
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:78 评论:0
文/姚国章南京邮电大学数字经济研究所,南京邮电大学学报Institute of Digital Economics, Nanjing Post and Telecommunications Univ...



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Institute of Digital Economics, Nanjing Post and Telecommunications University, Yao Kuo, Journal of Nanjing Post and Telecommunications University


It is well known that energy is the basic material base on which human society depends for its survival and development, and that every landmark and great progress in human history cannot be achieved without the upgrading and replacement of energy. Since the establishment of the new China, and especially the rapid economic and social development of more than 40 years of reform and opening up, our country has rightly become the world’s largest energy producer and producer, and now has a diversified energy supply system for coal, electricity, oil, natural gas, and new and renewable sources of energy coordinated development.


The use of digital technology to drive the energy technology revolution and to effectively address the complex problems of energy development is a major task that our energy industry generally faces. Block-chain technology, as a glamour of current digital technology, offers new opportunities for technological advancement and upgrading of the energy industry through its unique functions of distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanisms and encryption algorithms.


The 18th collective study by the Central Political Office of the Communist Party of China on the current state of and trends in block-chain technology, held on 24 October 2019, has set the stage for the development of “exploring the extension of block-chain applications in areas such as energy and electricity” at the same time as establishing the importance of block-chain technology in the country. The aim of this study is to make practical recommendations for the healthy, orderly and rapid development of the energy sector chain in the country.

1 区块链在能源中的应用价值

1 Value of block chains in energy


The energy industry is characterized by a long industrial chain, a large number of participants, a complex operating process and a multiplicity of transactional settlements, as well as a high degree of business overlap with a chain of blocks with decentralized (distributed) data storage, credible traceability, non-frozen and intelligent contract functions, both of which require integration.

1.1 区块链的技术特点

1.1 Technical characteristics of the block chain


It is generally understood that block chains (Blockchain) are technical programmes in which participating members jointly maintain a particular database through decentralisation and detrust, allowing multiple user nodes involved in the system to interactively transmit data accumulated by users over a specified period of time, calculate and record a data block (Block) through a specific algorithm, each recording the Hashi (HASH) value of the previous block, the time stamp of this block, a random number and the HashTREE tree of this block, which uses the Hashi value of the former block to create a reciprocal map relationship between this block and the previous block, forming a chain of interlocking links, i.e. a chain of blocks.


The block chain is an open book developed through a computer program that independently records all transactions that occur on the block chain and allows for interactive nodes-nodes, point-to-point transactions without third-party intervention. As a new technology accompanying Bitcoin, application practices are being implemented in various industries.

1.2 区块链在能源中的应用价值

1.2 Value of block chain applications in energy


The application of block chains in the energy sector will create multiple values for the development of the energy sector.


One is the creation of a secure and reliable shared book of accounts. Because block chain technology permanently records all transactions of participants in bookkeeping, it breaks the pattern of independent bookkeeping by different energy-participating institutions in the past, avoiding restrictions on confirming transaction records, participants can see authorized transaction records from the shared ledger system, ensuring that transaction records are transparent, open and true.


The second is the automation of operations with the application of smart contracts. Energy traders can encode the commercial terms of the contracts, such as the mode of dealing in the contracts, into the chain-based trading services, so that the system will automatically conduct the transactions in accordance with the agreed and authorized terms of the contracts, and neither energy service providers nor energy consumers will worry that the trading operations mechanism will be subject to random changes due to human factors.


Third, it is effective to protect the privacy of traders. While block chain technology automatically records all transaction data of participants, participants do not need to bind personal data to transaction information, and can specify which transaction information can be authorized to view, both effectively protecting the privacy of traders and meeting the data application needs of various types of operations.


Fourth, it helps build consensus on transactions. Whether a participant joins the block chain network in an anonymous or public capacity, whenever a participant initiates a transaction request, all participants receive transaction information at the outset and are identified through consensus algorithms of block chain technology to avoid human intervention.


The fifth is to eliminate the pain in the energy process. The current prevalence of efficiency bottlenecks, delays in transactions and operational risks in energy business processes can be addressed to a large extent through the application of block chain technology. For example, a large number of manual processes, manual validations and approvals in existing processes can be automated through block chains, paper contracts can be replaced by smart contracts, and transaction processing processes can no longer be lost as a result of system failures.


