如果不发币 在区块链怎么赚钱or搞事情?

资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:74 评论:0
  科技行者 6月12日 北京消息 一些区块链应用程序称,用户可用手中的各种资源赚钱,无论是闲置的硬盘内存还是中央处理器,抑或是用户每天创造的大量数据。June 12th, Beijing n...



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  科技行者 6月12日 北京消息 一些区块链应用程序称,用户可用手中的各种资源赚钱,无论是闲置的硬盘内存还是中央处理器,抑或是用户每天创造的大量数据。

June 12th, Beijing news, some block chain applications say that users can make money with all the resources they can use, whether in idle hard disks or central processors, or in the amount of data they generate every day.



Whether they meet expectations or not, these procedures reflect a prominent problem that has plagued the centralized Internet for a long time, namely, that users have little return, despite the enormous value they have generated for Facebook, Google and Amazon platforms.


The block chain application believes that such decentralized networks can replace existing services by giving users the opportunity to generate value for the network's ecosystem while reaping equal returns. This is a very attractive suggestion, because there is no need for more input for users, as it is now, as long as computers are turned on, e-mails are sent, the Internet is posted, and advertising is seen.




Sell what?


Users are able to lease unused storage space, CPU cycles and network broadband to people in need in some block chain applications. The rules are simple: simply list resources, indicate prices on application, and others can use your items through an app encryption code. Both buyers and sellers operate and pay points through smart contract points, and the transmission code on the block chain does not need to be performed by a central application server.


Golem and IExec are among the decentralised computing markets. Users use their central processor cycles to give developers and users who want to run applications on the Internet to get a dedicated virtual currency on the platform, such as GNT and RLC. Golem and IExec are designed to replace a conglomerate cloud supplier like Amazon and Google, from which profits are graded.


Storj and Filecoin are two decentralized storage networks where users can access encrypted virtual currency by sharing the Web hard disk space. Both platforms are designed to provide infrastructure for different applications, such as virtual hosts and stream media services. Gladius is a decentralised content transfer network (CDN) and a solution company that reduces DDoS attacks, and users can profit from providing the needed network broadband to website content and network operation services.


These applications provide a good opportunity for computers that are inactive at home or in the office to receive some additional income.


Other block chain platforms are for the benefit of users through data. Datum, for example, is a decentralised user data market where users can benefit by sharing the DAT virtual currency acquired with other organizations. Other block chain players, such as Streamr, are real-time data-sharing platforms for object-based networking.


Data is a huge market dominated by a few giant players, such as Google and Facebook. These companies store data from their users in a secret garden, using it to make huge profits.




What's the profit?


It is difficult to assess whether people can benefit from these block chain applications, as some projects are either not online or are in the early stages of creation. Most companies are not yet able to provide stable data or averages.


In addition, the value of the resources that users share on these platforms is often tied to supply and demand. For example, IExec has left the user entirely free to calculate the price of the resources, without any extraction. If there is a high demand for decentralized central processing power, it will make a lot of money to join the network.


Storj, a centralized storage network, is the most accurate information-sharing platform. The platform provides a formula to help “farmers” platform users calculate their monthly income from shared storage space via the network. Stordj extracts $0.015 per gigabytes of data storage and $0.05 per gigabytes of downloads, and “farmers” receive 60% of the benefits.


The ultimate benefits are subject to a number of factors, including whether farmers (platform users) nodes store copies of major or mirrors, the length of time users are active on the network, the running time, the broadband situation and the performance of response time.

  Storj Labs首席技术官Philip Hutchins表示:“如果有人在一整个月内存储了1TB数据,整个TB数据都在一个月内下载的,那么他们大概会赚到39美元。但根据该公司分享的网络数据,目前平均每月支付给Storj农民节点的费用约为2美元。

According to Philip Hutchins, Chief Technical Officer of Storj Labs, “If people store 1 TB data for a full month, and the entire TB data is downloaded within a month, they will probably earn $39. But according to the network data shared by the company, the average monthly cost paid to the Stordj farmers' node is now approximately $2.


Storj has also established partnerships with FileZilla, Microsoft and other companies to create decentralized applications on their networks, an initiative that will increase the demand for the Stord space.

