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Author: Ho Yeung Ming


Seals: Ideas of bugs


Guide to

  壹 || “我就是一颗小韭菜,没本金,没资料。就跟炒股买基金是一样的,这个更刺激而已。”20多岁的年纪,对新鲜的事物充满好奇心,从网上或者身边人的故事中了解到炒币,抱着玩一玩的心态入场。

"I'm just a little pickle, no principal, no information. It's the same as a stock-buying fund, and it's more exciting." At the age of 20, curious about new things, learning about them online or from people around me.

  贰 || 至于大跌之后很多人问能否抄底,管清友表示,先认清这四个问题再做决定:一是价值性,二是波动性,三是流动性,四是时差性。

As for the possibility of copying after the fall, many said that the four questions had been identified before the decision was made: value, volatility, liquidity and time difference.

  叁 || 以比特币为代表的虚拟货币不是数字货币,不具有法偿性和强制性等货币基本属性,存在着交易风险、垄断风险、技术风险和制度风险。

iii. Virtual currency, represented by bitcoin, is not a digital currency, does not possess basic monetary attributes, such as legality and mandatoryity, and has transactional, monopolistic, technological and institutional risks.


"I'm gambling."


When it comes to the trade mentality, a lot of those who pay for it use this phrase to sum up.


If you pay attention, you may also hear stories of the wealth of the people around you who are rich overnight — attracting more fresh blood into the market; they are mostly trading in small, big, gamblers.


It is also seen as a game of drumming flowers, but most investors are quick to think that they will not be the last to get flowers.


On the evening of May 18, the Chinese Internet Finance Association, the Chinese Banking Association and the Chinese Payments Clearing Society jointly announced that the next day, the global encrypt currency group had suffered a major setback. In one case, Bitcoin had fallen close to $30,000 by 30 per cent, Etheria by 46 per cent and Letco by 51 per cent.


The fall of May 19 was also seen as a repeat of the seven ministries’ warning of the risks of virtual currency transactions on September 4, 2017. For many years, some have been free of wealth, others have often traded but have not earned money, and others have left behind after losing their principal.


's little pickle


"I'm just a little pickle, no principal, no information. It's the same as a stock-buying fund, and it's more exciting." When a journalist asks if he can do it, Li Shan even refuses to do it, saying he's no bigger than the money of tens of millions and has no value.


Lee Shan is the most common type of person in the ecology, because he's in a circle of new wonders and floats. He's a company designer, in his 20s, curious about new things, and he's a stock-breeder, but he doesn't make any money, learns from online stories or from people around him, and comes in with a mind to play.


At first, you win, you lose, you leave. At the beginning, Li san made an off-the-shelf deal to buy and sell the existing virtual currency directly on the market.


But Li Shan bought the real money, which he never had, and it seemed to him to me was a little bit of a fuss. He started to get into a contract.


Contracts are leveraged, with the option of doing more or empty. The concept of contracts is somewhat similar to the way domestic futures are traded today. Some platforms can be leveraged up to 150 times, with gains and losses magnifying at once.


Contracts deal only with mainstream virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, Etheria, Leitecoin, etc. Lishan believes that other currencies are small and easy to manipulate. Several trading platforms now offer contractual services.


“Inherent in a human flaw, like a gambler, he earns and wants to earn more.” He describes his mood as such. But Li Shan was finally blown up on May 19.


It was also through engagement in contractual transactions and leverage that many users blew up on the day of the crash and many platforms were unable to trade or replenish the bond, and many investors lost a great deal of money.


Lishan shares his speculation with investors in private, possibly because of the excessive number of users, which has led to a system crash, as has been the case in the past.


There are also those who argue that the platform deliberately “draws the net.” The fact that a warehouse explodes without an additional bond is described as “one by one” killing. Later, a number of investors set up a “square of gun money,” which they consider to be a systemic problem, leading to the explosion of a warehouse because of the lack of an additional bond.


At Lishan's side, some made millions of dollars from 100,000 principals; others lost 10 million and 30 million. He felt at first that he was finished. But after the crash on May 19, he came back a lot the next day.


Li San left $8,000 in the account. On May 20, Li San bought Ethio for $8,000.


with a copy of


On the night of the fall of the virtual currency on 19 May, a mobile phone window was seen with a “bitcoin current price of $33,000”, and Akan quickly opened the mobile trading software and rushed in to buy bitcoin with all the money in the account.


The account was only $750, and after it was bought, bitcoin prices were still falling, and when the price fell to $30,000, she wanted to keep buying, but at that time the mobile trading system was very slow and could not be bought.


Akan was an employee of a foreign company, and at the end of 2017, her colleague's roommate bought a BMW car in Beijing in her late 20s because she made a lot of money. The roommate resigned from his job at BAT, focused on currency and brokered a new virtual currency.


Although colleagues did not say exactly how much money they made, Akan learned from his tone that they made a lot of money, and that they were no longer confined to slinging coins, buying two mainframes and graphic cards, and digging mines at home.


