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首先来看微软、Nvidia、Epic Games、Meta、Niantic?和好莱坞对?Metaverse?的设想。
微软:什么是微软的元宇宙&英伟达GTC2021主题演讲 Microsoft: What's Microsoft's meta-cosmos Epic CEO:元宇宙经济&Meta扎克伯格:我们如何共建元宇宙 Epic CEO Niantic AR发布会&好莱坞:头号玩家的元宇宙设定 Niantic AR 其次,通过纵览清华大学、中信证券和德勤的元宇宙研究报告,可以对元宇宙和相关产业有一个基础的认识。 , a basic understanding of the meta-cosmology study of Qinghua University, Sino-Sin and Deloitte can be achieved through an overview of the meta-cosm study. 之后,我们可以逐一思考元宇宙值得投资的方向 After "color-default fort-size-23" 方向一:元宇宙开发领域 Direction One: in the field of meta-cosmos development 在软件端,Unity、Roblox、Epic等平台型创作引擎是全球范围内的龙头。其中Unity除了是头部3D内容创作平台,同时还为游戏、汽车、电影、建筑工程等领域提供开发工具,其3D开发引擎为全球超50%的电子游戏提供服务。 At the end of the software, platforms such as Unitity, Roblox, Epic, etc. are the world’s leaders. In addition to being a 3D content creation platform for the head, Unity also provides development tools for areas such as games, automobiles, films, architecture, etc., whose 3D development engine serves more than 50% of the world’s video games. 值得注意的是,Unity、Roblox、Epic均是腾讯投资企业,叠加自身社交娱乐产品和庞杂的投资版图,腾讯因此被认为是国内最有可能成为元宇宙软件端的龙头,逐步构建起元宇宙基础生态。 It is worth noting that Unity, Roblox and Epic are investment companies that combine their own social and recreational products with complex investment maps, and are thus considered to be among the most likely leaders in the country at the end of the meta-cosm, building up the basic ecology of the meta-cosm. 与腾讯一样被看好的,还有字节跳动和网易,原因是它们在游戏和社交上地位超然。尤其是游戏,如果要选择一个最先实现元宇宙雏形的领域,游戏无疑是离得最近的行业。好的游戏能让玩家在沉浸感、低延迟的前提下,在游戏内进行社交娱乐,是可以预见的最先爆发的元宇宙产业。 The game is certainly the closest industry if it is to choose a field where the meta-cosm is the first to emerge. A good game allows players to engage in social entertainment within the game, with a sense of immersion and low delay, is the first meta-cosm industry that can be foreseen. 国内代表企业:腾讯、字节跳动、网易、芒果超媒、三七互娱、完美世界、天下秀 Domestic representative enterprises: tweets, byte beats, web-friendly, mango super-magnetism, three or seven games, perfect world, showcasing. Unity?技术?- Unity 3D {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Unity? {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Technology? Unity Software?开发了?Unity 3D,这是用于构建虚拟环境的主要游戏引擎之一。近期100亿元收购阿凡达特效公司Weta Digital。 Epic Games -?虚幻引擎 Epic Games-- ♪/strong-- ♪ strong-- ♪/ strong-- ♪ ♪ strong-- ♪ ♪ strong-- ♪ ♪ strong-- ♪ ♪ strong-- ♪ ♪ Epic Games?开发了一种名为?Unreal Engine?的主要游戏引擎。它用于创建虚拟环境。Epic Games?因流行游戏?Fortnite?而闻名。腾讯和索尼拥有其部分的股权 Unreal Engineering? ? Matterport 用于创建逼真的虚拟环境的设计软件 视频:单反拍摄+步进式全景漫游?可以编程定制?类似众趣,matterport ,everpano效果 ? Nvidia - Omniverse Nvidia?的?Omniverse?是一个连接?3D?环境的平台 Is there a connection between Omniverse? is a connection between spans=font-size-16'? 