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Author: 0x2


welcome the addition of the author's micro-mail qkldlinda to communicate with him!


The concept of a transhipment economy gives the developers of the chain the hope of financing and gives rise to a currency circle where the dream of a 100-fold return can be realized.


But at the moment, fear spreads and your `strong' consensus is tearing


"The real Bear City is a loss of consensus, and the price fluctuations are just symptoms."*

这句话出自正在风口浪尖上的丹华资本的董事总经理 Dovey Wan。

This is a quote from Dovey Wan, Managing Director of Danva Capital, who is at the tip of the wind.

作为币圈最资深的一批投资人,Dovey 小姐姐的一言一行都会影响到市场上投资者心态,她的文章在熊市中斩获惊人的阅读量。

As one of the most senior investors in the currency, Dovey's little sister's words and actions affect the investor mentality in the market, and her articles have been read with an amazing amount of reading in Bear City.


Recently, star was trapped in a "circumcised" wave.


The tearing up of market investment agencies at

直到现在,区块链项目 ICO 都没有一个标准流程,简单地来讲就是私募和公募。详细分下去,私募可以分为最早期的基石轮投资和之后一期的私募;对公也会分为针对社群中个人投资者的公开募集以及限量预售等。

Until now, the block chain project ICO has not had a standard process, and simply private fund-raising .

每个项目选择的路径各不相同,但都会设置一个硬顶来控制人数和风险。总之,在 token 没有登陆交易所之前,这些募资行为统称一级市场募资

Each project has a different path, but a hard roof is set to control numbers and risks. In short, before Token did not land

答案很简单,在这个世界上,没有一个生意比印钞更挣钱,开赌场、贩毒这些最暴利的生意也比不上全马力开动的印钞机,而 ICO 正是一台印钞机,甚至连纸和墨都不需要。当你已经掌握了这个世界上最赚钱的生意时,为什么还要做其他事呢?

The answer is simple: in this world, no business is more profitable than printing money, no casinos, no drug dealings, no more lucrative than full-power printing machines, and the ICO is a cash printing machine, not even paper or ink. Why do you have anything else to do when you've got the world's most profitable business?


Now, there's a tear in the inside of the banknote machine, because someone really wants to do block chain technology.

6 月 14 日,打着「年轻人的第一平台」口号的咔咔买房爆出巨大丑闻。咔咔买房 CTO 徐洋在微博上发表公开信,爆出咔咔买房(Cybereits)团队私刻公章、资产数据造假,「是一家没有区块链技术的区块链公司」

On June 14, there was a huge scandal about buying a house under the slogan "Young People's First Platform". The CTO Xuyang published an open letter on Twitter, which revealed that private seals, asset data counterfeiting was "a block chain company without block chain technology"

在曝光的信息中,咔咔买房的 CEO 谭博超要求 CTO 在区块链技术合作协议书用软件 PS 骑缝章,协议的甲方为中国银行股份有限公司,乙方为咔咔房链科技有限公司。CTO 还爆料咔咔买房仅持有 4 套房产,与宣称的 14 套房产有巨大出入。

In the published information, CEO Tambo, who buys a house, requires CTO to ride on a psynchronous pseudo-technical cooperation agreement with the Chinese Bank Limited on the one hand, and CTO Limited on the other. The CTO also buys a house with only 4 properties, which is a huge departure from the claimed 14 properties on the other hand.

咔咔买房在 2017 年拿到了两笔有行业内知名 VC 投资的共计 2000 万人民币的融资,在今年 1 月旗下 Cybereits 区块链项目也拿到了 5000 万的 A 轮融资。但是投资者社群反应说,Cybereits 项目自从拿到融资后就没有将心思放在 Cybereits 项目的开发上,更是传言 CEO 拿融资的钱去炒币,「有种跑路的感觉」。

But the investor community reacted by saying that the Cybereits project has not been focused on the development of the Cybereits project since it was financed, and that the CEO is saying that the CEO's money for the financing is "a sense of running."