The value derived from the use of block chains in energy will deepen as applications deepen, and the value of applications will vary from one business to another and from one stage to another, and will require continuous exploration in real development.


, “Digitalization of Energy Energy in Energy” will be formed, and private individuals in the industry will provide detailed information: name + company + position, accompanied by a business card, which will verify the appropriate invitation.

2 国际能源区块链主要应用场景

2 The main application of the international energy block chain


The emergence of block-chain technologies has created new opportunities for the transformation and upgrading of the traditional energy sector, as well as for debunking the problems and innovative development models of the energy sector. The current international exploration of the application of block-chains in energy industry development is relatively rich, mainly in the following six areas.

2.1 基于区块链的分布式P2P交易

2.1 Distributed P2P transactions based on block chains


The rapid rise of clean energy, represented by solar energy, as energy technology advances, electricity markets mature, but in traditional power trading systems there are widespread problems of large trading players, large differences in power prices in the Peak Valley, inconsistent accounting, cumbersome settlements and excessive long-term accounts, and the fact that solar and wind energy are distributed sources of energy and demand-side users start to act as suppliers while playing a consumer role poses a great challenge to traditional power market systems.


The characteristics of block chain technology, such as decentralisation, detrusting, data openness and distributional storage, are highly consistent with the new requirements of current energy development, so that it is both necessary and highly feasible to use block chain technology to build distributed energy trading markets to facilitate P2P transactions. P2P transactions based on block chains can effectively address the difficulties encountered by distributed electricity generation in terms of billing, settlement, settlement, etc., and move away from the traditional feed-in companies to complete power trading, to fully decentralize the transactions and effectively improve transaction efficiency and reduce transaction costs.

2.2 基于区块链的能源金融

2.2 Energy finance based on block chains


The construction of new energy sources requires substantial investment and financial support, but the lack of a reasonable credit risk pricing tool has led to difficulties with bank loans, among other things. For example, currently distributed photovoltaic power stations, for example, still do not have effective technical tools to make reasonable value assessments, and current centralized data management can easily lead to false assessments.


At the international level, projects dedicated to block-chain energy financial services are emerging, and WePower is a block-chain energy project run by an Estonian company, focusing on specialized services for green energy. The WePower platform connects energy consumers, renewable energy producers and green energy technology investors using smart contracts for block-chains that allow participants to invest in new green energy projects and consumers to purchase their own green energy in an efficient, safe and transparent manner. The WePower platform allows renewable energy producers to use block-chain instruments to issue their own energy tokens to raise funds.


WePower application networking and block-linking enable direct connectivity to energy infrastructure and energy trading markets , establish multi-integrated cooperation systems for various types of investors, energy market participants and end-users, and explore innovative models for the development of energy finance.

2.3 基于区块链的碳交易

2.3 Carbon trading based on block chains


Carbon trading is the market mechanism used by the United Nations to effectively control global greenhouse gas emission reductions and reduce global carbon dioxide emissions. Since the formal adoption of the Kyoto Protocol in December 1997, carbon dioxide emission rights have been circulating globally as a tradable commodity, with countries participating in the agreement having to limit their emissions to the promised emission reduction targets for a limited period of time, and countries have allocated emission targets to different enterprises in their countries. Carbon emissions have evolved into a high-value “asset” – called “carbon assets – as a result of carbon emissions control.


Using block-chain technologies to address carbon emission challenges and to digitize carbon assets offers viable solutions to promote fair, open and fair carbon trading. Using distributed nodes in the block chain, retrospective features allow for a reasonable allocation of real-time carbon asset movements to be tracked and recorded, making carbon trading markets more transparent, orderly, and easier to implement.


Internationally, there have been some practical developments and good results in the use of block chains for carbon asset trading. In May 2018, IBM entered into a partnership with Veridium, an environmental science start-up company, to convert carbon assets into a new alternative digital asset, CRB, which can be converted and traded on a network of blocks created by another IBM start-up company, Steelar, in order to effectively eliminate the opacity of carbon assets and reduce the costs and risks of purchasing and using carbon assets, making carbon transactions more equitable, open and fair, and providing more effective responses to long-suffering environmental problems.

