections is based on copyright. The Copyright Act of the People's Republic of China states that copyright refers to the general title of copyright holders with respect to property and personal rights in literary, artistic and scientific works.


3. The definition of digital collections is based on web-based publications. The Regulations on the Management of Web-based Publishing Services state that web-based publications are digitized works that are made available to the public through information networks and that have editorial, production, processing, reproduction and publishing features. Web-based publications include, inter alia: (1) original digital works of intellectual, ideological writing, pictures, maps, games, manipulatory, audio-visual readings in the fields of literature, art, science, etc.; (2) digitized works that are consistent with published books, newspapers, periodicals, audio-visual products, electronic publications, etc.; (3) digitized works of the above-mentioned works, such as web-based literature databases, which are selected, organized and compiled; and (4) other types of digitized works identified by the National Press and Publications Agency.


The digital collection features are fully in line with the core form of digital publications, and also reflects the core elements of digital copyright. Using block chain technology, digital documents that anchor the sole ownership or right of use in the production chain are not tampered with, unbroken, restricted and distributed, the purpose of which is to achieve a genuine and credible digital distribution, collection, use and circulation of works.


In summary, the digital collection is defined more accurately at this stage: the digital collection is a new form of digital publication.


Parsing the digital collection, which can be issued in compliance with the following two product types:


1. Copyright for block-chained works. Principally, all or part of the property rights of certified works will be transferred and traded through the upper chain, in the form of a whole and a single copy of the copyright.


2. Block chain digital publishing products. Mainly, works that will be authenticated and certified through the upper chain will be published online for sale in the form of limited, multi-section block chain digital publishing products.


Both products can be sold in a way that is additional to, and integrated with, physical or equity interests.



The current development of the digital collection at


(i) Trends in industry regulation


On April 12, the relevant departments of the National Antiquities Office organized a seminar on the status of digital collections, which focused on issues such as the public interest attributes of cultural institutions, data security, and consumer rights and interests.


On April 13, the Chinese Internet Finance Association, the Chinese Banking Association and the Chinese Securities Association jointly issued the Initiative on Preventing Financial Risks Related to NFTs, which states that NFTs have shown some value in enriching the digital economy model, but that there are risks of fraud, money-laundering, illegal financial activity, etc. The Initiative calls on member organizations to work together to curb the trend of financial securitization of NFTs and to protect them from the risk of illegal financial activity.


On 20 May, Fujian Province issued a reminder letter from the Fujian Province Working Group for the Clean-up and Rehabilitation of Trading Places to protect against the risk of NFT violations, requesting all trading sites in Fujian Province not to participate in, not to endorse, and not to authorize the issuance of, or trade in, NFT-related issues.


(ii) Participation


At present, state-owned entities, listed companies, etc., are in the field of digital collections in various industries, and Internet companies such as BAT, including the digital collection block chain service and distribution platforms. Xinhua, People’s Daily, Central Radio and Television General, Xinhua News, Xiaojiang News, China Search, China Information Centre, China Heritage Exchange Centre, China Mobile, China Silver Union, Chinese Cultural Media Group, Chinese Film Industrialization Institute, National Sports Agency, National Library, National Theatre, and others, have distributed digital collections; People’s Literature Press, Chinese Book Export-Import Group, China Youth Press, Yangjiang Arts Press, Sichuan Digital Media, Heaven Press, Xijiang People’s Press, Hunan People’s Press, Fujing People’s Press, Chongqing Publishing Group, Qing People’s Press, Xivuan People’s Publishing House, China News and Information Technology Centre, and others.


(iii) launch platform


To date, more than 700 platforms have been established in the country. Seven of these platforms have a media background, namely, the Lingyi People’s Art Museum, the Time Hide, the Xinhua Collection, the Leopard Youth Cosmos, the People’s Science and Technology Digital Collection Platform, the Light Arts, the Meshu; more than 20 digital collections have a national financial background, such as the Hydraulic Collection, the SEAL Collection, the Hiran Cosmos, the only art, the Chinese Collection, and so on; and more than 25 digital collections have a listed corporate background, such as auctions by Ali, whales, spiritual culture, squids, illusions, TME digital collections, 100-high-chain digital collections, microscopic search, rare, web-like planetary digital collections, etc.