Cybereits 的项目报告也从一周一报在 5 月份开始改为一周两报,报告中关于技术的进展很少,更多的是告知投资者各种活动和上币动态。2018 年前两个季度的规划,除了 Token 销售之外,其他基本上都没有完成。

Cybereits project reports were also changed from one to two in May, with little progress on technology, more to inform investors of activities and currency dynamics. Planning for the first two quarters of 2018 was largely incomplete, except for Token sales.

CTO 许洋在咔咔买房工作期间,还在持续为公司的区块链项目做贡献,多次代表咔咔买房参与区块链技术会议并发表讲话。

CTO Xuyang has also continued to contribute to the company's block chain project while working on house shopping, and has participated in technical block chain meetings and delivered speeches on several occasions on behalf of the buyer.

然而各种糟心事让 CTO 看透了咔咔买房,直呼「不重视技术是对人最大的蔑视,一个没有区块链技术的区块链公司更是可笑和可悲」,迫不得已发出声明、离开公司。

However, all sorts of bad things have made the CTO see through buying houses, calling out that "the lack of attention to technology by

事后,Cybereits 在公众号对 CTO 的言论进行回应,并将 CTO 告上法院。

Later, Cybereits responded to the CTO's statements on the public sign and took the CTO to court.


In a block chain company, on the one hand was a hard-to-developing block chain technical team, on the other hand was a block chain operating team that wanted to make quick money. Eventually, chose to print money .


Exchanges with investment institutions torn apart


Once, a book, Dutun the Dealer, unveiled nodal capital, the founder of the Golden Book, and the founder of the Confederate, Duts, had an intruding relationship with the Exchange, and even the winner of his family in partnership with the Exchange, was `strong' and his family

此消息一出,节点资本创始人杜均在朋友圈表示从即日起退出火币超级节点,不再参与 HADAX 任何项目投票事宜,随后赵东的?DFund?也表示退出 HADAX 超级节点,紧接着是币信资本了得资本也宣布退出。

As soon as this news came out, the node capital founder, Doo, said in his circle of friends that Dfund would also withdraw from HADAX supernode, followed by currency letter capital and also announced withdrawal.


BlockVV, LinkVC, Genesis Capital, etc., have also expressed their dissatisfaction.

他们推出 HADAX 投票上币超级节点的原因只有一个:HADAX 规则修改之后要求上币项目必须有一个常务节点支持,传统、老牌 VC 投资机构 Old Money 更受 HADAX 欢迎,新成立的数字资产基金 New Money 被打压,在上币投票中失去了原本平等的地位

There is only one reason why they launched the HDAX supernominal node on the vote: the HDAX rule has been amended to require a regular node support for the upper currency project. Old Money, a traditional, old VC investment agency, is more welcomed by HDAX. New Money, a newly established Digital Assets Fund, has been crushed and has lost its original equal status in the last currency vote.

以节点资本、Dfund、了得资本为代表的 New Money 基金被评为优选节点,在上币投票中地位比真格、策源、丹华等传统资本档次低一级,这将导致 New Money 基金的投票将不再享受以前的权重,新项目上币的压力更大。

The New Money Fund, represented by node capital, Dfund and capital, has been rated as a preferred node and has a lower position in the upper currency vote than the traditional capital tranches of Genuine, Zenit and Danhua, which will lead to a vote by the New Money Fund that will no longer enjoy its previous weight, and that will put greater pressure on the currency on the new project.

虽然 New Money 投资的项目中闹出过不少丑闻,但是不可否认的是 New Money 在推动币圈前进,推进币圈商业模式创新中起到了重要的作用。

Although there have been many scandals in the New Money investment project, it is undeniable that New Money has played an important role in driving the currency circle forward and in promoting innovation in its business model.

因为惹恼了一众 New Money 资本,火币创始人李林快速予以回应,表示 HADAX 并未对资本进行分级,HADAX 出了这种问题,必须推倒重建

Because it upsets a group of New Money capital, Lee Lin, the founder of the gun, responded quickly, saying that HADAX had not graded the capital, that HDAX had this problem and that it had to be reversed .