3D? /spanspanspan=font-size-16'? Autodesk 软件开发 视频:Autodesk官网2020作品集Autodesk Official Show Reel 2020 Video: ? 方向二:GPU计算 direction two: GPU calculates 元宇宙需要大量的处理能力。 元宇宙中需要对大量数据进行快速传输,需要依赖大量的通讯基础设施。而包括5G、AI、云计算、区块链在内的元宇宙基础设施端的底层技术,能分别在数据传输质量、算力、内容规模化生产、构建经济体系方面提供支持,这是元宇宙获得长足发展的基础。 比如,边缘计算能帮助终端用户补足本地,提升处理效率,总体算力网络延迟和延迟网络拥堵风险。物联网传感器能极大扩展人类五官感知能力,确保接受元宇宙世界的更多信息等等。 For example, margin computing helps end-users to fill the ground, improves processing efficiency, delays in the overall computing network and delays the risk of network congestion. Material-networking sensors can greatly expand human five-sense capabilities, ensure acceptance of more information from the meta-cosmos world, and so on. 在这些技术上又有核心优势的企业,基本以蓝筹股居多,企业基本面稳健,行业深耕已久,即使抛开元宇宙概念,也都是值得参考的投资标的。 These technologically core niches, which are largely blue-based, firm-based and industry-deeper, are worthwhile investment targets, even if they leave aside the meta-cosm concept. 国内代表企业:科大讯飞、海康威视、景嘉微、浪潮信息、中兴通讯 Domestic representation of enterprises: C.S.S.F., H.C.C., G.C., Wave Information, S.E.C. 国外相关公司:Nvidia、AMD、Render(第一个去中心化?GPU?计算网络。“Render Network是基于?GPU?的去中心化渲染解决方案的领先供应商,彻底改变了数字创作过程。”)、高通 Associated Companies abroad: Nvidia, AMD, , , , ? 方向三:可穿戴设备 从行业发展来看,全球范围内,Meta旗下的的VR一体机Oculus品牌占据绝对优势,仅quest2出货量已接近千万台,市场份额占比超30%。其整个Oculus系列产品在Steam VR中占比仅6成。 In terms of industry development, the VR single machine, Oculus, under the Meta flag, has an absolute advantage worldwide, with only quest2 shipments approaching 10 million, with a market share exceeding 30 per cent. Its entire Oculus series accounts for only 60 per cent of Steam VR. 苹果、索尼则蓄势待发,有望明年推出相关产品。在国内,Pico、HTC、NOLO、大朋VR、爱奇艺等厂商则处于龙头地位,均有自己的VR一体机代表产品。同时,以亮风台为代表的AR企业,正在将AR技术运用到智能制造中,未来有望迎来快速发展期。 At home, manufacturers such as Pico, HTC, NOLO, Big Pon VR, Aichi, etc., have their own VR-based products. At the same time, AR, represented by windstorms, is applying AR technology to smart manufacturing, and is expected to develop rapidly in the future. 总体来看,整个硬件端的产业链,涉及传感器、显示屏、处理器、光学设备等环节,对国内大量上下游企业来说是一大利好。 Overall, the entire hardware end industrial chain, which involves sensors, screens, processors, optical equipment, etc., is a great advantage for a large number of upstream and downstream enterprises in the country. 国内代表企业:歌尔股份、瑞芯微、京东方A、韦尔股份、思瑞浦、舜宇光学科技、水晶光电 Domestic representative enterprises: Gore shares, Rae Xi Wei, Kyoto East A, Weir shares, Sripp, Sun Woo optical technology, Crystal Photovoltaic Power 可穿戴设备使用户能够体验?Metaverse?的下一代硬件正在开发中。它将在?ia?眼动追踪、手部追踪、触觉等方面具有创新性。您可以在下面找到一些已宣布的计划和概念。 The next generation of hardware is being developed. It will be at . You can find some announced plans and concepts below. ? Meta(Faebook)?