(iv) Service delivery block chain


Domestic digital collections are based mainly on the Union’s chain, but also on a few platforms. Alliances that provide block-based services for digital collections are: Star Fires and Chains (Girl Collections, People’s Art Gallerys, etc.), People’s Chains (Girls, People’s Art Gallery, etc.), People’s Chains (Type Cats, auctions for Ali, etc.), BSN Chains (Thoughts, Nuts, Huts, Tops, Topholder, Lighting Arts, etc.), Long Anse Chains (Mechanical Visualization, Searching, Hiding Arts, etc.), Knowledge Chains (Tyres, Red Fruit Collections, etc.), TIE Digital Collections, Fifth Faces, etc., New Chains (Ali auctions, Intelling Planets, etc.), Ants Chains (Valks, SuperCys, VII Cosmos, Nos and others), HSKS, Lights, Lights, Light and Softs, Softs, etc.


The public chains that provide block chain services in the country include tree chains, among others, and the digital collection platforms that are based on tree chains include leopards, youth universes, spoilers, boxes, etc.


Typical block chain platform:




The chain of knowledge serves as the platform for the network services of the Centre for the Application of Copyright in the Integrated Focus Laboratory on Science, Technology and Standards of the National Press and Publications Agency.


The chain of knowledge produces a number of well-known digital collections, such as block chain digital copyright products: three-star stack series, ancient gold sand series; block chain digital publishing products: Google, Tinjin, Gessar; block chain digital publishing products: “Digital collection”, Beethoven and Mozart's black gel record.


The Information Chain builds a complete matrix of the Digital Collections Trading Platform. The matrix consists of four major product systems and four major audit systems. The four major product systems include: the Digital Copyright Industry Chain, the Digital Publishing Open Platform, the Digital Collections Distribution Platform, and the Agnostic Cosmos; the four major audit systems include the Copyright Audit System, the Web Publishing Service System, the Values Evaluation Review System, and the Issued Transactions Audit System. The Information Chain and the Hang State International Digital Trading Centre have constructed the Trans-chain Product Flow Backup Chain, which provides a normative streaming loop for digital collections generated by legitimate domestic union chains.


2, digital Chinese chain


“Digital China Block Chain Services Infrastructure” (the “digital medium chain”) is the country’s first block-chain solution dedicated to “new digital circulation of full-type factors of production.” The number Chinese chain is supported by the Digital China Construction Summit, which is hosted by the Fuzhou City People’s Government.


3, Chinese digital culture chain


China's digital cultural chain is a union of “national teams” such as China's Digital Culture Group and China's Antiquities Exchange Centre, the United Republic of Korea Holdings Ltd., and the Beijing Group of Inputs, which specializes in digital collections and has distributed bookkeeping, smart contracts, non-reciprocal and traceability technical characteristics.


China’s digital cultural chain has the capability of authenticating digital collections and generating unique digital identities for them. Using digital collections forged in the Chinese digital cultural chain, users can learn the dynamics and distribution of digital collections in real time on the chain, making digital collections data searchable, verifiable and traceable, maximizing user rights to information, fair trading, and free choice.


Digital collections are innovative designs based on cultural and artistic elements, the recognition of digital copyrights and the full flow of documented information in block-chain technologies, virtual cultural works of art produced in digital technology for online collections and visualization of virtual space digital assets, and are one of the product patterns of the digital cultural industry. Digital collections serve as new hot spots for the development of digital cultural industries, gathering technology, talent, IP, capital, data elements, new forms of creative products, connecting virtual asset value chains, expanding the creative transformation of traditional cultures into new spaces, and creating new models for the innovative development of traditional cultures.


The digital culture chain in China is characterized by three main characteristics: the State's orderly regulation guarantees the value and security of the digital collection, open and transparent access by all users to the dynamics and distribution of the digital collection, and support for the cross-chain authentication and distribution of the digital collection.


4, Chinese digital link


China's digital communication chain, which is equipped with the country-level technical security of information technology in block chains, as well as core capabilities such as block chain digital copyright management, web publishing, content clearance and authentication, is designed to take full advantage of the technical capabilities of the block chain and to carry out digital authentication, retrospective protection, identification exchange, interpretation and demonstration of cultural objects, and to provide a full-chain one-stop digital art collection development service for a wide range of cultural and cultural fans.