2.4 基于区块链的电动汽车共享充电

2.4 Share charged electric cars based on block chains


With the rapid growth of electric cars, the issue of efficiency in the construction and use of recharge posts has become increasingly prominent, in particular how to increase the utilization of existing chargers, which in a sense will determine the future of the development of electric cars. The construction of traditional chargeposts is determined by the centralization of sites, independent grids and closed operations, the multiplicity of recharge protocols and metering models, the lack of interactivity of discharges, the lack of transparency of the recharge process, and the inability to share charging data, all of which have become less efficient.


Building a decentralised billing model using block chain technology and dealing with all billing, payment, and identification issues, allowing separate charger posts to be used separately by different users and able to complete automatic charge and settlement, will certainly lead to a significant increase in the use of chargers and the resolution of electric vehicle charge problems. Moreover, accurate charge data collected through block chains can help governments, car manufacturers, and the electricity sector to further optimize the layout of recharge posts and provide corresponding value-added services.


JuiceNet is a block-based distributed charging service platform developed by the eMotorWerks Corporation, based in California, United States of America, which uses an open API to control any charger connected through WiFi to achieve the following three functions: first, to maximize the need for electric car charge by balancing the resources of the chargeposts; second, to maximize the value of assets by increasing the earnings of the charger and individual owner; third, to contribute to the optimization of the recharge post layout, which facilitates the improvement of the infrastructure of electric automobiles.


, “Digitalization of Energy Energy in Energy” will be formed, and private individuals in the industry will provide detailed information: name + company + position, accompanied by a business card, which will verify the appropriate invitation.

2.5 基于区块链的能源征信体系建设

2.5 Energy Letter System Building Based on Block Chain


Energy consumption is a basic expense for all types of enterprises and households, and trade records reflect, on the one hand, the energy needs of consumers and, on the other hand, the actual level of energy-supporting business development. For enterprises, the amount and time spent on electricity directly influences the business’s performance.


The use of block chains to integrate enterprise energy consumption into credit systems has greatly contributed to the financing needs of government and financial institutions serving enterprises, particularly by alleviating chronic vulnerabilities such as the difficulty of financing small and medium-sized enterprises, the high cost of financing and the high volume of financing.


At the international level, a block-chain-based energy credit project has also emerged. The block-chain energy project Bitluments provides solutions for the use of grid-connected and block-chain technologies to provide renewable energy and micro-credit to local users in remote rural areas of Latin America, targeting electricity shortages, low consumption capacity and the need for electricity. The project provides partner banks with data on residents who apply for solar power packages by building block-chain platforms and linking solar equipment serial numbers, user mobile phones and user IDs, creating complete, non-alterable credit records, establishing block-based links between financial institutions and users of electricity demand, greatly facilitating the operation and management of operations and genuinely facilitating access to microcredit and supporting financial users, helping them to address the real difficulties that financial institutions are unable to meet their electricity needs.

2.6 基于区块链的能源综合管理

2.6 Integrated energy management based on block chains


As applications are increasingly explored, the block chain has made many advances in integrated energy management: one is based on the whole process of energy management of the block chain, using mainly the architecture of the chain of alliances to establish a system of block-chain energy operations that is source-oriented, network-based, network-based, Dutch-based and chain-wide interaction, with automated management through the introduction of smart contracts, providing support platforms for the production, transmission, storage and use of energy that effectively avoid anthropogenic and external disruptions, while allowing for more flexible control and more precise decision-making; the second is based on the management of assets of the block chain and supply chain, which can be traced back to the entire process of supply chain management; the third is to achieve multi-system synergies, using block-chains to record real-time production information from different energy systems and their operating costs, to generate the best supply options from among multiple systems; and the fourth is to establish reasonable line losses, which are currently occurring in connection with the conversion, transmission and storage of electrical energy, basically by unilateral decisions of grid companies, to use line-line loss control, with actual line loss data from each link, and to detect potential improvements.


In other countries, such as Japan and Singapore, firms are beginning to practice. In general, applications in specific areas and local applications are more common, and there is a long way to go to achieve full-scale, deep-level, and multi-dimensional applications.


(to be continued )


Disclaimer: The above text is reproduced from energy intelligence and the text sent does not represent the platform's position.
National Energy Information Platform contact: 010-65367702, e-mail: hz@people-energy.com.cn, People's Daily News, No. 2 Kim Daexi Road, Yangtze District, Beijing




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