区块链服务BCS,支持创建Hyperledger Fabric增强版和华为云区块链引擎服务,包括用户管理、节点管理、运维监控等模块,帮助您快速创建、方便管理、高效运维区块链网络,为上层应用提供企业级区块链系统。
Block Chain Service BCS supports the creation of the Hyperledger Fabric enhanced version and the China Cloud Block Chain Engine, including modules such as user management, nodes management, and video surveillance, to help you quickly create, easily manage, and efficiently transport a network of block links, and to provide an enterprise-level block chain system for upper-level applications.
-Hyperledger Fabric增强版:以Hyperledger Fabric 为内核,基于华为云全栈可信能力,包括弹性服务器,企业级容器、安全和人工智能等服务,在保持无缝社区对接方式前提下,在可靠性、性能、隐私保护方面做了增强和提升,满足企业级和金融级业务要求。
- China is a cloud block chain engine: uses the core of the BCS autonomous block development chain as a base, combined with credible hardware, characterized by high safety, high performance, high scalability, strong privacy protection, etc., to meet credible and synergistic requirements at the enterprise and financial levels.
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