The Digital Trade Platform, “Jinshi”, which provides low-level technical support from the Chinese digital communication chain, is a pioneering platform for digital creation of cultural objects, developed jointly by the Chinese Cultural Heritage Exchange Centre and Xiamen Wonjian Tsi Ltd., and includes service sections such as digital creation trading, arts and art appreciation, information in the literary industry and personal museums. Digital asset validation will be provided for various types of digital IPs, assisting in the planning of digital creation services such as experiences with content, offline rights or technical play methods, and conducting digital creation transactions and distributions.


5, new version


The “New Release Chain” is the only copyright and intellectual property industry chain in Sichuan province, led by the Sichuan provincial government and the Sichuan provincial economic and informationization office, that promotes the construction of the Sichuan sector block service infrastructure, the “Silver Chain” which is led by the Specialized Commission on Copyright of the Sichuan sector block chain industry association. The “New Release Chain” is supported by state-level technological excellence, the quality and capability of services such as copyright clearance, web publishing, value assessment, and other services, the existence of a well-established operating service team and credible and credible nodes, and the “Digital Copyright Asset Trading” project, built by the “New Release Chain”, which has opened a landmark block chain of copyright applications.


(v) Application


1, typical application


The use of digital collections is expanding and moving out of circles; the most widely used are art collections, art works, the production of digital or physical art collections into “digital collections” through block-chain technology; the launch of digital collections by the Xinhua Institute, the Emperor of Qin and the Museum of the Three Stars, among others; the launching of digital collections, the release of the Tiger Year's commemorative editions of the Journal of Liberation; the release of 3D editions of the “Huwa” digital collection by the Central Radio and Television Central; the search and release by China of the Kyoto drama digital collection of cultural consumption; the breaking of temporal and temporal restrictions on the exchange of fans by artists; the launch of the Xinhua collection of village collections; the launch of the first digital collection of the People's Daily; the award of the Chinese prime prize for the digital village; the launch of the Public Prosecutor's Office's digital collection; and the launch of a series of public goods for children; and the launch of the “Statisticalary of the People's Daily News” series.


The second is the musical digital collection of music, such as the troupe music “TME digital collection”, the black glue NFT of Hu Yingbin, the 20th anniversary of the Monk, which is available in limited quantities on the QQ musical platform, the cool dog music coalition China Youth News, which publishes the non-relict digital music collection “Congregation of Music”, which covers the ancient piano, Xiaoqing, Marx, Biwa, flute, tidium and seven non-relicative instruments, and the limited edition of the black tape XIII, which was launched by QQ music.


Sports-type digital collections, such as the “uplink” award for top three Aces players by the co-organizers during the Aribaba European Cup; and six sports-digit collections, such as the “First Marathon Medal of Beijing”, issued by the Chinese Digital Section.


On March 3, 2022, the Eastern Chinese Performing Group joined forces with Ali to launch the first digital collection of the Chinese performance industry, the Golden Green Digital Monument and the series of innovative digital collections.


On World Reading Day, April 23, 2022, the National Press and Publications Agency’s Centre for the Application of Copyrights in the Block Chains of the Integrated Focus Laboratory on Science, Technology and Standards, and the Sichuan Digital Publishing Media, jointly launched the Ali auction, the Digital China Chain, the Knowledge Chain, and the first national project for the publication and distribution of digital collections, launched by a joint innovation, the Digital Collection, with the participation of the first group of more than 30 publishers, with a value-added digital collection after the creation of a chain of entity books and digital collections.


At the shopping festival of 18 June 2022, the Digital Cathead Programme became a typical example of new marketing methods combining physical and digital collections, interests, etc., with Jordan, Adidas and Zhou Dafu releasing collections; the digital collections' enabling real economy has also become the direction of many platforms.


