买下一台二手电脑,发现里面有 130 个比特币,我该怎么办?

资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:57 评论:0
在美国知识社区 Quora 问答社区中出现了这样一个好似白日做梦的问题—In the American knowledge community, Quora, a question a...



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在美国知识社区 Quora 问答社区中出现了这样一个好似白日做梦的问题—

In the American knowledge community, Quora, a question and answer community has come up with this kind of daydreaming question:

「买下一台二手电脑,发现里面有 130 个比特币,我该怎么办?」


Although the question is similar to "what about winning the first prize in the body color, what is the rush, online etc.", it has led to a heated and serious discussion among a crowd of eaters.

以下四位答主贡献了数百个讨论中最有代表性的几类意见,能让你明白大家面对突如其来的 600 多万人民币的数字资产时的态度:

The following four respondents contributed the most representative categories of ideas in hundreds of discussions to make you aware of your attitude in the face of a sudden digital asset of more than 6 million yuan:


Private possession of another person's bitcoin is a crime.

答主 1:一位虚拟货币狂热分子

answered 1: A virtual currency fanatic

首先,你不太可能真的能从一台电脑里面发现比特币,因为所有的比特币都存在于公共区块链上。但是你有可能会从旧电脑里面发现一个钱包 App,或者是一个私钥,有了它你可以访问包含了 130 个比特币的比特币地址。

First of all, you're unlikely to really find bitcoin from a computer, because all bitcoin is on the public block chain. But you might find a wallet app from an old computer, or a private key, with which you can access a bitcoin address containing 130 bitcoins.

注意了,以下皆为我使用的假设语境。假设你真的在一台旧电脑上找到了 130 个比特币,最有可能的情况是这台电脑的前主人是一位技术老手,一个比特币的早期投资者,而且在他新换的电脑系统中仍然保有这个私钥的副本。

Note, the following scenario is all for me. Assuming that you actually found 130 bitcoins on an old computer, most likely the former owner of the computer was a technologist, an early investor in bitcoin, and still has a copy of the private key in his new computer system.

一旦他发现自己的比特币被人转移到了另一个地址,他将花费余生对你进行追踪 (以及他的 100 万美元)。如果他以失窃报了案,那么当你试图在一个比特币交易平台将其兑换成现金时,很可能被捕并且去蹲大牢。

Once he finds out that his bitcoin has been transferred to another address, he will spend the rest of his life tracking you (and his $1 million). If he's reported the case as stolen, then when you try to convert it into cash on a bitcoin trading platform, you are likely to be arrested and put in jail.


If you want to be a person of high moral character, you want to be able to notify the original owner of the money that his private key has been leaked, and there is still a way. You can transfer a few (but enough to attract attention) bitcoin to a new address, and then wait quietly for weeks or months.


The owner of this wealth may notice that his bitcoin has become smaller, thus alerting him to the existence of security concerns and to the timely transfer of the bitcoin to different addresses.


That is to say, if the original owner was careless enough to leave his Bitcoin wallet in the old computer, it would be very likely that you would find his personal information on the hard drive and that it would not be difficult to try to inform him.


If you want to take the bitcoin as your own and not be sent to jail, you can transfer all the bitcoin to a new address, then use an anonymous or decentralised trading platform to convert the bitcoin into Monroe (note: virtual currency that cannot be traced) through a number of small transactions, and then convert it back into bitcoin.


Since it is not possible to trace encrypted currency on the Monroe block chain (which is different from Bitcoin), no one can track your track. However, if you convert virtual currency into a large cash deposit into a bank account, it is likely to attract the attention of the authorities.


If you cannot prove that you purchased or dug up these bitcoins, it is likely that they will be investigated by the authorities on suspicion of money-laundering or cyber theft.


The most likely way for you to take possession of this wealth without being involved in the law is to spend a lot of small amounts of these bitcoins for Internet shopping. Or to use quick and simple ways to divide the bitcoins into small pieces and convert them into cash.


If you choose the latter path, then get ready for the day of shock. Even if you cover up all your tracks on the web and the block chain, the owner of this wealth may find you by tracking the location of the old computer that you sold.


A man will do everything in his power to recover such a large amount of bitcoin that he has lost.


答主 2:一名银行软件开发者

responder 2: A bank software developer


In exchange for cash, of course.

别听那些人瞎说这里面存在什么法律问题。不存在的。你买了一台二手电脑,这就意味着里面的软件和文件的所有权也是你的了。甭管是电脑里面装的 Photoshop 还是 MS Office,亦或是其他的应用,都归你了。

Don't listen to those people saying there's a legal problem in there. It doesn't exist. You bought a second-hand computer, which means you own the software and documents in it. Forget about the Photoshop or MS Office, or other applications.

这很好理解,就好比你买了一栋房子或者一辆车,然后发现里面有些隐藏着的遗留物品。曾经有人在自己的阁楼上发现了一副梵高的原画,还有人在自己买下的屋子里发现了价值 3000 美元的漫画书。

It's understandable, like you bought a house or a car, and you found something hidden in it. Someone found a van Gogh painting in his attic, and someone found a comic book worth $300 in the house they bought.

