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History Series on Mining: A collection of the most powerful mining machines in history




What's a miner?


Miners, by definition, are machines used to excavate (manufacturing) encrypted money. Broadly speaking, a miner can be anything that can run a mining process, such as a specialized miner, a home computer, a smart phone, a server, a smart router, a smart watch, a smart TV, etc.


In the narrow sense, mining machines refer to specialized mining equipment, such as ASIC machines, card machines and some currency exclusive mining machines (PFS machines).


How the miner excavated bitcoin


To answer that question, it would have to start with the consensus mechanism of Bitcoin — PoW.


In the Bitcoin system, recording trading production blocks is the most important task, and in order to encourage everyone to participate in the records of the transaction books, Central Hsing designed an incentive mechanism, using Bitcoin as an incentive.


But the task of bookkeeping is not so simple, because, based on the idea of centralizing bitcoin, every miner is involved in bookkeeping at every node and must ensure that the books recorded by everyone are the same.


Miners do not record exactly the same content when collecting transactional information and recording it, especially the first one, where miners must give themselves an incentive to dig. But for every block chain they produce, who does it? This requires a rule, and one that everyone agrees with, that is, a workload proof of the PoW mechanism.


The bitcoin system will allow you to solve a mathematical question (calculating the hash), and whoever first tries to solve it, then the blocks he records will be recognized and the reward will be his. And the speed of the solution will depend on whose computer performance is higher.


That is why everyone is now increasing their computer, miner's computing performance, increasing the speed of problem resolution, who has the highest speed, the more likely they are to dig into a mine, and the more money they earn.

  用个形象的比喻,工作量证明机制与拔河比赛很类似,哪一方的力量大(算力高)哪一方就能拉赢对方。而且拔河的绳子两边,并不在意你是胖子还是瘦子,人数有多少,于是为了得到奖励,可以很多人聚集为一伙,最后得奖了根据每个人出力多少来瓜分奖励。 而这在比特币挖矿里,召集好多人一起挖矿,就是“矿池”的概念。

By way of illustration, the workload proves that the mechanism is very similar to the tug of war, and which side is powerful enough to win. And, on both sides of the tug of war, it doesn’t matter whether you are fat or skinny, how many.


To sum up, a bitcoin miner actually uses a machine to participate in a math competition, and whoever calculates the answer first gets a bitcoin reward.


What's a pond?


In order to solve this problem, many miners pool their value together, form a large arithmetic organization, and the proceeds of mining are distributed in proportion to the value of each miner's contribution, and form a community of interests, that is, a pool of interests.


/strong' is it generated by mining? >/strong'


No. Depending mainly on the consensus mechanism, mining is required only if there is a PoW or other consensus to measure the rate of contribution (e.g., the Post of ipfs), and currencies such as EOS that use the DPOS consensus do not require mining.


In addition, most of the recently popular STO models issue encrypted currencies that do not need to be mined, but are generated directly in the process of securitization.


In summary, most of the encrypted currencies are not mined, except for a few old encrypted currencies, such as Bitcoin, and some encoded currencies for integral use.


After all of the 21 million bitcoins have been dug up, is there any profit from the miner's mining?


There are benefits. The mining proceeds consist mainly of mining incentives and miners’ fees, so that miners will still have miners’ fees after all bitcoin has been dug and the Bitcoin network will continue to function normally.


The same is true of other encrypted money generated by the PoW. After all the encrypted money has been excavated, miners also earn the miners’ fees.


what miner's fee


Answer: Transaction fees (miners’ fees) refer to the charges to be paid in the case of encrypted currency transactions. Encrypted money transfers are packed by miners, and transaction fees are paid for their labour. The amount of transaction fees is usually dynamic, as mining unions give priority to dealing with high-cost users.


What is the classification of the current mainstream miner at ?


In terms of hardware, the current mining machines are divided mainly into ASIC machines, card machines, and specialized machines in specific currencies (e.g., IPFS hard drive machines, mining routes, etc.). Historically, there have also been mining machines such as FPGA machines.


In currency terms, there are Bitcoin machines, Etheria machines, Letco machines, etc.


The distribution by miner ownership can be divided into local miner and cloud machine.


What's the 7nm chip in the mine?


