
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:33 评论:0
作者邹传伟,万向区块链首席经济学家  author Zou Wei, chief economist in the chain of blocks ˃ nbsp; 以下观点整理自邹传伟在中国宏观...



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author Zou Wei, chief economist in the chain of blocks > nbsp;


The following is a compilation of the contributions of Zou Wei Wei to the China Macroeconomic Forum (CMF) Workshop on Macroeconomic Hotspots (No. 20).


Definition of Central Bank Digital Currency?


Central banks’ digital currencies (CBDCs) are wholesale and retail. Whole-sized central banks’ digital currencies are not felt by ordinary people in reality, because they are used only between central banks and commercial banks, and address the efficiency enhancement of the wholesale payment system managed by central banks; their applications are also wholesale financial transactions, such as bond processing and simultaneous cross-border payments.


In short, the future shape of the legal currency, in addition to the banknotes in the purses of the people, will be followed by a digital renminbi in the wallets. It is a change in currency patterns, but the credit behind it remains the credit of the Central Bank, whose value and current cash are fully equivalent. For the scope of use, digital renminbi is theoretically available wherever cash, bank cards, or third parties can be used. In addition, digital renminbi has a better financial inclusion, i.e. it can be made less dependent on bank accounts and more open. There are now many people in the country who do not have bank accounts and become so-called &ldquao; those who are not served by the financial system & & rdqua; and the digital renminbi does not need a bank account as a vehicle to achieve better financial inclusion.


The impact of the central bank's digital currency on existing monetary policy, financial stability and macroeconomics?


The issue is complex and has been discussed internationally for a long time. From global research and practice, consensus on central banks’ digital currencies has emerged.


Central bank digital currencies fall within the category of central bank currencies, in which retail central bank digital currencies replace cash, with wholesale central bank digital currencies and deposit reserves on an equal footing. The distribution model of central bank digital currencies is a key issue, with the central bank digital currencies of major countries, including my own, falling into “ conversion to & & rdquo on demand; and in a way that, based on 100% of reserves, the distribution process involves only internal restructuring of the central bank’s balance sheet and does not have the effect of expanding it. I think that, theoretically or operationally, it is very unlikely that the central bank’s digital currency will extend to M1 and M2 in the future. & nbsp;


The impact of central banks’ digital currency on financial stability and monetary policy is complex, depending mainly on whether it is a monist or a binary model. The monist model refers to the direct distribution of central banks’ digital currency to the public, which has a very strong impact on commercial banks.


Could negative interest rates be achieved through central banks’ digital currencies, or even using central banks’ digital currency rates as a new monetary policy tool? In international practice, whether wholesale or retail central banks’ digital currencies are generally inclined to pay no interest.


The characteristics of the monetary economy of central banks’ digital currencies are discussed above. There are many new technical attributes to central banks’ digital currencies. These technical attributes, although not much discussed in the economics world, are actually very central to central banks’ digital currencies, with significant implications for monetary and payment systems, as well as for financial stability and financial regulation.


The Token, Libra (renamed Diem), and the central bank’s digital currencies in many countries are the Token type. The Token character is to achieve a digital world that is both similar to and beyond cash. Of course, the Token value base of the central bank’s digital currency is & ldquo; a 100% reserve distribution & & rdquo; and next, the difference between the account and the Token type is discussed from several dimensions.


The first dimension of is management. , whether bank accounts or third-party payment accounts, is centrally managed, and users are required to identify themselves, such as providing identification information and cell numbers. The Token type can actually be decentralised, and users simply need to prove that they know certain specific information, such as the private key in cryptography. This is the basis on which we are discussing the use of central bank digital money for financial inclusion today, because it can be looser and more open to bank accounts.


