More than half of 2022, the exploration of the meta-cosmos around the globe continues unabated.
6月21日,Meta、微软、Epic、英伟达、高通、索尼等36家公司宣布成立名为“元宇宙标准论坛(Metaverse Standards Forum)”的组织,拟为元宇宙、AR/VR等建立行业标准,并计划于7月召开会议。中国的华为和阿里巴巴达摩院也在创始成员名单之中。
On 21 June, 36 companies, such as Meta, Microsoft, Epic, Weida, Hightower, Sony and others, announced the establishment of an organization called “Metaverse Standards Forum” to set industry standards for the Woncosmos, AR/VR, etc., and are planning to meet in July. China’s Hua and Ali Babadam Monastery are also on the list of founding members.
On June 27, the XRs announced the formal establishment of the XRs, whose mission is to create an expanded reality business that includes software and hardware. The XR technology is seen as an important building block in the construction of the meta-cosmos, which means that their ambition is not limited to the meta-cosm content area, but to explore the whole spectrum.
The content of this period will start in the direction of both content and hardware, and will take stock of the current national head-team cosmopolitan enterprise.
: explores and develops the meta-cosmos through a combination of capital (acquisition and investment) plus flow (social platforms). By investing in EpicGames and Snap, VR/AR ecology, respectively, advantages in socialization, games, business services, etc., lay the groundwork for the content scene.
On June 27, the XR-Extendred Reality department was officially established, placing its bets on the meta-cosm concept of the virtual world. According to the news, the mission of the department is to create an extended reality business, including software and hardware, for the evangelization and will be part of the company’s interactive entertainment community (IEG).
字节跳动:2021年8月,字节跳动收购VR头显厂商Pico,补足了硬件短板,为自身内容流量找到新的入口。在内容与场景方面,抖音、西瓜视频、Faceu 激萌、飞书、图虫等产品矩阵覆盖全球超150个国家和地区,流量全球化。
The company will build the foundation of the Mango universe through three aspects: “Interactive + Virtual + Cloud Rendering.” The social platform for online entertainment content, Mango Mirage, has been set up.
“In the short term, the breaking point of the meta-cosmos is game, socialization and immersion. Achictics with a large amount of content rights and certain VR content output have considerable opportunities to compete for tickets to the meta-cosm.”
beep: The high-energy chain at B is a digital primary community built up for new applications, culture, games and digital assets. Its three main applications are digital collections (NFTs), digital identities, and copyright rights. At the same time, users can be provided with services in the six directions of original creation upper chains, NFT collections, virtual pets, idolic interactions, digital identities and low-profile presentation of identity to others.
In terms of content ecology, the company has invested in AR/VR, video, animation, music, and other applications such as socialization and physical health. In the area of AR/VR, the company has invested in high-quality VR content developer, Archiact Canada, whose Evasion was rated 77 points in the leading media, Metacrics, to the top 10 points in the history of VR games.
昆仑万维:仑万维在2021年完成了对Opera和Star Group的并购,根据美股公开报告显示,2021年Opera平均月活跃用户近3.6亿,并在拉美及北美地区分别实现35%及22%的快速用户增长。目前Opera通过面向游戏玩家的Opera GX浏览器、面向开发者的游戏引擎GameMaker Studio (GMS)、以及完成两者闭环的游戏社区平台GXC,进行元宇宙打造。
Perfect World: has a great advantage in a variety of online role-playing games, online entertainment content output, engines, VR/AR, AI, etc. At present, including in the phantom towers, the company has a number of open-world games projects, such as the launch in 2020 of the CS:GO of the official virtual anchor, the recent launch of the Permanent Mother, and the launch in October 2021 of the official Dodo of the DOTA2 virtual icon, which coincides with the idea of a virtual digital person.
Hardware End
Kyoto Eastern A: can provide demonstration solutions for VR/AR/MR intelligent terminals, including highly representative display techniques such as high PPI, high-release FastLCD and super-high-resolution, super-high contrast OLED silicon.
东山精密:公司积极布局VR/AR相关赛道,成为Oculus Quest2 软/硬板核心供应商。公司还是苹果产业链的中国供应商之一。在苹果发布自己的MR头显之后,元宇宙概念产品份额的提升将进一步凸显公司竞争力。
欧菲光:公司在VR/AR透镜、VR/AR模组方面优势明显。公司在南昌成立虚拟现实研究院,投资了国内领先的PC VR头显厂商小派科技。 Eufhire: has a significant advantage in VR/AR lenses, VR/AR modules. The company has set up a virtual reality institute in Nanchang, investing in small-scale technology from the country's leading PCVR leading producers. 利亚德:利亚德已依托自研动捕产品立足研发,布局数字人、数字资产等元宇宙相关产业方向,建立数字人校企联合实验室的同时,逐步建设数字资产平台,储备数字资产。利亚德旗下德火科技自主研发的DRS系统,基于DRS系统的AR沉浸式全景仿真系统、MR混合现实拍摄等多类型解决方案已广泛应用于全球市场。 舜宇光学:舜宇光学是全球知名的车载镜头出货商,公司的VR类镜头与镜片及3D交互式镜头已实现供货销售。2022年上半年,舜宇光学完成800万像素英伟达系列自动驾驶车载镜头的研发。此外,也完成了全息ARHUD方案配套的核心光学引擎研发,以及VR显示模块和AR彩色波导片的研发。
长信科技:公司致力于“元宇宙”产业链的建设,VR项目从2019年12月开始布局,2020年3月份项目开始立项,2020年7月份进入量产,现每月产能峰值达到1KK/月;公司为Meta及国内VR厂商提供最新款VR Quest2显示模组。 Long-Technology: is dedicated to the construction of the “Megaspace” industrial chain. The VR project began to be laid out in December 2019, the March 2020 project began to be launched, and in July 2020 it reached a production peak of 1 KK/month per month; the company provided Meta and the domestic VR manufacturer with the latest VR Quest2 display module. 创维数字:公司在只能硬件入口方面,将持续投入资源进一步深度研发VR智能终端,2022年将上市具有折叠光学方案的六自由度VR硬件终端;公司在内容生态方面,将在游戏、教育和医疗方面加大投入,引入合作内容。
R蓝思科技:蓝思科技在VR/AR生产所需的工业设计、传感器、光学设计、系统集成、大规模量产等底层核心技术上积累较深,业务上,拥有苹果、微软、华为、小米、索尼等一线客户资源。 RrangeTechnology: RanceTechnology has accumulated deeper in industrial design, sensors, optical design, system integration, mass production, etc., at the bottom core of VR/AR production, and is operationally owned by front-line client resources such as apples, Microsoft, Huayun, Mi and Sony. 水晶光电:公司主要产品包括滤光片、光学低通滤波器和组合片、智能眼镜光学模块等AR、VR、MR新的显示技术等相关储备。
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