7 nm, or 7 nm, is a length unit. A complete call in the area of integrated circuits should be the 7nm process, or the 7nm process. It means that a component can be as small as 7 nm in the integrated circuit (chips). By extension, the 16nm process means that the component can be 16 nm-sized. Obviously, the smaller the element size, the more advanced the technology, the more difficult it is to make.


Compared to the current mainstream processes of 10 nm, 14 nm and 16 nm, integrated circuits of the same size (chips) would have a greater number of electronic components on the chip if they were to be used in the 7nm process, and would have a lower performance and heat. Overall, 7 nm represents a stronger performance with lower power and heat.

  目前,嘉楠耘智与比特大陆已经进入7nm ASIC矿机芯片时代,而截稿时Intel、AMD、NVIDIA等芯片巨头的主流产品,还停留在10nm-16nm之间,所以7nm仍然属于非常先进的工艺。

At present, Kanaji and Bit continent have entered the age of the 7nm ASIC chip, while at the time of the deadline, the dominant product of the chip giants, such as Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, remained between 10nm and 16nm, so that 7nm was still a very advanced process.


What's an ASIC miner?


An ASIC miner is a miner that uses the ASIC chip as a core computing component. An ASIC chip is a chip that is designed specifically for a specific use, which must be explained is not only for mining, but also for a wider range of applications. This chip is characterized by simplicity and efficiency, such as the use of the SHA-256 algorithm in Bitcoin, so that the Bitcoin ASIC chip is designed to calculate only SHA-256, so, in the case of mining, the ASI chip is much more capable than the current top computer CPU. Computers and card machines are gradually being phased out because of the absolute power of the ASIC miner.


What technology is AsicBoost in the ASIC machine ?

  ASICBoost是一种已经获得专利的技术,由前CoinTerra的CTO Tim Hanke和Rootstock首席科学家Sergio Damián Lerner开发出的。这种技术利用了Blockstream公司CTO兼Bitcoin Core贡献开发者Greg Maxwell所述的一个比特币PoW系统“漏洞”,ASICBOOST发明人将此称为“一种处理工作项目的巧妙新方法”。通过实施ASICBoost,专业的ASIC挖矿芯片能够提升高达30%的挖矿效率。

ASICBoost is a patented technology, launched by CTO Tim Hanke, former CoinTerra, and Sergio Damián Lerner, chief scientist at Rootstock. This technology draws on a Bitcoin PoW system described by Greg Maxwell, a CTO and Bitcoin Core contributor from Blockstream, which the inventors of ASICBOST refer to as “a smart new way to deal with work projects.” Through the implementation of ASICBoost, professional ASIC mining chips can increase mining efficiency by up to 30%.


Maxwell argued that while the ASICBoost technology could generate significant profits for miners, it could have a negative impact on the entire Bitcoin mining ecosystem.


“This may have an alarming centralization effect by seizing the mining returns of other miners. Revenue derived from the clandestine use of this optimization may be misused to distort the Bitcoin ecosystem in order to preserve its advantages.”


Previously, the activation of Segwit was seen as a way to block ASICBoost. It was true that Bitcoin was not sending any information about the use of ASICBOST after Segwit supported it.


Until September 2018, an antpool activated ASICBoost in its mining operations. If it is true, it means that Segwit cannot effectively prevent ASICBoost from working.


What's a strong?

  GPU矿机,简单的解释就是通过显卡(GPU)挖矿的数字货币挖矿机。在比特币之后,陆续出现了一些其他数字资产,比如以太坊、达世币、莱特币等等,其中一些币所用的算法与比特币并不相同,为了达到更高的挖矿效率,矿工们做了不同的测试,最后发现SHA256算法的数字货币使用ASIC挖矿效率最高。而Scrypt 等其他算法的数字货币用GPU显卡挖矿效率最高,于是催生出了专门的GPU矿机。

The GPU miner, a simple explanation, is a digital money miner that digs through a card (GPU). After Bitcoin, there are a number of other digital assets that emerge, such as the same algorithms as Bitcoin, Dalcoin, Leitco, etc., some of which are used differently than bitcoins, and which are tested differently to achieve higher mining efficiency, the miners finally find that the digital currency of the SHA256 algorithm is the most efficient in mining with ASIC.


