最新整理 | 各地纷纷出台政策 加快推动区块链技术和产业创新发展

资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:61 评论:0



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The growing frequency of block chains in government reports by local governments is seen as a major contribution to accelerating the high-quality development of traditional physical industries and modern services. To date, according to incomplete statistics, 22 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under central authority) have included block chains in their report on government work for 2020, covering not only the north, but also the central and western provinces of Chongqing and Gansu, which have seen the chains as a new race to overturn the economy.


Of these, seven provinces and municipalities, including Beijing, Guangdong and Shandong, also mentioned the direction of the application of the local block chain, in which e-government became a common claim.




22 Provinces and municipalities included block chains in the Government's 2020 report, and e-government became an important layout direction


As an important part of the digital economy, block chains are increasingly present in government reports of local governments, which are seen as a major contribution to accelerating the high-quality development of traditional physical industries and modern services. The value of block chains has gained unprecedented recognition and importance throughout the country. According to journalists, 22 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under central authority) have so far included sector chains in government reports for the year 2020, covering not only the north, but also the central and western provinces of Chongqing and Gansu, which have seen the chain as a new race for economic overturns. According to government reports, most local governments view the chain as a technical enabler for the optimal upgrading of local industries, a new growth point in the digital economy, and have set more specific targets for the development of regional chains.


The Hunan Department of Industry and Communications approved the establishment of the Hunan Province Block Chain Industrial Park


On 27 February, the Hunan Province Department of Industry and Informatization approved a request for the declaration of the Hunan Province Block Chain Industry Park, for the office of the National Model Advancement Group for Block Chain Research and Application, in Loudy City, and agreed to establish the Hunan Province Block Chain Industry Park (Lou Diwanbao) in the new Hundi District.


The approval document states that it is hoped that “block chain industrial parks” will fully play the important role of block chain technology in the development of the digital economy, the construction of manufacturing provinces, etc., by focusing further on the main thrusts of the campaign, increasing investment, building the industrial ecology of the block chain, accelerating industrial convergence and making a new contribution to the development of technology and industrial innovation in the block chain throughout the province.


Zhejiang Provincial Council Advocacy Department: accelerating the application of technologies such as block chains in cultural industries


In response to the negative impact of the current epidemic on the development of cultural industries in my province, the Zhejiang Provincial Council's Advocacy Department has recently issued an opinion (hereinafter referred to as “the Opinion”), which states that 16 specific measures have been proposed to support cultural enterprises in their efforts to prevent and control the epidemic and to promote the resumption of work in an orderly manner, with a view to achieving a smooth and healthy development, including:
the development of a new culture of digital culture. Taking advantage of our provincial digital economy, we have accelerated the application of new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, block chains, artificial intelligence, etc., in the field of cultural industries.


strong >Suzhou City and City: Enhanced digital currency and block chain research and development applications in 2020


On 26 February, the meeting on the development of the financial sector in the City of Suzhou City was held on the outskirts of Lake Yangqiao in 2020. The Secretary-General of the Council of the City of Sang-dong presented on the spot the objectives of the development of the financial sector in the City of Sang-dong in 2020. In order to optimize the financial sector’s contribution to the region’s economic and social development, it was reported that the city had developed the Plan for the Development of the Science and Technology Industry in the City of Sun City in 2020. In 2020, the district will accelerate the development of innovative highlands in the technological and financial sector, drawing on financial institutions, accelerating the convergence of equity investment agencies, strengthening the development and development of digital money and block chains, improving direct financing channels, and strengthening regional financial risk control.

