
资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:82 评论:0
   “傻逼太多了!傻逼的共识也是共识……有共识也会产生价值!”& nbsp; & & ldquao; fools too many! The stupid consensus...



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& nbsp; & & ldquao; fools too many! The stupid consensus is also consensus & Hellip; & Hellip; consensus can be valuable! & & rdquao;


& & ldquo; & Hellip; & Hellip; & Hellip; & Hellip; & Hollip; & Biggest in the land, don't watch you now scold all those bastards & Hellip; & Hellip; & & & & & ldquao;


On the evening of 3 July, a recording of & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & was released. This 53-minute conversation involved Li's own assessment of the big twigs, as well as his own opinion of the troupe, causing instability in the rim.


& & ldquo; cabbage & rdquao; the common language of the stock market, which means that a portion of the stock market is lost and the Forces nouvelles joins the stock market, as in the case of cabbage, which quickly grows again.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange multi-currency {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}


Li was told to have 30,000 bitcoins, and in just six years, his personal wealth rose from 3 million to 10 billion, with a book entitled The Way to Wealth Freedom. Used to be a new Eastern lecturer, a self-mediaman.


Not long ago, Li was criticized as a fake rich man for having 30,000 bitcoins that were borrowed and now released.


Lee laughs on the tape, saying that Ripple, NEO, Possibilities are stupid projects, and that the Zhao Chang Ping are bad and have a black history with Xu stars. & ldquo; a fraud exchange called Yuan An; a liar named Sun Woo-morning & rdquao.


In addition, Li laughed and said that the old cat used to be nobody, and he set the old cat on fire. The first thing he did was air coins. He sold the first six months because he was a simple liar.


In response, the founder of the union said that the liars were all liars, the fools were fools, and I knew where the fools were, and decided to stick with the fools. In addition, the founder of the band, Sun Woo, posted a tweet: “ I heard that I was shot again.


  但随后,李笑来发布微博称,自己私下里说话的时候,脏话很多。“我也喜欢研究各种语言中说脏话的方式。公开场合尽量不说脏话是为了照顾大多数人情绪;私下,不用照顾我自己的情绪。 ”

But then Li laughed and posted a tweet saying that he had a lot of bad words when he spoke in private. & ldquo; I also liked to study the way in which he spoke in various languages. Publicly, it was best not to say dirty words to take care of the emotions of most people; privately, not to take care of my emotions. & rdquo;


exposes the dark side of the currency > /strong


Li laughter says that the greatest value of a block chain is the value of consensus. You cannot blindly believe & ldquao; value investment & rdquao;


In the area of currency production, Li laughter also summarized some & ldquo; & & & rdquao; & & & & & & & & & & & ; the founders of the block chain have to be at least a red, and the flow is the core competitive, and the rest is bullshit.


In response to the rise of the Etherayas, Li laughter is due to the central bank’s sudden restrictions on the exchange’s bitcoins, which have led to the flow of funds to Etheria.


Li laughed and said that the driving force behind the future of wealth came from the fact that he was the first, not the one to be overstepped, so he had to do it fast.


After the recording came to light, the current chairman of Pancities Holdings Ltd. and Pancities Capital, &quat; fast cabling & quot; founder Chen Weissung, &ldquao, & & ldquao; the way to freedom of wealth is to organize a fan community and send them a coin in exchange for their money. &rsquao; & & & rdquao;


I have to say that Li smiled at an & ldquao; recorded & & rdquao; and inspired a multi-layer wave in the currency circle, making more people realize how messy it is.


"strong" is a tumultuous currency market, and investors should move away from the rich mentality .

  区块链已是2018年度热词的有力候选,自年初起便一直是全城热议的话题。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)近日发布的《2018全球代币市场专题研究报告》显示,有七成的网民对于中国代币市场抱有兴趣,其中31.2%愿意了解相关资讯,7.7%愿意深入了解与学习;还有46.2%的网民希望通过国家相关机构的行业报告来了解中国代币市场。

The block chain has been a powerful candidate for the 2018 term, and has been the subject of much debate throughout the city since the beginning of the year. ii Media Research (Egyptian consultation) recently published a thematic study on the 2018 global currency market, which shows that 70% of the netizens are interested in the Chinese currency market, 31.2% of whom are willing to learn about it and 7.7% are willing to learn more about it; and 46.2% of the netizens want to learn about the Chinese money market through industry reports from relevant national institutions.