随即,火币全球商务副总裁霍力被免职,原 HADAX 负责人秦涛被抽调,HADAX 现由火币 COO 朱嘉伟直接负责,据传还有多名高管奖金被取消。

In the meantime, the Vice-President of the China Dollar Global Commerce, Holey, was removed, the former head of HADAX, Qin Tao, was removed, HADAX is now under the direct responsibility of Coo Zhuga Wei, and it is reported that a number of senior executive awards have been cancelled.


In the eyes of outsiders, the gun is in a state of clean-up and reflection.

区块律动 BlockBeats 深究原本「合作共赢」的交易所和资本方为什么会出现如此巨大的矛盾,与交易所上币规则的随意修改有直接关系,而「无序」正是交易所们内部已经趋利失控的表现

Block Beats wonders why there is such a huge contradiction between the exchanges and the capital that was supposed to be "co-winning" and is directly related to the random modification of the exchange’s currency rules, and ‘strong’ is what the exchanges’ have become out of control

从各种交易所的创新版上线就体现出了交易所内部对利益的贪婪。他们看准了当时市场上大量的项目需要交易所进行交易的现状,从第一期开始就大批量收割项目方,每个项目上币费高达 3000 万人民币,单期收费 3-4 亿人民币。

The covetousness of the exchange’s interests is reflected in the various innovative versions of the exchange. They see the current situation in which a large number of items in the market needed to be traded by the exchange. From the first stage, a large number of harvests have been made, at a cost of 30 million yuan per project, with a single fee of 300-4 billion yuan.

最近 HADAX 第三期投票上币,项目方在大熊市下,融资额缩水,依旧需要向交易所花费近千万的资金数千万价值的平台币锁仓来上币,获得交易资格,这与区块链的各方面本质都是违背的。

Recently, HDAX voted in its third round, and the project’s shrinking financing in the Great Bear City continues to require the exchange to spend almost millions of dollars on the exchange and the tens of millions of worth of platform currency lock-ups to come to the currency to qualify for trading, which is contrary to all aspects of the chain of blocks.

市场上更是流传着某项目方在投资机构的「力荐」下,居然免费上币了某顶级交易所,在还没得到免手续费账号的情况下就被交易所内的机器人收割了数千个 ETH 的荒诞故事,项目方不得不在电报群中大骂:「没想到免费的才是最贵的!」

In the market, where a project party, under the "promotion" of an investment agency, paid free of charge to a top exchange / strong', the project party had to shout in the telegrams:

通过投票上币的 INC 项目方在自媒体揭露火币 HADAX 交易所的操纵币价的内幕,结果 HADAX 下线 INC 的交易,称其转移Token 破发视线。因为投资受损,INC 的散户投资者在社交媒体甚至威胁要去司法机关举报。事件最终双方各退一步,以退币退市收场

The INC project, which voted for the money, exposed the inside of the currency price manipulation of the HDAX exchange in its own media, resulting in the HDAX downline of the HDAX transaction, claiming that it was moving Token through the eyes. As a result of the loss of investment, the INC diaspora investors even threatened to report it to the judiciary in social media. The incident ended with a step back to to withdraw the money from the market .


Greed, under-earning, increased. Exchanges keep changing the rules, and eventually they can't even look at the "people of their own."

2008 年金融危机时,金融大鳄索罗斯的副手德鲁肯米勒想要撤出放在高盛的资金,高盛董事长想要留住他,但又拉不下脸来跪舔,只好语带威胁地说了句:「你这么做,可是会影响我们之间良好关系的。」**

During the 2008 financial crisis , Druken Miller, the deputy of the financial alligator Soros >, tried to withdraw the money placed in Goldman Sachs, but the director of Goldman Sachs tried to keep him, but couldn't stand on his knees to lick him, so he said: , you did it threateningly, but it affected good relations between us. **


And Druken Miller said, "Fuck you, I care only about my money."


The coin ring has finally come to this day, when the big men who spent the night together until 3:00 a.m. began tearing apart.


"Fuck you. All I care about is my money."

/ strong >


♪ It's from The Fragmented Block Chain ♪

**出自《我们和他们,究竟谁是傻X? | 华尔街黑历史》

** Out of "We and them, who the fuck are you?




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