Virtual coins are non-real currencies. Prominent virtual currencies such as 100-degree, Q-dollars from Tenter, Q-point, coupons from big companies, new waves of microcosms (for micro games, new waves of reading, etc.), majestic coins (for martial arts games), tattooed silver, and digital currencies popular in 2013, such as Bitcoins, Lightcoins, Infinite Coin, zetaco, Roastal Coins, Penscoins, Invisible Gold, Redcoins, Quantities. There are now hundreds of digital currencies in circulation around the world.
The Legal Express reminds you that, in accordance with article 8 of the Civil Code, civil subjects may not engage in civil activities in violation of the law or public order.
Virtual property means a narrow digitized, dematerialized form of property, which includes a range of information-type products, such as network games, e-mails, web calls, etc. This includes the image of a person that has been created over a long period of virtual life, which cannot be converted to real-life virtual property and a narrow digitized, dematerialized form of property, which includes a range of information-type products, such as network games, e-mails, web calls, etc. Given the current prevalence of network games, virtual property means, to a large extent, the property that exists in cyberspace, including the hierarchy of play accounts, the currency of games, the variety of equipment owned by game characters, etc.
Virtual money is legal in the country, but it is illegal to use it for illegal activities. Bitcoin is defined in the country as a special Internet commodity, and at this stage financial institutions are not allowed to provide Bitcoin-related products or services. Bitcoin cannot and should not be used as a currency.
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