The second dimension of is the real name requirement. The current financial system of has a real name system, and although there are accounts in categories I, II and III, it is in the real name category. This creates an Internet payment situation in which the Internet platform can access user information through payments, resulting in a greater degree of data monopoly being discussed. The Token type allows for controlled anonymity, although it is less anonymous than cash, but better than bank accounts and third-party payments, which is an anonymous protection for ordinary people.


For example, cross-line transfers involve transactions between two commercial banks, which are carried out by adjusting their accounts in the central bank. In the Token type, however, any two people can theoretically deal directly at the point where the transaction is natural across borders, which is the basis for today’s discussion of the Token-type central bank digital currency for cross-border payments.


These technical attributes affect the application of central banks’ digital money as a financial inclusion tool, as a privacy protection tool, and as a cross-border payment tool. Changes in technology bring a very rich policy significance that deserves great attention.


Now, wholesale central bank digital money does not pose a major problem for monetary policy and macro-policy. The current world-tested wholesale central bank digital currency has applied alliance-chain technology. One of the main objectives is to test the possibility of improving the current wholesale total real-time settlement system (RTGS). The results of the tests prove that wholesale central bank digital money supports full-time settlements in real time, and that liquidity savings mechanisms can be achieved in a decentralized environment (LSM).


There is a central issue for retail central bank digital money: what is the relationship between central banks, commercial banks, and market institutions represented by third-party payment agencies? The issue is more complex, involving institutional arrangements for retail central bank digital currency clearing, how to play the role of the private sector, and how foreign users will hold and use retail central bank digital currency in the future.


According to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), retail central bank digital currency is divided mainly into direct, indirect, and hybrid types. Much is now discussed now, i.e., commercial banks are directed to the public, commercial banks conduct KYC (& ldquo; know your user & rdquo;) review and process retail payments, while wholesale payments are handled by central banks.


In general, retail central bank digital currency will provide retail payment conveniences, have a point-to-point payment function similar to cash, and open inclusive features are more visible, which can theoretically be better used in situations like cross-border payments. Indirect or hybrid program design will help to ease the pressure on central banks, as well as mobilize market agency incentives to better promote the use of central bank digital currency.


Prospects for the future of digital money?

第一,与Big Tech的关系。最近不管是欧洲、美国还是中国,都在加强对Big Tech的监管,特别对Big Tech的金融科技业务。这个问题有几个细分维度。首先,数字人民币作为零售支付工具,会怎样改变零售支付市场格局,特别是对支付宝和微信等大平台有多大影响,是否会促进零售支付市场的公平竞争,这些都是很值得关注的问题。需要看到,目前我国的二维码收单体系和场景拓展前期主要由Big Tech公司建设,数字人民币在应用推广中需要充分利用这些基础工作。其次,如果未来数字人民币支付的全量数据只有中国人民银行才掌握,对基于大数据的信贷会造成什么样的影响,也尚待观察。

First, how the digital renminbi, as a retail payment tool, will change the pattern of retail payment markets, particularly with regard to large platforms such as payment treasures and micro-credits, and whether it will promote fair competition in the retail payment market. It is a matter of concern to see that the current two-dimensional billing system and the pre-scenario expansion of the country are largely built by Big Tech, and that the digital renminbi needs to be fully utilized in its application and promotion.


Second, whether the purse of the digital renminbi can “ from & rdquo; not just & & & rdquo; from person & & rdquo;. The wallet of the digital renminbi is currently held by people, but it is a pine-coup account, which can theoretically be held by objects. The People’s Bank of China has tested the use of the digital renminbi in charge posts.


Theoretically, a digital renminbi can load a number of smart contract applications, such as the payment of specified amounts to specified users under specified conditions. Such an intelligent contract setting would avoid the influence of some intermediaries.


The internationalization of the renminbi is primarily an institutional, not a technical, issue, but the digital renminbi will facilitate the possession and use of the renminbi by foreign users. In the future, different countries will introduce their own central banks’ digital currencies, together with the global stable currency, represented by Libra, which will allow them to move across borders, creating problems of standard coordination and connectivity.




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