2, derivative application


The resulting digital collection of block chains includes digital insurance, digital education, digital science, digital socialization, meta-cosm, and so on. In May 2022, the CBA championship club, the Liaoningmoto Steel Ball Hall, and the non-relict cultural choreograph and lion-cosm digital collection, directed by the Regional Department of Humanities in the South Foshan Sea, were released; and in July 2022, the Sichuan Provincial Game Commission released the Yuan cosmos, the accelerator, with the aim of building a multidimensional parallel world for humankind. It will also create a virtual world with detailed and complete values laws, operating rules, organizational structures and support for building its own “planetary” for digital collections and applications in different chains.


The digital collection application landscape is expanding to promote value discovery in the digital economy more closely in conjunction with various fields.



Digital Collection Risk


(i) Access to the public chain


Depending on the degree of open licensing required for access, the chain of blocks can be divided into three broad categories: public chains, chains of association, and private chains. Of these, the public chain is not artificially licensed, and anyone can join the network according to the rules set out in its open source code. Bitcoin, Etheria, etc., are public chains. Union chains, also known as licensing chains, are typically composed of management nodes, credit nodes, consensus nodes, authentication nodes, etc.


If digital collections are connected directly or indirectly to the public chain, they have greater cross-border circulation capacity, posing greater risks in terms of exchange controls, capital controls, anti-money-laundering, anti-telecommunication fraud, etc. Users can, for example, use “reasonable” methods of money-laundering through high prices for digital collections and cross-border transactions.


Currently, domestic digital collections are mainly using the Union chain to set risk boundaries through coalition chain nodes to enable timely and effective response and disposal in the event of a risk and to achieve the well-being of the industry under effective regulation.


(ii) Virtual currency, token


There is a greater legal risk that digital collections will be used for clearing transactions using virtual currency. The People’s Bank of China, among others, has issued a circular on further prevention and treatment of the risks associated with virtual currency transactions.


Where digital collections are used as tokens, the exchange of “bottom assets” from virtual tokens into virtual pictures, images, music, etc., may also be financial in nature and highly susceptible to the risk of illicit financial activity.


(iii) Fake, money laundering


A digital collection that is used as a tool for snooping away from its own legitimate value can become a “flash-and-flash game”; a digital collection that lacks presentation and practical applications will lead to the unsustainable development of this new product model; and a digital collection that lacks user information oversight and deals in private off-the-shelf chains will be difficult to trace retroactively, and a user can use “reasonable” means to make money-laundering possible by snooping a digital collection to a natural price, and the seller can then identify itself as a buyer.


(iv) Distribution, illegal collection of funds


The use of digital collections in the name of “digital currency” or “digital assets” may entail corresponding civil and even criminal liability for illicit fund-raising activities that spread, circle money, promise income, reward, buy-back, etc. to the users.


(v) Financial, securitization


The use of digital collections as investment products, the splitting of interests, mass creation, disguised issuance, trading of financial products and securities, the financing of currency issuances (ICOs), centralized transactions (centralized bidding, electronic matching, anonymous transactions, market doing, etc.), ongoing listing transactions, standardized contractual transactions, etc., creates trading premises that may well become civil administrative or even criminal liability for illicit financial activities.


(vi) Abuse, piracy


The core of the digital collection is characterized by reliance on block chains to establish certainty, authentication and intellectual contracts, traceability, limitation, immutable, indivisible, and non-reproducable, thereby giving the collection its sole proprietary attributes. Without copyright clearance mechanisms, digital collections will not be able to stop abuses and piracy from their source. The unauthorized distribution of digital collections will constitute an infringement of copyright rights or personal rights, as well as other civil rights, such as the rights of portraits, reputations, honours and others.


(vii) Illegal publication


Digital collections are liable to punishment as illegal publications if they are not published online, and the platform provides the public with digital works with publishing features such as editing, production, processing, etc. through an information network. Internet publications refer to original digital works such as intellectual, ideological writing, pictures, maps, games, manipulators, audio-visual readings, etc. that are consistent with published books, newspapers, periodicals, audio-visual products, electronic publications, etc.


(viii) Information, data security


The digital collection is based on the emerging Internet technology of the block chain, which, although it has a natural anti-false features through a distributed consensus mechanism, has a certain security risk if considered poorly, owing to the complexity of information system construction and application management.


The security risks of block-chain systems can be broadly divided into traditional Internet system security and sector-chain-specific security systems. Traditional Internet-system security refers to security issues related to general information systems, such as network security, mainframe security and mobile security.


