
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:65 评论:0
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The new wave's latest social APP “Oasis” has introduced digital asset droplets. Although the product is or is suspected of being copied by Logo, its use of block chain elements is of interest to the market.


Regular buy-back planning for “drips” may be new to the Internet, but the currency and chain circles immediately suggest the destruction and deflation of digital currency games.


Repurchase of “water droplets” has also removed the oasis product from the limitations of the past system of fractions in Internet products, and the asset attributes that create scarce value added have become apparent.


Over the years, the implantation of transient incentives has been increasing on a number of Internet giants and their products, and the incentive systems in the block chain economy have allowed some flow-type products to see breakthroughs.


However, as the block chain fades, incentives for a lack of circulation can only be found within the system, with the equivalent of a coupon for goods or services, with a slightly weaker value, and a free flow of assets is highly likely to lead to the risk of regulation.


The “passports” in Internet products face an awkward situation of being unable to “go out”, as do a group of pioneers, such as TYT, Thunderbusters and WiFi shared rice, who are now facing the same problems as businesses that are interested in creating a merciless economic ecology.


The droplets introduce deflationary mode


On 4 September, a new wave-blogging social APP “Oasis”, just one day online, was laid down, which, according to some sources, may be linked to a suspected copying of Logo.


Originally, it was a photo social platform similar to Instagram’s little red book, with much of the attention focused on the Internet loop. As the block chain element “water drops” were embedded in the internal measurement function, the “Oasis” quickly drew the attention of the currency circle users.


In terms of design mechanisms, “drops” are trying to remove the limitations of internal integrals.


Officially, the droplets are digital assets within the oasis social network that generate storage based on decentralised models.


The original droplets have natural Token properties such as payments, decentralised storage, platform certificates of interest.


On the surface, the droplets are more like a system-carried component incentive system, similar to the ant forest, and the longer the user uses the APP, the more energy the user acquires. But, in practice, the official is also supported by repurchases that give it a specific asset value.


In the APP, Oasis indicates that droplets are purchased on an irregular basis for ecological construction. And the official states, inter alia, that "the size of the droplets is limited, the active values are higher, the more the droplets are distributed."


Oasis will buy droplets on an irregular basis.


Repurchases are not new in currency circles, but are first applied to exchange platform currencies. In theory, repurchases reduce the flow of assets on the market and stimulate price increases.


Although the oasis does not explicitly refer to the sum of “drops” and the source of benefits of buy-backs, it appears from today's official public planning that the “drops” have moved away from a simple system of credits and have moved closer to the attributes of the assets.


The official deflationary value of “drips” has rekindled the debate on the mediocre eco-enhanced Internet. As a result of microblogging’s market position in the social sphere, the Oasis has reached the AppleStore Hot Top3 list within 24 hours of coming online, and is of interest to the market.


Internet companies prefer union chains


Eternal upgrading is the norm in the development of the Internet, and in these two years block chains have become a new area in the configuration of many businesses.


Decentralization, transparency in information openness, and non-manufacturing, coupled with reasonable incentives, under the mediocre ecology, allows projects with real application needs to see breakthroughs in increasing user activity.


GoFun, a shared automobile product launched by the First Steam Group for mobile travel, became the country's first company to register block chain services in March of this year.


GoFun uses the slogan “car or mine mining”, whereby users complete their daily tasks by car, sign in, invite friends, etc., and generate a corresponding amount of energy credits, which can be converted into the corresponding coupons.


Today, on the GoFun network, users can click on the first-page navigation bar, the block chain, and jump to the GF Chain block chain browser to search for basic information, illegal records, risk logs, user behaviour, vehicle information, etc. The data show that, as of 4 September, at 13:55, the number of GF Chain blocks was 2966,0359, with each block size 0.61kB.


GF Chain Block Browser


GoFun, for its part, indicated that it was a chain of alliances based on the opening of the Tai Wan and that wallet technology was mature.


According to 36 kryptons, in April of this year, GoFun ranked first on the monthly monthly list of car rentals.


More than just GoFun, which includes platforms such as “go-trace” with smooth speeds, first-ever block-chain marketing and management cloud computing, there is now a desire to use a “passport” to improve the incentive chain and complete the re-engineering and upgrading of business models.


On 30 March, the National Internet Information Office issued the Internal Block Chain Information Service Registry Numbers, which published the first 197 block chain projects registered with the Web-based Information Office.


Among them, there are many well-known giants, such as ants in gold, tethers, Haile and others, whose technologies relate to areas of vital relevance to public life, such as food, clothing and housing.


The giants, on the one hand, deliberately bypass the regulatory bottom line of “currency finance” and, on the other hand, re-engage and take the lead in their respective areas of focus.


Overseas enterprises have also noted this innovation, with well-known platforms, including Facebook, Telegram, Signal, Kakao and Line, targeting the sector of block chains and digital money and publishing their plans to create a mediocre ecology.


with built-in hyphenation and lack of value to support


In fact, not only did the giant Internet companies notice this innovation, and as early as 2017, a number of Internet “legacy” began to work on economic models in an attempt to create a decentralized meso-economy.


At the end of 2017, the urn-level UGC Community Careers Forum announced the launch of the TYT, which allows users to earn the TYT through creative, praising and other incentives, in addition to incubating the industry chain of Hi Chain in the original content community. At present, TYTToken can trade on trading platforms such as MXC, BiKi, etc.


During almost the same period, a private cloud was launched, using the Pow algorithm of Bitcoin, using 1.5 billion dollars in digital assets generated by the Bounty Clouds, to cut production by half every 365 days. Two months later, an encrypted currency trading platform was on the line.


In addition, platforms with a large number of authors, such as video clips of people on the verge of crossing points, have been placed on the “car” of the block chain and, to a greater or lesser extent, have gained short market exposure.


Now, two years later, when it comes to mediocre ecology, there is nothing more bright than a system of incentives attached to it, and mining patterns are very different, with well-known Internet companies such as Cyber Planet and the WiFi chain, all trying to step on their feet. As the market fades away, so too, is its survival.


For example, on March 14, 2018, the rice product “encrypted rabbit” tested the water block chain, with encrypt rabbits, radishes, F-codes being the integral form of the game, and radish and F-coded encrypted rabbits. More than a year has passed, and the APP is still in the internal measurement phase.


One year on line sharing WiFi is still a test version


With the demise of the pioneers, a real problem has come to light, relying solely on the incentive systems and games accumulated on a daily basis, and the heat of later stages of the project is often unsustainable. No one can come, and the vast ecological blueprints end up on paper.


It has been pointed out by practitioners that most of these Internet products are implanted with hysteria, no pain, and do not take into account the real need for technology to introduce block chains. And this is what many of the platforms in the area of block chains are facing now.


Undeniably, the advent of the trancheon economy has opened up new opportunities for some second-class platforms in the context of head-to-head feeding in the flow age. And the challenge is not just to create an original incentive, but, more importantly, to find business-matched and available passivation values.

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