defi挖矿就类比于种地,在英文中就叫做farming。Note : Non-investment proposals are purely technical studies. defi digs like fields, and in English they are called farming.
As in reality, the basic configuration of defi mining is as follows:
Seeds can be divided into three categories:
- 稳定币
USDT, USDC, DAI等 - 加密资产
ETH, COMP等 - 交易对资金池(LP)
挖矿激励平台,如以太坊的compound,到现在的yearn.finance,sushiswap等等。其他链上也有类似的defi app,如雪崩链的trade joe,near的trisolaris,ref.finance等等。
There are similar defi apps on other chains, like trade joe, trisolaris in the avalanche chain, ref.finance, etc.
The tools are our wallets, and the most common is Metamask.
Representative projects: YFI, YAM, SUSHI
, mine mining benefits are relatively high, as the platform distributes all the tokens to participating users without team retention.
代表项目:curve, compound, 1inch
On behalf of the project: Curve, combo, 1inch
projects are VC-invested, and there is a team in the distribution of the tokens, or even a predrawn, so that the share left to the participants is relatively small. When
comes out, it comes out with a lot of big V diss from crypto, because they think that there is too much left to the project side and that users have too little share.
The simple understanding of single-currency pledge is that the pledge is a token in which the pledge can be locked or withdrawn at any time, with annualized returns varying in different ways.
For example, if you have a cake in your hand, you can make a pledge to a centralized exchange with a pankcakeswap. The pledge can get a cake, or trx, ches, etc., and the corresponding annual gains are not equal.
LP,全程Liquidity Provider
LP, full-scale Liquidity Provider
LP digs, and it is understood that the combination currency deals for mining, such as cow-mdx, war-usdt, and so on, vary in the annualized rates of return of the various combinations.
The LP mine provides liquidity in two currencies, with higher returns, some of which reach tens of thousands of annualized returns, but the ultra-high returns are generally only one or two hours short, with a sharp decline in mining proceeds later on.
There is also a risk that 一池是指那些抵押单币 (比如抵押USDT, ETH, WBTC 这些),或者抵押成熟的大体量交易对(USDC-USDT , BTC-USDT, ETH-USDT) 获得收益的池子。这些池子不会因为项目方币种价格剧烈波动给你带来损失(但还是会有被黑和跑路风险)。 refers to pools where mortgages of single currency (e.g. USDT, ETH, WBTC) or mature bulk transactions (USDC-USDT, BTC-USDT, ETH-USDT) are profitable. These pools do not result in losses to you as a result of sharp fluctuations in the price of project currencies (but there is still a risk of blacking and running). 二池,是指抵押项目方代币的交易对才可以获得收益。这种矿实际上你是在用自己的主流代币为XX币提供流动性,所以风险较高,一但XX币价格下跌,你就会损失掉一部分你的主流代币,相应的是2池的收益往往是1池的数倍至数十倍。比如说我有个项目XXX,为了锁定代币流动性(减少抛售),开出几个二池, XXX-ETH, XXX-USD 让投资者把项目代币XXX锁定起来。这些矿池除了被黑和跑路的风险,还要暴露在矿币价格暴涨暴跌的风险中。矿币单独抵押的算一池二池没有定论,似乎都可以。二池的特点是表面收益率极高(有的二池收益率能到夸张的年化百分之几十万),但是隐藏在其中的是极高风险,可以让贸然冲入其中all in的韭菜倾家荡产。 2 pools , for example, that I have a project XXX, in order to lock in the liquidity (reduce the sale) of the coins of the mortgage, XXX-ETH, XXX-USD, in which investors have to lock the coins XXX, in which case you are in the process of providing liquidity for the XX coins. The risk is higher, but the price of XX coins falls, and you lose a portion of your mainstream coins. 关于defi挖矿中的AMM自动化做市商的机制以及无常损失的问题,我们会在下篇文章中做详细介绍。在抛去这些风险以外,defi项目还有代码风险。 In addition to these risks, there are code risks associated with the Defi project. 代码漏洞 The code leaks 代码后门(方便项目方跑路) The back door of the code (facilitation of the project side)
一种常见的收割套路是:刚开矿的时候市场上流通盘很少,大部分在项目方手中,项目方通过拉升币价, 把二池收益率做的极高。比方说,一开盘我把XXX币拉升到一个很高的价格(1000usd一个),然后XXX-USD 的收益率就会显示出一个很夸张的年化(比如29000%)。很多新手面对这种收益率是没有办法控制自己的。冲!但是没有XXX怎么办呢?去市场上买,用1000 usd 一个的价格买 XXX,然后在项目合约里抵押XXX-USD。 当不断有人买入XXX ,并抵押XXX-USD ,锁仓金额达到一定程度的时候。 就可以收割了。 收割的手法,暴力一点的可以直接跑路,要一点脸的就直接砸盘XXX 。 第二种细说一下,因为很多人不知道的是,根据AMM做市机制,你抵押的XXX-USD价值,会在XXX价格崩盘的时候迅速蒸发。如果按你买矿币之前的usd净值算,我给一个估算数字:矿币跌50% 净值跌30% ; 矿币跌80%净值跌55%, 矿币跌90%净值跌68%。 不要以为这些数字很夸张,跌99%的都有很多,相当于直接抽干你的USD。所以呢珍爱生命,尽量不要碰二池。
some of the project parties deliberately left the back door in order to make it easier for them to run.
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