Block chain-specific security concerns refer to security issues associated with block chain technical mechanisms, such as consensus mechanism security, smart contract security, etc., which differ widely from the traditional Internet, and for many developers there are certain thresholds that can easily create security gaps, which is the greatest technological risk in the current digital collection.


In addition, centralized metadata storage, inert casting (distribution platforms that generate digital collections after purchase by users in order to save resources) and private key hosting, which are common in digital collections operations, are vulnerable to hacking techniques, resulting in leaks of information, further loss of data and even loss of property.



digital collection code application


(i) Flowchart for digital collections


1. Copyright review: Authors of copyrights or organizations of natural, legal or illegal persons duly authorized by authors of copyrights, for the purpose of validating, authenticating or registering works of provincial copyright offices through block chains of copyright service platforms;


2. Authorisation of the examination: the examination of the content of the work's authorization and the rights and interests of the review body;


3. Commissioned publications: electronic agreements for commissioning publications;


4. The upper chain of works: the chain of work is authenticated to produce block chain digital products;


5. Web publishing: content-reviewed products, 3rd Rev., digital publication products forming the block chain;


6. Value assessment: the formulation of product prices after a valuation of the product;


7. Product distribution: the products are distributed on the market platforms on which they are placed;


Product queries: Once purchased by the user, information about the product can be consulted on the front-end platform;


Product use: The product can be used in the use scenario referred to in point (x) of this Part;


10. Asset transactions: in the case of copyrighted assets, legal transactions are carried out.


The details of the operation of the above-mentioned links will be described in the context of this section.


(ii) Bottom of the block chain


The underlying platform of the digital collection block chain should meet the following six requirements in terms of technology selection, node correspondence, security management, transport security, operational services, regulatory filing:


1, technical options


The bottom technology platform selected for the block chain service platform should meet industry-related functional, performance and safety requirements and be evaluated through credible institutions.


2, node letter


Block chain nodes should be built to take full advantage of block chain technology to achieve partially decentralised business access, strengthen ecological effects, and enhance the platform’s authority and credibility.


3, security management


Appropriate protective measures are taken against the security of password keys, security of smart contracts, security of the network environment, etc. in the application of the platform, and are tested through tests such as security tests of smart contracts and evaluation of the Ministry of Public Security's information security level.


4, transport security


Block-chain platforms should have professional security personnel, teams and accompanying guidelines for the management of such dimensions as surveillance and early warning, daily inspections, emergency disposal, etc.


5, operations


Block chain platforms should have professional operators, teams and accompanying operational management norms such as business planning, access mechanisms, etc.


6, regulatory filing


The block chain platform shall acquire the relevant qualifications in accordance with the relevant provisions and shall be subject to filing supervision and management by the relevant authorities, such as completing the filing of the ICP, the filing of the Ministry of Public Security, the filing of the block chain information service, access to the government block chain control platform, etc.


(iii) Copyright Review


The section chain copyright service platform in this segment is subject to infringement, piracy and censorship of works; authors are required to submit certificates of title and required materials:


1. Certificate of voluntary registration of works issued by the Copyright Office


2. The block chain is validly authenticated and certified.


There is no right to prove the need to apply for authentication of a work; the material is required:


1. Title of the work


2. Types of works


3. Authors of rights


4. Name or name of author (name or name of author that the author is in agreement with the author)


5. The creative nature of the work


6. Information on the identity of authors of copyright (company: business licence; individual: identity card)




Modalities of attribution of rights and their description


Status and description of rights


10. All materials must be submitted with a guarantee of the right to voluntary registration of works


(1) Individual works are still to be submitted: a copy of the author's identity card


(2) The work of a legal person must also be submitted: a certificate from the author of the legal person, a copy of the document of the legal entity, a copy of the identity card of the person attesting to it, a signature of the person attesting to it


(3) Commission works also have to be submitted: commissioning agreement, documentation attesting to the identity of the parties to the commissioning agreement


(4) Job creations also have to be submitted: job creation agreements, job creation agreements and documents attesting to the identity of the parties to the job creation agreements