At the end of the presentation, Akan thought it was interesting, more than making money, mostly new. That afternoon, she opened an account on the gun and bought some bitcoins. She remembered clearly that at that time, a bitcoin was worth $6,600.


Not long ago, Bitcoin had risen to over $10,000. In the middle, she was trying to trade, buying and selling, and helping her friends open their accounts on other exchanges, making short-term deals, but her friends didn't agree with Bitcoin's ideas, and quickly quit.


In 2018, Akan's family had to spend money to clean up the account. In summary, less than 10,000 dollars were spent and 20,000 dollars were earned. Akan was following up, but by now Bitcoin was up.


Recently, Mask set fire to virtual currency, and colleagues suggested that she could learn to make a contract deal with a small amount of money. She went back to the currency ring. By noon on May 21, she told reporters that the $750 bill for bitcoins had risen to $877.


In the case of the Dean of the Institute of Financial Studies and Professor of Economics of Hainan University, the risk of investment in encrypted currency is extremely high, volatility and retreat is significant, and Bitcoin is not suitable for ordinary investors.


In his view, there are only two categories of people who can actually make big money on bitcoin: the faith-holders of bitcoin. The second is the speculators of bitcoin, who recognize the speculative significance of bitcoin, and who have endured severe fluctuations at various critical points in time, and who have finally earned that benefit.


From the point of view of ordinary investors, clearing friends claim that such a volatile, head-to-head investment target is not suitable for someone, but rather for investors to identify themselves and choose to invest in a subject that matches their own circumstances.


As for the possibility of copying down after the Great Fall, many people asked whether they could do so, saying that the four questions had been identified before making a decision: first, value. Second, volatility. First, considering whether they could withstand large fluctuations, booms and crashes were the norm of Bitcoin, and it was not surprising that 30 per cent of the crashes of 5.19 fell from 20,000 to 3,000 in 2018, and more than 80 per cent in one year, not just bereft. Third, liquidity. Two per cent of the accounts controlled 95 per cent of the bitcoins, with a large amount of bitcoins concentrated in the hands of a small number of people, with poor mobility, and a high number of bitcoins in the hands of markets that could not be sold.


"The circle is the same"


"It's still those people in this circle, it's not official, it's still the same thing." But there may be a lot of hard-core projects that Wang can sum up.


He entered the currency circle in 2017, when, following the issuance of documents by seven ministries on 4 September of that year, the currency fell sharply, as journalists and Wang Yifan interacted, telling journalists that only 10,000 people had lost 70,000 principals in an instant.


In that year, seven ministries and departments, such as the People's Bank of China, issued a joint bulletin on protection against the risk of money-for-money financing, clearly stating that “money-for-money issuance financing is defined as the illegal sale, circulation and collection of so-called virtual currency, such as bitcoins and e-money, from investors through the illegal sale and circulation of tokens, which is essentially an unauthorized act of illegal public financing and is suspected of illegal distribution of currency coupons, illegal distribution of securities and criminal activities such as illegal collection, financial fraud and distribution of funds”.


The U.S. Chief Financial Researcher, H.E. Mr. Hsien Xi, argued that the virtual currency, represented by Bitcoin, was not a digital currency, had no legal and mandatory monetary fundamentals, had transactional risks, monopolistic risks, technological risks and institutional risks. Illegally trading in bitcoin and speculation, or financing illegal currency issuances under the guise of “digital money”, illegal distributions could pose a huge risk not only to investors, but also to the country’s financial stability and social order. The “94 policy” was also recognized as a landmark event in the virtual currency ring. Four years ago, the King did not leave the industry, but he did not.


Before the introduction of the 94th Policy, a number of projects in the country were financed under the guise of virtual currency, and Wang was unable to see air currency, which he believes is now marketed, but also because it is driven by animal coins, which have re-emerged.


The King also believes that what corresponds to the air currency is a virtual currency with a specific application scenario. They may “have so-called value.” For example, the Etherms have applications, decentralised computer networks, and many smart contracts are deployed in Ether, where the currency is only one function.


Now that trading platforms such as gun money, currency security, and Euro, although the subjects are registered abroad, the main team is still in the country. More recently, many people have been asking Wang Yingfan about how to buy money, and he feels that the recent movement is a little like 2017, with new blood coming in.


But two days after the crash, the microcombs were quiet and largely silent. “Who's having trouble talking about money,” a group of friends said. Another group of friends said that the mound, a cold barometer of the crypto-currency market, was not active and was falling. The crowd was active, and it was rising.


Some financial institutions, payment agencies, etc., also support virtual currency transactions, such as bitcoin. In particular, since this year, virtual currency prices, represented by bitcoin, have soared and intensified.


In Dong’s view, the bulletin does not set out new requirements and norms, but rather repeats a series of earlier demands and norms. In his view, the next step is for the financial administration to step up its efforts to combat the illegal conduct of virtual currency transactions, to maintain a normal economic and financial order, and to create a better environment for the official launch of our digital renminbi.

  原标题:《合约杠杆最高150倍 币圈惊魂一夜下的众生相:有人抄底,有人黯然离场》

Original title: Contract leverage up to 150 times.




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