济南推进“工业互联网+”融合发展体系 抢抓5G、区块链等技术发展风口

Jinan promotes the Industrial Internet+' integrated development system and captures technological developments such as 5G and block chains


On 16 March, at a press conference held by the municipality of the Jinan City Council, the Party Secretary of the Jinan City Industrial and Infochemist Board introduced the Plan of Action for Industrial Innovative Development of the City of Jinan (2020-2022), stating that the Plan of Action focused on integrating development and system advancement. The concept of industrial Internet integration development was firmly established, the industrial Internet integration development system was further refined, the “Industrial Internet+” integration operation was further developed, the industrial Internet+, the industrial Internet+5G, the industrial Internet+ artificial intelligence, the industrial Internet+ block chain, the logo nodes+the industry, etc.; the promotion of applications based on the quality chain of the block chain, the full-process backtrack quality, the credible services of the digital safe, etc., and the exploration of supply chain-chain finance, data security and data asset management applications, and the effective use of the advantages of the industrial Internet in the areas of interconnection, information convergence, optimal movement, geographical synergy, tele-service, etc., and the development of new technologies and industrial Internet integration.


Chengzhou City Municipality: by the end of June, build using “Internet + Government Services” and block chain technology


Recently, the Chengzhou City People's Government has officially issued a circular on the programme of work for real estate registration, transaction and tax collection in Chengzhou City (No. 2020 [2]), which calls for a “higher and faster” requirement for real estate transactions and registration in Zhengzhou. Until the end of June 2020, the Municipal Resource Planning Bureau was responsible for completing the reform of the “Governance and Monetary Cooperation” using “Internet+Government Services” and block-link technology, creating “Jørden” and promoting standardization, integration, building direct interconnection of system data information, interconnecting the credit system of financial institutions, the mortgage contract network filing system with the real estate registration system, sharing of business data, embedding collateral registration links throughout the client loan chain, popular lending operations from application for loans, mortgage registration to lending, seamless integration of the entire process, lending and mortgage registration to a “one thing” requirement.


The United States House of Representatives will hold a hearing to discuss the impact of block chains on small businesses .


The United States House of Representatives Small Business Committee will hold a hearing on the impact of block chains on small businesses on the morning of 4 March, Eastern United States time. The hearing will address the theme “The building blocks of change: the benefits of block chain technologies for small businesses.” The hearing will explore how innovators and entrepreneurs can use block chain technologies to help small businesses increase productivity, increase safety, open new markets and change business practices.

沙特阿拉伯货币局与Misk Academy就区块链、数据隐私等问题进行讨论

Discussions between the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority and Misk Academy on block chains, data privacy, etc.

沙特阿拉伯Misk学院(Misk Academy)与沙特阿拉伯货币局(SAMA)的信息技术部门合作,就“区块链和数据隐私”进行了互动式讨论。讨论内容包含基于信息技术、业务管理和发展的产业领域和联盟中的区块链,以及区块链在协议支持、校对文档和降低业务成本方面的作用。

The Misk College in Saudi Arabia (Misk Academy), in cooperation with the Information Technology Department of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA), held an interactive discussion on “block chains and data privacy.” The discussion included industrial areas based on information technology, business management and development, and blocks chains in alliances, as well as the role of block chains in agreement support, proofreading files and reducing operational costs.


In 2020, Guangdong Province will strengthen the application of new technologies, such as block chains, in the area of government services


The official website of the People's Government of Guangdong Province publishes the Elements of Work for the Development of Digital Government in the Province of Guangdong 2020. The Elements are 36 articles on the six main areas of work: helping to win the battle against the epidemic, building up the digital government's basic capacity, and improving the mechanisms for ensuring digital government reform. The Elements propose to continue to promote the development of cloud, network and data centres, building data-governance co-building, co-management and sharing work patterns, enhancing the application of new technologies, such as block chains, in the area of government services, increasing the core capacity for autonomous innovation, maintaining the security bottom line, and further strengthening the digital government's capacity.


Seafalls set up a leadership group to carry out a series of work in the area of block chain technical services policy


According to the official 100-member programme of work for the deepening of the application of the territorial chain of government services, as called for in the programme of work for the development of the territorial chain of government services, the Beijing municipal district of Haidian recently set up a technical leadership group for the area of government services for the deepening of the application of the block chain, set up a workshop in which the Regional Government Service Authority acted as lead unit, established a working mechanism for joint meetings and operational facilitation meetings, coordinated by high-level regional leaders, and actively participated in the development of the series of applications in the area of territorial chain of government services.