(5) Co-operative works also have to be submitted: co-authorship agreements, documents attesting to the identity of the parties to the co-authorship agreements


(iv) Authorization to review


The copyright platform of the block chain in this section is subject to an authorization review of the work, and authors or agents are required to provide the Agreement on the Transfer (Authorization) of the work. Key points of the review are the types of rights transferred, their territorial scope. The copyright property rights include: 1, right to copy, 2, right to issue, 3, right to lease, 4, right to exhibit, 5, right to perform, 6, right to project, 7, right to broadcast, 8, right to disseminate information network, 9, right to record, 10, right to adapt, 11, right to translate, 12, right to compile, 13, and other rights to use the work that should be enjoyed by authors.


The core elements of the Transfer of Works (Authorization) Agreement include:


1 Transfer of copyright. Type of product: Transfer of copyright.


Copyright licence. Type of product: digital publishing product. This means that the author authorizes another person to use his work on a commercial basis and to be paid for it under certain conditions.


3-Limitation clauses. Take advantage of the block chain to guarantee the true limit of product distribution.


4. The chain platform selects the articles. The upper-chain block chain of the work is selected and should not repeat the upper chain or multiple different chains.


The authorization to review this step has a fundamental impact on the type of product and distribution rights of the digital collection.


(v) Commissioned publication


Authors in this section are required to enter into a web publishing contract with a web publishing platform.


The form of publication will have a direct bearing on the form of the product, and the digital cultural products of the block chain can be published online; the exclusive right to publish means the exclusive right of the publisher to use the publication during the period of validity and within the limits of its use as agreed in the contract.


(vi) The chain of works


The top lines of the work include:


1. Core elements of copyright


2. Core elements of the mandate


The chaining of works enables authors'works to be monitored throughout their life cycle, unaltered and documented.


If a work has been registered and obtained a copyright certificate, the information on the upper chain of the work requires:


1. Samples of works


2. Clarifying how the right to work is to be owned


3. Author(s) information (name and document number)


4. Clarifying the manner in which the right to work is acquired


5. Identification of the type of work


6. Description of the creation of the work


Transfer, right to issue, amount generated


Upon completion of the upper chain, the work forms the digital product of the block chain into the web publishing chain.


(vii) Web publication


The content review is carried out by editors and publishers with State-issued qualifications, and the web publishing services implement regulatory systems such as responsibility for the content of publications, responsibility for editing, responsibility for proofreading, etc., to guarantee the legitimacy of the content and quality of publications published on the web.


Highlights of the web publishing audit:


1. To oppose the fundamental principles established in the Constitution;


2. against the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the State;


(c) The disclosure of State secrets, endangering the security of the State or undermining the honour and interests of the State;


4. Incitement to national hatred, ethnic discrimination, violation of national unity or infringement of national customs or customs;


Those who preach cults and superstitions;


The dissemination of rumours that disturb social order and destabilize society;


7. Propagating obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence or incitement to commit a crime;


To insult or defam any person or infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of another person;


9. Harming the public morals of society or the cultural traditions of national excellence;


There are laws, administrative regulations and other provisions which are prohibited by the State.


11. There shall be no incitement to a minor to imitate a crime against public morals and against the law. There shall be no terror, no cruelty and no interference with a minor's physical or mental health. There shall be no disclosure of the minor's personal privacy.


If you have not already done so, you will not be allowed to publish it.


(viii) Value assessment


The assessment of the value of the digital collections needs to be based on fair market prices and reasonable pricing based on the value of their use to prevent departures from basic values, with reference to:


1. General price ranges in the copyright market.


2. Standard price ranges for digital publishing products.


(ix) Product release


Digital collections are regularly distributed and sold as cultural products, not as financial or securities products.


Distribution is strictly based on the sale of goods, the provision of services for real purposes, the registration of all users, the non-continuing listing of block chain copyright products, splitting of shares, standardized contract transactions, and the non-consolidated biding of block chain copyright products, block chain digital publishing products, electronic matchmaking, market-making, no promise of return, buy-back, and no provision of financial leverage.


The distribution platform takes full advantage of the bottom of the block chain, links user identification information to transaction records and reports on suspicious transaction activities to the relevant authorities in a timely manner, maintaining constant monitoring of the subject of the transaction, the flow process and the speed of conversion of the digital collection.


