
资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:54 评论:0
展开全部 在交易平台上就可以购买虚拟货币的,购买方法非常简单。流程如下:If a virtual currency can be purchased on a trading platform, the purchase met...



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If a virtual currency can be purchased on a trading platform, the purchase method is simple. The process is as follows:


First, a digital currency trading platform with a p9 Andre mobile phone registration number, authenticating and binding cell phone numbers and bank cards (as requested by the Central Bank);


Second, to charge the transaction platform account numbers using bank transfers;


Once again, the purchase of a virtual currency with a fully denominated renminbi is sufficient and normal transactions can be carried out on it;


Finally, it is possible to present the renminbi or the virtual currency.


Currently, the more popular virtual currencies are Bitcoin, Fossein, Lightcoin, Dogcoin, etc.



If you want to do it, it's best to do it on the exchange. If you have a problem, you can find someone who can handle it. The exchange is a transaction that requires a real name to authenticate an account. The official exchange will keep your personal information confidential, so you can rest assured of personal security.


The exchange is a very important step in buying bitcoin. The more well-known exchange is usually a currency, a currency exchange, and a Saturn exchange. If you make a contract, you're recommended to SOCOIN, and the user's experience is good.


how to charge bitcoin


The first step, of course, is to know bitcoin. Go to Bitcoin's forum, the websites of the bitcoin's big old characters, walk around and go into bitcoin's circles to get to know the ecology. Look at some of the experience of Bitcoin's predecessors, who are currently unsupervised and largely self-disciplined. There are a lot of liars, and there are lots of pits, and watching others' posts, and participating in discussions can make you fall short. Because, as a new entry of bitcoin, you are about to make mistakes, and none of the predecessors have done anything less wrong.


Here I recommend a few good forums and information sites in bitcoin:

1、BTC123, 比特币界的hao123导航网站。上面不仅有各种比特币的网站资源,分门别类,还有各种比特币的教程,挖矿指南,非常适合入门。站长老墨,也比较靠谱,也不会为了赚钱,在上面挂一些黑平台的链接,上面的网站基本都信得过。

1 BTC 123, the Hao123 navigation site in Bitcoin. Not only are there a variety of bitcoin web resources, sort of classes, but there are a variety of bitcoin tutorials, mining guides, very suitable for entry.

2、BitcoinTalk, 全球最大的比特币论坛,老字号了。全球比特币的玩家都聚集在上面讨论,同时也有中文区,是比特币玩家聚集,且氛围浓厚的地方。

Two, BitcoinTalk, the world's largest Bitcoin forum, the old word. The world's Bitcoin players have come together to discuss it, but also in Chinese, where bitcoin players gather and have a strong atmosphere.

3、巴比特论坛, 在国内的比特币论坛,我基本去这个。里面的原创比较多,钓鱼贴也少。还有, 比巴克 这个是国内的一个虚拟货币的资讯网站, 跟巴比特的老板是一个人,都是注重原创。

Three, the Babbitt Forum, the Bitcoin Forum in the country, I'm basically going to this. There's a lot of originals in there, and there's a lot of fishing stickers. And, Bibak, this is a virtual currency information site in the country, and it's a person with Babbitt's boss, and it's original.

4、CoinDesk 国际上的比特币的资讯网站,英文好的朋友可以去看看,看国外的网站的好处是,消息来得快,比较国内很多消息都是翻译过来的。

4 CoinDesk's international Bitcoin information site, where good friends in English can see it. The advantage of seeing foreign websites is that the news comes quickly, and much of the information in the country is translated.


We're almost there.


Step two, start with bitcoin. There are many ways to get bitcoin. It can be obtained by mining, buying at the Bitcoin exchange, and making bitcoin by bitcoin. These ways, listen to me:

矿机篇。 现在我个人是十分不推荐个人挖矿者挖矿了。作为个人,假如你有挖矿的兴趣爱好,或者想体验体验,当玩具玩玩,可以试试。很多新入行的比特币新手特爱挖矿,看了下矿机的介绍,一天算力能挖XX个,然后一算,哇塞,月入多少多少,一算下来,马上就回本了。这种想法大错特错。因为比特币挖矿的难度是每隔一段时间就提升的,目前大概每12天左右提升一次。

Now I personally don't recommend that a person dig a mine. As a person, if you're interested in digging a mine, or if you want to experience it, you can try it when you play with a toy. A lot of new bitcoin digs a lot, see how the machine works, digs XX in one day, and then counts, wow, how much in a month, and then comes back. This idea is wrong. Because bitcoin digs more difficult every time, and now it's about every 12 days or so.

这是今年的算力和难度上涨图,看到木有!!!!!难度呈指数提升的!!!7月到8月的时候还是每次提高10%,慢慢提高到20%,最近难度上涨都是比上次提升40%。 也就是说这段时间你一天能挖1个币, 10几天后,你每天只能挖06个币啦。你每日的产出是越来越少,所以大家卖矿机的时候,要认真计算好风险了。之前市面上普遍都是期货矿机,先交钱,再出货,几个月后才发到你手上,那是你手上的矿机几乎挖不动。钱又不能退,很多人亏得不清。

This is the year’s calculation and difficulty increase chart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Go to the exchange and buy bitcoin directly. This is a more recommended way to buy money directly than to dig a mine. Let's recommend a few bitcoin spot platforms:

比特币中国 老字号了,信誉有保障, 免手续费。但是就是,时不时宕机,关键时刻挂单还卡。 比特币266美元半日腰斩的那次大跌,我就看着比特币从1600rmb, 一路狂泻下900rmb, 单都挂不上去,无能为力。

Bitcoin, China, has an old word, has a reputation, and is free of charge. But it's just that, at times, it's a critical time.