- Project Aria?和?Project Nazare Meta (strong>Faebook ?-Project Aria? and ?Project Nazare AR眼镜尚未发布“Project Aria是一个新的研究项目,将帮助Meta Reality Labs构建第一代可穿戴增强现实设备” "Project AriaMeta Reality Labs 视频:Project Aria? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 视频:Project Nazare ♪ "font-size-16" video: Meta(Facebook)?-?现实实验室 Meta Facebook ?-/strang reality lab ? 触觉手套和基于手腕的交互 tactile gloves and wrist-based interactions 还未公布 视频:触觉手套&视频:基于手腕的交互 /span="font-size-16" video: interaction based on wrists Ultraleap 空中触觉和?3D?手部追踪。 "Font-size-16" "Air tentacles" and "font-size-16"? 3D? 还未发布 视频:手势互动 微软?- Hololens Microsoft > - Hololens 混合现实耳机 ? 方向四:虚拟环境 strang > Direction IV: Virtual environment 已发布: : Roblox?虚拟世界,根据其中一位创始人的说法,是一个“想象平台”。用户使用虚拟货币?Robux?来购买游戏内物品(Robux?不是加密货币)。 The virtual world, according to one of its founders, is a virtual world, 视频:Roblox投资者日精华 Decentraland Decentraland?是一个去中心化的虚拟环境,用户可以在其中创建自己的虚拟土地体验。在平台上,可以使用加密货币?MANA?购买这些土地?NFT。(加密货币:MANA) On the platform, an encrypted currency can be used to create its own virtual land experience. 视频:BBC?专访?Decentraland -?百万美元的虚拟土地销售 Video: BBC? The Sandbox The Sandbox是一个去中心化的虚拟环境,用户可以在其中购买和拥有名为?LAND?的虚拟土地?NFT,玩游戏、参加活动以及创建和货币化他们自己的内容。SAND?是平台的加密货币,用户可以参与治理。(加密货币:SAND) The virtual land of the Sandbox 视频:如何在sandbox?中赚钱 "Font-size-16" video: how to make money in Axie Infinity “Axie Infinity?是一个充满迷人生物?Axies?的游戏宇宙,玩家可以将其作为宠物收集。这个宇宙拥有玩家所有的经济体,玩家可以通过熟练的技术真正拥有、购买、出售和交易他们在游戏中获得的资源——游戏玩法和对生态系统的贡献。”(加密货币:AXS) "Axie Infinity?" . Bloktopia “Bloktopia?将充当由?Polygon?网络提供支持的代币化分散式?VR?加密摩天大楼。”(加密货币:BLOK) "Bloktopia? Dvision “在玩家拥有的基于区块链的?NFT Metaverse?中进行创建、交易和游戏。”(加密货币:DVI) 视频:元宇宙DVision新版试玩 DVision 即将发布 /strang>. Aftermath Islands(预计?2022?年中) Aftmath Island (expected to be >?202? mid-year) 虚拟土地/NTF。由?Oasis?开发,它是?Liquid Avatar?的一部分 ? Star Atlas? “太空探索、领土征服、政治统治等的大战略游戏。”(加密货币:ATLAS) 视频:Star Atlas,区块链上的AR-NFT星际争霸 Star Atlas Illuvium “一款建立在以太坊区块链上的开放世界?RPG?冒险游戏。穿越广阔而多样的景观,寻找和捕捉被称为?Illuvials?的神似生物。发现摧毁这片土地的灾难的原因。”(加密货币:ILV) ? Microsoft - Mesh(预计?2022?年上半年) Microsoft-Mesh (expected ?202? in the first half of the first half of ) Microsoft Mesh通过混合现实应用程序,在任何位置、任何设备上都能实现状态和体验共享。 视频:微软发布全新混合现实协作平台Mesh Video: Microsoft releases a new hybrid reality collaboration platform Mesh Meta(Facebook) -?Horizon 社交虚拟世界,创造和互动 ? ? 其他方向 Roundhill Ball Metaverse ETF 元宇宙指数代币MVI dollar cosmos indexes > /strang MVI 具有几个大型元节硬币的索引令牌。 “元宇宙指数是一个根资本加权、流动性调整的指数,旨在捕捉娱乐、体育和商业向虚拟环境转移的趋势。$MVI?的投资领域包括超过?3000?万美元市值并且至少有三个月的交易历史?的Coingecko?的不可替代代币?(NTF)、娱乐、虚拟现实、增强现实和音乐类别。” ? 想要获取最新最全的元宇宙咨询,请关注微信公众号“元宇宙编年史”。回复“报告”可获取业内最新最专业研究报告。 to access the latest and most complete meta-cosmography. . ? (完)
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