The GPU miner says that it is a home computer that enhances the configuration of the cards, which usually installs four pieces or more of medium-to-high-end cards. The digging of the cards is usually an ordinary civil game card, so if you have a good CPU, you can use the GPU miner to play the game, I'm afraid you can kill a lot of top-level computers for the game in seconds.


In order to meet mining needs, a number of main-boarders have introduced special mining masters with four or more PCI-E card slots. But this is only an entry level in the GPU miner, and professional miners tend to choose more custom-made GPU miners.


In theory, the choice between a GPU miner and an ASIC miner is one of maximizing the benefits of mining in different currencies. Other development teams, in order to prevent arithmetic concentration, will adjust the algorithms and even change the consensus mechanism.


What's a strong-ipfs miner?


Ipfs are similar to http, a file transfer protocol. To run, Ipfs need a lot of computers (storage devices) in the network as nodes, broadly speaking all participating computers that can be called Ipfs miners.


In order to attract more users to become nodes and contribute to the network, the Iipfs network has designed an encrypted currency called filecoin, which is given as an incentive to participants (nodes) depending on the size of the storage space and bandwidth of the contribution. In narrow terms, computers specifically designed to obtain the filecoin reward are called ipfs miners.

  由于ipfs网络需要的是存储空间以及网络带宽,所以为了获得最高的收益比,ipfs矿机通常会强化存储空间、降低整机功耗等方面。比如装备10块以上大容量硬盘,配备千兆或更高速度的网卡,CPU够用就好,使用超低功耗的intel apollo lake架构处理器等等。

Because the ipfs network needs storage space and network bandwidth, in order to maximize returns, the ipfs mine usually enhances storage space and reduces overall power consumption. For example, they are equipped with hard disks of 10 or more large capacity, equipped with web cards at a speed of several gigabytes or more, the CPU is good enough to use intel apollo lake processor, and so on.


Ipfs miners can also be broken down into domestic and industrial classes, where they are relatively cheap, usually thousands of pieces, the size of which is minimally hand-sized, usually with one or two hard disks, or set aside a few hard disks, which users can add depending on need, usually at ultra-polar levels, which are very cost-effective. While industrial Ipfs miners are mainly aimed at users who organize large-scale mines, they can usually install more than 10 large-capacity hard disks, with higher yields from mining, but also at relatively high prices.


What's a FPGA miner?


The FPGA miner, which uses the FPGA chip as the core of the algorithm. The FPGA miner was one of the early miners and first appeared in late 2011, when it was seen, but not for long, and was gradually replaced by the ASIC miner and the GPU miner.

  要认清FPGA矿机,就得先解释一下FPGA是什么。FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array),中文名叫现场可编程门阵列。比较通俗的理解是,FPGA就是把一大堆逻辑器件(比如与门、非门、或门、选择器)封装在一个盒子里,盒子里的逻辑元件如何连接,全部由使用者(编写程序)来决定。

If you want to know what the FPGA mine is, you have to explain what the FPGA is. The FPGA is called the Field Programming Gate Array. It is more commonly understood that the FPGA is a box of logical devices (e.g. with doors, non-doors, or doors, or selections), and how the logical elements in the box are connected, all by the user (preparation process).


If FPGA is written as an excavator, then it is the FPGA miner that is made, and because of the flexibility of the FPGA, it is possible to support not only the SA256 algorithm in Bitcoin, but also the Scrypt algorithm that the GPU miner is good at.


During the period when the FPGA mine was active, FPGA was significantly lower and higher in combination than the simultaneous CPU and GPU miners, although it did not perform very well in terms of arithmetic performance.


However, with the emergence of the ASIC mine machine, the FPGA mine has gradually faded out of view. Because the ASB is designed for a single function, with a higher degree of arithmetic and power consumption than the FPGA, and because development is much less difficult than the FPGA, the FPGA mine is virtually non-existent and replaced by the ASB miner and the GPU miner.


What's a cloud ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore?

  云挖矿(Cloud miner ),或者称之为云矿机,是近几年新兴的挖矿方式,是一种远程挖矿方法。

Cloud mine, or cloud miner, is an emerging method of mining in recent years and a long-range method of mining.


Buying mine machines, setting up plants and paying huge electricity bills are not only huge investments but also high risks. There are companies that provide cloud mining services because of demand.


