
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:56 评论:0
 当你开始涉猎区块链或加密货币时,似乎经常会遇到 PoW、PoS 等烧脑名词。今天,我们就来聊聊,什么是 PoW、PoS、DPoS。& nbsp; when you start talking about block chains...



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 当你开始涉猎区块链或加密货币时,似乎经常会遇到 PoW、PoS 等烧脑名词。今天,我们就来聊聊,什么是 PoW、PoS、DPoS。

& nbsp; when you start talking about block chains or encrypted money, you often seem to meet Pow, PoS, etc. Today, let's talk about Pow, PoS, DPOS.


PoW, PoS, DPOS, in one sentence, are the three mainstream consensus mechanisms of the block chain.


The block chain, popularly speaking, is a decentralised account book. It is just a book that, unlike a traditional account book, is not accounted for by an accountant or by a few people, but by everyone.


Moreover, this record requires a rule that everyone agrees with, that is & & & & & & & ; how it works; and that is a consensual mechanism for the chain of blocks.


For example, when a large family of you plans to travel abroad and choose Thailand through negotiations, it is the consensus that you have in Thailand. The way that you do it is by a few being subservient to the majority, and by a few being subservient to the majority is the consensus mechanism that you have in place to determine your destination.


Similarly, PoW, PoS, and DPOS, which represent the three main accounting rules of the block chain network, respectively, play a very important role and are directly related to the allocation of rights and related benefits. The consensus mechanism is, not exaggeration, the soul of the block chain.


工作量证明,简单来说 ,就是一份用来确认你做过一定量工作的证明。它就像你的大学毕业证,证明了你确实有四年大学的学习经历。工作量证明机制,就是用工作量结果来证明贡献大小,再根据贡献大小确定记账权和奖励。

Workload proof, in short, is a proof that you've done a certain amount of work. It's like your college diploma, which proves that you do have a four-year university experience. Workload proof mechanism is to use workload results to prove the size of the contribution, and then to determine the rights to book and reward according to the size of the contribution.


This process of proof is done by relying on computers for mathematical calculations. It is understood that everyone answers the same subject, and whoever calculates it first takes charge of the bookkeeping and receives the corresponding payment, which is the digital currency generated by the network.


For example, in Bitcoin's network, whoever solves the problem first gets a bitcoin as a reward.

PoW 的优点是,完全去中心化,公平公正,不需要中心化的管理机构,用户(即节点)之间实现了公平竞争,谁先解出题目,谁就获得相应收益。

PoW has the advantage of being completely decentralised, fair and equitable, without the need for a centralized regulatory body, with fair competition between users (i.e. nodes) and the corresponding benefits for those who solve the subject first.


The main drawback is the waste of energy. Together, it takes a lot of money, and ultimately only one user does it, and everyone else does it for nothing.

而计算机是靠电力来带动的,大家一起用计算机算题,其实也耗费了大量电力资源。比如比特币就是采用 PoW 共识机制,每年需要消耗价值几十亿美元的电力,一直遭人诟病。

Computers are powered by electricity, and they use computer computing together, but they also consume huge amounts of electricity. Bitcoin, for example, uses the PoW Consensus mechanism, which consumes billions of dollars of electricity every year, and has been plagued.



An equity certification mechanism, that is, the more equity you have, will be rewarded. The equity here refers to the amount and time of the digital currency you hold, according to which the equity will be distributed, similar to the distribution system of the shares.


The more money you hold, the longer you hold it, the older it is (the currency = number of currency holdings* the time you hold it), the more points you get and the more rights you have to keep.


Poss has three advantages:


The first is that energy consumption is low and does not require a significant amount of energy, as is the case with workload certification mechanisms.


The second is the high cost of committing evil and the 51 per cent age required to attack the network, which makes it difficult not only to have large amounts of currency but also to hold them for a long time;


The third is the short time available to reach consensus and the ability to achieve millisecond speeds if the network environment is good.

PoS 的缺点有两个,一是持币趋于集中化,因为持有的币越多,时间越长,分配的收益越大,获得的币越多,使币过于集中;另一个是流动性变差,持币有收益分配,就没有动力去套现,会屯币不动,开启躺赚模式,导致币的流动性变差。

The two disadvantages of PoS are that there is a tendency towards centralization of the holding currency, because the more the holding of the currency, the longer it takes, the greater the distribution of the money, the more the money it receives, the greater the concentration of the currency. The other is that the liquidity differential, the income distribution of the holding currency, has no incentive to set it aside, and it opens up the way in which it is earned, leading to a deterioration in the liquidity of the currency.


DPoS委托权益证明机制,是在 PoS 基础上优化而来的,通过投票选举的方式,选出生产者,代表他们履行权利和义务,而不是用算力来决定。

The DPoS trust equity certification mechanism has been optimized on the basis of the PoS, which elects producers by means of voting elections to carry out their rights and duties on their behalf, rather than by means of arithmetical decisions.


If the producer is not competent, he may be voted out at any time. The weight of the vote and the distribution of the proceeds are calculated as a percentage of the total amount of encrypted currency held, with 51% of shareholders voting being irreversible and binding.

DPoS 和股份制公司类似,普通的股民不能进董事会,要通过投票选举代表来组成董事会,用每个人手上的数字货币计算权重,再根据权重投票选举出能代表他们权益的人,代理记账。

Similar to the shares companies, the ordinary stockholders are not allowed to enter the board of directors, which is formed by voting for representatives, counting weights in the digital currency held by each person, and selecting persons to represent their interests on the basis of the weight of the vote.

DPoS 的优点是,记账节点数量少,协作高效,记账效率高。其缺点是减弱了去中心化的程度,由选出的代表进行记账,存在一定的中心化控制。

The advantage of DPoS is that the number of nodes is small, collaboration is efficient and recording is efficient. The disadvantage is that it reduces the degree of decentralization, that accounts are kept by elected representatives and that there is some central control.


At present, there is no single consensus mechanism that is perfect and that has its own short plates. As the block chain continues to evolve technologically, the consensus mechanism will continue to be optimized for the future.





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