The European block chain service infrastructure has been deployed at .


The deployment of the European Block Chain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) was launched in the first quarter of 2020. The first Belgian node of EBSI became operational on 12 February, while the second node will become operational in the next few weeks. This technology enables users to store and transmit data in a safe and decentralized manner, so the European Commission is committed to providing better services to European citizens.


strang: The Digital Monetary Institute is leading the orderly development of the financial sector block chain standards


On 16 March, in response to a previous release of the Technical Safety Standard for Financial Distributed Books, the Director of the Central Bank's Institute of Digital Monetary Studies, Mu Changchun, in an interview, stated that the People's Bank had planned a system of technical standards for block chains and distributed books, of which the Technical Security Standard for Financial Distributed Books was an important component and was the first standard standard for the country's financial sector. In addition, the Scientific and Technical Division of the People's Bank of China proposed and organized the promotion of technical standards for distributed books, such as the Technical Reference Framework for the Application of Financial Distributed Books and the System for the Evaluation of the Technical Application of Financial Distributed Books and the Financial Standard for Distributed Books, which are currently being developed in an orderly manner under the specific leadership of the Digital Monetary Institute.

北京“监管沙盒”将出台监管细则 应用“出箱”后须由持牌机构经营

Beijing's "Sandbox Control" will have regulatory rules for the use of "out of the box" and will be operated by a licensed institution .


Previously, the Department of Business Management of the Central Bank issued a circular stating that the first six applications of the Beijing “Sandbox Control” pilot would be officially registered for service delivery. The first selected applications were known to involve the use of technology such as networking, artificial intelligence, big data, block chains, and API in the financial field.




{\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} helps Beijing to control the outbreak with precision.


China has helped the city of Beijing to build a catalogue block chain system for the cloud block chain, establishing an orderly correspondence between the city’s 50+ commissions’ responsibilities, catalogues and data, achieving weak management of data itself, resource indexing and robust management of data use through multi-particular real-time data authorization and approval, connecting technical and process barriers in the government inter-departmental data sharing process, being driven, controlled, evaluated by the Beijing directory block chain, addressing the root causes of non-synchronization of cataloguing data, difficulties in sharing, synergization, weak application, and poor security.


Shenzhen City Revenue Department uplink block-link electronic invoice very fast


In order to provide rapid re-entry of block chain electronic invoices to small micro-enterprises, the Shenzhen City Revenue Authority has launched an urgent development programme to optimize the configuration of complex parameters based on the original micro-credit billing function, and has added a scanning opener function. The block chain electronic invoice is fast-tracked in recent days. Enterprises that use the terminal block chain electronic invoice are only registered and configured online so that they can open the block chain electronic invoice qualification at the earliest half hour.


Korea Farmers Association Bank implements the Samsung-supported block chain identification system

韩国农协银行正在与韩国最大无线运营商SK电讯联合实施新的移动身份识别(ID)系统。该系统基于区块链,是由三星电子和LG Uplus等韩国本土大公司建立的一个技术联盟开发。

The Korea Farmers Association Bank is jointly implementing a new mobile identification (ID) system with SK telecommunications, Korea’s largest wireless operator. The system is based on block chains and is developed by a technology alliance established by large local companies such as Samsung Electronics and LG Uplus.


Shirakawa Township Introduction Block Chain Accommodation Reservation System

2月27日,日本合掌控股公司宣布,其与总部位于台湾的OwlTing Japan合作,在世界文化遗产白川乡的合掌旅馆中引入了基于区块链技术的住宿预订系统。

On 27 February, the Japan Co-owned Stock Company announced that it, in cooperation with OwlTing Japan, based in Taiwan, had introduced a block-chain-based accommodation system in a joint hotel in Shirakawa Village, a part of the world's cultural heritage.