一名加州男子曾经在自己屋内的地毯下发现了一枚稀有的铝制硬币,这个硬币价值 20 万美元。还有人在自家后院里挖出了 15 万美元的钞票。

A Californian man once found a rare aluminium coin under the carpet in his house, worth $200,000. Another man dug up $150,000 in his backyard.


Countless people found rare coins, cash and various other valuables in the attic, pipelines or walls.


On another occasion, a man bought a book at a second-hand bookshop and found $20,000 in it.


In all the above-mentioned cases, the persons found had become legitimate owners of the windfall wealth because they had paid for the “container” containing the wealth.


In your case, computers are just a container. You legally buy this hardware and the software it contains, so these bitcoins are yours.


Note, however, that if you exchange these bitcoins for cash, you must declare them as income and pay taxes for them, which is your only legal obligation.


White these bitcoins with three computers

答主 3:把自己的比特币在 700 美元价位就全部卖出的伤心人

"Strong" says 3, "Sold all your bitcoins at the price of 700 dollars."

赶紧更新钱包客户端,确认这笔钱确实存在于钱包里。将它们转移到一个网络安全钱包里去,从你现有的电脑里删除旧钱包以及 ID 文件。

Update the wallet client to confirm that the money is actually in the wallet. Move it into a network security wallet and remove old wallets and ID files from your existing computer.


Get rid of this computer.


And then buy a brand-new computer, download a new bitcoin wallet, and transfer the bitcoin from the network security wallet to your wallet, and then transfer the bitcoin back to the network security wallet.


Throw away the new computer too.


Buy another computer in cash, don't log it in your own identity, use another person's. Do not register any personal information. Download Bitcoin's core wallet, re-register an online security wallet, and transfer it to the newly registered online security wallet again.


And then throw away your new computer again.

在扔掉三台电脑之后,你终于可以进行最后一步了,购买 Trezor 这个可保安全的硬件钱包,将你的比特币保存在这个冷钱包里。好了,现在这笔比特币已经清清白白地属于你了。

After throwing away three computers, you can finally take a final step, buy Tresor, a secure hardware wallet, and keep your bitcoin in this cold wallet. Well, now, this bitcoin belongs to you.

将你的比特币小批量长间隔地卖出(间隔 24 个月乃至更长时间,每次只卖 5-10 个),或者是将它们在你当地的比特币交易平台上打折卖出,如果你狠得下心,打折幅度达到 10-15% 也不是不行。

Sell your little bitcoins at long intervals (24 months or more, only 5-10 at a time) or sell them at a discount on your local bitcoin trading platform, and if you're mean, it's 10-15 percent.

类似的事情三年前也发生在我身上,但是我把比特币在 700 美元的时候就卖掉了,真希望我没有干过这种蠢事。所以你也不必把所有比特币都一次性卖出,卖几个让自己手头有点钱花花就行了。

The same thing happened to me three years ago, but I sold bitcoin at $700, and I wish I hadn't done anything like this. So you don't have to sell all bitcoins once and for all, just sell a few to spend some money on your hands.


If you're going to have to change your hand to cash and give an excellent discount (25%), then you'd better find a trusted next door, or there's gonna be a lot of trouble.


It's dawn. Wake up from your dreams. It's time to move the bricks.

答主 4:一个虚拟货币相关创业者

Answerer 4: A virtual currency-related entrepreneur


To this bitcoin fan and the day-to-day dreamer:


Bitcoin can't be "discovered" in a computer. You have a chance (but it is unlikely) to find a private key or a bitcoin wallet, a private key that is a path that you can connect to decentralizing the bitcoin block chain.

如果你真的掌握了这笔 130 个比特币的私钥,我觉得下面几步是应该做的:

If you really have this 130 bitcoin private key, I think the next few steps should be done:

第一步,下单订购一个冷钱包(Trezor 或者 Nano Ledger)),这样你就能在不连入区块链的情况下保证这笔财富的安全。

The first step is to order a cold wallet (Trezor or Nano Ledger) so that you can secure the wealth without being connected to the block chain.


Step two, create a network wallet account and transfer bitcoin there until the hardware wallet you ordered arrives.


Step three, learn from the mainstream virtual currency and block chain projects.


Step four, create a trading account that will allow you to convert these virtual currencies into French in the future.


Step five, teach yourself what you can to be a good man and how to be a smart investor. You are advised to read "Babil's Treasure" and "Pitangari Yoga." It's not the same thing to miss one-night rich and earn money honestly, which could turn into a curse.


Step six, learning how to give, share, give and love.

第七步,从找到了 130 个比特币的美梦中醒来,按一下手机屏幕上的「小睡」,或者干脆点起床去为自己打拼吧。

Step seven, wake up from a dream that found 130 bitcoins, press the "sleeping" on the screen of the phone, or just get up and fight for yourself.


Looking at the answer, I'm trying to get a second-hand computer, and after all, "everyone has a great dream." returned to the fox to see more .





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