  公司首席执行官Roger Haenni认为,在Datum这个去中心化的数据市场中,用户每收到一份促销电子邮件,可获得0.50美元到5美元的收入,但他没有透露收益的计算细节。目前,这个网络只支持通过邮件收件箱获益,但未来,公司计划提供给用户更多选择,通过共享各种类别数据获得收益,例如他们手机收集的位置数据、应用程序、服务他们使用的网站,以及用户的智能工具收集到的数据等。

According to Roger Haenni, the CEO of the company, in Datum, a decentralised data market, users receive between $0.50 and $5 per promotion e-mail, but he does not disclose the details of the calculation of the proceeds. At present, the network only supports benefits through mail boxes, but in the future, the company plans to provide users with more options to benefit from sharing various types of data, such as location data collected by their mobile phones, applications, websites used by them, and data collected by users'smart tools.


This last point sounds a little offensive to user privacy. Haenni explains: “These [data] are available to a large extent from the browsing trails of various advertising networks. However, users are not explicitly asked to choose to share these data or to explain whether they will benefit from them when the data are profitable.” Datum will have the opportunity to benefit from the value already created by the user data.

  Datum网络目前拥有8万用户,自12月底Datum App上线以来,用户已收集150万个DAT虚拟币,总额约为75,000美元。

The Datum network, which currently has 80,000 users, has collected 1.5 million DAT virtual coins, totalling approximately $75,000, since Datum App was online at the end of December.

  去中心化内容分发网络Gladius通过一个节点流出的每千兆字节带宽获得的GLA虚拟币可以交易0.03美元(然而,该公司的网站声明这是根据有利市场条件估算的结果)。一个网络上传速度为30 Mbps的网络连接,如果拥有者每天可以将其网络共享8小时则大约可以获利49美元。



What are the costs and risks?


In most cases, you have already paid for the resources that are shared on the block chain, whether in hard disk storage space, central processors or broadband (in the case of low-speed broadband, sharing is unwise) and have to consider the cost of electricity for computer operations, which largely depends on their geographical location.


Social platforms and data-sharing platforms would not have additional costs, but a balance must be struck between sharing personal data and protecting privacy.


There is a real risk that the price of a virtual currency will continue to fluctuate, and that the same virtual currency may double its value overnight, or shrink by 50%. This means that you have to make a choice, whether to hold it or to cash it.


In addition, there is always a risk of fraud and project failure, which disappear empty of the user's funds and resources and leave the user with no recourse.

  区块链专家和DigiByte创始人Jared Tate说:“区块链顶端的那些资源分享平台项目,能够允许用户掌控自己的数据并从中获益,无疑是未来最赚钱最成功的项目。”然而,Tate也指出:“很多现在的资源分享平台都还处在项目评审环节,是永远无法被规模化的。现在你看到的大部分项目都活不过5年。有些项目甚至没有软件支撑,只是一些白皮书文件和罗列在网站上看起来高大上的图表。”一些用户仅仅通过分析项目市值评估项目,Tate认为这种衡量项目可行性的方式不可取。他警告称:“一些项目的市值是被开发者,提前加入者或者具有欺骗性的虚拟币数量人为夸大的。”



How can the liquidity of the tokens be addressed?


Another challenge that users have to deal with is how to deal with the money they earn from resources. For example, the Stotj tokens that you rent free hard disk space can only be used to rent storage space for other users. But the problem is that you do not lack storage space; otherwise, you will not rent it to others.


In addition, some platforms have a variety of economic patterns, and users can make multiple transactions using tokens. For example, users on the decentralised stream media service platform, Flixxo, can share free disk space and bandwidth, get web content, earn replacement currency, and then buy video from the platform.


In addition, the legal digital currencies used by buyers and sellers vary widely, so users usually have to use online exchange to complete transactions. The process of exchange is slow and complex, and there are transactional fees, which vary from one platform to another.


In addition, there is a decentralized mobile network based on the Etherum block chain, called Bancor. Users can use the network’s own token BNT for exchange of other tokens, but there are no buyers or sellers. For example, renting free CPU time on IExec earns RLC tokens, and buying a virtual real-life experience on Bancor for converting the Decentraland platform’s token MAA.


There are dozens of convertible tokens on the Bancor platform, and more are planned to be introduced in the future.

  Bancor的联合创始人Galia Benartzi称,此种数学流动性解决方案旨在促进长尾代币的发展,令用户产生的货币可立即用于交易,而无需达到大量交易数额才能上市流动。优质代币会不断涌现,劣质代币将被淘汰,但各种代币,都值得一试。

The co-founder of Bancor, Galia Benartzi, said that the mathematical liquidity solution was designed to promote the development of long-tailing coins, allowing the currency generated by users to be traded immediately, without having to reach a large volume of transactions to move on to the market. Quality tokens will emerge, and poor-quality tokens will be eliminated, but all of them are worth a try.

(责任编辑:孔丽君 )

(Responsible Editor: Kong Lijun)


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