Cloud mining is a relationship between local mining, which can be compared to local storage. The simple answer is to move the local to a remote line, which can be considered a shared economic model.


Similar to cloud mining, there is also a mine-hosting service in which miners buy mine machines themselves, install them, test them, dig them, and maintain them all to service providers, but at a certain cost. It differs from the cloud-mining services described earlier, mainly because they belong to the miners themselves or to the service providers.


Who's the main miner in the world?


With regard to ASIC machines, the world’s three largest miners are currently: Bit Continent (ant mine), Janan Ji (Avalom mine), and Billion Bong International (a wing-by-bit miner), all of which come from China. In addition, the emerging Orchid miner, a core miner, is also powerful, with a large number of later-staying stones.


The GPU miner can in essence be seen as a customized version of a home computer, and anyone can buy parts for assembly at a very low threshold. Thus, the GPU card brands are numerous, large plants such as ant miners have been launched, and the GPU miner product has been introduced.


The more money you get, the more money you dig?


Like mobile phones, computers, the miner's arithmetic is increasing. So, now that it's getting more and more, is there an increase in the amount of money that is being dug up?


The question depends on what the point of view is. If, for a given period of time, the higher the value, the higher the value, for example, the higher the probability that the Hashi will get the right to record the blocks. So, by increasing the number and performance of the machines, it is clear that more bitcoins can be dug up.


In the long run, however, the amount of money dug down has been decreasing over time, even with increasing computing power. On the one hand, most of the encrypted currencies have incentives that halve the amount of bitcoins every four years, with 50 bitcoins per block in 2010, and 12.5 bitcoins per block in 2017.


There is also the problem that, if the difficulty of calculating encryption is to remain constant, for example, 1+1 = 2, then one day, with the increase in computing power, the impact of high-calculation and low-calculus machines will be easy to calculate, and the impact will be minimal. In order to solve this problem, virtually all encrypted currencies have difficulty adjustment mechanisms, such as bitcoins adjust every two weeks, bitcoins raise cash to DAA difficulty adjustment mechanisms.


Of course, while the amount of money dug up has become less and less over time, knowing that the value of the currency is rising, so the overall gain has been higher. So, Bitcoin, you're willing to dig 50 bitcoins worth less than a dollar in 2010, or you're willing to dig a $70,000 bitcoin now?


What's the difficulty of digging?


Before, we used to dig bitcoin, simply saying that mining is the result of many competing to solve a mathematical problem, to compete for the right to record the next block and to get a reward. The more likely it is that the first person who calculates the result will be rewarded, the better. But, since Bitcoin was born, it is not known how much more than 10,000 times, but the amount of money that the mine has won has not increased, another factor being the difficulty of digging apart from the rule of halving the amount of incentives every four years (or more) every four years to encrypt currency.


The difficulty of mining is the difficulty of finding mathematical results at a time when there is an increasing number of miners. In order to ensure the legitimacy of the competition, it is necessary to adjust the size of the difficulty of mathematics. The difficulty of mining workers is much greater by some rule. But, if miners dig up a number of digital currencies with a bee, the difficulty of doing so is very high.


In general, in order to guarantee the benefits of mining, mining unions pay particular attention to the difficulty of mining encrypted money. If a currency is difficult to dig, it turns to less difficult encrypting currency.


what's a web-wide arithmetic


In some of the news about the state of encrypt currency development and mining machines, we often see the term “net-wide computing”, which seems to be an important parameter indicator, but what is specifically meant, how to access the full web-based computing, and what is next is a small editor to do.


The full net is literally understood as the sum of all the mining machines involved in mining in the network. To give a simple example, there are 100 million mining machines in the network, each of which is 10 T, so the full network is 1 billion T, and the unit is 100 E. Here it is necessary to note the unit, and the full writing should be followed by hash/s, which should be 100 Ehash/s, indicating that 100 E-hash (Hash) times per second. And to add the meaning of the letters M, G, T, P and E, of which 1M is what is commonly said to be 1 million, which is a 1,000-fold relationship between the next letter, i.e. 1E=100000000T=100000G=100000000M.