OKCoin 感觉这网站技术还不错。也免手续费,比特币中国宕机的时候我也就去这买。

OKCoin feels like it's a good website. It's free of charge, and I'll buy it here when Bitcoin has a Chinese machine.

中国比特币 最近我在这上面交易,新改版的,这两周成交量非常大,世界第一。因为在那成交可以获得他们网站的分红权,所以很多人在刷成交量,这点也被不少人抨击。但说句公道话,网站体验不错,提现充值速度快,信誉我还在观察,毕竟要靠时间积累,没敢把大部队放在这网站。

China’s bitcoin has been trading on it recently, and I've been changing it for the last two weeks, and it's the world’s number one. Many people are swiping it, and this is criticized.


And finally, bitcoin makes bitcoin. Bitcoin makes bitcoin. There are many ways to make bitcoin:

比特币股票,不过最近比特币股票进入熊市,十分惨淡。本来国际上最大的交易所是 btctco (可惜被SEC调查,关站了),bitfunder (需要认证挺麻烦的) 上面这几家老外弄的,操作有点麻烦。国内的有 796交易所 , 体验较好,操作符合国人习惯,不过股票较少,只有4只股票。

Bitco’s shares, though recently, were very bleak. The largest international exchange was btctco (pity it was investigated by the SEC, closed down), bitfunder (requires certification is a bit of a problem), which was a bit cumbersome to operate on. There were 796 exchanges in the country, which were better experienced and operated in line with the country’s customs, but with fewer stocks, there were only four stocks.

比特币的P2P借贷,CoinLenders 跟我们的人人贷这些类似,只不过是用比特币借贷而已,最多年化利率有20%。

Bitcoin's P2P loan, CoinLenders, like our people, is just borrowing in bitcoin, with an annual interest rate of 20 per cent at the most.

比特币娱乐游戏, 国外有名的几个色子 网站有 中本聪色子(前阵子被收购,貌似几千万美金),just-dicecom , 以及国内的中文版Btc-Dice都是把比特币充进入,然后玩色子赌大小,除了当玩家之外,还可以当庄家,投资赌场。

Bitcoin entertainment games, several well-known colored sites abroad have a medium-blind color (which was acquired in the past, looks like tens of millions of dollars), just-dicecom, and the Chinese version of Btc-Dice in the country, which fills in bitcoins, then plays the size of color, and in addition to being a player, you can be a dealer and invest in casinos.

比特币期货, 796交易所,796交易所不接受任何法币充值,只能冲比特币,用比特币来买多、卖空比特币,除此之外还有黄金期货。

Bitcoin futures, 796 Exchange, 796 Exchange, do not accept any French currency charges, but only bitcoins, which are bought in bitcoins and sold empty bitcoins, in addition to gold futures.


Can bitcoin be traded in China?


You mean to charge bitcoin directly to the Bitcoin trading platform? This is simple. First, you register an account on the Bitcoin trading platform, which automatically generates a bitcoin address, and you transfer bitcoin directly to that address.


Bitcoin is no longer available in China.


On 30 September 2017, Bitcoin declared all transactions closed. Bitcoin’s transactions in China are illegal.


2 Bitcoin is an electronic cash similar to e-mail. Both parties need a “bitcoin wallet” similar to e-mail and a “bitcoin address” similar to an e-mail address. Like sending and receiving e-mails, senders pay bitcoin directly to each other by computer or smartphone, depending on the addressee's address.

1)与大多数货币不同,比特币不是由特定的货币机构发行的。它是根据特定算法通过大量计算生成的。比特币经济利用整个 P2P 网络中许多节点组成的分布式数据库来确认和记录所有的交易行为,并利用密码学的设计来保证货币流通各个环节的安全。 P2P的去中心化特性和算法可以保证货币价值不会被大量制造比特币人为操纵。基于密码学的设计可以使比特币只能由真正的所有者转移或支付。这也确保了货币所有权和流通交易的匿名性。比特币的总数非常有限且稀缺。货币体系曾经四年不超过1050万,总数将永久限制在2100万。

1) Unlike most currencies, Bitcoins are not issued by a specific monetary institution. It is generated by a large number of calculations based on a particular algorithm. The Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database of many nodes in the entire P2P network to identify and record all transactions and uses cryptography to ensure the security of all stages of currency circulation. The decentralized properties and algorithms of P2P ensure that monetary values are not heavily manipulated by Bitcoins. The design based on cryptology allows Bitcoins to be transferred or paid only by real owners. It also ensures the anonymity of currency ownership and circulation transactions. The total number of bitcoins is very limited and scarce.


The bitcoin address appears in pairs with the private key, like the bank card number and password. The bitcoin address is like a bank card number to record how much bitcoin you have on your address. You can generate a bitcoin address to store bitcoin at will. Every bitcoin address is generated with a private key corresponding to that address. This private key can prove that you have bitcoin on this address. We can simply interpret the bitcoin address as a bank card number and the private key as a code for the corresponding bank card number.

3)与法定货币相比,比特币没有中心化的发行者,而是通过网络节点的计算产生的。任何人都可以参与比特币的制造,并且可以在全世界流通。它可以在任何连接到 Internet 的计算机上进行买卖。无论他身在何处,任何人都可以挖掘、购买、出售或收集比特币,并且在交易过程中,中外人士无法识别用户的身份信息。

3) Bitcoin does not have a central issuer compared to the legal currency, but is generated by the calculation of the network node. Anyone can participate in the production of bitcoin and can circulate around the world. It can be bought and sold on any computer connected to the Internet. No matter where he is, anyone can dig, buy, sell, or collect bitcoin and, in the course of the transaction, no one can identify the user.




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