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Recently, the China Internet Finance Association (CIFA) led the launch of the Beijing University Institute of Information Science and Technology's Block Chain Research Centre and Boyazhengs chain (Beijing) Science and Technology Ltd., which developed a public interest platform for the collection of donations of medical supplies for the “poya medical chain” of war, with the aim of enhancing the transparency and credibility of donated information by applying the characteristics of block chain technology distribution, tamper-proofing, traceability, etc., and providing free online services such as material confirmation, credible documentation and information access for donors and grantees, as well as open, retrospective and feedback channels for all sectors of society, thereby better consolidating social trust and strength to combat the epidemic.


An additional four block chain application scenes at


Following the launch of the first five high-tech upper-link applications on 14 February, four new upper-link applications were launched on 21 February: a subsidy for the training of high-skilled people in the district, the opening of a VR experience library, the opening of a bookstore, and the declaration of the Beijing City Science and Technology Progress Award. These four categories were handled with an average reduction of over 50% in submissions, a significant reduction in processing time frames, from five to six runs to a maximum of one run or even no run.


The big pharmaceutical giants urged the FDA to use the block chain to track prescription drugs .


Following a pilot project with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), MediciLedger, a drug traceability chain alliance, published a report advocating the use of block chain technology to track and track prescription drugs. The report noted that the lack of “centres for data sharing” would result in US pharmaceutical supplies lagging behind international competitors because enterprises “difficult to maintain accurate and complete data sharing among various partners, systems and technical formats.” The paper warned that, in the event of a major public health crisis, stakeholders and agents would find it difficult to locate and isolate suspicious products in a timely manner and continue to put the lives of patients at risk.




Deputy Director-General, Economic Department, National Directorate of Sports, : encouraging enterprises to use new technologies, such as block chains, to foster a new industry in sport


At a press conference held on 26 February, the State Council's joint anti-association mechanism, the Deputy Director-General of the Economic Department of the State Sports Directorate, Peng Weiyong, stated that the State Sports Directorate was actively engaged in piloting a national sports consumer city, encouraging local innovative support policies, including increased government procurement, use of the sports industry to channel funds, and the organization of special support funds. At the same time, enterprises were encouraged to innovate, using new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, 5G, block chains, and fostering new practices such as digital sports, online fitness, online training, etc.


strang > Mass Daily: Block chain technology can optimize current early warning systems for disease control


According to the article, the block chain can optimize the current early warning system for disease control using its technical advantages: 1. The current system of reporting of infectious diseases on a one-way vertical basis, using the block chain distribution network mechanism, is modified; 2. On the basis of the original system of early warning responses for infectious diseases, relevant data, such as clinical symptoms of diseases, are added, using the large data analysis function, to enhance the ability to predict new and unknown diseases; 3. Data information on the disease chain is generally open only to interested members and, where necessary, to the public at the necessary stage.


People's daily newspaper , overseas editions: rapid development of new industries driven by technologies such as block chains


On February 28, the People’s Daily newspaper published abroad that the epidemic is pushing new business patterns and new models to accelerate growth. With new technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, big data, and block chains, new practices such as online education, online medical care, online office, etc., have developed rapidly, and new models such as unretailed, untied distribution, standardized fresh meals have developed. Not only has it responded to the needs of the population during the epidemic, but it has also opened new space for high-quality economic development.


Wang Yuan Fung, China Society for Strategic Development Studies: The Development of Block Chains faces three major challenges, such as the shortage of human resources


China’s Vice-President of the China Society for Strategic Studies and Professor Wang Yuan Fong of the Beijing Transport University published an article in the Global Times stating that the block chain faces three major challenges: 1. The pool of talent is scarce. The national think tank report shows that China’s real talent for block chain development and related skills is scarce, accounting for about 7% of total demand.




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