In addition, we can judge the authenticity of information based on the full net power of an encrypted currency, which reflects the activity of the encrypt currency, the higher and faster the rate of development, which means that the miners are well aware of the encrypt currency. Moreover, we can judge the authenticity of information based on full web capacity, such as the fall in Bitcoin prices at the beginning of this year, the claim that the diggers are not going to pay for the mine, the miners are not going to dig for money, and the miners are not going to sell, but the query knows that the value of the full web capacity at that time has been growing rapidly, and it is clear that there are more miners and miners, rather than anyone, who digs the mine, and that data is not a lie.


  如何查询某种加密货币的全网算力数值?一般该加密货币的矿池、浏览器中都提供全网算力数值,比如要查询比特币的全网算力,可以去比特币浏览器blockchain.info网站查看,注意全网算力的英文名字叫“HASH RATE”。另外,也有一些加密货币统计的网站,比如bitinfocharts.com也提供全网算力的数值查询。

How to search for a full web value of an encrypted currency? There are generally Web-wide values in the deposits, browsers, etc. of that encrypted currency, such as the Bitcoin full web count, which can be viewed on the Bitcoin browser 'blockchain.info', and the full Web-based algorithm's English name is “HASH RATE. There are also a number of encrypted currency statistics websites, such as bitinfocharts.com, which also provide full Web-based numeric queries.


How does access commonly used information such as full-network computing, difficulty in mining, undetermined number of transactions, miner fees, etc.?


Answer: You can search in the corresponding encrypted currency browser.


The currency noun + browser is found, for example, that the Query Etheria can search for the " Etheria Browser ". It is important to note that some browsers have only pages in English, some of which have different direct translations of the English nouns, such as Hashrate, the full Web-based algorithm.


What are the factors that determine the profits from mining?


In bitcoin, for example, the influence is mainly on the price of a mine, electricity, arithmetic, the amount of incentive to make a piece, and so on. The specifics of different currencies, such as bitcoin, are mostly low-calculation for mining in the tavern. The IPFS miner looks mainly at the size of the hard drive and the speed of the net.


What's a shut-down price?


There are a number of factors that affect whether a mine is profitable or not, but we always hope that there is a visual figure that will judge the overall profit or loss from mining. So, someone has designed a “offline price”.


Shut-down prices, which means that the miner's mining machine does not earn enough money to pay for the electricity he consumes, can also be understood as the cost of digging for the purpose of digging out a currency. If the price falls off the “closed-up” price, mining will certainly be lost.


The above figure is a closing currency chart published by f2pool on November 19, 2018. The figure is based on 0.4 primary electricity, and the cost of digging an ant miner S9 to a bitcoin is $26748. At that time, the price of bitcoin had fallen by $34,000. If it continues to fall to $26,748, the digging of the mine would be for money and would need to be shut down.


It is important to note that the closing price was initially a set of data calculated by the founder of the f2pool pond, the F2pool Quaifish, in order to provide a visual view of the current situation with regard to the profits and losses of the mining. The closing price was based on factors such as the cost of the mine, the price of electricity, the difficulty of digging, but it merely estimated a rough value based on market conditions, not to say that the closing price was lower than that given by the Seven Quakers.


Do you know if you're making money or losing money digging in Bear City?


This is a question for which there is no clear answer and where the returns are dynamic and ultimately subject to multiple factors such as currency prices, mine prices, electricity use, construction costs, and transportation costs, which may or may not be profitable.


In the case of BTC, according to the current difficulty of mining, a 14TH/s machine runs 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day, and can be dug up to approximately 0.005,1646 BTCs, approximately 24 yuan in real terms. Next is costing, including electricity costs, the cost of buying a miner, the cost of carrying a bear, and so on.

  当然,现实中矿场的用电成本一般没有这么高,但究竟有多低则都有可能。同时其他成本同样没有统一的标准。所以有的矿场综合成本很高,有些就较低。造成了同样是熊市 挖矿,有些矿工的利润依然可观,有矿工却已经难以维持。

Of course, in reality, the cost of electricity in mines is not generally as high as that, but it is possible at all. There are no uniform criteria for other costs. So some of the complex costs are high, some are lower.


In addition, there is another dimension. Assuming that the price of the currency has fallen through the shut-down price, that many miners have turned off the machine and stopped digging, and that the miners who stayed behind to dig for the same time as the net, because of the decline in computing power, will dig up more, will make up for the loss of the price, achieve a new balance of gain and loss, and may shift from paying for money to making money.





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