According to Egypt’s consulting analysts, as seen in the May 2018 feature, the currency market is still highly volatile, and the exchange’s collection of daily fees and manipulation of the market needs to be regulated. While current developments and developments in the currency market have attracted the attention of the authorities, regulations have not been put in place, and the nature of the encrypted digital currency has not been legally defined.


In addition, many investors now have a tyrannical mind to enter the money market, but they tend to lose their blood. Parliamentary analysts argue that adjustment of the investor mentality is also an important part of the solution to the currency market turmoil.


, the main recording of Li's laughter is as follows:

  1. 以太坊的崛起是因为央行突然限制交易所的比特币提现,从而导致资金流向以太坊。因为资金是单向流动,从而让以太坊价格不断上涨,实际与以太坊的社区和领导力没有什么关系。

1. The rise of Ether was due to the central bank’s sudden restrictions on the exchange’s Bitcoin, which led to the flow of funds to Ether. The fact that money was a one-way flow allowed Ether’s prices to rise has nothing to do with Ether’s community and leadership.

  2. 瑞波核心团队都走光,若干个联合创始人都把币砸光,著名投行软银进来看了一圈公开表示支持,项目价值就涨上天了。

2. The core of the Ripper team went out, several of the co-founders smashed the currency, and the famous investment bank came in to see a circle of public expressions of support, raising the value of the project to heaven.

  3. 不要盲目的相信“价值投资”。如果你随波逐流地认为价值投资是对的,那你注定是个平庸的人。

Do not blindly believe in & ldquao; value investment & & rdquao; and if you think value investment is right at all times, you are destined to be a mediocre man.

  4. 做区块链项目要想成功,第一要想办法成为有流量的人,然后善用自己的流量;第二个是你要成为有技术团队的人,没有技术也需要想办法。区块链的价值里最大的价值叫共识价值。项目不值钱,但是信的人那么多,到最后就值钱了。

4. For a block chain project to succeed, first it must be managed to become a man with a flow and then to use his own flow; second it must be done if you want to be a person with a technical team, without technology. The value of the block chain is the value of consensus.

  5. 不管投机还是投资,赚到钱的才是成功,你投资也可以失败,你投机也可以成功。

5. Whether it is speculation or investment, it is success that earns money, you can fail to invest, and you can succeed in speculation.

  6. 中间环节是一定会被干掉的,区块链事件不就是减少中间环节的嘛。过去融资三个月,现在融资五分钟;过去上交易所就纽交所18个月,现在人家同意直接上,不同意那看不到。所以中间环节是一定会被干掉的。

6. The intermediate link is bound to be eliminated, and the block chain incident is meant to reduce the intermediate link.

  7. 实现财富自由之后做事的驱动力来自于好奇心和做过第一。长期做过第一的人,都有一样的心态,想继续成为第一。

7. The driving force behind the freedom of wealth comes from curiosity and being first. Those who have been first for a long time share the same mindset and want to remain first.

  8. 我们做了交易所toB服务,把交易所变成跟开博客一样,起个名字,找个域名,点几下鼠标,就开了。2013年就想人人都能开交易所,这才是未来的方向。

8. We made an exchange toB service, turned the exchange into a blog, named, got a domain name, clicked a few mouse points, and started. That's the way to the future.

  9. 去中心化不是要消灭掉所有公司。我们对那种概念的去中心化交易所是不感冒的,我们认为更小的多个中心已经是去中心化。

9. Decentralization is not meant to destroy all companies. Our decentralized exchange of that concept is not cold, and we believe that smaller centres have been decentralized.

  10. 区块链世界的特点跟之前的互联网一样,得屌丝者得天下,散户最牛X,别看你现在天天骂散户,就是他供养你,你骂人家干嘛。

10. The block chain world, like the previous Internet, is characterized by the need for the world's most popular, displacing X without regard to the fact that he is the one who provides for you and why are you yelling at others.




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