(x) Use scene


The use of digital collections is typical of the following scenarios at this stage:


1. Copyright of works. transfers all or part of the right to copyright property and may eventually result in cultural products.


2, digital publishing products. uses digital products to read, study, appreciate, listen to, view, research, etc., either by means of a network, electronic product or virtual space (megascopic cosmos) on a cable or wireless basis at a selected time and place.


The digital collection may be carried out by reference to laws and regulations such as the Copyright Act, the Property Rights Act, but only for the purpose of use, and not by means of speculation, money-laundering, monetization, financialization, securitization, etc., or by illegal private transactions.


The derivative applications of digital collections include digital insurance policies, digital education, digital science, digital entrance tickets, etc. Digital collections provide the core components of the value Internet and meta-cosm, which, to some extent, will form the basis of property rights in the digital economy and allow for the transmission and circulation of values. Digital collections are deeply integrated with real-economy industries, which will contribute to the upgrading and transformation of the industrial structure of the domestic real-economy economy.


(xi) Cross-chain application


Digital collections in different chains with the same upper-chain rules and generation processes allow for cross-chain use and trans-chain flow; digital collections in chains with different upper-chain rules and generation processes can be backed up by digital collections, digital products and core user information, copyright clearance, authorization clearance, and digital publication leading to cross-chain use and trans-link flow.


1. Cross-chain use. The use scenes of different chains of alliances are open to use in digital collections of different chains of alliances.


2. Trans-link flows. Digital collections in different chains of alliances, with retroactive, non-alterable and unique flows.



qualifications related to digital collections


(i) Block Chain Information Service file


In 2019, the National Internet Information Office published the Block Chain Information Services Regulation, which requires online filing of information service platforms such as websites (https://bcbean.ifcert.cn/index).


The formal implementation of regulatory provisions marks the beginning of formal regulation of block chain information services in the country. As of May 2022, the network office had published eight filings.


(ii) Copyright Service Workstation


The digital collection platform issues sales products in accordance with the qualifications of the copyright service workstations approved by the Copyright Office or the distribution of products approved by the copyright service workstations.


Copyright service workstations can carry out publicity and training on copyright laws and regulations and related knowledge; specialized services such as copyright advice, copyright registration, dispute mediation, information services, copyright-related statistics, etc. in the region.


Qualifying conditions for copyright service workstations: necessary office space, work funds and staff who are familiar with copyright-related laws and regulations and have copyright service capabilities; more than 60 per cent of the products in industrial parks or clusters are substantively related to copyright; familiarization with copyright-related industries in their regions, providing specialized services such as copyright advice, copyright training, copyright registration, dispute mediation, information services, copyright-related statistics, etc. for enterprises in their regions and assisting enterprises in the exercise of copyright rights; accreditation by the copyright administration of their districts (municipalities) and counties and active participation in the relevant work commissioned by the copyright administration; application for the establishment of copyright service workstations at the municipal level and above.


(iii) Licence for web publishing


The digital collection platform issues sales products, either with the qualifications of the Web Publishing Service Licence or through the sale of products published by the Web Publishing Service Licence.


The licensed services in the Internet Publishing Service Licence include: Internet audio-visual publications, Internet books, Internet newspapers, Internet magazines, mobile phone publications, Internet academic publications, Internet electronic publications, Internet text publications, Internet education publications, Internet games publications, Internet maps.


(iv) Licence to operate value-added telecommunications


For a digital collection platform to issue a product, reference should be made to the Licence for the Operation of Value Added Telecommunications Operations. The Licence for the Operation of Value Added Telecommunications is a licence for the operation of telecommunications and information services provided through public network infrastructure. The State applies a licensing system for the operation of telecommunications operations.


(v) Licence to operate cybercultural


For a digital collection platform to distribute its products, reference should be made to the Licence for the Operation of Cyber Culture.


(vi) Property Rights (Digital) Exchange


Copyright of block-chain works of the digital collection platform as a platform for the digital assetization of copyrights and the distribution and sale of securitized products shall have the qualifications of an exchange approved by the provincial government or more, or be issued by an exchange in accordance with the law.




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